require 'spec_helper' describe "Shopping" do fixtures :all before(:each) do Order.destroy_all get "/products" response.should be_success, response.body end it "should shop for products" do product = products(:book_of_bad_puns) get "/products/#{}" assert_response :success # add an item to the cart lambda do post_via_redirect(add_to_cart_orders_path, { :product_id =>, :quantity => 2}, { "HTTP_REFERER" => "/products/#{}" } ) response.should be_success end.should change(Order, :count) flash[:notice].should == "Factore's Bad Puns was added to your cart." # # note that although you can use cookies[:order_key] in your controller, in your tests you must refer to it as follows cookies['order_key'].should_not == nil @order = Order.find_by_key(cookies['order_key']) 1.should == @order.products.size @order.reload 1.should == @order.line_items.size 2.should == @order.line_items.first.quantity product.price.should == @order.line_items.first.price (product.price * 2.0).should == @order.price 1.should == @order.products.size # add another item to the cart post_via_redirect(add_to_cart_orders_path, { :product_id => products(:tiny_digital_man).id, :quantity => 1}, { "HTTP_REFERER" => "/products/#{}" } ) assert_response :success @order.reload 2.should == @order.line_items.size ((product.price * 2) + products(:tiny_digital_man).price).should == @order.price # add an item to the cart but neglect to enter a quantity post_via_redirect(add_to_cart_orders_path, { :product_id => products(:map_of_peninsula).id }, { "HTTP_REFERER" => "/products/#{}" } ) assert_response :success flash[:warning].should_not == nil @order.reload assert_equal @order.line_items.size, 2, "the quantity of line items should stay the same, because this addition should have failed" # proceeding to checkout get orders_checkout_path response.should be_success, response.body post_via_redirect(orders_checkout_path, { :checkout => 1, :use_billing_for_shipping => "1", :billing_address => addresses(:incomplete).attributes }, { "HTTP_REFERER" => "/orders/checkout" }) response.should be_success, response.body response.should render_template("checkout") # should still be stuck here assigns[:billing_address].errors.size.should == 2 post_via_redirect(orders_checkout_path, { :checkout => 1, :use_billing_for_shipping => "1", :billing_address => addresses(:adrian).attributes }, { "HTTP_REFERER" => "/orders/checkout" } ) response.should be_success, response.body response.should render_template("payment") end context "paying for items" do setup do @product = products(:book_of_bad_puns) get "/products/#{}" assert_response :success # add an item to the cart lambda do post_via_redirect(add_to_cart_orders_path, { :product_id =>, :quantity => 2}, { "HTTP_REFERER" => "/products/#{}" } ) response.should be_success end.should_not change(Order, :count) @order.reload 1.should == @order.line_items.size end it "should choose to pay with paypal" do Forge.config.ecommerce.payments = :hosted # add an item to the cart product = products(:book_of_bad_puns) lambda do post_via_redirect(add_to_cart_orders_path, { :product_id =>, :quantity => 2}, { "HTTP_REFERER" => "/products/#{}" } ) response.should be_success end.should change(Order, :count) post_via_redirect(orders_checkout_path, { :checkout => 1, :use_billing_for_shipping => "1", :billing_address => addresses(:adrian).attributes }, { "HTTP_REFERER" => "/orders/checkout" } ) response.should be_success, response.body response.should render_template("billing") response.body.should match(/PayPal/) # for security, integrated payments should be inaccessible get "integrated_payment/billing" assert_response :redirect end it "should choose to pay with a credit card and send a receipt" do Forge.config.ecommerce.payments = :integrated Forge.config.ecommerce.email_receipt = true # add an item to the cart product = products(:book_of_bad_puns) lambda do post_via_redirect(add_to_cart_orders_path, { :product_id =>, :quantity => 2}, { "HTTP_REFERER" => "/products/#{}" } ) response.should be_success end.should change(Order, :count) post_via_redirect(orders_checkout_path, { :checkout => 1, :use_billing_for_shipping => "1", :billing_address => addresses(:adrian).attributes }, { "HTTP_REFERER" => "/orders/checkout" } ) response.should be_success, response.body response.should render_template("billing") response.body.should match(/credit card/) # for security, hosted payments should be inaccessible get "hosted_payment/billing" assert_response :redirect lambda do post_via_redirect("integrated_payment/pay", { :credit_card => { :number => "1", :verification_value => "1" }, :date => { :month => "3", :year => "2015" } }) response.should be_success, response.body response.should render_template("paid") end.should change(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries, :size) receipt_email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last receipt_email.subject.should match(/receipt/i) end end end