# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # # Author:: Fletcher () # # Copyright (C) 2015, Fletcher Nichol # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'winrm/command_executor' require 'base64' require 'securerandom' describe WinRM::CommandExecutor, unit: true do let(:logged_output) { StringIO.new } let(:shell_id) { 'shell-123' } let(:executor_args) { [service, logger] } let(:executor) { WinRM::CommandExecutor.new(service) } let(:service) do double( 'winrm_service', logger: Logging.logger['test'], retry_limit: 1, retry_delay: 1 ) end let(:version_output) { { xml_fragment: [{ version: '6.3.9600' }] } } before do allow(service).to receive(:open_shell).and_return(shell_id) allow(service).to receive(:run_wql).and_return(version_output) end describe '#close' do it 'calls service#close_shell' do executor.open expect(service).to receive(:close_shell).with(shell_id) executor.close end it 'only calls service#close_shell once for multiple calls' do executor.open expect(service).to receive(:close_shell).with(shell_id).once executor.close executor.close executor.close end it 'undefines finalizer' do allow(service).to receive(:close_shell) allow(ObjectSpace).to receive(:define_finalizer) { |e, _| e == executor } expect(ObjectSpace).to receive(:undefine_finalizer).with(executor) executor.open executor.close end end describe '#open' do it 'calls service#open_shell' do expect(service).to receive(:open_shell).and_return(shell_id) executor.open end it 'defines a finalizer' do expect(ObjectSpace).to receive(:define_finalizer) do |e, _| expect(e).to eq(executor) end executor.open end it 'returns a shell id as a string' do expect(executor.open).to eq shell_id end describe 'failed connection attempts' do let(:error) { HTTPClient::ConnectTimeoutError } let(:limit) { 3 } let(:delay) { 0.1 } before do allow(service).to receive(:open_shell).and_raise(error) allow(service).to receive(:retry_delay).and_return(delay) allow(service).to receive(:retry_limit).and_return(limit) end it 'attempts to connect :retry_limit times' do begin allow(service).to receive(:open_shell).exactly.times(limit) executor.open rescue # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions # the raise is not what is being tested here, rather its side-effect end end it 'raises the inner error after retries' do expect { executor.open }.to raise_error(error) end end describe 'for modern windows distributions' do let(:version_output) { { xml_fragment: [{ version: '10.0.10586.63' }] } } it 'sets #max_commands to 1500 - 2' do expect(executor.max_commands).to eq(1500 - 2) end it 'sets code_page to UTF-8' do expect(executor.code_page).to eq 65_001 end end describe 'for older/legacy windows distributions' do let(:version_output) { { xml_fragment: [{ version: '6.1.8500' }] } } it 'sets #max_commands to 15 - 2' do expect(executor.max_commands).to eq(15 - 2) end it 'sets code_page to UTF-8' do expect(executor.code_page).to eq 65_001 end end describe 'for super duper older/legacy windows distributions' do let(:version_output) { { xml_fragment: [{ version: '6.0.8500' }] } } it 'sets #max_commands to 15 - 2' do expect(executor.max_commands).to eq(15 - 2) end it 'sets code_page to MS-DOS' do expect(executor.code_page).to eq 437 end end describe 'when unable to find os version' do let(:version_output) { { xml_fragment: [{ funny_clowns: 'haha' }] } } it 'raises WinRMError' do expect { executor.code_page }.to raise_error( ::WinRM::WinRMError, 'Unable to determine endpoint os version' ) end end end describe '#run_cmd' do describe 'when #open has not been previously called' do it 'raises a WinRMError error' do expect { executor.run_cmd('nope') }.to raise_error( ::WinRM::WinRMError, "#{executor.class}#open must be called before any run methods are invoked" ) end end describe 'when #open has been previously called' do let(:command_id) { 'command-123' } let(:echo_output) do o = ::WinRM::Output.new o[:exitcode] = 0 o[:data].concat([ { stdout: 'Hello\r\n' }, { stderr: 'Psst\r\n' } ]) o end before do stub_cmd(shell_id, 'echo', ['Hello'], echo_output, command_id) executor.open end it 'calls service#run_command' do expect(service).to receive(:run_command).with(shell_id, 'echo', ['Hello']) executor.run_cmd('echo', ['Hello']) end it 'calls service#get_command_output to get results' do expect(service).to receive(:get_command_output).with(shell_id, command_id) executor.run_cmd('echo', ['Hello']) end it 'calls service#get_command_output with a block to get results' do blk = proc { |_, _| 'something' } expect(service).to receive(:get_command_output).with(shell_id, command_id, &blk) executor.run_cmd('echo', ['Hello'], &blk) end it 'returns an Output object hash' do expect(executor.run_cmd('echo', ['Hello'])).to eq echo_output end it 'runs the block in #get_command_output when given' do io_out = StringIO.new io_err = StringIO.new stub_cmd( shell_id, 'echo', ['Hello'], echo_output, command_id ).and_yield(echo_output.stdout, echo_output.stderr) output = executor.run_cmd('echo', ['Hello']) do |stdout, stderr| io_out << stdout if stdout io_err << stderr if stderr end expect(io_out.string).to eq 'Hello\r\n' expect(io_err.string).to eq 'Psst\r\n' expect(output).to eq echo_output end shared_examples 'retry shell command' do it 'does not close the current shell' do expect(service).not_to receive(:close_shell) executor.run_cmd('echo', ['Hello']) end it 'opens a new shell once' do expect(service).to receive(:open_shell).once executor.run_cmd('echo', ['Hello']) end it 'retries the command once' do expect(service).to receive(:run_command).exactly(2).times executor.run_cmd('echo', ['Hello']) end end describe 'when shell is closed on server' do before do @times_called = 0 allow(service).to receive(:run_command) do @times_called += 1 fail WinRM::WinRMWSManFault.new('oops', '2150858843') if @times_called == 1 end end include_examples 'retry shell command' end describe 'when shell accesses a deleted registry key' do before do @times_called = 0 allow(service).to receive(:run_command) do @times_called += 1 fail WinRM::WinRMWSManFault.new('oops', '2147943418') if @times_called == 1 end end include_examples 'retry shell command' end end describe 'when called many times over time' do # use a 'old' version of windows with lower max_commands threshold # to trigger quicker shell recyles let(:version_output) { { xml_fragment: [{ version: '6.1.8500' }] } } let(:echo_output) do o = ::WinRM::Output.new o[:exitcode] = 0 o[:data].concat([{ stdout: 'Hello\r\n' }]) o end before do allow(service).to receive(:open_shell).and_return('s1', 's2') allow(service).to receive(:close_shell) allow(service).to receive(:run_command).and_yield('command-xxx') allow(service).to receive(:get_command_output).and_return(echo_output) allow(service).to receive(:run_wql).with('select version from Win32_OperatingSystem') .and_return(version_output) end it 'resets the shell when #max_commands threshold is tripped' do iterations = 35 reset_times = iterations / (15 - 2) expect(service).to receive(:close_shell).exactly(reset_times).times executor.open iterations.times { executor.run_cmd('echo', ['Hello']) } end end end describe '#run_powershell_script' do describe 'when #open has not been previously called' do it 'raises a WinRMError error' do expect { executor.run_powershell_script('nope') }.to raise_error( ::WinRM::WinRMError, "#{executor.class}#open must be called before any run methods are invoked" ) end end describe 'when #open has been previously called' do let(:command_id) { 'command-123' } let(:echo_output) do o = ::WinRM::Output.new o[:exitcode] = 0 o[:data].concat([ { stdout: 'Hello\r\n' }, { stderr: 'Psst\r\n' } ]) o end before do stub_powershell_script( shell_id, 'echo Hello', echo_output, command_id ) executor.open end it 'calls service#run_command' do expect(service).to receive(:run_command).with( shell_id, 'powershell', [ '-encodedCommand', ::WinRM::PowershellScript.new('echo Hello') .encoded ] ) executor.run_powershell_script('echo Hello') end it 'calls service#get_command_output to get results' do expect(service).to receive(:get_command_output).with(shell_id, command_id) executor.run_powershell_script('echo Hello') end it 'calls service#get_command_output with a block to get results' do blk = proc { |_, _| 'something' } expect(service).to receive(:get_command_output).with(shell_id, command_id, &blk) executor.run_powershell_script('echo Hello', &blk) end it 'returns an Output object hash' do expect(executor.run_powershell_script('echo Hello')).to eq echo_output end it 'runs the block in #get_command_output when given' do io_out = StringIO.new io_err = StringIO.new stub_cmd(shell_id, 'echo', ['Hello'], echo_output, command_id) .and_yield(echo_output.stdout, echo_output.stderr) output = executor.run_powershell_script('echo Hello') do |stdout, stderr| io_out << stdout if stdout io_err << stderr if stderr end expect(io_out.string).to eq 'Hello\r\n' expect(io_err.string).to eq 'Psst\r\n' expect(output).to eq echo_output end end describe 'when called many times over time' do # use a 'old' version of windows with lower max_commands threshold # to trigger quicker shell recyles let(:version_output) { { xml_fragment: [{ version: '6.1.8500' }] } } let(:echo_output) do o = ::WinRM::Output.new o[:exitcode] = 0 o[:data].concat([{ stdout: 'Hello\r\n' }]) o end before do allow(service).to receive(:open_shell).and_return('s1', 's2') allow(service).to receive(:close_shell) allow(service).to receive(:run_command).and_yield('command-xxx') allow(service).to receive(:get_command_output).and_return(echo_output) allow(service).to receive(:wsman_identify).with('select version from Win32_OperatingSystem') .and_return(version_output) end it 'resets the shell when #max_commands threshold is tripped' do iterations = 35 reset_times = iterations / (15 - 2) expect(service).to receive(:close_shell).exactly(reset_times).times executor.open iterations.times { executor.run_powershell_script('echo Hello') } end end end describe '#shell' do it 'is initially nil' do expect(executor.shell).to eq nil end it 'is set after #open is called' do executor.open expect(executor.shell).to eq shell_id end end def decode(powershell) Base64.strict_decode64(powershell).encode('UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE') end def debug_line_with(msg) /^D, .* : #{Regexp.escape(msg)}/ end def regexify(string) Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(string)) end def regexify_line(string) Regexp.new("^#{Regexp.escape(string)}$") end # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists def stub_cmd(shell_id, cmd, args, output, command_id = nil, &block) command_id ||= SecureRandom.uuid allow(service).to receive(:run_command).with(shell_id, cmd, args).and_yield(command_id) allow(service).to receive(:get_command_output).with(shell_id, command_id, &block) .and_return(output) end def stub_powershell_script(shell_id, script, output, command_id = nil) stub_cmd( shell_id, 'powershell', ['-encodedCommand', ::WinRM::PowershellScript.new(script).encoded], output, command_id ) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists end