require "optparse" # for option parser require 'wortsammler/log_helper' require 'wortsammler/class.proolib.rb' require 'wortsammler/class.Traceable.rb' require 'wortsammler/' require 'wortsammler/version.rb' options = {} config = nil optparse = do|opts| # Set a banner, displayed at the top # of the help screen. opts.banner = ["This is Wortsammler #{Wortsammler::VERSION}", "", "Usage: Wortsammler [options]", "", "examples:", "", " wortsammler -cbpm mymanifest.yaml", " -- beautify collect process files from mymanifest.yaml", "", " wortsammler -cbpi .", " -- beautify collect process files in current folder" ].join("\n") ## # Define the options, and what they do opts.separator nil opts.separator "options:" opts.separator nil # This displays the help screen, all programs are # assumed to have this option. opts.on( '-h', '--help', 'display this screen' ) do puts opts exit end options[:version] = false opts.on( "-v", '--version', 'print Version info, then turn on verbose mode' ) do options[:version] = true options[:verbose] = true end opts.separator nil options[:init] = false opts.on( "-n", '--init DIR', 'create a project folder in DIR' ) do|file| options[:init] = file end opts.separator nil options[:input_path] = false opts.on( '-i', '--input PATH', 'set input file/project folder for processing') do|path| options[:input_path] = path end options[:manifest] = false opts.on( '-m', '--manifest PATH', 'set mainfest file for processing' ) do|file| options[:manifest] = file end opts.separator nil options[:outputformats] = ['pdf'] opts.on( '-f', '--format formatList', 'set the outputformat to formatList' ) do|formatlist| options[:outputformats] = formatlist.split(":") end options[:outputfolder] = false opts.on( '-o', '--output PATH', 'set the output to PATH' ) do|path| options[:outputfolder] = path end opts.separator nil options[:collect] = false opts.on( '-c', '--collect', 'collect traceables by manifest' ) do options[:collect] = true end options[:process] = false opts.on( '-p', '--process', 'process documents by manifest' ) do options[:process] = true end options[:beautify] = false opts.on( "-b", '--beautify', 'bautify markdownfiles' ) do options[:beautify] = true end end ## # now parse the commandline # begin optparse.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError => option $log.error "Invalid option #{option}" exit false rescue RegexpError => error $log.error "#{error}" exit end module Wortsammler def self.wortsammler_execute(options) ## # # print version info # if options[:version] then puts "Wortsammler #{Wortsammler::VERSION}" pandoc=`pandocx -v`.split("\n")[0] rescue pandoc="error running pandoc" xetex=`xelatex -v`.split("\n")[0] rescue pandoc="error running xelatex" puts "found #{pandoc}" puts "found #{xetex}" end ## # initialize a project # if project_folder=options[:init] then if File.exists?(project_folder) $log.error "directory already exists: '#{project_folder}'" exit(false) end Wortsammler::init_folders(project_folder) end ## # # load the manifest # config=nil if config_file=options[:manifest] then config = end ## # process input path # # input_files=nil if input_path = options[:input_path] unless File.exists? input_path then $log.error "path does not exist path '#{input_path}'" exit(false) end if File.file?(input_path) #(RS_Mdc) input_files=[input_path] elsif File.exists?(input_path) input_files=Dir["#{input_path}/**/*.md", "#{input_path}/**/*.markdown"] end end ## # # beautify markdown files # # cleaner =$log) if options[:beautify] # process path if input_files then input_files.each{|f| cleaner.beautify(f)} end # process manifest if config then config.input.each{|f| cleaner.beautify(f)} end unless input_files or config $log.error "no input specified. Please use -m or -i to specify input" exit false end end ## # process collect in markdown files # if options[:collect] # collect by path if input_files then $log.warn "collect from path not yet implemented" end # collect by manifest if config then Wortsammler.collect_traces(config) end unless input_files or config $log.error "no input specified. Please use -m or -i to specify input" exit false end end ## # process files # if options[:process] if input_files then if options[:outputformats] then outputformats = options[:outputformats] end if options[:outputfolder] then outputfolder = options[:outputfolder] else $log.error "no output folder specified" exit false end unless File.exists?(outputfolder) then $ "creating folder '#{outputfolder}'" FileUtils.mkdir_p(outputfolder) end input_files.each{|f| cleaner.render_single_document(f, outputfolder, outputformats)} end # collect by manifest if config then cleaner.generateDocument(config.input, config.outdir, config.outname, config.format, config.vars, config.editions, config.snippets, config) end unless input_files or config $log.error "no input specified. Please use -m or -i to specify input" exit false end end end #execute # # This method can verify wortsammler options delivered by option parser # @param options [Hash] Option hash delivered by option parser # # @return [Boolean] true if successful. otherwise exits the program def self.verify_options(options) if options[:input_path] or options[:manifest] then unless options[:process] or options[:beautify] or options[:collect] then $log.error "no procesing option (p, b, c) specified" exit false end end if options[:input_path] and options[:process] then unless options[:outputfolder] then $log.error "no output folder specified for input path" exit false end end true end #verify_options # # Initialize a project directory. It creates a bunch of # folders, a root document, a manifest and an intial rakefile # # @param root [String] [The path to the root folder of the sample project] # # @return [Boolean] [always true] def self.init_folders(root) folders=["ZSUPP_Manifests", "ZGEN_Documents", "ZSUPP_Tools", "ZSUPP_Styles", "ZGEN_RequirementsTracing", "001_Main" ] folders.each{|folder| FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{root}/#{folder}") } resourcedir=File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/../../resources" Dir["#{resourcedir}/*.yaml"].each{|f| FileUtils.cp(f, "#{root}/ZSUPP_Manifests") } FileUtils.cp("#{resourcedir}/", "#{root}/001_Main") FileUtils.cp("#{resourcedir}/rakefile.rb", "#{root}/ZSUPP_Tools") FileUtils.cp("#{resourcedir}/default.latex", "#{root}/ZSUPP_Styles") FileUtils.cp("#{resourcedir}/logo.jpg", "#{root}/ZSUPP_Styles") true end # # This collects the traces in a doucment specified by a manifest # @param config [ProolibConfig] the manifest model # # @return [type] no specific return def self.collect_traces(config) files = config.input # get the input files rootdir = config.rootdir # get the root directory downstream_tracefile = config.downstream_tracefile # String to save downstram filenames reqtracefile_base = config.reqtracefile_base # string to determine the requirements tracing results upstream_tracefiles = config.upstream_tracefiles # String to read upstream tracefiles traceable_set = # collect all traceables in input files.each{|f| x=TraceableSet.processTracesInMdFile(f) traceable_set.merge(x) } # collect all upstream traceables # unless upstream_tracefiles.nil? upstream_tracefiles.each{|f| x=TraceableSet.processTracesInMdFile(f) upstream_traceable_set.merge(x) } end # check undefined traces all_traceable_set.merge(traceable_set) all_traceable_set.merge(upstream_traceable_set) undefineds=all_traceable_set.undefined_ids $log.warn "undefined traces: #{undefineds.join(' ')}" unless undefineds.empty? # check duplicates duplicates=all_traceable_set.duplicate_traces if duplicates.count > 0 $logger.warn "duplicated trace ids found:" duplicates.each{|d| d.each{|t| $log.warn "#{} in #{}"}} end # write traceables to the intermediate Tracing file outname="#{rootdir}/#{reqtracefile_base}.md" # poke ths sort order for the traceables all_traceable_set.sort_order=config.traceSortOrder if config.traceSortOrder traceable_set.sort_order=config.traceSortOrder if config.traceSortOrder # generate synopsis of traceableruby 1.8.7 garbage at end of file tracelist="", "w"){|fx| fx.puts "" fx.puts "\\clearpage" fx.puts "" fx.puts "# Requirements Tracing" fx.puts "" tracelist=all_traceable_set.reqtraceSynopsis(:SPECIFICATION_ITEM) fx.puts tracelist } # output the graphxml # write traceables to the intermediate Tracing file outname="#{rootdir}/#{reqtracefile_base}.graphml", "w") {|fx| fx.puts all_traceable_set.to_graphml} outname="#{rootdir}/#{reqtracefile_base}Compare.txt", "w") {|fx| fx.puts traceable_set.to_compareEntries} # write the downstream_trace file - to be included in downstream - speciifcations outname="#{rootdir}/#{downstream_tracefile}", "w") {|fx| fx.puts "" fx.puts "\\clearpage" fx.puts "" fx.puts "# Upstream Requirements" fx.puts "" fx.puts traceable_set.to_downstream_tracefile(:SPECIFICATION_ITEM) } unless downstream_tracefile.nil? # now add the upstream traces to input files.concat( upstream_tracefiles) unless upstream_tracefiles.nil? nil end end # module Wortsammler.verify_options(options) Wortsammler.wortsammler_execute(options)