# frozen_string_literal: true # Cards can refer to other cards in their content, eg via links and nests. # The card that refers is the "referer", the card that is referred to is # the "referee". The reference itself has its own class (Card::Reference), # which handles id-based reference tracking. PARTIAL_REF_CODE = 'P'.freeze # cards that refer to self def referers references_in.map(&:referer_id).map(&Card.method(:fetch)).compact end # cards that include self def includers refs = references_in.where(ref_type: 'I') refs.map(&:referer_id).map(&Card.method(:fetch)).compact end # cards that self refers to def referees references_out.map { |ref| Card.fetch ref.referee_key, new: {} } end # cards that self includes def includees refs = references_out.where(ref_type: 'I') refs.map { |ref| Card.fetch ref.referee_key, new: {} } end # cards that refer to self by name # (finds cards not yet linked by id) def name_referers Card.joins(:references_out).where card_references: { referee_key: key } end # cards that refer to self or any descendant def family_referers @family_referers ||= ([self] + descendants).map(&:referers).flatten.uniq # FIXME: could be much more efficient! end # replace references in card content def replace_reference_syntax old_name, new_name obj_content = Card::Content.new raw_content, self obj_content.find_chunks(Card::Content::Chunk::Reference).select do |chunk| next unless (old_ref_name = chunk.referee_name) next unless (new_ref_name = old_ref_name.replace_part old_name, new_name) chunk.referee_name = chunk.replace_reference old_name, new_name refs = Card::Reference.where referee_key: old_ref_name.key refs.update_all referee_key: new_ref_name.key end obj_content.to_s end # delete old references from this card's content, create new ones def update_references_out delete_references_out create_references_out end # interpret references from this card's content and # insert entries in reference table def create_references_out ref_hash = {} each_reference_out do |referee_name, ref_type| interpret_reference ref_hash, referee_name, ref_type end return if ref_hash.empty? Card::Reference.mass_insert reference_values_array(ref_hash) end # delete references from this card def delete_references_out raise 'id required to delete references' if id.nil? Card::Reference.delete_all referer_id: id end # interpretation phase helps to prevent duplicate references # results in hash like: # { referee1_key: [referee1_id, referee1_type1, referee1_type2], # referee2_key... # } def interpret_reference ref_hash, referee_name, ref_type return unless referee_name # eg commented nest has no referee_name referee_key = (referee_name = referee_name.to_name).key return if referee_key == key # don't create self reference referee_id = Card.fetch_id(referee_name) ref_hash[referee_key] ||= [referee_id] ref_hash[referee_key] << ref_type interpret_partial_references ref_hash, referee_name unless referee_id end # Partial references are needed to track references to virtual cards. # For example a link to virual card [[A+*self]] won't have a referee_id, # but when A's name is changed we have to find and update that link. def interpret_partial_references ref_hash, referee_name [referee_name.left, referee_name.right].each do |sidename| interpret_reference ref_hash, sidename, PARTIAL_REF_CODE end end # translate interpreted reference hash into values array, # removing duplicate and unnecessary ref_types def reference_values_array ref_hash values = [] ref_hash.each do |referee_key, hash_val| referee_id = hash_val.shift || 'null' ref_types = hash_val.uniq ref_types.delete PARTIAL_REF_CODE if ref_types.size > 1 # partial references are not necessary if there are explicit references ref_types.each do |ref_type| values << [id, referee_id, "'#{referee_key}'", "'#{ref_type}'"] end end values end # invokes the given block for each reference in raw_content with # the reference name and reference type def each_reference_out content_obj = Card::Content.new raw_content, self content_obj.find_chunks(Card::Content::Chunk::Reference).each do |chunk| yield(chunk.referee_name, chunk.reference_code) end end protected # test for updating referer content & preload referer list event :prepare_referer_update, :validate, on: :update, changed: :name do self.update_referers = ![nil, false, 'false'].member?(update_referers) family_referers end # when name changes, update references to card event :refresh_references_in, :finalize, on: :save, changed: :name do Card::Reference.unmap_referees id if @action == :update && !update_referers Card::Reference.map_referees key, id end # when content changes, update references to other cards event :refresh_references_out, :finalize, on: :save, changed: :content do update_references_out end # clean up reference table when card is deleted event :clear_references, :finalize, on: :delete do delete_references_out Card::Reference.unmap_referees id end # on rename, update names in cards that refer to self by name (as directed) event :update_referer_content, :finalize, on: :update, changed: :name, when: proc { |card| card.update_referers } do # FIXME: break into correct stages Auth.as_bot do family_referers.each do |card| next if card == self || card.structure card = card.refresh card.db_content = card.replace_reference_syntax name_was, name card.save! end end end # on rename, when NOT updating referer content, update references to ensure # that partial references are correctly tracked # eg. A links to X+Y. if X+Y is renamed and we're not updating the link in A, # then we need to be sure that A has a partial reference event :update_referer_references_out, :finalize, on: :update, changed: :name, when: proc { |c| !c.update_referers } do family_referers.map(&:update_references_out) end