# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/outputs/base" require "logstash/namespace" require 'logstash/plugin_mixins/normalize_config_support' require "logstash/plugin_mixins/http_client" require "logstash/plugin_mixins/validator_support/required_host_optional_port_validation_adapter" require "zlib" require "stud/interval" # Stud::stoppable_sleep class LogStash::Outputs::Logstash < LogStash::Outputs::Base concurrency :shared extend LogStash::PluginMixins::ValidatorSupport::RequiredHostOptionalPortValidationAdapter include LogStash::PluginMixins::HttpClient[:with_deprecated => false] include LogStash::PluginMixins::NormalizeConfigSupport require "logstash/utils/load_balancer" config_name "logstash" # Sets the host of the downstream Logstash instance. # Host can be any of IPv4, IPv6 (requires to be in enclosed bracket) or host name, the forms: # `""` or `[""]` if single host with default port # `""` or `[""]` if single host with custom port # `["foo-bar.com", "foo-bar.com:9800"]` # `["[::1]", "[::1]:9000"]` # `"[2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]"` # config :hosts, :validate => :required_host_optional_port, :list => true, :required => true config :username, :validate => :string, :required => false config :ssl_enabled, :validate => :boolean, :default => true config :user, :validate => :string, :deprecated => "Use `username` instead.", :required => false DEFAULT_PORT = 9800.freeze RETRIABLE_CODES = [429, 500, 502, 503, 504] RETRYABLE_MANTICORE_EXCEPTIONS = [ ::Manticore::Timeout, ::Manticore::SocketException, ::Manticore::ClientProtocolException, ::Manticore::ResolutionFailure, ::Manticore::SocketTimeout ] RETRYABLE_EXCEPTION_PATTERN = Regexp.union([ /Connection reset by peer/i, /Read Timed out/i, ]) # @api private attr_reader :http_client def initialize(*a) super if original_params.include?('codec') fail LogStash::ConfigurationError, 'The `logstash` output does not have an externally-configurable `codec`' end @headers = { "Content-Type" => "application/x-ndjson".freeze, "Content-Encoding" => "gzip".freeze }.freeze logger.debug("`logstash` output plugin has been initialized") end def register logger.debug("Registering `logstash` output plugin") @username = normalize_config(:username) do |normalize| normalize.with_deprecated_alias(:user) end # remove after deprecating user in the http-mixin @user = @username ? @username.freeze : @user validate_auth_settings! if @ssl_enabled == false rejected_ssl_settings = @original_params.keys.select { |k| k.start_with?('ssl_') } - %w(ssl_enabled) fail(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "Explicit SSL-related settings not supported because `ssl_enabled => false`: #{rejected_ssl_settings}") if rejected_ssl_settings.any? end validate_ssl_identity_options! validate_ssl_trust_options! # if we don't initialize now, we get runtime error when sending events if there are issues with configs @http_client = client fail(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "`hosts` must not be empty") if @hosts.empty? @load_balancer = LoadBalancer.new(normalize_host_uris) logger.debug("`logstash` output plugin has been registered") end def validate_auth_settings! if @username fail(LogStash::ConfigurationError, '`password` is REQUIRED when `username` is provided') if @password.nil? logger.warn("Transmitting credentials over non-secured connection") if @ssl_enabled == false elsif @password fail(LogStash::ConfigurationError, '`password` not allowed unless `username` is configured') end end def validate_ssl_identity_options! if @ssl_certificate && @ssl_keystore_path fail(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "SSL identity can be configured with EITHER `ssl_certificate` OR `ssl_keystore_*`, but not both") elsif @ssl_certificate fail(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "`ssl_key` is REQUIRED when `ssl_certificate` is provided") if @ssl_key.nil? elsif @ssl_key fail(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "`ssl_key` is not allowed unless `ssl_certificate` is configured") elsif @ssl_keystore_path fail(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "`ssl_keystore_password` is REQUIRED when `ssl_keystore_path` is provided") if @ssl_keystore_password.nil? elsif @ssl_keystore_password fail(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "`ssl_keystore_password` is not allowed unless `ssl_keystore_path` is configured") else # acceptable end end def validate_ssl_trust_options! if @ssl_certificate_authorities&.any? && @ssl_truststore_path fail(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "SSL trust can be configured with EITHER `ssl_certificate_authorities` OR `ssl_truststore_*`, but not both") elsif @ssl_certificate_authorities&.any? fail(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "SSL Certificate Authorities cannot be configured when `ssl_verification_mode => none`") if @ssl_verification_mode == 'none' elsif @ssl_truststore_path fail(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "SSL Truststore cannot be configured when `ssl_verification_mode => none`") if @ssl_verification_mode == 'none' fail(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "`ssl_truststore_password` is REQUIRED when `ssl_truststore_path` is provided") if @ssl_truststore_password.nil? elsif @ssl_truststore_password fail(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "`ssl_truststore_password` not allowed unless `ssl_truststore_path` is configured") end end def multi_receive(events) return if events.empty? send_events(events) end def stop logger.debug("`logstash` output plugin has been stopped") end def close logger.debug("Closing `logstash` output plugin") http_client.close logger.debug("`logstash` output plugin has been closed") end private def normalize_host_uris @_normalized_host_uris ||= begin scheme = @ssl_enabled ? 'https' : 'http' @hosts.map do |destination| # Struct(:host,:port) URI::Generic.build(:scheme => scheme, :host => destination.host, :port => destination.port || DEFAULT_PORT) end.map(&:to_s).map(&:freeze) end end def send_events(events) body = LogStash::Json.dump(events.map(&:to_hash)) compressed_body = gzip(body) next_backoff = 0.1 max_backoff = 30 loop do next_action = transmit(body, compressed_body) break unless next_action == :retry Stud.stoppable_sleep(next_backoff) { pipeline_shutdown_requested? } next_backoff = [next_backoff*2, max_backoff].min if pipeline_shutdown_requested? logger.warn "Aborting the batch due to shutdown request" abort_batch_if_available! break # legacy abort (lossy) end end rescue => e # This should never happen unless there's a flat out bug in the code logger.error("Error occurred while sending events", :class => e.class.name, :message => e.message, :backtrace => e.backtrace) raise e end # The exceptions we decide (retriable or abort) to let the Load Balancer know TransmitException = Class.new(RuntimeError) private_constant :TransmitException RetriableTransmitException = Class.new(TransmitException) private_constant :RetriableTransmitException TerminalTransmitException = Class.new(TransmitException) private_constant :TerminalTransmitException ## # @param body [String] # @param compressed_body [String] # @return [:done, :abort, :retry] def transmit(body, compressed_body) @load_balancer.select do |selected_host_uri| response = begin http_client.post(selected_host_uri, :body => compressed_body, :headers => @headers).call rescue => exception retryable_exception = retryable_exception?(exception) log_exception(selected_host_uri, exception, body, retryable_exception) # raise exception to mar the host error raise retryable_exception ? RetriableTransmitException : TerminalTransmitException end return :done if response_success?(response.code) retryable_response = retryable_response?(response.code) log_response(selected_host_uri, response, body, retryable_response) # raise exception to mar the host error raise retryable_response ? RetriableTransmitException : TerminalTransmitException end rescue RetriableTransmitException => exception return :retry rescue TerminalTransmitException => exception return :abort end def log_response(uri, response, body, retriable) response_code = response.code if retriable if response_code == 429 logger.debug("Encountered a retriable 429 response") else logger.warn("Encountered a retryable error in `logstash` output", :code => response_code, :body => response.body) end else logger.error("Encountered error", :response_code => response_code, :host => uri, :body => body ) end end def log_exception(uri, exception, body, retriable) log_entry = { :host => uri, :message => exception.message, :class => exception.class, :retry => retriable } if logger.debug? # backtraces are big log_entry[:backtrace] = exception.backtrace # body can be big and may have sensitive data log_entry[:body] = body end logger.error("Could not send data to host", log_entry) end def gzip(data) gz = StringIO.new gz.set_encoding("BINARY") z = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(gz) z.write(data) z.close gz.string end def response_success?(response_code) response_code >= 200 && response_code <= 299 end def retryable_exception?(exception) retryable_manticore_exception?(exception) || retryable_unknown_exception?(exception) end def retryable_manticore_exception?(exception) RETRYABLE_MANTICORE_EXCEPTIONS.any? {|me| exception.is_a?(me)} end def retryable_unknown_exception?(exception) exception.is_a?(::Manticore::UnknownException) && RETRYABLE_EXCEPTION_PATTERN.match?(exception.message) end def retryable_response?(response_code) RETRIABLE_CODES.include?(response_code) end # Emulate `pipeline_shutdown_requested?` when running on older Logstash unless ::Gem::Version.create(LOGSTASH_VERSION) >= ::Gem::Version.create('8.1.0') def pipeline_shutdown_requested? execution_context&.pipeline&.shutdown_requested? end end # When running on Logstash that can abort batches, # raise the required exception, do nothing otherwise. if ::Gem::Version.create(LOGSTASH_VERSION) >= ::Gem::Version.create('8.8.0') def abort_batch_if_available! raise org.logstash.execution.AbortedBatchException.new end else def abort_batch_if_available! nil end end end