module Fastlane class LaneManager # @param platform The name of the platform to execute # @param lane_name The name of the lane to execute # @param parameters [Hash] The parameters passed from the command line to the lane # @param env Dot Env Information def self.cruise_lane(platform, lane, parameters = nil, env = nil) raise 'lane must be a string' unless lane.kind_of?(String) or lane.nil? raise 'platform must be a string' unless platform.kind_of?(String) or platform.nil? raise 'parameters must be a hash' unless parameters.kind_of?(Hash) or parameters.nil? ff =, 'Fastfile')) is_platform = false begin is_platform = ff.is_platform_block?(lane) rescue # rescue, because this raises an exception if it can't be found at all end unless is_platform # maybe the user specified a default platform # We'll only do this, if the lane specified isn't a platform, as we want to list all platforms then # Make sure that's not a lane without a platform unless ff.runner.available_lanes.include?(lane) platform ||= Actions.lane_context[Actions::SharedValues::DEFAULT_PLATFORM] end end if !platform and lane # Either, the user runs a specific lane in root or want to auto complete the available lanes for a platform # e.g. `fastlane ios` should list all available iOS actions if ff.is_platform_block?(lane) platform = lane lane = nil end end platform, lane = choose_lane(ff, platform) unless lane load_dot_env(env) started = e = nil begin ff.runner.execute(lane, platform, parameters) rescue => ex 'Variable Dump:'.yellow Actions.lane_context Helper.log.fatal ex e = ex end # After running the lanes, since skip_docs might be somewhere in-between unless ENV["FASTLANE_SKIP_DOCS"] duration = (( - started) / 60.0).round finish_fastlane(ff, duration, e) return ff end # All the finishing up that needs to be done def self.finish_fastlane(ff, duration, error) ff.runner.did_finish # Finished with all the lanes Fastlane::JUnitGenerator.generate(Fastlane::Actions.executed_actions) print_table(Fastlane::Actions.executed_actions) if error Helper.log.fatal 'fastlane finished with errors'.red raise error elsif duration > 5 " just saved you #{duration} minutes! 🎉".green else ' finished successfully 🎉'.green end end # Print a table as summary of the executed actions def self.print_table(actions) return if actions.count == 0 require 'terminal-table' rows = [] actions.each_with_index do |current, i| name = current[:name][0..60] rows << [i + 1, name, current[:time].to_i] end puts "" puts title: "fastlane summary".green, headings: ["Step", "Action", "Time (in s)"], rows: rows ) puts "" end # Lane chooser if user didn't provide a lane # @param platform: is probably nil, but user might have called `fastlane android`, and only wants to list those actions def self.choose_lane(ff, platform) loop do Helper.log.error "You must provide a lane to drive. Available lanes:" available = ff.runner.available_lanes(platform) available.each_with_index do |lane, index| puts "#{index + 1}) #{lane}" end i = $stdin.gets.strip.to_i - 1 if i >= 0 and available[i] selection = available[i] "Driving the lane #{selection}. Next time launch fastlane using `fastlane #{selection}`".yellow platform = selection.split(' ')[0] lane_name = selection.split(' ')[1] unless lane_name # no specific platform, just a root lane lane_name = platform platform = nil end return platform, lane_name # yeah end Helper.log.error "Invalid input. Please enter the number of the lane you want to use".red end end def self.load_dot_env(env) return if Dir.glob("**/*.env*", File::FNM_DOTMATCH).count == 0 require 'dotenv' Actions.lane_context[Actions::SharedValues::ENVIRONMENT] = env if env # Making sure the default '.env' and '.env.default' get loaded env_file = File.join(Fastlane::FastlaneFolder.path || "", '.env') env_default_file = File.join(Fastlane::FastlaneFolder.path || "", '.env.default') Dotenv.load(env_file, env_default_file) # Loads .env file for the environment passed in through options if env env_file = File.join(Fastlane::FastlaneFolder.path || "", ".env.#{env}") "Loading from '#{env_file}'".green Dotenv.overload(env_file) end end end end