require 'active_support/core_ext/object/try' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/reverse_merge' module ClassAction # Base class for controller actions. class Action ###### # Initialization def initialize(controller) @_controller = controller @_controller.singleton_class.send :include, self.class.helpers end ###### # Attributes def controller @_controller end def available? true end protected :controller, :available? ###### # Controller method exposure class << self # Exposes the given controller methods into the action. def _controller_method(method) class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{method}(*args, &block) copy_assigns_to_controller controller.send :#{method}, *args, &block ensure copy_assigns_from_controller end protected :#{method} RUBY end end def respond_to?(method, include_private = false) super || (include_private && controller.respond_to?(method, true)) end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if controller.respond_to?(method, true) self.class._controller_method method send method, *args, &block else super end end private :method_missing ###### # Execution class << self def _action_methods methods = public_instance_methods methods -= [ :_execute ] methods -= Object.public_instance_methods methods end end def _execute raise ActionNotAvailable unless available? # Execute the action by running all public methods in order. self.class._action_methods.each do |method| next if self.method(method).arity != 0 send method # Break execution of the action when some response body is set. # E.g. when the action decides to redirect halfway. break if controller.response_body end # Perform a default response if not done so yet. _respond unless controller.response_body end private def _respond copy_assigns_to_controller response = self.class._responses.find do |on, response| !on || send(:"#{on}?") end.try(:last) if response response_object = if response =~ /^@/ instance_variable_get(response) else send(response) end controller.respond_with response_object, &_respond_block elsif _respond_block controller.respond_to &_respond_block end end def _respond_block responders = {} self.class._responders.each do |(format, on), block| # Select only those responders that have a block, and for which no precondition is set, or # one that matches the current action state. responders[format] ||= block if block && (!on || send(:"#{on}?")) end return if responders.empty? action = self proc do |collector| responders.each do |format, block| collector.send(format) do action.instance_exec &block copy_assigns_to_controller end end end end class << self ###### # Helpers attr_accessor :helpers def helpers @helpers ||= do |helpers| helpers.send :include, superclass.helpers if superclass.respond_to?(:helpers) end end def helper_method(*methods) methods.each do |method| helpers.class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{method}(*args, &block) controller = if respond_to?(:class_action) self else self.controller end controller.class_action.send(:#{method}, *args, &block) end RUBY end end ###### # Responders attr_reader :_responders, :_responses def _responses @_responses ||= {}.tap do |responses| responses.reverse_update superclass._responses if superclass.respond_to?(:_responses) end # Keep the hash in such an order that the 'nil' condition is always *last*. # { :ok => 1, nil => 2, :invalid => 3 } => { :ok => 1, :invalid => 3, nil => 2 } @_responses = Hash[ *@_responses.sort_by { |on, _method| on.nil? ? 1 : 0 }.flatten ] end def _responders @_responders ||= {}.tap do |responders| responders.reverse_update superclass._responders if superclass.respond_to?(:_responders) end # Keep the hash in such an order that the 'nil' conditions are always *last*. # { [ (:html, nil) => 1, (:json, nil) => 2, (:html, :ok) => 3 } => { (:html, :ok) => 3, (:html, nil) => 1, (:json, nil) => 2 } @_responders = Hash[ *@_responders.sort_by { |(format, on), _method| on.nil? ? 1 : 0 }.inject([]) { |arr, (key, value)| arr << key << value } ] end # Defines a method that returns the response. Specify an optional precondition in the `on` parameter. def respond_with(method, on: nil) _responses[on.try(:to_sym)] = method end # Defines a response block for the given format(s). Specify an optional precondition in the `on` parameter. def respond_to(*formats, on: nil, &block) formats.each do |format| _responders[ [format.to_sym, on.try(:to_sym)] ] = block end end # Defines a response block for any remaining format. Specify an optional precondition in the `on` parameter. def respond_to_any(on: nil, &block) respond_to :any, on: on, &block end end ###### # Assigns private def copy_assigns_from_controller controller.view_assigns.each do |key, value| instance_variable_set "@#{key}", value end end def copy_assigns_to_controller ivars = instance_variables ivars -= [ :@_controller, :@_responders, :@_default_responder ] ivars.each do |ivar| controller.instance_variable_set ivar, instance_variable_get(ivar) end end end end