require 'digest' module Spaceship module Hashcash # This App Store Connect hashcash spec was generously donated by... # # __ _ # __ _ _ __ _ __ / _|(_) __ _ _ _ _ __ ___ ___ # / _` || '_ \ | '_ \ | |_ | | / _` || | | || '__|/ _ \/ __| # | (_| || |_) || |_) || _|| || (_| || |_| || | | __/\__ \ # \__,_|| .__/ | .__/ |_| |_| \__, | \__,_||_| \___||___/ # |_| |_| |___/ # # # # 1:11:20230223170600:4d74fb15eb23f465f1f6fcbf534e5877::6373 # X-APPLE-HC: 1:11:20230223170600:4d74fb15eb23f465f1f6fcbf534e5877::6373 # ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ # | | | | +-- Counter # | | | +-- Resource # | | +-- Date YYMMDD[hhmm[ss]] # | +-- Bits (number of leading zeros) # +-- Version # # We can't use an off-the-shelf Hashcash because Apple's implementation is not quite the same as the spec/convention. # 1. The spec calls for a nonce called "Rand" to be inserted between the Ext and Counter. They don't do that at all. # 2. The Counter conventionally encoded as base-64 but Apple just uses the decimal number's string representation. # # Iterate from Counter=0 to Counter=N finding an N that makes the SHA1(X-APPLE-HC) lead with Bits leading zero bits # # # We get the "Resource" from the X-Apple-HC-Challenge header and Bits from X-Apple-HC-Bits # # def self.make(bits:, challenge:) version = 1 date ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") counter = 0 loop do hc = [ version, bits, date, challenge, ":#{counter}" ].join(":") if Digest::SHA1.digest(hc).unpack1('B*')[0, bits.to_i].to_i == 0 return hc end counter += 1 end end end end