require "support/sample_app/config/application" require "support/sample_app/config/routes" describe JsFromRoutes do original_template_path = JsFromRoutes.config.template_path let(:output_dir) { File.expand_path("../support/generated", __dir__) } let(:sample_dir) { Rails.root.join("app", "javascript", "requests") } let(:different_template_path) { File.expand_path("../support/jquery_template.js.erb", __dir__) } let(:controllers_with_exported_routes) { %w[Comments UserPreferences VideoClips] } def file_for(dir, name) dir.join("#{name}Requests.js") end def sample_file_for(name) file_for(sample_dir, name) end def output_file_for(name) file_for(output_dir, name) end before do # Sanity checks expect(sample_dir.exist?).to eq true expect(Rails.application.routes.routes).to be_present # Remove directory from a previous test run. begin FileUtils.remove_dir(output_dir) rescue nil end # Change the configuration to use a different directory. JsFromRoutes.config do |config| config.output_folder = output_dir config.template_path = original_template_path end end # NOTE: We do a manual snapshot test for now, more tests coming in the future. it "should generate the files as expected" do expect(JsFromRoutes).to receive(:render_template).exactly(3).times.and_call_original JsFromRoutes.generate! # It does not generate routes that don't have `export: true`. expect(output_file_for("Welcome").exist?).to eq false # It generates one file per controller with exported routes. controllers_with_exported_routes.each do |file_name| expect(output_file_for(file_name).read).to eq sample_file_for(file_name).read end # It detects changes to the template, and regenerates the files. JsFromRoutes.config do |config| config.template_path = different_template_path end expect(JsFromRoutes).to receive(:render_template).exactly(3).times.and_call_original JsFromRoutes.generate! # These files should no longer match the sample ones. controllers_with_exported_routes.each do |file_name| expect(output_file_for(file_name).read).not_to eq sample_file_for(file_name).read end # It should not rewrite the files if the cache key has not changed. expect(JsFromRoutes).not_to receive(:render_template) JsFromRoutes.generate! end it "should have a rake task available" do Rails.application.load_tasks expect(JsFromRoutes).to receive(:render_template).exactly(3).times expect { Rake::Task["js_from_routes:generate"].invoke }.not_to raise_error end end