# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Christopher Walters () # Author:: Tim Hinderliter () # Author:: Seth Chisamore () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'spec_helper' describe Chef::Recipe do before(:each) do @cookbook_repo = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "data", "cookbooks")) cl = Chef::CookbookLoader.new(@cookbook_repo) cl.load_cookbooks @cookbook_collection = Chef::CookbookCollection.new(cl) @node = Chef::Node.new @node.normal[:tags] = Array.new @events = Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new @run_context = Chef::RunContext.new(@node, @cookbook_collection, @events) @recipe = Chef::Recipe.new("hjk", "test", @run_context) # Shell/ext.rb is on the run path, and it defines # Chef::Recipe#resources to call pp, which we don't want when # we're running tests. @recipe.stub(:pp) end describe "method_missing" do describe "resources" do it "should load a two word (zen_master) resource" do lambda do @recipe.zen_master "monkey" do peace true end end.should_not raise_error end it "should load a one word (cat) resource" do lambda do @recipe.cat "loulou" do pretty_kitty true end end.should_not raise_error end it "should load a four word (one_two_three_four) resource" do lambda do @recipe.one_two_three_four "numbers" do i_can_count true end end.should_not raise_error end it "should throw an error if you access a resource that we can't find" do lambda { @recipe.not_home("not_home_resource") }.should raise_error(NameError) end it "should require a name argument" do lambda { @recipe.cat }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "You must supply a name when declaring a cat resource") end it "should allow regular errors (not NameErrors) to pass unchanged" do lambda { @recipe.cat("felix") { raise ArgumentError, "You Suck" } }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should add our zen_master to the collection" do @recipe.zen_master "monkey" do peace true end @run_context.resource_collection.lookup("zen_master[monkey]").name.should eql("monkey") end it "should add our zen masters to the collection in the order they appear" do %w{monkey dog cat}.each do |name| @recipe.zen_master name do peace true end end @run_context.resource_collection.map{|r| r.name}.should eql(["monkey", "dog", "cat"]) end it "should return the new resource after creating it" do res = @recipe.zen_master "makoto" do peace true end res.resource_name.should eql(:zen_master) res.name.should eql("makoto") end describe "should locate platform mapped resources" do it "locate resource for particular platform" do Object.const_set('ShaunTheSheep', Class.new(Chef::Resource){ provides :laughter, :on_platforms => ["television"] }) @node.automatic[:platform] = "television" @node.automatic[:platform_version] = "123" res = @recipe.laughter "timmy" res.name.should eql("timmy") res.kind_of?(ShaunTheSheep) end it "locate a resource for all platforms" do Object.const_set("YourMom", Class.new(Chef::Resource){ provides :love_and_caring }) res = @recipe.love_and_caring "mommy" res.name.should eql("mommy") res.kind_of?(YourMom) end end end describe "creating resources via build_resource" do let(:zm_resource) do @recipe.build_resource(:zen_master, "klopp") do something "bvb" end end it "applies attributes from the block to the resource" do zm_resource.something.should == "bvb" end it "sets contextual attributes on the resource" do zm_resource.recipe_name.should == "test" zm_resource.cookbook_name.should == "hjk" zm_resource.source_line.should include(__FILE__) end it "does not add the resource to the resource collection" do zm_resource # force let binding evaluation expect { @run_context.resource_collection.resources(:zen_master => "klopp") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ResourceNotFound) end end describe "creating resources via declare_resource" do let(:zm_resource) do @recipe.declare_resource(:zen_master, "klopp") do something "bvb" end end it "applies attributes from the block to the resource" do zm_resource.something.should == "bvb" end it "sets contextual attributes on the resource" do zm_resource.recipe_name.should == "test" zm_resource.cookbook_name.should == "hjk" zm_resource.source_line.should include(__FILE__) end it "adds the resource to the resource collection" do zm_resource # force let binding evaluation @run_context.resource_collection.resources(:zen_master => "klopp").should == zm_resource end end describe "when attempting to create a resource of an invalid type" do it "gives a sane error message when using method_missing" do lambda do @recipe.no_such_resource("foo") end.should raise_error(NoMethodError, %q[No resource or method named `no_such_resource' for `Chef::Recipe "test"']) end it "gives a sane error message when using method_missing 'bare'" do lambda do @recipe.instance_eval do # Giving an argument will change this from NameError to NoMethodError no_such_resource end end.should raise_error(NameError, %q[No resource, method, or local variable named `no_such_resource' for `Chef::Recipe "test"']) end it "gives a sane error message when using build_resource" do expect { @recipe.build_resource(:no_such_resource, "foo") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::NoSuchResourceType) end it "gives a sane error message when using declare_resource" do expect { @recipe.declare_resource(:no_such_resource, "bar") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::NoSuchResourceType) end end describe "resource definitions" do it "should execute defined resources" do crow_define = Chef::ResourceDefinition.new crow_define.define :crow, :peace => false, :something => true do zen_master "lao tzu" do peace params[:peace] something params[:something] end end @run_context.definitions[:crow] = crow_define @recipe.crow "mine" do peace true end @run_context.resource_collection.resources(:zen_master => "lao tzu").name.should eql("lao tzu") @run_context.resource_collection.resources(:zen_master => "lao tzu").something.should eql(true) end it "should set the node on defined resources" do crow_define = Chef::ResourceDefinition.new crow_define.define :crow, :peace => false, :something => true do zen_master "lao tzu" do peace params[:peace] something params[:something] end end @run_context.definitions[:crow] = crow_define @node.normal[:foo] = false @recipe.crow "mine" do something node[:foo] end @recipe.resources(:zen_master => "lao tzu").something.should eql(false) end end end describe "instance_eval" do it "should handle an instance_eval properly" do code = <<-CODE zen_master "gnome" do peace = true end CODE lambda { @recipe.instance_eval(code) }.should_not raise_error @recipe.resources(:zen_master => "gnome").name.should eql("gnome") end end describe "from_file" do it "should load a resource from a ruby file" do @recipe.from_file(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "recipes", "test.rb")) res = @recipe.resources(:file => "/etc/nsswitch.conf") res.name.should eql("/etc/nsswitch.conf") res.action.should eql([:create]) res.owner.should eql("root") res.group.should eql("root") res.mode.should eql(0644) end it "should raise an exception if the file cannot be found or read" do lambda { @recipe.from_file("/tmp/monkeydiving") }.should raise_error(IOError) end end describe "include_recipe" do it "should evaluate another recipe with include_recipe" do @node.should_receive(:loaded_recipe).with(:openldap, "gigantor") @run_context.include_recipe "openldap::gigantor" res = @run_context.resource_collection.resources(:cat => "blanket") res.name.should eql("blanket") res.pretty_kitty.should eql(false) end it "should load the default recipe for a cookbook if include_recipe is called without a ::" do @node.should_receive(:loaded_recipe).with(:openldap, "default") @run_context.include_recipe "openldap" res = @run_context.resource_collection.resources(:cat => "blanket") res.name.should eql("blanket") res.pretty_kitty.should eql(true) end it "should store that it has seen a recipe in the run_context" do @node.should_receive(:loaded_recipe).with(:openldap, "default") @run_context.include_recipe "openldap" @run_context.loaded_recipe?("openldap").should be_true end it "should not include the same recipe twice" do @node.should_receive(:loaded_recipe).with(:openldap, "default").exactly(:once) @cookbook_collection[:openldap].should_receive(:load_recipe).with("default", @run_context) @recipe.include_recipe "openldap" @cookbook_collection[:openldap].should_not_receive(:load_recipe).with("default", @run_context) @recipe.include_recipe "openldap" end end describe "tags" do it "should set tags via tag" do @recipe.tag "foo" @node[:tags].should include("foo") end it "should set multiple tags via tag" do @recipe.tag "foo", "bar" @node[:tags].should include("foo") @node[:tags].should include("bar") end it "should not set the same tag twice via tag" do @recipe.tag "foo" @recipe.tag "foo" @node[:tags].should eql([ "foo" ]) end it "should return the current list of tags from tag with no arguments" do @recipe.tag "foo" @recipe.tag.should eql([ "foo" ]) end it "should return true from tagged? if node is tagged" do @recipe.tag "foo" @recipe.tagged?("foo").should be(true) end it "should return false from tagged? if node is not tagged" do @recipe.tagged?("foo").should be(false) end it "should return false from tagged? if node is not tagged" do @recipe.tagged?("foo").should be(false) end it "should remove a tag from the tag list via untag" do @recipe.tag "foo" @recipe.untag "foo" @node[:tags].should eql([]) end it "should remove multiple tags from the tag list via untag" do @recipe.tag "foo", "bar" @recipe.untag "bar", "foo" @node[:tags].should eql([]) end end end