# Streamlined Core Data for RubyMotion
Core Data Query (CDQ) is a library to help you manage your Core Data stack
while using RubyMotion. It uses a data model file, which you can generate in
XCode, or you can use [ruby-xcdm](https://github.com/infinitered/ruby-xcdm).
CDQ aims to streamline the process of getting you up and running Core Data, while
avoiding too much abstraction or method pollution on top of the SDK.
CDQ began its life as a fork of
[MotionData](https://github.com/alloy/MotionData), but it became obvious I
wanted to take things in a different direction, so I cut loose and ended up
rewriting almost everything. If you pay attention, you can still find the
genetic traces, so thanks to @alloy for sharing his work and letting me learn
so much.
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### Why use a static Data Model?
By using a real data model file that gets compiled and included in your bundle,
you can take advantage of automatic migration, which simplifies managing your
schema as it grows, if you can follow a few [simple rules](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/cocoa/conceptual/CoreDataVersioning/Articles/vmLightweightMigration.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40004399-CH4-SW2).
## Installing
##### Quick Start:
$ gem install cdq
$ motion create my_app # if needed
$ cd my_app
$ cdq init
This way assumes you want to use ruby-xcdm. Run ```cdq -h``` for list of more generators.
##### Using Bundler:
gem 'cdq'
If you want to see bleeding-edge changes, point Bundler at the git repo:
gem 'cdq', git: 'git://github.com/infinitered/cdq.git'
## Setting up your stack
You will need a data model file. If you've created one in XCode, move or copy
it to your resources file and make sure it's named the same as your RubyMotion
project. If you're using `ruby-xcdm` (which I highly recommend) then it will
create the datamodel file automatically and put it in the right place.
Now include the setup code in your `app_delegate.rb` file:
class AppDelegate
include CDQ
def application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions)
That's it! You can create specific implementation classes for your entities if
you want, but it's not required. You can start running queries on the console or
in your code right away.
## Creating new objects
CDQ maintains a stack of NSManagedObjectContexts for you, and any create
operations will insert new, unsaved objects into the context currently on top
of the stack. `cdq.save` will save the whole stack, including correctly using
private threads if appropriate.
cdq('Author').create(name: "Le Guin", publish_count: 150, first_published: 1970)
cdq('Author').create(name: "Shakespeare", publish_count: 400, first_published: 1550)
cdq('Author').create(name: "Blake", publish_count: 100, first_published: 1778)
## Queries
A quick aside about queries in Core Data. You should avoid them whenever
possible in your production code. Core Data is designed to work efficiently
when you hang on to references to specific objects and use them as you would
any in-memory object, letting Core Data handle your memory usage for you. If
you're coming from a server-side rails background, this can be pretty hard to
get used to, but this is a very different environment. So if you find yourself
running queries that only return a single object, consider rearchitecting.
That said, queries are sometimes the only solution, and it's very handy to be
able to use them easily when debugging from the console, or in unit tests.
With that out of the way, here are some samples:
# Simple Queries
# sort, limit, and offset
# Compound queries
# Multiple comparisons against the same attribute
## Named Scopes
You can save up partially-constructed queries for later use using named scopes, even
combining them seamlessly with other queries or other named scopes:
cdq('Author').scope :a_authors, cdq(:name).begins_with('A')
cdq('Author').scope :prolific, cdq(:publish_count).gt(99)
> NOTE: strings and symbols are NOT interchangeable. `cdq('Entity')` gives you a
query generator for an entity, but `cdq(:attribute)` starts a predicate for an
## Dedicated Models
If you're using CDQ in a brand new project, you'll probably want to use
dedicated model classes for your entities. It will enable the usual
class-level customization of your model objects, and also a somewhat more
familiar-looking and natural syntax for queries and scopes:
class Author < CDQManagedOjbect
scope :a_authors, cdq(:name).begins_with('A')
scope :prolific, cdq(:publish_count).gt(99)
Now you can change the queries above to:
Anything you can do with `cdq('Author')` you can now do with just `Author`. If you have a
pre-existing implementation class that you can't turn into a CDQManagedObject, you can also
just wrap the class: `cdq(Author)`.
## Using CDQ with a pre-existing model
If you have an existing app that already manages its own data model, you can
use that, too, and override CDQ's stack at any layer:
cdq.setup(context: App.delegate.mainContext) # don't set up model or store coordinator
cdq.setup(store: App.delegate.persistentStoreCoordinator) # Don't set up model
cdq.setup(model: App.delegate.managedObjectModel) # Don't load model
You cannot use CDQManagedObject as a base class when overriding this way,
you'll need to use cdq('Entity'). If you have an existing model and
want to use it with CDQManagedObject without changing its name, You'll need to
use a cdq.yml config file. See [CDQConfig](motion/cdq/config.rb).
## Things that are currently missing
* There is no facility for custom migrations yet
* There are no explicit validations (but you can define them on your data model)