# Clickwrap ## Example Clickwrap Object ``` { "id": 1, "name": "Example Site NDA for Files.com Use", "body": "[Legal body text]", "use_with_users": "example", "use_with_bundles": "example", "use_with_inboxes": "example" } ``` * `id` (int64): Clickwrap ID * `name` (string): Name of the Clickwrap agreement (used when selecting from multiple Clickwrap agreements.) * `body` (string): Body text of Clickwrap (supports Markdown formatting). * `use_with_users` (string): Use this Clickwrap for User Registrations? Note: This only applies to User Registrations where the User is invited to your Files.com site using an E-Mail invitation process where they then set their own password. * `use_with_bundles` (string): Use this Clickwrap for Bundles? * `use_with_inboxes` (string): Use this Clickwrap for Inboxes? --- ## List Clickwraps ``` Files::Clickwrap.list( per_page: 1 ) ``` ### Parameters * `cursor` (string): Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via either the X-Files-Cursor-Next header or the X-Files-Cursor-Prev header. * `per_page` (int64): Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended). --- ## Show Clickwrap ``` Files::Clickwrap.find(id) ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - Clickwrap ID. --- ## Create Clickwrap ``` Files::Clickwrap.create( name: "Example Site NDA for Files.com Use", body: "[Legal body text]", use_with_bundles: "example", use_with_inboxes: "example", use_with_users: "example" ) ``` ### Parameters * `name` (string): Name of the Clickwrap agreement (used when selecting from multiple Clickwrap agreements.) * `body` (string): Body text of Clickwrap (supports Markdown formatting). * `use_with_bundles` (string): Use this Clickwrap for Bundles? * `use_with_inboxes` (string): Use this Clickwrap for Inboxes? * `use_with_users` (string): Use this Clickwrap for User Registrations? Note: This only applies to User Registrations where the User is invited to your Files.com site using an E-Mail invitation process where they then set their own password. --- ## Update Clickwrap ``` Files::Clickwrap.update(id, name: "Example Site NDA for Files.com Use", body: "[Legal body text]", use_with_bundles: "example", use_with_inboxes: "example", use_with_users: "example" ) ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - Clickwrap ID. * `name` (string): Name of the Clickwrap agreement (used when selecting from multiple Clickwrap agreements.) * `body` (string): Body text of Clickwrap (supports Markdown formatting). * `use_with_bundles` (string): Use this Clickwrap for Bundles? * `use_with_inboxes` (string): Use this Clickwrap for Inboxes? * `use_with_users` (string): Use this Clickwrap for User Registrations? Note: This only applies to User Registrations where the User is invited to your Files.com site using an E-Mail invitation process where they then set their own password. --- ## Delete Clickwrap ``` Files::Clickwrap.delete(id) ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - Clickwrap ID. --- ## Update Clickwrap ``` clickwrap = Files::Clickwrap.list.first clickwrap.update( name: "Example Site NDA for Files.com Use", body: "[Legal body text]", use_with_bundles: "example", use_with_inboxes: "example", use_with_users: "example" ) ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - Clickwrap ID. * `name` (string): Name of the Clickwrap agreement (used when selecting from multiple Clickwrap agreements.) * `body` (string): Body text of Clickwrap (supports Markdown formatting). * `use_with_bundles` (string): Use this Clickwrap for Bundles? * `use_with_inboxes` (string): Use this Clickwrap for Inboxes? * `use_with_users` (string): Use this Clickwrap for User Registrations? Note: This only applies to User Registrations where the User is invited to your Files.com site using an E-Mail invitation process where they then set their own password. --- ## Delete Clickwrap ``` clickwrap = Files::Clickwrap.list.first clickwrap.delete ``` ### Parameters * `id` (int64): Required - Clickwrap ID.