# Methods to create geometry module OpenstudioStandards module Geometry # @!group Create # method to create a point object at the center of a floor # # @param space [OpenStudio::Model::Space] OpenStudio Space object # @param z_offset_m [Double] vertical offset in meters # @return [OpenStudio::Point3d] point at the center of the space. return nil if point is not on floor in space. def self.space_create_point_at_center_of_floor(space, z_offset_m) # find floors floor_surfaces = [] space.surfaces.each { |surface| floor_surfaces << surface if surface.surfaceType == 'Floor' } # this method only works for flat (non-inclined) floors bounding_box = OpenStudio::BoundingBox.new floor_surfaces.each { |floor| bounding_box.addPoints(floor.vertices) } xmin = bounding_box.minX.get ymin = bounding_box.minY.get zmin = bounding_box.minZ.get xmax = bounding_box.maxX.get ymax = bounding_box.maxY.get x_pos = (xmin + xmax) / 2 y_pos = (ymin + ymax) / 2 z_pos = zmin + z_offset_m point_on_floor = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.surfaces_contain_point?(floor_surfaces, OpenStudio::Point3d.new(x_pos, y_pos, zmin)) if point_on_floor new_point = OpenStudio::Point3d.new(x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) else # don't make point, it doesn't appear to be inside of the space new_point = nil end return new_point end # method to create a point object from a sub surface # # @param sub_surface [OpenStudio::Model::SubSurface] OpenStudio SubSurface object # @param reference_floor [OpenStudio::Model::SubSurface] OpenStudio SubSurface object # @param distance_from_window_m [Double] distance in from the window, in meters # @param height_above_subsurface_bottom_m [Double] height above the bottom of the subsurface, in meters # @return [OpenStudio::Point3d] point at the center of the space. return nil if point is not on floor in space. def self.sub_surface_create_point_at_specific_height(sub_surface, reference_floor, distance_from_window_m, height_above_subsurface_bottom_m) window_outward_normal = sub_surface.outwardNormal window_centroid = OpenStudio.getCentroid(sub_surface.vertices).get window_outward_normal.setLength(distance_from_window_m) vertex = window_centroid + window_outward_normal.reverseVector vertex_on_floorplane = reference_floor.plane.project(vertex) floor_outward_normal = reference_floor.outwardNormal floor_outward_normal.setLength(height_above_subsurface_bottom_m) floor_surfaces = [] space.surfaces.each { |surface| floor_surfaces << surface if surface.surfaceType == 'Floor' } point_on_floor = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.surfaces_contain_point?(floor_surfaces, vertex_on_floorplane) if point_on_floor new_point = vertex_on_floorplane + floor_outward_normal.reverseVector else # don't make point, it doesn't appear to be inside of the space # nil new_point = vertex_on_floorplane + floor_outward_normal.reverseVector end return new_point end # create core and perimeter polygons from length width and origin # # @param length [Double] length of building in meters # @param width [Double] width of building in meters # @param footprint_origin_point [OpenStudio::Point3d] Optional OpenStudio Point3d object for the new origin # @param perimeter_zone_depth [Double] Optional perimeter zone depth in meters # @return [Hash] Hash of point vectors that define the space geometry for each direction def self.create_core_and_perimeter_polygons(length, width, footprint_origin_point = OpenStudio::Point3d.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), perimeter_zone_depth = OpenStudio.convert(15.0, 'ft', 'm').get) # key is name, value is a hash, one item of which is polygon. Another could be space type. hash_of_point_vectors = {} # determine if core and perimeter zoning can be used if !(length > perimeter_zone_depth * 2.5 && width > perimeter_zone_depth * 2.5) # if any size is to small then just model floor as single zone, issue warning perimeter_zone_depth = 0.0 OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Due to the size of the building modeling each floor as a single zone.') end x_delta = footprint_origin_point.x - length / 2.0 y_delta = footprint_origin_point.y - width / 2.0 z = 0 nw_point = OpenStudio::Point3d.new(x_delta, y_delta + width, z) ne_point = OpenStudio::Point3d.new(x_delta + length, y_delta + width, z) se_point = OpenStudio::Point3d.new(x_delta + length, y_delta, z) sw_point = OpenStudio::Point3d.new(x_delta, y_delta, z) # Define polygons for a rectangular building if perimeter_zone_depth > 0 perimeter_nw_point = nw_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(perimeter_zone_depth, -perimeter_zone_depth, 0) perimeter_ne_point = ne_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(-perimeter_zone_depth, -perimeter_zone_depth, 0) perimeter_se_point = se_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(-perimeter_zone_depth, perimeter_zone_depth, 0) perimeter_sw_point = sw_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(perimeter_zone_depth, perimeter_zone_depth, 0) west_polygon = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new west_polygon << sw_point west_polygon << nw_point west_polygon << perimeter_nw_point west_polygon << perimeter_sw_point hash_of_point_vectors['West Perimeter Space'] = {} hash_of_point_vectors['West Perimeter Space'][:space_type] = nil # other methods being used by makeSpacesFromPolygons may have space types associated with each polygon but this doesn't. hash_of_point_vectors['West Perimeter Space'][:polygon] = west_polygon north_polygon = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new north_polygon << nw_point north_polygon << ne_point north_polygon << perimeter_ne_point north_polygon << perimeter_nw_point hash_of_point_vectors['North Perimeter Space'] = {} hash_of_point_vectors['North Perimeter Space'][:space_type] = nil hash_of_point_vectors['North Perimeter Space'][:polygon] = north_polygon east_polygon = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new east_polygon << ne_point east_polygon << se_point east_polygon << perimeter_se_point east_polygon << perimeter_ne_point hash_of_point_vectors['East Perimeter Space'] = {} hash_of_point_vectors['East Perimeter Space'][:space_type] = nil hash_of_point_vectors['East Perimeter Space'][:polygon] = east_polygon south_polygon = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new south_polygon << se_point south_polygon << sw_point south_polygon << perimeter_sw_point south_polygon << perimeter_se_point hash_of_point_vectors['South Perimeter Space'] = {} hash_of_point_vectors['South Perimeter Space'][:space_type] = nil hash_of_point_vectors['South Perimeter Space'][:polygon] = south_polygon core_polygon = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new core_polygon << perimeter_sw_point core_polygon << perimeter_nw_point core_polygon << perimeter_ne_point core_polygon << perimeter_se_point hash_of_point_vectors['Core Space'] = {} hash_of_point_vectors['Core Space'][:space_type] = nil hash_of_point_vectors['Core Space'][:polygon] = core_polygon # Minimal zones else whole_story_polygon = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new whole_story_polygon << sw_point whole_story_polygon << nw_point whole_story_polygon << ne_point whole_story_polygon << se_point hash_of_point_vectors['Whole Story Space'] = {} hash_of_point_vectors['Whole Story Space'][:space_type] = nil hash_of_point_vectors['Whole Story Space'][:polygon] = whole_story_polygon end return hash_of_point_vectors end # sliced bar multi creates and array of multiple sliced bar simple hashes # # @param space_types [Array] Array of hashes with the space type and floor area # @param length [Double] length of building in meters # @param width [Double] width of building in meters # @param footprint_origin_point [OpenStudio::Point3d] OpenStudio Point3d object for the new origin # @param story_hash [Hash] A hash of building story information including space origin z value and space height # @return [Hash] Hash of point vectors that define the space geometry for each direction def self.create_sliced_bar_multi_polygons(space_types, length, width, footprint_origin_point, story_hash) # total building floor area to calculate ratios from space type floor areas total_floor_area = 0.0 target_per_space_type = {} space_types.each do |space_type, space_type_hash| total_floor_area += space_type_hash[:floor_area] target_per_space_type[space_type] = space_type_hash[:floor_area] end # sort array by floor area, this hash will be altered to reduce floor area for each space type to 0 space_types_running_count = space_types.sort_by { |k, v| v[:floor_area] } # array entry for each story footprints = [] # variables for sliver check # re-evaluate what the default should be valid_bar_width_min_m = OpenStudio.convert(3.0, 'ft', 'm').get # building width bar_length = width valid_bar_area_min_m2 = valid_bar_width_min_m * bar_length # loop through stories to populate footprints story_hash.each_with_index do |(k, v), i| # update the length and width for partial floors if i + 1 == story_hash.size area_multiplier = v[:partial_story_multiplier] edge_multiplier = Math.sqrt(area_multiplier) length *= edge_multiplier width *= edge_multiplier end # this will be populated for each building story target_footprint_area = v[:multiplier] * length * width current_footprint_area = 0.0 space_types_local_count = {} space_types_running_count.each do |space_type, space_type_hash| # next if floor area is full or space type is empty tol_value = 0.0001 next if current_footprint_area + tol_value >= target_footprint_area next if space_type_hash[:floor_area] <= tol_value # special test for when total floor area is smaller than valid_bar_area_min_m2, just make bar smaller that valid min and warn user if target_per_space_type[space_type] < valid_bar_area_min_m2 sliver_override = true OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Floor area of #{space_type.name} results in a bar with smaller than target minimum width.") else sliver_override = false end # add entry for space type if it doesn't have one yet if !space_types_local_count.key?(space_type) if space_type_hash.key?(:children) space_type = space_type_hash[:children][:default][:space_type] # will re-using space type create issue space_types_local_count[space_type] = { floor_area: 0.0 } space_types_local_count[space_type][:children] = space_type_hash[:children] else space_types_local_count[space_type] = { floor_area: 0.0 } end end # if there is enough of this space type to fill rest of floor area remaining_in_footprint = target_footprint_area - current_footprint_area raw_footprint_area_used = [space_type_hash[:floor_area], remaining_in_footprint].min # add to local hash space_types_local_count[space_type][:floor_area] = raw_footprint_area_used / v[:multiplier].to_f # adjust balance ot running and local counts current_footprint_area += raw_footprint_area_used space_type_hash[:floor_area] -= raw_footprint_area_used # test if think sliver left on current floor. # fix by moving smallest space type to next floor and and the same amount more of the sliver space type to this story raw_footprint_area_used < valid_bar_area_min_m2 && sliver_override == false ? (test_a = true) : (test_a = false) # test if what would be left of the current space type would result in a sliver on the next story. # fix by removing some of this space type so their is enough left for the next story, and replace the removed amount with the largest space type in the model (space_type_hash[:floor_area] < valid_bar_area_min_m2) && (space_type_hash[:floor_area] > tol_value) ? (test_b = true) : (test_b = false) # identify very small slices and re-arrange spaces to different stories to avoid this if test_a # get first/smallest space type to move to another story first_space = space_types_local_count.first # adjustments running counter for space type being removed from this story space_types_running_count.each do |k2, v2| next if k2 != first_space[0] v2[:floor_area] += first_space[1][:floor_area] * v[:multiplier] end # adjust running count for current space type space_type_hash[:floor_area] -= first_space[1][:floor_area] * v[:multiplier] # add to local count for current space type space_types_local_count[space_type][:floor_area] += first_space[1][:floor_area] # remove from local count for removed space type space_types_local_count.shift elsif test_b # swap size swap_size = valid_bar_area_min_m2 * 5.0 # currently equal to default perimeter zone depth of 15' # this prevents too much area from being swapped resulting in a negative number for floor area if swap_size > space_types_local_count[space_type][:floor_area] * v[:multiplier].to_f swap_size = space_types_local_count[space_type][:floor_area] * v[:multiplier].to_f end # adjust running count for current space type space_type_hash[:floor_area] += swap_size # remove from local count for current space type space_types_local_count[space_type][:floor_area] -= swap_size / v[:multiplier].to_f # adjust footprint used current_footprint_area -= swap_size # the next larger space type will be brought down to fill out the footprint without any additional code end end # creating footprint for story footprints << OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.create_sliced_bar_simple_polygons(space_types_local_count, length, width, footprint_origin_point) end return footprints end # sliced bar simple creates a single sliced bar for space types passed in # look at length and width to adjust slicing direction # # @param space_types [Array] Array of hashes with the space type and floor area # @param length [Double] length of building in meters # @param width [Double] width of building in meters # @param footprint_origin_point [OpenStudio::Point3d] Optional OpenStudio Point3d object for the new origin # @param perimeter_zone_depth [Double] Optional perimeter zone depth in meters # @return [Hash] Hash of point vectors that define the space geometry for each direction def self.create_sliced_bar_simple_polygons(space_types, length, width, footprint_origin_point = OpenStudio::Point3d.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), perimeter_zone_depth = OpenStudio.convert(15.0, 'ft', 'm').get) hash_of_point_vectors = {} # key is name, value is a hash, one item of which is polygon. Another could be space type reverse_slice = false if length < width reverse_slice = true # OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', "Reverse typical slice direction for bar because of aspect ratio less than 1.0.") end # determine if core and perimeter zoning can be used if !([length, width].min > perimeter_zone_depth * 2.5 && [length, width].min > perimeter_zone_depth * 2.5) perimeter_zone_depth = 0 # if any size is to small then just model floor as single zone, issue warning OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Warn, 'openstudio.standards.Geometry.Create', 'Not modeling core and perimeter zones for some portion of the model.') end x_delta = footprint_origin_point.x - length / 2.0 y_delta = footprint_origin_point.y - width / 2.0 z = 0.0 # this represents the entire bar, not individual space type slices nw_point = OpenStudio::Point3d.new(x_delta, y_delta + width, z) sw_point = OpenStudio::Point3d.new(x_delta, y_delta, z) # used when length is less than width se_point = OpenStudio::Point3d.new(x_delta + length, y_delta, z) # total building floor area to calculate ratios from space type floor areas total_floor_area = 0.0 space_types.each do |space_type, space_type_hash| total_floor_area += space_type_hash[:floor_area] end # sort array by floor area but shift largest object to front space_types = space_types.sort_by { |k, v| v[:floor_area] } space_types.insert(0, space_types.delete_at(space_types.size - 1)) # .to_h # min and max bar end values min_bar_end_multiplier = 0.75 max_bar_end_multiplier = 1.5 # sort_by results in arrays with two items , first is key, second is hash value re_apply_largest_space_type_at_end = false max_reduction = nil # used when looping through section_hash_for_space_type if first space type needs to also be at far end of bar space_types.each do |space_type, space_type_hash| # setup end perimeter zones if needed start_perimeter_width_deduction = 0.0 end_perimeter_width_deduction = 0.0 if space_type == space_types.first[0] if [length, width].max * space_type_hash[:floor_area] / total_floor_area > max_bar_end_multiplier * perimeter_zone_depth start_perimeter_width_deduction = perimeter_zone_depth end # see if last space type is too small for perimeter. If it is then save some of this space type if [length, width].max * space_types.last[1][:floor_area] / total_floor_area < perimeter_zone_depth * min_bar_end_multiplier re_apply_largest_space_type_at_end = true end end if space_type == space_types.last[0] if [length, width].max * space_type_hash[:floor_area] / total_floor_area > max_bar_end_multiplier * perimeter_zone_depth end_perimeter_width_deduction = perimeter_zone_depth end end non_end_adjusted_width = ([length, width].max * space_type_hash[:floor_area] / total_floor_area) - start_perimeter_width_deduction - end_perimeter_width_deduction # adjustment of end space type is too small and is replaced with largest space type if (space_type == space_types.first[0]) && re_apply_largest_space_type_at_end max_reduction = [perimeter_zone_depth, non_end_adjusted_width].min non_end_adjusted_width -= max_reduction end if (space_type == space_types.last[0]) && re_apply_largest_space_type_at_end end_perimeter_width_deduction = space_types.first[0] end_b_flag = true else end_b_flag = false end # populate data for core and perimeter of slice section_hash_for_space_type = {} section_hash_for_space_type['end_a'] = start_perimeter_width_deduction section_hash_for_space_type[''] = non_end_adjusted_width section_hash_for_space_type['end_b'] = end_perimeter_width_deduction # determine if this space+type is double loaded corridor, and if so what the perimeter zone depth should be based on building width # look at reverse_slice to see if length or width should be used to determine perimeter depth if space_type_hash.key?(:children) core_ratio = space_type_hash[:children][:circ][:orig_ratio] perim_ratio = space_type_hash[:children][:default][:orig_ratio] core_ratio_adj = core_ratio / (core_ratio + perim_ratio) perim_ratio_adj = perim_ratio / (core_ratio + perim_ratio) core_space_type = space_type_hash[:children][:circ][:space_type] perim_space_type = space_type_hash[:children][:default][:space_type] if !reverse_slice custom_cor_val = width * core_ratio_adj custom_perim_val = (width - custom_cor_val) / 2.0 else custom_cor_val = length * core_ratio_adj custom_perim_val = (length - custom_cor_val) / 2.0 end actual_perim = custom_perim_val double_loaded_corridor = true else actual_perim = perimeter_zone_depth double_loaded_corridor = false end # may overwrite first_space_type_hash = space_types.first[1] if end_b_flag && first_space_type_hash.key?(:children) end_b_core_ratio = first_space_type_hash[:children][:circ][:orig_ratio] end_b_perim_ratio = first_space_type_hash[:children][:default][:orig_ratio] end_b_core_ratio_adj = end_b_core_ratio / (end_b_core_ratio + end_b_perim_ratio) end_b_perim_ratio_adj = end_b_perim_ratio / (end_b_core_ratio + end_b_perim_ratio) end_b_core_space_type = first_space_type_hash[:children][:circ][:space_type] end_b_perim_space_type = first_space_type_hash[:children][:default][:space_type] if !reverse_slice end_b_custom_cor_val = width * end_b_core_ratio_adj end_b_custom_perim_val = (width - end_b_custom_cor_val) / 2.0 else end_b_custom_cor_val = length * end_b_core_ratio_adj end_b_custom_perim_val = (length - end_b_custom_cor_val) / 2.0 end end_b_actual_perim = end_b_custom_perim_val end_b_double_loaded_corridor = true else end_b_actual_perim = perimeter_zone_depth end_b_double_loaded_corridor = false end # loop through sections for space type (main and possibly one or two end perimeter sections) section_hash_for_space_type.each do |k, slice| # need to use different space type for end_b if end_b_flag && k == 'end_b' && space_types.first[1].key?(:children) slice = space_types.first[0] actual_perim = end_b_actual_perim double_loaded_corridor = end_b_double_loaded_corridor core_ratio = end_b_core_ratio perim_ratio = end_b_perim_ratio core_ratio_adj = end_b_core_ratio_adj perim_ratio_adj = end_b_perim_ratio_adj core_space_type = end_b_core_space_type perim_space_type = end_b_perim_space_type end if slice.class.to_s == 'OpenStudio::Model::SpaceType' || slice.class.to_s == 'OpenStudio::Model::Building' space_type = slice max_reduction = [perimeter_zone_depth, max_reduction].min slice = max_reduction end if slice == 0 next end if !reverse_slice ne_point = nw_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(slice, 0, 0) se_point = sw_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(slice, 0, 0) if actual_perim > 0 && (actual_perim * 2.0) < width polygon_a = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new polygon_a << sw_point polygon_a << sw_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(0, actual_perim, 0) polygon_a << se_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(0, actual_perim, 0) polygon_a << se_point if double_loaded_corridor hash_of_point_vectors["#{perim_space_type.name} A #{k}"] = {} hash_of_point_vectors["#{perim_space_type.name} A #{k}"][:space_type] = perim_space_type hash_of_point_vectors["#{perim_space_type.name} A #{k}"][:polygon] = polygon_a else hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} A #{k}"] = {} hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} A #{k}"][:space_type] = space_type hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} A #{k}"][:polygon] = polygon_a end polygon_b = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new polygon_b << sw_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(0, actual_perim, 0) polygon_b << nw_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(0, - actual_perim, 0) polygon_b << ne_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(0, - actual_perim, 0) polygon_b << se_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(0, actual_perim, 0) if double_loaded_corridor hash_of_point_vectors["#{core_space_type.name} B #{k}"] = {} hash_of_point_vectors["#{core_space_type.name} B #{k}"][:space_type] = core_space_type hash_of_point_vectors["#{core_space_type.name} B #{k}"][:polygon] = polygon_b else hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} B #{k}"] = {} hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} B #{k}"][:space_type] = space_type hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} B #{k}"][:polygon] = polygon_b end polygon_c = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new polygon_c << nw_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(0, - actual_perim, 0) polygon_c << nw_point polygon_c << ne_point polygon_c << ne_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(0, - actual_perim, 0) if double_loaded_corridor hash_of_point_vectors["#{perim_space_type.name} C #{k}"] = {} hash_of_point_vectors["#{perim_space_type.name} C #{k}"][:space_type] = perim_space_type hash_of_point_vectors["#{perim_space_type.name} C #{k}"][:polygon] = polygon_c else hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} C #{k}"] = {} hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} C #{k}"][:space_type] = space_type hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} C #{k}"][:polygon] = polygon_c end else polygon_a = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new polygon_a << sw_point polygon_a << nw_point polygon_a << ne_point polygon_a << se_point hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} #{k}"] = {} hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} #{k}"][:space_type] = space_type hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} #{k}"][:polygon] = polygon_a end # update west points nw_point = ne_point sw_point = se_point else # create_bar at 90 degrees if aspect ration is less than 1.0 # typical order (sw,nw,ne,se) # order used here (se,sw,nw,ne) nw_point = sw_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(0, slice, 0) ne_point = se_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(0, slice, 0) if actual_perim > 0 && (actual_perim * 2.0) < length polygon_a = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new polygon_a << se_point polygon_a << se_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(- actual_perim, 0, 0) polygon_a << ne_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(- actual_perim, 0, 0) polygon_a << ne_point if double_loaded_corridor hash_of_point_vectors["#{perim_space_type.name} A #{k}"] = {} hash_of_point_vectors["#{perim_space_type.name} A #{k}"][:space_type] = perim_space_type hash_of_point_vectors["#{perim_space_type.name} A #{k}"][:polygon] = polygon_a else hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} A #{k}"] = {} hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} A #{k}"][:space_type] = space_type hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} A #{k}"][:polygon] = polygon_a end polygon_b = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new polygon_b << se_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(- actual_perim, 0, 0) polygon_b << sw_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(actual_perim, 0, 0) polygon_b << nw_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(actual_perim, 0, 0) polygon_b << ne_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(- actual_perim, 0, 0) if double_loaded_corridor hash_of_point_vectors["#{core_space_type.name} B #{k}"] = {} hash_of_point_vectors["#{core_space_type.name} B #{k}"][:space_type] = core_space_type hash_of_point_vectors["#{core_space_type.name} B #{k}"][:polygon] = polygon_b else hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} B #{k}"] = {} hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} B #{k}"][:space_type] = space_type hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} B #{k}"][:polygon] = polygon_b end polygon_c = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new polygon_c << sw_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(actual_perim, 0, 0) polygon_c << sw_point polygon_c << nw_point polygon_c << nw_point + OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(actual_perim, 0, 0) if double_loaded_corridor hash_of_point_vectors["#{perim_space_type.name} C #{k}"] = {} hash_of_point_vectors["#{perim_space_type.name} C #{k}"][:space_type] = perim_space_type hash_of_point_vectors["#{perim_space_type.name} C #{k}"][:polygon] = polygon_c else hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} C #{k}"] = {} hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} C #{k}"][:space_type] = space_type hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} C #{k}"][:polygon] = polygon_c end else polygon_a = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new polygon_a << se_point polygon_a << sw_point polygon_a << nw_point polygon_a << ne_point hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} #{k}"] = {} hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} #{k}"][:space_type] = space_type hash_of_point_vectors["#{space_type.name} #{k}"][:polygon] = polygon_a end # update west points sw_point = nw_point se_point = ne_point end end end return hash_of_point_vectors end # take diagram made by create_core_and_perimeter_polygons and make multi-story building # @todo add option to create shading surfaces when using multiplier. Mainly important for non rectangular buildings where self shading would be an issue. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object # @param footprints [Hash] Array of footprint polygons that make up the spaces # @param typical_story_height [Double] typical story height in meters # @param effective_num_stories [Double] effective number of stories # @param footprint_origin_point [OpenStudio::Point3d] Optional OpenStudio Point3d object for the new origin # @param story_hash [Hash] A hash of building story information including space origin z value and space height # If blank, this method will default to using information in the story_hash. # @return [Array] Array of OpenStudio Space objects def self.create_spaces_from_polygons(model, footprints, typical_story_height, effective_num_stories, footprint_origin_point = OpenStudio::Point3d.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), story_hash = {}) # default story hash is for three stories with mid-story multiplier, but user can pass in custom versions if story_hash.empty? if effective_num_stories > 2 story_hash['ground'] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin_point.z, space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } story_hash['mid'] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin_point.z + typical_story_height + typical_story_height * (effective_num_stories.ceil - 3) / 2.0, space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: effective_num_stories - 2 } story_hash['top'] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin_point.z + typical_story_height * (effective_num_stories.ceil - 1), space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } elsif effective_num_stories > 1 story_hash['ground'] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin_point.z, space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } story_hash['top'] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin_point.z + typical_story_height * (effective_num_stories.ceil - 1), space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } else # one story only story_hash['ground'] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin_point.z, space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } end end # hash of new spaces (only change boundary conditions for these) new_spaces = [] # loop through story_hash and polygons to generate all of the spaces story_hash.each_with_index do |(story_name, story_data), index| # make new story unless story at requested height already exists. story = nil model.getBuildingStorys.sort.each do |ext_story| if (ext_story.nominalZCoordinate.to_f - story_data[:space_origin_z].to_f).abs < 0.01 story = ext_story end end if story.nil? story = OpenStudio::Model::BuildingStory.new(model) # not used for anything story.setNominalFloortoFloorHeight(story_data[:space_height]) # not used for anything story.setNominalZCoordinate(story_data[:space_origin_z]) story.setName("Story #{story_name}") end # multiplier values for adjacent stories to be altered below as needed multiplier_story_above = 1 multiplier_story_below = 1 if index == 0 # bottom floor, only check above if story_hash.size > 1 multiplier_story_above = story_hash.values[index + 1][:multiplier] end elsif index == story_hash.size - 1 # top floor, check only below multiplier_story_below = story_hash.values[index + -1][:multiplier] else # mid floor, check above and below multiplier_story_above = story_hash.values[index + 1][:multiplier] multiplier_story_below = story_hash.values[index + -1][:multiplier] end # if adjacent story has multiplier > 1 then make appropriate surfaces adiabatic adiabatic_ceilings = false adiabatic_floors = false if story_data[:multiplier] > 1 adiabatic_ceilings = true adiabatic_floors = true elsif multiplier_story_above > 1 adiabatic_ceilings = true elsif multiplier_story_below > 1 adiabatic_floors = true end # get the right collection of polygons to make up footprint for each building story if index > footprints.size - 1 # use last footprint target_footprint = footprints.last else target_footprint = footprints[index] end target_footprint.each do |name, space_data| # gather options options = { 'name' => "#{name} - #{story.name}", 'space_type' => space_data[:space_type], 'story' => story, 'make_thermal_zone' => true, 'thermal_zone_multiplier' => story_data[:multiplier], 'floor_to_floor_height' => story_data[:space_height] } # make space space = OpenstudioStandards::Geometry.create_space_from_polygon(model, space_data[:polygon].first, space_data[:polygon], options) new_spaces << space # set z origin to proper position space.setZOrigin(story_data[:space_origin_z]) # loop through celings and floors to hard asssign constructions and set boundary condition if adiabatic_ceilings || adiabatic_floors space.surfaces.each do |surface| if adiabatic_floors && (surface.surfaceType == 'Floor') if surface.construction.is_initialized surface.setConstruction(surface.construction.get) end surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Adiabatic') end if adiabatic_ceilings && (surface.surfaceType == 'RoofCeiling') if surface.construction.is_initialized surface.setConstruction(surface.construction.get) end surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Adiabatic') end end end end # @tofo in future add code to include plenums or raised floor to each/any story. end # any changes to wall boundary conditions will be handled by same code that calls this method. # this method doesn't need to know about basements and party walls. return new_spaces end # add def to create a space from input, optionally take a name, space type, story and thermal zone. # # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] OpenStudio model object describing the space footprint polygon # @param space_origin [OpenStudio::Point3d] origin point # @param point_3d_vector [OpenStudio::Point3dVector] OpenStudio Point3dVector defining the space footprint # @param options [Hash] Hash of options for additional arguments # @option options [String] :name name of the space # @option options [OpenStudio::Model::SpaceType] :space_type OpenStudio SpaceType object # @option options [String] :story name name of the building story # @option options [Boolean] :make_thermal_zone set to true to make an thermal zone object, defaults to true. # @option options [OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone] :thermal_zone attach a specific ThermalZone object to the space # @option options [Integer] :thermal_zone_multiplier the thermal zone multiplier, defaults to 1. # @option options [Double] :floor_to_floor_height floor to floor height in meters, defaults to 10 ft. # @return [OpenStudio::Model::Space] OpenStudio Space object def self.create_space_from_polygon(model, space_origin, point_3d_vector, options = {}) # set defaults to use if user inputs not passed in defaults = { 'name' => nil, 'space_type' => nil, 'story' => nil, 'make_thermal_zone' => nil, 'thermal_zone' => nil, 'thermal_zone_multiplier' => 1, 'floor_to_floor_height' => OpenStudio.convert(10.0, 'ft', 'm').get } # merge user inputs with defaults options = defaults.merge(options) # Identity matrix for setting space origins m = OpenStudio::Matrix.new(4, 4, 0) m[0, 0] = 1 m[1, 1] = 1 m[2, 2] = 1 m[3, 3] = 1 # make space from floor print space = OpenStudio::Model::Space.fromFloorPrint(point_3d_vector, options['floor_to_floor_height'], model) space = space.get m[0, 3] = space_origin.x m[1, 3] = space_origin.y m[2, 3] = space_origin.z space.changeTransformation(OpenStudio::Transformation.new(m)) space.setBuildingStory(options['story']) if !options['name'].nil? space.setName(options['name']) end if !options['space_type'].nil? && options['space_type'].class.to_s == 'OpenStudio::Model::SpaceType' space.setSpaceType(options['space_type']) end # create thermal zone if requested and assign if options['make_thermal_zone'] new_zone = OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone.new(model) new_zone.setMultiplier(options['thermal_zone_multiplier']) space.setThermalZone(new_zone) new_zone.setName("Zone #{space.name}") else if !options['thermal_zone'].nil? then space.setThermalZone(options['thermal_zone']) end end return space end end end