# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'net/ssh' require 'net/ssh/multi' require 'net/ssh/proxy/command' autoload :OpenStruct, "ostruct" autoload :Timeout, "timeout" autoload :ERB, "erb" autoload :Base64, "base64" require 'open-uri' module MU class Cloud class AWS # A server as configured in {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::servers} class Server < MU::Cloud::Server # A list of block device names to use if we get a storage block that # doesn't declare one explicitly. # This probably fails on some AMIs. It's crude. @disk_devices = [ "/dev/sdf", "/dev/sdg", "/dev/sdh", "/dev/sdi", "/dev/sdj", "/dev/sdk", "/dev/sdl", "/dev/sdm", "/dev/sdn" ] # List of standard disk device names to present to instances. # @return [Array] def self.disk_devices @disk_devices end # See that we get our ephemeral storage devices with AMIs that don't do it # for us @ephemeral_mappings = [ { :device_name => "/dev/sdr", :virtual_name => "ephemeral0" }, { :device_name => "/dev/sds", :virtual_name => "ephemeral1" }, { :device_name => "/dev/sdt", :virtual_name => "ephemeral2" }, { :device_name => "/dev/sdu", :virtual_name => "ephemeral3" } ] # Ephemeral storage device mappings. Useful for AMIs that don't do this # for us. # @return [Hash] def self.ephemeral_mappings @ephemeral_mappings end # Initialize this cloud resource object. Calling +super+ will invoke the initializer defined under {MU::Cloud}, which should set the attribtues listed in {MU::Cloud::PUBLIC_ATTRS} as well as applicable dependency shortcuts, like +@vpc+, for us. # @param args [Hash]: Hash of named arguments passed via Ruby's double-splat def initialize(**args) super @userdata = if @config['userdata_script'] @config['userdata_script'] elsif @deploy and !@config['scrub_mu_isms'] MU::Cloud.fetchUserdata( platform: @config["platform"], cloud: "AWS", credentials: @credentials, template_variables: { "deployKey" => Base64.urlsafe_encode64(@deploy.public_key), "deploySSHKey" => @deploy.ssh_public_key, "muID" => @deploy.deploy_id, "muUser" => MU.mu_user, "publicIP" => MU.mu_public_ip, "mommaCatPort" => MU.mommaCatPort, "adminBucketName" => MU::Cloud::AWS.adminBucketName(@credentials), "chefVersion" => MU.chefVersion, "skipApplyUpdates" => @config['skipinitialupdates'], "windowsAdminName" => @config['windows_admin_username'], "resourceName" => @config["name"], "resourceType" => "server", "platform" => @config["platform"] }, custom_append: @config['userdata_script'] ) end @disk_devices = MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.disk_devices @ephemeral_mappings = MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.ephemeral_mappings if !@mu_name.nil? @config['mu_name'] = @mu_name @mu_windows_name = @deploydata['mu_windows_name'] if @mu_windows_name.nil? and @deploydata else if kitten_cfg.has_key?("basis") @mu_name = @deploy.getResourceName(@config['name'], need_unique_string: true) else @mu_name = @deploy.getResourceName(@config['name']) end @config['mu_name'] = @mu_name end @config['instance_secret'] ||= Password.random(50) @groomer = MU::Groomer.new(self) unless MU.inGem? end @@userdata_semaphore = Mutex.new # Fetch our baseline userdata argument (read: "script that runs on first # boot") for a given platform. # *XXX* both the eval() and the blind File.read() based on the platform # variable are dangerous without cleaning. Clean them. # @param platform [String]: The target OS. # @param template_variables [Hash]: A list of variable substitutions to pass as globals to the ERB parser when loading the userdata script. # @param custom_append [String]: Arbitrary extra code to append to our default userdata behavior. # @return [String] def self.fetchUserdata(platform: "linux", template_variables: {}, custom_append: nil, scrub_mu_isms: false) return nil if platform.nil? or platform.empty? @@userdata_semaphore.synchronize { script = "" if !scrub_mu_isms if template_variables.nil? or !template_variables.is_a?(Hash) raise MuError, "My second argument should be a hash of variables to pass into ERB templates" end $mu = OpenStruct.new(template_variables) userdata_dir = File.expand_path(MU.myRoot+"/modules/mu/providers/aws/userdata") platform = "linux" if %w{centos centos6 centos7 ubuntu ubuntu14 rhel rhel7 rhel71 amazon}.include? platform platform = "windows" if %w{win2k12r2 win2k12 win2k8 win2k8r2 win2k16}.include? platform erbfile = "#{userdata_dir}/#{platform}.erb" if !File.exist?(erbfile) MU.log "No such userdata template '#{erbfile}'", MU::WARN, details: caller return "" end userdata = File.read(erbfile) begin erb = ERB.new(userdata, nil, "<>") script = erb.result rescue NameError => e raise MuError, "Error parsing userdata script #{erbfile} as an ERB template: #{e.inspect}" end MU.log "Parsed #{erbfile} as ERB", MU::DEBUG, details: script end if !custom_append.nil? if custom_append['path'].nil? raise MuError, "Got a custom userdata script argument, but no ['path'] component" end erbfile = File.read(custom_append['path']) MU.log "Loaded userdata script from #{custom_append['path']}" if custom_append['use_erb'] begin erb = ERB.new(erbfile, 1, "<>") if custom_append['skip_std'] script = +erb.result else script = script+"\n"+erb.result end rescue NameError => e raise MuError, "Error parsing userdata script #{erbfile} as an ERB template: #{e.inspect}" end MU.log "Parsed #{custom_append['path']} as ERB", MU::DEBUG, details: script else if custom_append['skip_std'] script = erbfile else script = script+"\n"+erbfile end MU.log "Parsed #{custom_append['path']} as flat file", MU::DEBUG, details: script end end return script } end # Find volumes attached to a given instance id and tag them. If no arguments # besides the instance id are provided, it will add our special MU-ID # tag. Can also be used to do things like set the resource's name, if you # leverage the other arguments. # @param instance_id [String]: The cloud provider's identifier for the parent instance of this volume. # @param device [String]: The OS-level device name of the volume. # @param tag_name [String]: The name of the tag to attach. # @param tag_value [String]: The value of the tag to attach. # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @return [void] def self.tagVolumes(instance_id, device: nil, tag_name: "MU-ID", tag_value: MU.deploy_id, region: MU.curRegion, credentials: nil) MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region, credentials: credentials).describe_volumes(filters: [name: "attachment.instance-id", values: [instance_id]]).each { |vol| vol.volumes.each { |volume| volume.attachments.each { |attachment| vol_parent = attachment.instance_id vol_id = attachment.volume_id vol_dev = attachment.device if vol_parent == instance_id and (vol_dev == device or device.nil?) MU::Cloud::AWS.createTag(vol_id, tag_name, tag_value, region: region, credentials: credentials) break end } } } end # Called automatically by {MU::Deploy#createResources} def create begin done = false instance = createEc2Instance @cloud_id = instance.instance_id @deploy.saveNodeSecret(@cloud_id, @config['instance_secret'], "instance_secret") @config.delete("instance_secret") if !@config['async_groom'] sleep 5 MU::MommaCat.lock(instance.instance_id+"-create") if !postBoot MU.log "#{@config['name']} is already being groomed, skipping", MU::NOTICE else MU.log "Node creation complete for #{@config['name']}" end MU::MommaCat.unlock(instance.instance_id+"-create") else MU::Cloud::AWS.createStandardTags( instance.instance_id, region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials, optional: @config['optional_tags'], nametag: @mu_name, othertags: @config['tags'] ) end done = true rescue StandardError => e if !instance.nil? and !done MU.log "Aborted before I could finish setting up #{@config['name']}, cleaning it up. Stack trace will print once cleanup is complete.", MU::WARN if !@deploy.nocleanup MU::MommaCat.unlockAll if !@deploy.nocleanup parent_thread_id = Thread.current.object_id Thread.new { MU.dupGlobals(parent_thread_id) MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.cleanup(noop: false, ignoremaster: false, region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials, flags: { "skipsnapshots" => true } ) } end end raise e end return @config end # Create an Amazon EC2 instance. def createEc2Instance instance_descriptor = { :image_id => @config["image_id"], :key_name => @deploy.ssh_key_name, :instance_type => @config["size"], :disable_api_termination => true, :min_count => 1, :max_count => 1 } instance_descriptor[:iam_instance_profile] = getIAMProfile security_groups = myFirewallRules.map { |fw| fw.cloud_id } if security_groups.size > 0 instance_descriptor[:security_group_ids] = security_groups else raise MuError, "Didn't get any security groups assigned to be in #{@mu_name}, that shouldn't happen" end if @config['private_ip'] instance_descriptor[:private_ip_address] = @config['private_ip'] end if !@vpc.nil? and @config.has_key?("vpc") subnet = mySubnets.sample if subnet.nil? raise MuError, "Got null subnet id out of #{@config['vpc']}" end MU.log "Deploying #{@mu_name} into VPC #{@vpc.cloud_id} Subnet #{subnet.cloud_id}" allowBastionAccess instance_descriptor[:subnet_id] = subnet.cloud_id end if !@userdata.nil? and !@userdata.empty? instance_descriptor[:user_data] = Base64.encode64(@userdata) end MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.waitForAMI(@config["image_id"], region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials) instance_descriptor[:block_device_mappings] = MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.configureBlockDevices(image_id: @config["image_id"], storage: @config['storage'], region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials) instance_descriptor[:monitoring] = {enabled: @config['monitoring']} if @tags and @tags.size > 0 instance_descriptor[:tag_specifications] = [{ :resource_type => "instance", :tags => @tags.keys.map { |k| { :key => k, :value => @tags[k] } } }] end MU.log "Creating EC2 instance #{@mu_name}", details: instance_descriptor instance = resp = nil loop_if = Proc.new { instance = resp.instances.first if resp and resp.instances resp.nil? or resp.instances.nil? or instance.nil? } begin MU.retrier([Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidGroupNotFound, Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidSubnetIDNotFound, Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidParameterValue], loop_if: loop_if, loop_msg: "Waiting for run_instances to return #{@mu_name}") { resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).run_instances(instance_descriptor) } rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidRequest => e MU.log e.message, MU::ERR, details: instance_descriptor raise e end MU.log "#{@mu_name} (#{instance.instance_id}) coming online" instance end # Ask the Amazon API to restart this node def reboot(hard = false) return if @cloud_id.nil? if hard groupname = nil if !@config['basis'].nil? resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.autoscale(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).describe_auto_scaling_instances( instance_ids: [@cloud_id] ) groupname = resp.auto_scaling_instances.first.auto_scaling_group_name MU.log "Pausing Autoscale processes in #{groupname}", MU::NOTICE MU::Cloud::AWS.autoscale(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).suspend_processes( auto_scaling_group_name: groupname, scaling_processes: [ "Terminate", ], ) end begin MU.log "Stopping #{@mu_name} (#{@cloud_id})", MU::NOTICE MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).stop_instances( instance_ids: [@cloud_id] ) MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).wait_until(:instance_stopped, instance_ids: [@cloud_id]) do |waiter| waiter.before_attempt do MU.log "Waiting for #{@mu_name} to stop for hard reboot" end end MU.log "Starting #{@mu_name} (#{@cloud_id})" MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).start_instances( instance_ids: [@cloud_id] ) ensure if !groupname.nil? MU.log "Resuming Autoscale processes in #{groupname}", MU::NOTICE MU::Cloud::AWS.autoscale(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).resume_processes( auto_scaling_group_name: groupname, scaling_processes: [ "Terminate", ], ) end end else MU.log "Rebooting #{@mu_name} (#{@cloud_id})" MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).reboot_instances( instance_ids: [@cloud_id] ) end end # Figure out what's needed to SSH into this server. # @return [Array]: nat_ssh_key, nat_ssh_user, nat_ssh_host, canonical_ip, ssh_user, ssh_key_name, alternate_names def getSSHConfig cloud_desc(use_cache: false) # make sure we're current # XXX add some awesome alternate names from metadata and make sure they end # up in MU::MommaCat's ssh config wangling return nil if @config.nil? or @deploy.nil? nat_ssh_key = nat_ssh_user = nat_ssh_host = nil if !@config["vpc"].nil? and !MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "VPC").haveRouteToInstance?(cloud_desc, region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials) if !@nat.nil? if @nat.is_a?(Struct) && @nat.nat_gateway_id && @nat.nat_gateway_id.start_with?("nat-") raise MuError, "Configured to use NAT Gateway, but I have no route to instance. Either use Bastion, or configure VPC peering" end if @nat.cloud_desc.nil? MU.log "NAT was missing cloud descriptor when called in #{@mu_name}'s getSSHConfig", MU::ERR return nil end # XXX Yanking these things from the cloud descriptor will only work in AWS! nat_ssh_key = @nat.cloud_desc.key_name nat_ssh_key = @config["vpc"]["nat_ssh_key"] if !@config["vpc"]["nat_ssh_key"].nil? nat_ssh_host = @nat.cloud_desc.public_ip_address nat_ssh_user = @config["vpc"]["nat_ssh_user"] if nat_ssh_user.nil? and !nat_ssh_host.nil? MU.log "#{@config["name"]} (#{MU.deploy_id}) is configured to use #{@config['vpc']} NAT #{nat_ssh_host}, but username isn't specified. Guessing root.", MU::ERR, details: caller nat_ssh_user = "root" end end end if @config['ssh_user'].nil? if windows? @config['ssh_user'] = "Administrator" else @config['ssh_user'] = "root" end end return [nat_ssh_key, nat_ssh_user, nat_ssh_host, canonicalIP, @config['ssh_user'], @deploy.ssh_key_name] end # Apply tags, bootstrap our configuration management, and other # administravia for a new instance. def postBoot(instance_id = nil) @cloud_id ||= instance_id _node, _config, deploydata = describe(cloud_id: @cloud_id) raise MuError, "Couldn't find instance #{@mu_name} (#{@cloud_id})" if !cloud_desc return false if !MU::MommaCat.lock(@cloud_id+"-orchestrate", true) return false if !MU::MommaCat.lock(@cloud_id+"-groom", true) finish = Proc.new { |status| MU::MommaCat.unlock(@cloud_id+"-orchestrate") MU::MommaCat.unlock(@cloud_id+"-groom") return status } MU::Cloud::AWS.createStandardTags( @cloud_id, region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials, optional: @config['optional_tags'], nametag: @mu_name, othertags: @config['tags'] ) # Make double sure we don't lose a cached mu_windows_name value. if (windows? or !@config['active_directory'].nil?) @mu_windows_name ||= deploydata['mu_windows_name'] end loop_if = Proc.new { !cloud_desc(use_cache: false) or cloud_desc.state.name != "running" } MU.retrier([Aws::EC2::Errors::ServiceError], max: 30, wait: 40, loop_if: loop_if) { |retries, _wait| if cloud_desc and cloud_desc.state.name == "terminated" raise MuError, "#{@cloud_id} appears to have been terminated mid-bootstrap!" end if retries % 3 == 0 MU.log "Waiting for EC2 instance #{@mu_name} (#{@cloud_id}) to be ready...", MU::NOTICE end } allowBastionAccess setAlarms # Unless we're planning on associating a different IP later, set up a # DNS entry for this thing and let it sync in the background. We'll come # back to it later. if @config['static_ip'].nil? and !@named MU::MommaCat.nameKitten(self) @named = true end if !@config['src_dst_check'] and !@config["vpc"].nil? MU.log "Disabling source_dest_check #{@mu_name} (making it NAT-worthy)" MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).modify_instance_attribute( instance_id: @cloud_id, source_dest_check: { value: false } ) end # Set console termination protection. Autoscale nodes won't set this # by default. MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).modify_instance_attribute( instance_id: @cloud_id, disable_api_termination: { value: true} ) tagVolumes configureNetworking saveCredentials if !@config['image_then_destroy'] notify end getIAMProfile finish.call(false) if !bootstrapGroomer # Make sure we got our name written everywhere applicable if !@named MU::MommaCat.nameKitten(self) @named = true end finish.call(true) end #postboot # Locate an existing instance or instances and return an array containing matching AWS resource descriptors for those that match. # @return [Hash]: The cloud provider's complete descriptions of matching instances def self.find(**args) ip ||= args[:flags]['ip'] if args[:flags] and args[:flags]['ip'] regions = args[:region].nil? ? MU::Cloud::AWS.listRegions : [args[:region]] found = {} search_semaphore = Mutex.new search_threads = [] base_filter = { name: "instance-state-name", values: ["running", "pending", "stopped"] } searches = [] if args[:cloud_id] searches << { :instance_ids => [args[:cloud_id]], :filters => [base_filter] } end if ip ["ip-address", "private-ip-address"].each { |ip_type| searches << { filters: [base_filter, {name: ip_type, values: [ip]} ], } } end if args[:tag_value] and args[:tag_key] searches << { filters: [ base_filter, {name: ip_type, values: [ip]}, {name: "tag:#{args[:tag_key]}", values: [args[:tag_value]]}, ] } end if searches.empty? searches << { filters: [base_filter] } end regions.each { |r| searches.each { |search| search_threads << Thread.new(search) { |params| MU.retrier([], wait: 5, max: 5, ignoreme: [Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidInstanceIDNotFound]) { MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: r, credentials: args[:credentials]).describe_instances(params).reservations.each { |resp| next if resp.nil? or resp.instances.nil? resp.instances.each { |i| search_semaphore.synchronize { found[i.instance_id] = i } } } } } } } done_threads = [] begin search_threads.each { |t| joined = t.join(2) done_threads << joined if !joined.nil? } end while found.size < 1 and done_threads.size != search_threads.size return found end # Reverse-map our cloud description into a runnable config hash. # We assume that any values we have in +@config+ are placeholders, and # calculate our own accordingly based on what's live in the cloud. def toKitten(**_args) bok = { "cloud" => "AWS", "credentials" => @credentials, "cloud_id" => @cloud_id, "region" => @config['region'] } if !cloud_desc MU.log "toKitten failed to load a cloud_desc from #{@cloud_id}", MU::ERR, details: @config return nil end asgs = MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "ServerPool").find( instance_id: @cloud_id, region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials ) if asgs.size > 0 MU.log "#{@mu_name} is an Autoscale node, will be adopted under server_pools", MU::DEBUG, details: asgs return nil end bok['name'] = @cloud_id if cloud_desc.tags and !cloud_desc.tags.empty? bok['tags'] = MU.structToHash(cloud_desc.tags, stringify_keys: true) realname = MU::Adoption.tagsToName(bok['tags']) if realname bok['name'] = realname bok['name'].gsub!(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/, "_") end end bok['size'] = cloud_desc.instance_type if cloud_desc.vpc_id bok['vpc'] = MU::Config::Ref.get( id: cloud_desc.vpc_id, cloud: "AWS", credentials: @credentials, type: "vpcs", ) end if !cloud_desc.source_dest_check bok['src_dst_check'] = false end bok['image_id'] = cloud_desc.image_id ami = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).describe_images(image_ids: [bok['image_id']]).images.first if ami.nil? or ami.empty? MU.log "#{@mu_name} source image #{bok['image_id']} no longer exists", MU::WARN bok.delete("image_id") end if cloud_desc.block_device_mappings and !cloud_desc.block_device_mappings.empty? vol_map = {} MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).describe_volumes( volume_ids: cloud_desc.block_device_mappings.map { |d| d.ebs.volume_id if d.ebs } ).volumes.each { |vol| vol_map[vol.volume_id] = vol } cloud_desc.block_device_mappings.each { |disk| if ami and ami.block_device_mappings is_ami_disk = false ami.block_device_mappings.each { |ami_dev| is_ami_disk = true if ami_dev.device_name == disk.device_name } next if is_ami_disk end disk_desc = { "device" => disk.device_name } if disk.ebs and disk.ebs.volume_id and vol_map[disk.ebs.volume_id] disk_desc["size"] = vol_map[disk.ebs.volume_id].size disk_desc["delete_on_termination"] = disk.ebs.delete_on_termination if vol_map[disk.ebs.volume_id].encrypted disk_desc['encrypted'] = true end if vol_map[disk.ebs.volume_id].iops disk_desc['iops'] = vol_map[disk.ebs.volume_id].iops end disk_desc["volume_type"] = vol_map[disk.ebs.volume_id].volume_type end bok['storage'] ||= [] bok['storage'] << disk_desc } end cloud_desc.network_interfaces.each { |int| if !bok['vpc'] and int.vpc_id bok['vpc'] = MU::Config::Ref.get( id: int.vpc_id, cloud: "AWS", credentials: @credentials, region: @config['region'], subnet_id: int.subnet_id, habitat: MU::Config::Ref.get( id: int.owner_id, cloud: "AWS", credentials: @credentials ) ) end int.private_ip_addresses.each { |priv_ip| if !priv_ip.primary bok['add_private_ips'] ||= 0 bok['add_private_ips'] += 1 end if priv_ip.association and priv_ip.association.public_ip bok['associate_public_ip'] = true if priv_ip.association.ip_owner_id != "amazon" bok['static_ip'] = { "assign_ip" => true, "ip" => priv_ip.association.public_ip } end end } if int.groups.size > 0 require 'mu/providers/aws/firewall_rule' ifaces = MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "FirewallRule").getAssociatedInterfaces(int.groups.map { |sg| sg.group_id }, credentials: @credentials, region: @config['region']) done_local_rules = false int.groups.each { |sg| if !done_local_rules and ifaces[sg.group_id].size == 1 sg_desc = MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "FirewallRule").find(cloud_id: sg.group_id, credentials: @credentials, region: @config['region']).values.first if sg_desc bok["ingress_rules"] = MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "FirewallRule").rulesToBoK(sg_desc.ip_permissions) bok["ingress_rules"].concat(MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "FirewallRule").rulesToBoK(sg_desc.ip_permissions_egress, egress: true)) done_local_rules = true next end end bok['add_firewall_rules'] ||= [] bok['add_firewall_rules'] << MU::Config::Ref.get( id: sg.group_id, cloud: "AWS", credentials: @credentials, type: "firewall_rules", region: @config['region'] ) } end } # XXX go get the got-damned instance profile bok end # Return a description of this resource appropriate for deployment # metadata. Arguments reflect the return values of the MU::Cloud::[Resource].describe method def notify if cloud_desc.nil? raise MuError, "Failed to load instance metadata for #{@mu_name}/#{@cloud_id}" end interfaces = [] private_ips = [] cloud_desc.network_interfaces.each { |iface| iface.private_ip_addresses.each { |priv_ip| private_ips << priv_ip.private_ip_address } interfaces << { "network_interface_id" => iface.network_interface_id, "subnet_id" => iface.subnet_id, "vpc_id" => iface.vpc_id } } deploydata = { "nodename" => @mu_name, "run_list" => @config['run_list'], "image_created" => @config['image_created'], "iam_role" => @config['iam_role'], "cloud_desc_id" => @cloud_id, "private_dns_name" => cloud_desc.private_dns_name, "public_dns_name" => cloud_desc.public_dns_name, "private_ip_address" => cloud_desc.private_ip_address, "public_ip_address" => cloud_desc.public_ip_address, "private_ip_list" => private_ips, "key_name" => cloud_desc.key_name, "subnet_id" => cloud_desc.subnet_id, "cloud_desc_type" => cloud_desc.instance_type #, # "network_interfaces" => interfaces, # "config" => server } if !@mu_windows_name.nil? deploydata["mu_windows_name"] = @mu_windows_name end if !@config['chef_data'].nil? deploydata.merge!(@config['chef_data']) end deploydata["region"] = @config['region'] if !@config['region'].nil? if !@named MU::MommaCat.nameKitten(self, no_dns: true) @named = true end return deploydata end # Called automatically by {MU::Deploy#createResources} def groom MU::MommaCat.lock(@cloud_id+"-groom") # Make double sure we don't lose a cached mu_windows_name value. if windows? or !@config['active_directory'].nil? if @mu_windows_name.nil? @mu_windows_name = deploydata['mu_windows_name'] end end allowBastionAccess tagVolumes # If we have a loadbalancer configured, attach us to it if !@config['loadbalancers'].nil? if @loadbalancers.nil? raise MuError, "#{@mu_name} is configured to use LoadBalancers, but none have been loaded by dependencies()" end @loadbalancers.each { |lb| lb.registerNode(@cloud_id) } end MU.log %Q{Server #{@config['name']} private IP is #{@deploydata["private_ip_address"]}#{@deploydata["public_ip_address"] ? ", public IP is "+@deploydata["public_ip_address"] : ""}}, MU::SUMMARY # Let us into any databases we depend on. # This is probelmtic with autscaling - old ips are not removed, and access to the database can easily be given at the BoK level # if @dependencies.has_key?("database") # @dependencies['database'].values.each { |db| # db.allowHost(@deploydata["private_ip_address"]+"/32") # if @deploydata["public_ip_address"] # db.allowHost(@deploydata["public_ip_address"]+"/32") # end # } # end if @config['groom'].nil? or @config['groom'] @groomer.saveDeployData end begin getIAMProfile dbs = @deploy.findLitterMate(type: "database", return_all: true) if dbs dbs.each_pair { |sib_name, sib| @groomer.groomer_class.grantSecretAccess(@mu_name, sib_name, "database_credentials") if sib.config and sib.config['auth_vault'] @groomer.groomer_class.grantSecretAccess(@mu_name, sib.config['auth_vault']['vault'], sib.config['auth_vault']['item']) end } end if @config['groom'].nil? or @config['groom'] @groomer.run(purpose: "Full Initial Run", max_retries: 15, reboot_first_fail: (windows? and @config['groomer'] != "Ansible"), timeout: @config['groomer_timeout']) end rescue MU::Groomer::RunError => e raise e if !@config['create_image'].nil? and !@config['image_created'] MU.log "Proceeding after failed initial Groomer run, but #{@mu_name} may not behave as expected!", MU::WARN, details: e.message rescue StandardError => e raise e if !@config['create_image'].nil? and !@config['image_created'] MU.log "Caught #{e.inspect} on #{@mu_name} in an unexpected place (after @groomer.run on Full Initial Run)", MU::ERR end if !@config['create_image'].nil? and !@config['image_created'] createImage end MU::MommaCat.unlock(@cloud_id+"-groom") end # Canonical Amazon Resource Number for this resource # @return [String] def arn "arn:"+(MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud?(@config["region"]) ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws")+":ec2:"+@config['region']+":"+MU::Cloud::AWS.credToAcct(@credentials)+":instance/"+@cloud_id end @cloud_desc_cache = nil # Return the cloud provider's description for this instance # @return [Openstruct] def cloud_desc(use_cache: true) return @cloud_desc_cache if @cloud_desc_cache and use_cache return nil if !@cloud_id max_retries = 5 retries = 0 if !@cloud_id.nil? begin resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).describe_instances(instance_ids: [@cloud_id]) if resp and resp.reservations and resp.reservations.first and resp.reservations.first.instances and resp.reservations.first.instances.first @cloud_desc_cache = resp.reservations.first.instances.first return @cloud_desc_cache end rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidInstanceIDNotFound return nil rescue NoMethodError if retries >= max_retries raise MuError, "Couldn't get a cloud descriptor for #{@mu_name} (#{@cloud_id})" else retries = retries + 1 sleep 10 retry end end end nil end # Return the IP address that we, the Mu server, should be using to access # this host via the network. Note that this does not factor in SSH # bastion hosts that may be in the path, see getSSHConfig if that's what # you need. def canonicalIP if !cloud_desc raise MuError, "Couldn't retrieve cloud descriptor for server #{self}" end if deploydata.nil? or (!deploydata.has_key?("private_ip_address") and !deploydata.has_key?("public_ip_address")) return nil if cloud_desc.nil? @deploydata = {} if @deploydata.nil? @deploydata["public_ip_address"] = cloud_desc.public_ip_address @deploydata["public_dns_name"] = cloud_desc.public_dns_name @deploydata["private_ip_address"] = cloud_desc.private_ip_address @deploydata["private_dns_name"] = cloud_desc.private_dns_name notify end # Our deploydata gets corrupted often with server pools, this will cause us to use the wrong IP to identify a node # which will cause us to create certificates, DNS records and other artifacts with incorrect information which will cause our deploy to fail. # The cloud_id is always correct so lets use 'cloud_desc' to get the correct IPs if MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "VPC").haveRouteToInstance?(cloud_desc, region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials) or @deploydata["public_ip_address"].nil? @config['canonical_ip'] = cloud_desc.private_ip_address @deploydata["private_ip_address"] = cloud_desc.private_ip_address return cloud_desc.private_ip_address else @config['canonical_ip'] = cloud_desc.public_ip_address @deploydata["public_ip_address"] = cloud_desc.public_ip_address return cloud_desc.public_ip_address end end # Create an AMI out of a running server. Requires either the name of a MU resource in the current deployment, or the cloud provider id of a running instance. # @param name [String]: The MU resource name of the server to use as the basis for this image. # @param instance_id [String]: The cloud provider resource identifier of the server to use as the basis for this image. # @param storage [Hash]: The storage devices to include in this image. # @param exclude_storage [Boolean]: Do not include the storage device profile of the running instance when creating this image. # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @param copy_to_regions [Array]: Copy the resulting AMI into the listed regions. # @param tags [Array]: Extra/override tags to apply to the image. # @return [String]: The cloud provider identifier of the new machine image. def self.createImage(name: nil, instance_id: nil, storage: {}, exclude_storage: false, make_public: false, region: MU.curRegion, copy_to_regions: [], tags: [], credentials: nil) ami_descriptor = { :instance_id => instance_id, :name => name, :description => "Image automatically generated by Mu from #{name}" } ami_ids = {} storage_list = Array.new if exclude_storage instance = MU::Cloud::Server.find(cloud_id: instance_id, region: region) instance.block_device_mappings.each { |vol| if vol.device_name != instance.root_device_name storage_list << MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.convertBlockDeviceMapping( { "device" => vol.device_name, "no-device" => "" } )[0] end } elsif !storage.nil? storage.each { |vol| storage_list << MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.convertBlockDeviceMapping(vol)[0] } end ami_descriptor[:block_device_mappings] = storage_list if !exclude_storage ami_descriptor[:block_device_mappings].concat(@ephemeral_mappings) end MU.log "Creating AMI from #{name}", details: ami_descriptor resp = nil begin resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region, credentials: credentials).create_image(ami_descriptor) rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidAMINameDuplicate MU.log "AMI #{name} already exists, skipping", MU::WARN return nil end ami = resp.image_id ami_ids[region] = ami MU::Cloud::AWS.createStandardTags(ami, region: region, credentials: credentials) MU::Cloud::AWS.createTag(ami, "Name", name, region: region, credentials: credentials) MU.log "AMI of #{name} in region #{region}: #{ami}" if make_public MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.waitForAMI(ami, region: region, credentials: credentials) MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region, credentials: credentials).modify_image_attribute( image_id: ami, launch_permission: {add: [{group: "all"}]}, attribute: "launchPermission" ) end copythreads = [] if !copy_to_regions.nil? and copy_to_regions.size > 0 parent_thread_id = Thread.current.object_id MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.waitForAMI(ami, region: region, credentials: credentials) if !make_public copy_to_regions.each { |r| next if r == region copythreads << Thread.new { MU.dupGlobals(parent_thread_id) copy = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: r, credentials: credentials).copy_image( source_region: region, source_image_id: ami, name: name, description: "Image automatically generated by Mu from #{name}" ) MU.log "Initiated copy of #{ami} from #{region} to #{r}: #{copy.image_id}" ami_ids[r] = copy.image_id MU::Cloud::AWS.createStandardTags(copy.image_id, region: r, credentials: credentials) MU::Cloud::AWS.createTag(copy.image_id, "Name", name, region: r, credentials: credentials) if !tags.nil? tags.each { |tag| MU::Cloud::AWS.createTag(instance.instance_id, tag['key'], tag['value'], region: r, credentials: credentials) } end MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.waitForAMI(copy.image_id, region: r, credentials: credentials) if make_public MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: r, credentials: credentials).modify_image_attribute( image_id: copy.image_id, launch_permission: {add: [{group: "all"}]}, attribute: "launchPermission" ) end MU.log "AMI of #{name} in region #{r}: #{copy.image_id}" } # Thread } end copythreads.each { |t| t.join } return ami_ids end # Given a cloud platform identifier for a machine image, wait until it's # flagged as ready. # @param image_id [String]: The machine image to wait for. # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region def self.waitForAMI(image_id, region: MU.curRegion, credentials: nil) MU.log "Checking to see if AMI #{image_id} is available", MU::DEBUG retries = 0 begin images = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region, credentials: credentials).describe_images(image_ids: [image_id]).images if images.nil? or images.size == 0 raise MuError, "No such AMI #{image_id} found" end state = images.first.state if state == "failed" raise MuError, "#{image_id} is marked as failed! I can't use this." end if state != "available" loglevel = MU::DEBUG loglevel = MU::NOTICE if retries % 3 == 0 MU.log "Waiting for AMI #{image_id} in #{region} (#{state})", loglevel sleep 60 end rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidAMIIDNotFound => e retries = retries + 1 if retries >= 10 raise e end sleep 5 retry end while state != "available" MU.log "AMI #{image_id} is ready", MU::DEBUG end # Maps our configuration language's 'storage' primitive to an Amazon-style # block_device_mapping. # @param storage [Hash]: The {MU::Config}-style storage description. # @return [Hash]: The Amazon-style storage description. def self.convertBlockDeviceMapping(storage) vol_struct = {} cfm_mapping = {} if storage["no_device"] vol_struct[:no_device] = storage["no_device"] cfm_mapping["NoDevice"] = storage["no_device"] end if storage["device"] vol_struct[:device_name] = storage["device"] cfm_mapping["DeviceName"] = storage["device"] elsif storage["no_device"].nil? vol_struct[:device_name] = @disk_devices.shift cfm_mapping["DeviceName"] = @disk_devices.shift end vol_struct[:virtual_name] = storage["virtual_name"] if storage["virtual_name"] storage["volume_size"] = storage["size"] if storage["snapshot_id"] or storage["size"] vol_struct[:ebs] = {} cfm_mapping["Ebs"] = {} [:delete_on_termination, :snapshot_id, :volume_size, :volume_type, :encrypted].each { |arg| if storage.has_key?(arg.to_s) and !storage[arg.to_s].nil? vol_struct[:ebs][arg] = storage[arg.to_s] key = "" arg.to_s.split(/_/).each { |chunk| key = key + chunk.capitalize } cfm_mapping["Ebs"][key] = storage[arg.to_s] end } cfm_mapping["Ebs"].delete("Encrypted") if !cfm_mapping["Ebs"]["Encrypted"] if storage["iops"] and storage["volume_type"] == "io1" vol_struct[:ebs][:iops] = storage["iops"] cfm_mapping["Ebs"]["Iops"] = storage["iops"] end end return [vol_struct, cfm_mapping] end # Retrieves the Cloud provider's randomly generated Windows password # Will only work on stock Amazon Windows AMIs or custom AMIs that where created with Administrator Password set to random in EC2Config # return [String]: A password string. def getWindowsAdminPassword(use_cache: true) @config['windows_auth_vault'] ||= { "vault" => @mu_name, "item" => "windows_credentials", "password_field" => "password" } if use_cache begin win_admin_password = @groomer.getSecret( vault: @config['windows_auth_vault']['vault'], item: @config['windows_auth_vault']['item'], field: @config["windows_auth_vault"]["password_field"] ) return win_admin_password if win_admin_password rescue MU::Groomer::MuNoSuchSecret, MU::Groomer::RunError end end @cloud_id ||= cloud_desc(use_cache: false).instance_id ssh_keydir = "#{Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir}/.ssh" ssh_key_name = @deploy.ssh_key_name retries = 0 MU.log "Waiting for Windows instance password to be set by Amazon and flagged as available from the API. Note- if you're using a source AMI that already has its password set, this may fail. You'll want to set use_cloud_provider_windows_password to false if this is the case.", MU::NOTICE begin MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).wait_until(:password_data_available, instance_id: @cloud_id) do |waiter| waiter.max_attempts = 60 waiter.before_attempt do |attempts| MU.log "Waiting for Windows password data to be available for node #{@mu_name}", MU::NOTICE if attempts % 5 == 0 end # waiter.before_wait do |attempts, resp| # throw :success if resp.data.password_data and !resp.data.password_data.empty? # end end rescue Aws::Waiters::Errors::TooManyAttemptsError => e if retries < 2 retries = retries + 1 MU.log "wait_until(:password_data_available, instance_id: #{@cloud_id}) in #{@config['region']} never got a good response, retrying (#{retries}/2)", MU::WARN, details: e.inspect retry else MU.log "wait_until(:password_data_available, instance_id: #{@cloud_id}) in #{@config['region']} never returned- this image may not be configured to have its password set by AWS.", MU::ERR return nil end end resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).get_password_data(instance_id: @cloud_id) encrypted_password = resp.password_data # Note: This is already implemented in the decrypt_windows_password API call decoded = Base64.decode64(encrypted_password) pem_bytes = File.open("#{ssh_keydir}/#{ssh_key_name}", 'rb') { |f| f.read } private_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(pem_bytes) decrypted_password = private_key.private_decrypt(decoded) saveCredentials(decrypted_password) return decrypted_password end @eips_used = Array.new # Find a free AWS Elastic IP. # @param classic [Boolean]: Toggle whether to allocate an IP in EC2 Classic # instead of VPC. # @param ip [String]: Request a specific IP address. # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region def self.findFreeElasticIp(classic: false, ip: nil, region: MU.curRegion) filters = Array.new if !classic filters << {name: "domain", values: ["vpc"]} else filters << {name: "domain", values: ["standard"]} end filters << {name: "public-ip", values: [ip]} if ip != nil if filters.size > 0 resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region).describe_addresses(filters: filters) else resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region).describe_addresses() end resp.addresses.each { |address| return address if (address.network_interface_id.nil? || address.network_interface_id.empty?) && !@eips_used.include?(address.public_ip) } if ip != nil if !classic raise MuError, "Requested EIP #{ip}, but no such IP exists or is avaulable in VPC" else raise MuError, "Requested EIP #{ip}, but no such IP exists or is available in EC2 Classic" end end if !classic resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region).allocate_address(domain: "vpc") new_ip = resp.public_ip else new_ip = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region).allocate_address().public_ip end filters = [{name: "public-ip", values: [new_ip]}] if resp.domain filters << {name: "domain", values: [resp.domain]} end rescue NoMethodError if new_ip.nil? MU.log "Unable to allocate new Elastic IP. Are we at quota?", MU::ERR raise MuError, "Unable to allocate new Elastic IP. Are we at quota?" end MU.log "Allocated new EIP #{new_ip}, fetching full description" begin begin sleep 5 resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region).describe_addresses( filters: filters ) addr = resp.addresses.first end while resp.addresses.size < 1 or addr.public_ip.nil? rescue NoMethodError MU.log "EIP descriptor came back without a public_ip attribute for #{new_ip}, retrying", MU::WARN sleep 5 retry end return addr end # Add a volume to this instance # @param dev [String]: Device name to use when attaching to instance # @param size [String]: Size (in gb) of the new volume # @param type [String]: Cloud storage type of the volume, if applicable # @param delete_on_termination [Boolean]: Value of delete_on_termination flag to set def addVolume(dev, size, type: "gp2", delete_on_termination: false) if setDeleteOntermination(dev, delete_on_termination) MU.log "A volume #{dev} already attached to #{self}, skipping", MU::NOTICE return end MU.log "Creating #{size}GB #{type} volume on #{dev} for #{@cloud_id}" creation = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).create_volume( availability_zone: cloud_desc.placement.availability_zone, size: size, volume_type: type ) MU.retrier(wait: 3, loop_if: Proc.new { creation = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).describe_volumes(volume_ids: [creation.volume_id]).volumes.first if !["creating", "available"].include?(creation.state) raise MuError, "Saw state '#{creation.state}' while creating #{size}GB #{type} volume on #{dev} for #{@cloud_id}" end creation.state != "available" }) if @deploy MU::Cloud::AWS.createStandardTags( creation.volume_id, region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials, optional: @config['optional_tags'], nametag: @mu_name+"-"+dev.upcase, othertags: @config['tags'] ) end MU.log "Attaching #{creation.volume_id} as #{dev} to #{@cloud_id} in #{@config['region']} (credentials #{@credentials})" attachment = nil MU.retrier([Aws::EC2::Errors::IncorrectState], wait: 15, max: 4) { attachment = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).attach_volume( device: dev, instance_id: @cloud_id, volume_id: creation.volume_id ) } begin attachment = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).describe_volumes(volume_ids: [attachment.volume_id]).volumes.first.attachments.first if !["attaching", "attached"].include?(attachment.state) raise MuError, "Saw state '#{creation.state}' while creating #{size}GB #{type} volume on #{dev} for #{@cloud_id}" end end while attachment.state != "attached" # Set delete_on_termination, which for some reason is an instance # attribute and not on the attachment setDeleteOntermination(dev, delete_on_termination) end # Determine whether the node in question exists at the Cloud provider # layer. # @return [Boolean] def active? if @cloud_id.nil? or @cloud_id.empty? MU.log "#{self} didn't have a #{@cloud_id}, couldn't determine 'active?' status", MU::ERR return true end begin MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).describe_instances( instance_ids: [@cloud_id] ).reservations.each { |resp| if !resp.nil? and !resp.instances.nil? resp.instances.each { |instance| if instance.state.name == "terminated" or instance.state.name == "terminating" return false end return true } end } rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidInstanceIDNotFound return false end return false end @eip_semaphore = Mutex.new # Associate an Amazon Elastic IP with an instance. # @param instance_id [String]: The cloud provider identifier of the instance. # @param classic [Boolean]: Whether to assume we're using an IP in EC2 Classic instead of VPC. # @param ip [String]: Request a specific IP address. # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @return [void] def self.associateElasticIp(instance_id, classic: false, ip: nil, region: MU.curRegion, credentials: nil) MU.log "associateElasticIp called: #{instance_id}, classic: #{classic}, ip: #{ip}, region: #{region}", MU::DEBUG elastic_ip = nil @eip_semaphore.synchronize { if !ip.nil? filters = [{name: "public-ip", values: [ip]}] resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region, credentials: credentials).describe_addresses(filters: filters) if @eips_used.include?(ip) is_free = false resp.addresses.each { |address| if address.public_ip == ip and (address.instance_id.nil? and address.network_interface_id.nil?) or address.instance_id == instance_id @eips_used.delete(ip) is_free = true end } raise MuError, "Requested EIP #{ip}, but we've already assigned this IP to someone else" if !is_free else resp.addresses.each { |address| if address.public_ip == ip and address.instance_id == instance_id return ip end } end end elastic_ip = findFreeElasticIp(classic: classic, ip: ip) if !ip.nil? and (elastic_ip.nil? or ip != elastic_ip.public_ip) raise MuError, "Requested EIP #{ip}, but this IP does not exist or is not available" end if elastic_ip.nil? raise MuError, "Couldn't find an Elastic IP to associate with #{instance_id}" end @eips_used << elastic_ip.public_ip MU.log "Associating Elastic IP #{elastic_ip.public_ip} with #{instance_id}", details: elastic_ip } on_retry = Proc.new { |e| if e.class == Aws::EC2::Errors::ResourceAlreadyAssociated # A previous association attempt may have succeeded, albeit slowly. resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region, credentials: credentials).describe_addresses( allocation_ids: [elastic_ip.allocation_id] ) first_addr = resp.addresses.first if first_addr and first_addr.instance_id != instance_id raise MuError, "Tried to associate #{elastic_ip.public_ip} with #{instance_id}, but it's already associated with #{first_addr.instance_id}!" end end } MU.retrier([Aws::EC2::Errors::IncorrectInstanceState, Aws::EC2::Errors::ResourceAlreadyAssociated], wait: 5, max: 6, on_retry: on_retry) { if classic MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region, credentials: credentials).associate_address( instance_id: instance_id, public_ip: elastic_ip.public_ip ) else MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region, credentials: credentials).associate_address( instance_id: instance_id, allocation_id: elastic_ip.allocation_id, allow_reassociation: false ) end } loop_if = Proc.new { instance = find(cloud_id: instance_id, region: region, credentials: credentials).values.first instance.public_ip_address != elastic_ip.public_ip } MU.retrier(loop_if: loop_if, wait: 10, max: 3) { MU.log "Waiting for Elastic IP association of #{elastic_ip.public_ip} to #{instance_id} to take effect", MU::NOTICE } MU.log "Elastic IP #{elastic_ip.public_ip} now associated with #{instance_id}" return elastic_ip.public_ip end # Does this resource type exist as a global (cloud-wide) artifact, or # is it localized to a region/zone? # @return [Boolean] def self.isGlobal? false end # Denote whether this resource implementation is experiment, ready for # testing, or ready for production use. def self.quality MU::Cloud::RELEASE end # Remove all instances associated with the currently loaded deployment. Also cleans up associated volumes, droppings in the MU master's /etc/hosts and ~/.ssh, and in whatever Groomer was used. # @param noop [Boolean]: If true, will only print what would be done # @param ignoremaster [Boolean]: If true, will remove resources not flagged as originating from this Mu server # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @return [void] def self.cleanup(noop: false, deploy_id: MU.deploy_id, ignoremaster: false, region: MU.curRegion, credentials: nil, flags: {}) onlycloud = flags["onlycloud"] skipsnapshots = flags["skipsnapshots"] tagfilters = [ {name: "tag:MU-ID", values: [deploy_id]} ] if !ignoremaster tagfilters << {name: "tag:MU-MASTER-IP", values: [MU.mu_public_ip]} end unterminated = Array.new name_tags = Array.new # Build a list of instances we need to clean up. We guard against # accidental deletion here by requiring someone to have hand-terminated # these, by default. resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(credentials: credentials, region: region).describe_instances( filters: tagfilters ) return if resp.data.reservations.nil? resp.data.reservations.each { |reservation| reservation.instances.each { |instance| if instance.state.name != "terminated" unterminated << instance instance.tags.each { |tag| name_tags << tag.value if tag.key == "Name" } end } } parent_thread_id = Thread.current.object_id threads = [] unterminated.each { |instance| threads << Thread.new(instance) { |myinstance| MU.dupGlobals(parent_thread_id) Thread.abort_on_exception = true MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.terminateInstance(id: myinstance.instance_id, noop: noop, onlycloud: onlycloud, region: region, deploy_id: deploy_id, credentials: credentials) } } resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(credentials: credentials, region: region).describe_volumes( filters: tagfilters ) resp.data.volumes.each { |volume| threads << Thread.new(volume) { |myvolume| MU.dupGlobals(parent_thread_id) Thread.abort_on_exception = true delete_volume(myvolume, noop, skipsnapshots, credentials: credentials, deploy_id: deploy_id) } } # Wait for all of the instances to finish cleanup before proceeding threads.each { |t| t.join } end # Return an instance's AWS-assigned IP addresses and hostnames. # @param instance [OpenStruct] # @param id [String] # @param region [String] # @param credentials [@String] # @return [Array] def self.getAddresses(instance = nil, id: nil, region: MU.curRegion, credentials: nil) return nil if !instance and !id instance ||= find(cloud_id: id, region: region, credentials: credentials).values.first return if !instance ips = [] names = [] instance.network_interfaces.each { |iface| iface.private_ip_addresses.each { |ip| ips << ip.private_ip_address names << ip.private_dns_name if ip.association ips << ip.association.public_ip names << ip.association.public_dns_name end } } [ips, names] end # Terminate an instance. # @param instance [OpenStruct]: The cloud provider's description of the instance. # @param id [String]: The cloud provider's identifier for the instance, to use if the full description is not available. # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @return [void] def self.terminateInstance(instance: nil, noop: false, id: nil, onlycloud: false, region: MU.curRegion, deploy_id: MU.deploy_id, mu_name: nil, credentials: nil) if !id and !instance MU.log "You must supply an instance handle or id to terminateInstance", MU::ERR return end instance ||= find(cloud_id: id, region: region, credentials: credentials).values.first return if !instance id ||= instance.instance_id begin MU::MommaCat.lock(".cleanup-"+id) rescue Errno::ENOENT => e MU.log "No lock for terminating instance #{id} due to missing metadata", MU::DEBUG end ips, names = getAddresses(instance, region: region, credentials: credentials) targets = ips +names server_obj = MU::MommaCat.findStray( "AWS", "servers", region: region, deploy_id: deploy_id, cloud_id: id, mu_name: mu_name, dummy_ok: true ).first if MU::Cloud::AWS.hosted? and !MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud? and server_obj targets.each { |target| MU::Cloud::DNSZone.genericMuDNSEntry(name: server_obj.mu_name, target: target, cloudclass: MU::Cloud::Server, delete: true, noop: noop) } end if targets.size > 0 and !onlycloud MU::Master.removeInstanceFromEtcHosts(server_obj.mu_name) if !noop and server_obj targets.each { |target| next if !target.match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) MU::Master.removeIPFromSSHKnownHosts(target, noop: noop) } end on_retry = Proc.new { instance = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(credentials: credentials, region: region).describe_instances(instance_ids: [instance.instance_id]).reservations.first.instances.first if instance.state.name == "terminated" MU.log "#{instance.instance_id}#{server_obj ? " ("+server_obj.mu_name+")" : ""} has already been terminated, skipping" MU::MommaCat.unlock(".cleanup-"+id) return end } loop_if = Proc.new { instance = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(credentials: credentials, region: region).describe_instances(instance_ids: [instance.instance_id]).reservations.first.instances.first instance.state.name != "terminated" } MU.log "Terminating #{instance.instance_id}#{server_obj ? " ("+server_obj.mu_name+")" : ""}" if !noop MU.retrier([Aws::EC2::Errors::IncorrectInstanceState, Aws::EC2::Errors::InternalError], wait: 30, max: 60, loop_if: loop_if, on_retry: on_retry) { MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(credentials: credentials, region: region).modify_instance_attribute( instance_id: instance.instance_id, disable_api_termination: {value: false} ) MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(credentials: credentials, region: region).terminate_instances(instance_ids: [instance.instance_id]) } end MU.log "#{instance.instance_id}#{server_obj ? " ("+server_obj.mu_name+")" : ""} terminated" if !noop begin MU::MommaCat.unlock(".cleanup-"+id) rescue Errno::ENOENT => e MU.log "No lock for terminating instance #{id} due to missing metadata", MU::DEBUG end end # Return a BoK-style config hash describing a NAT instance. We use this # to approximate NAT gateway functionality with a plain instance. # @return [Hash] def self.genericNAT return { "cloud" => "AWS", "bastion" => true, "size" => "t2.small", "run_list" => [ "mu-nat" ], "groomer" => "Ansible", "platform" => "centos7", "ssh_user" => "centos", "associate_public_ip" => true, "static_ip" => { "assign_ip" => true }, } end # Cloud-specific configuration properties. # @param _config [MU::Config]: The calling MU::Config object # @return [Array]: List of required fields, and json-schema Hash of cloud-specific configuration parameters for this resource def self.schema(_config) toplevel_required = [] schema = { "ami_id" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "Alias for +image_id+" }, "windows_admin_username" => { "type" => "string", "default" => "Administrator" }, "generate_iam_role" => { "type" => "boolean", "default" => true, "description" => "Generate a unique IAM profile for this Server or ServerPool.", }, "iam_role" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "An Amazon IAM instance profile, from which to harvest role policies to merge into this node's own instance profile. If generate_iam_role is false, will simple use this profile.", }, "canned_iam_policies" => { "type" => "array", "items" => { "description" => "IAM policies to attach, pre-defined by Amazon (e.g. AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy)", "type" => "string" } }, "iam_policies" => { "type" => "array", "items" => { "description" => "Amazon-compatible role policies which will be merged into this node's own instance profile. Not valid with generate_iam_role set to false. Our parser expects the role policy document to me embedded under a named container, e.g. { 'name_of_policy':'{ } }", "type" => "object" } }, "ingress_rules" => MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "FirewallRule").ingressRuleAddtlSchema, "ssh_user" => { "type" => "string", "default" => "root", "default_if" => [ { "key_is" => "platform", "value_is" => "windows", "set" => "Administrator" }, { "key_is" => "platform", "value_is" => "win2k12", "set" => "Administrator" }, { "key_is" => "platform", "value_is" => "win2k12r2", "set" => "Administrator" }, { "key_is" => "platform", "value_is" => "win2k16", "set" => "Administrator" }, { "key_is" => "platform", "value_is" => "rhel7", "set" => "ec2-user" }, { "key_is" => "platform", "value_is" => "rhel71", "set" => "ec2-user" }, { "key_is" => "platform", "value_is" => "amazon", "set" => "ec2-user" } ] } } [toplevel_required, schema] end # Confirm that the given instance size is valid for the given region. # If someone accidentally specified an equivalent size from some other cloud provider, return something that makes sense. If nothing makes sense, return nil. # @param size [String]: Instance type to check # @param region [String]: Region to check against # @return [String,nil] def self.validateInstanceType(size, region) size = size.dup.to_s types = begin (MU::Cloud::AWS.listInstanceTypes(region))[region] rescue Aws::Pricing::Errors::Unrecognitypes.has_key?(size) MU.log "Saw authentication error communicating with Pricing API, going to assume our instance type is correct", MU::WARN return size end return size if types.has_key?(size) if size.nil? or !types.has_key?(size) # See if it's a type we can approximate from one of the other clouds foundmatch = false MU::Cloud.availableClouds.each { |cloud| next if cloud == "AWS" foreign_types = (MU::Cloud.cloudClass(cloud).listInstanceTypes).values.first if foreign_types.size == 1 foreign_types = foreign_types.values.first end if foreign_types and foreign_types.size > 0 and foreign_types.has_key?(size) vcpu = foreign_types[size]["vcpu"] mem = foreign_types[size]["memory"] ecu = foreign_types[size]["ecu"] types.keys.sort.reverse.each { |type| features = types[type] next if ecu == "Variable" and ecu != features["ecu"] next if features["vcpu"] != vcpu if (features["memory"] - mem.to_f).abs < 0.10*mem foundmatch = true MU.log "You specified #{cloud} instance type '#{size}.' Approximating with Amazon EC2 type '#{type}.'", MU::WARN size = type break end } end break if foundmatch } if !foundmatch MU.log "Invalid size '#{size}' for AWS EC2 instance in #{region}. Supported types:", MU::ERR, details: types.keys.sort.join(", ") return nil end end size end # Boilerplate generation of an instance role # @param server [Hash]: The BoK-style config hash for a +Server+ or +ServerPool+ # @param configurator [MU::Config] def self.generateStandardRole(server, configurator) role = { "name" => server["name"], "credentials" => server["credentials"], "can_assume" => [ { "entity_id" => "ec2.amazonaws.com", "entity_type" => "service" } ], "policies" => [ { "name" => "MuSecrets", "permissions" => ["s3:GetObject"], "targets" => [ { "identifier" => 'arn:'+(MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud?(server['region']) ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws")+':s3:::'+MU::Cloud::AWS.adminBucketName(server['credentials'])+'/Mu_CA.pem' } ] } ] } if server['iam_policies'] role['iam_policies'] = server['iam_policies'].dup end if server['canned_iam_policies'] role['import'] = server['canned_iam_policies'].dup end if server['iam_role'] # XXX maybe break this down into policies and add those? end configurator.insertKitten(role, "roles") MU::Config.addDependency(server, server["name"], "role") end # Cloud-specific pre-processing of {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::servers}, bare and unvalidated. # @param server [Hash]: The resource to process and validate # @param configurator [MU::Config]: The overall deployment configurator of which this resource is a member # @return [Boolean]: True if validation succeeded, False otherwise def self.validateConfig(server, configurator) ok = true server['size'] = validateInstanceType(server["size"], server["region"]) ok = false if server['size'].nil? if !server['generate_iam_role'] if !server['iam_role'] and server['cloud'] != "CloudFormation" MU.log "Must set iam_role if generate_iam_role set to false", MU::ERR ok = false end if !server['iam_policies'].nil? and server['iam_policies'].size > 0 MU.log "Cannot mix iam_policies with generate_iam_role set to false", MU::ERR ok = false end else generateStandardRole(server, configurator) end if !server['create_image'].nil? if server['create_image'].has_key?('copy_to_regions') and (server['create_image']['copy_to_regions'].nil? or server['create_image']['copy_to_regions'].include?("#ALL") or server['create_image']['copy_to_regions'].size == 0 ) server['create_image']['copy_to_regions'] = MU::Cloud::AWS.listRegions(server['us_only']) end end server['image_id'] ||= server['ami_id'] if server['image_id'].nil? img_id = MU::Cloud.getStockImage("AWS", platform: server['platform'], region: server['region']) if img_id server['image_id'] = configurator.getTail("server"+server['name']+"AMI", value: img_id, prettyname: "server"+server['name']+"AMI", cloudtype: "AWS::EC2::Image::Id") else MU.log "No AMI specified for #{server['name']} and no default available for platform #{server['platform']} in region #{server['region']}", MU::ERR, details: server ok = false end end if !server["loadbalancers"].nil? server["loadbalancers"].each { |lb| lb["name"] ||= lb["concurrent_load_balancer"] if lb["name"] MU::Config.addDependency(server, lb["name"], "loadbalancer") end } end ok end # Return the date/time a machine image was created. # @param ami_id [String]: AMI identifier of an Amazon Machine Image # @param credentials [String] # @return [DateTime] def self.imageTimeStamp(ami_id, credentials: nil, region: nil) begin img = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region, credentials: credentials).describe_images(image_ids: [ami_id]).images.first return DateTime.new if img.nil? return DateTime.parse(img.creation_date) rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidAMIIDNotFound end return DateTime.new end # Destroy a volume. # @param volume [OpenStruct]: The cloud provider's description of the volume. # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @return [void] def self.delete_volume(volume, noop, skipsnapshots, region: MU.curRegion, credentials: nil, deploy_id: MU.deploy_id) if !volume.nil? resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region, credentials: credentials).describe_volumes(volume_ids: [volume.volume_id]) volume = resp.data.volumes.first end name = nil volume.tags.each { |tag| name = tag.value if tag.key == "Name" } name ||= volume.volume_id MU.log("Deleting volume #{volume.volume_id} (#{name})") if !noop if !skipsnapshots if !name.nil? and !name.empty? desc = "#{deploy_id}-MUfinal (#{name})" else desc = "#{deploy_id}-MUfinal" end begin MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region, credentials: credentials).create_snapshot( volume_id: volume.volume_id, description: desc ) rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::IncorrectState => e if e.message.match(/'deleting'/) MU.log "Cannot snapshot volume '#{name}', is already being deleted", MU::WARN end end end begin MU.retrier([Aws::EC2::Errors::IncorrectState, Aws::EC2::Errors::VolumeInUse], ignoreme: [Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidVolumeNotFound], wait: 30, max: 10){ MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region, credentials: credentials).delete_volume(volume_id: volume.volume_id) } rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::VolumeInUse MU.log "Failed to delete #{name}", MU::ERR end end end private_class_method :delete_volume # Given some combination of a base image, BoK-configured storage, and # ephemeral devices, return the structure passed to EC2 to declare # block devicde mappings. # @param image_id [String] # @param storage [Array] # @param add_ephemeral [Boolean] # @param region [String] # @param credentials [String] def self.configureBlockDevices(image_id: nil, storage: nil, add_ephemeral: true, region: MU.myRegion, credentials: nil) ext_disks = {} # Figure out which devices are embedded in the AMI already. if image_id image = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: region, credentials: credentials).describe_images(image_ids: [image_id]).images.first if !image.block_device_mappings.nil? image.block_device_mappings.each { |disk| if !disk.device_name.nil? and !disk.device_name.empty? and !disk.ebs.nil? and !disk.ebs.empty? ext_disks[disk.device_name] = MU.structToHash(disk.ebs) end } end end configured_storage = [] if storage storage.each { |vol| # Drop the "encrypted" flag if a snapshot for this device exists # in the AMI, even if they both agree about the value of said # flag. Apparently that's a thing now. if ext_disks.has_key?(vol["device"]) if ext_disks[vol["device"]].has_key?(:snapshot_id) vol.delete("encrypted") end end mapping, _cfm_mapping = MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.convertBlockDeviceMapping(vol) configured_storage << mapping } end configured_storage.concat(@ephemeral_mappings) if add_ephemeral configured_storage end # Return all of the IP addresses, public and private, from all of our # network interfaces. # @return [Array] def listIPs MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.getAddresses(cloud_desc).first end private def bootstrapGroomer if (@config['groom'].nil? or @config['groom']) and !@groomer.haveBootstrapped? MU.retrier([BootstrapTempFail], wait: 45) { if windows? # kick off certificate generation early; WinRM will need it @deploy.nodeSSLCerts(self) @deploy.nodeSSLCerts(self, true) if @config.has_key?("basis") session = getWinRMSession(50, 60, reboot_on_problems: true) initialWinRMTasks(session) begin session.close rescue StandardError # session.close is allowed to fail- we're probably rebooting end else session = getSSHSession(40, 30) initialSSHTasks(session) end } end # See if this node already exists in our config management. If it # does, we're done. if MU.inGem? MU.log "Deploying from a gem, not grooming" elsif @config['groom'].nil? or @config['groom'] if @groomer.haveBootstrapped? MU.log "Node #{@mu_name} has already been bootstrapped, skipping groomer setup.", MU::NOTICE else begin @groomer.bootstrap rescue MU::Groomer::RunError return false end end @groomer.saveDeployData end true end def saveCredentials(win_admin_password = nil) ec2config_password = nil sshd_password = nil if windows? if @config['use_cloud_provider_windows_password'] win_admin_password ||= getWindowsAdminPassword elsif @config['windows_auth_vault'] and !@config['windows_auth_vault'].empty? if @config["windows_auth_vault"].has_key?("password_field") win_admin_password ||= @groomer.getSecret( vault: @config['windows_auth_vault']['vault'], item: @config['windows_auth_vault']['item'], field: @config["windows_auth_vault"]["password_field"] ) else win_admin_password ||= getWindowsAdminPassword end if @config["windows_auth_vault"].has_key?("ec2config_password_field") ec2config_password = @groomer.getSecret( vault: @config['windows_auth_vault']['vault'], item: @config['windows_auth_vault']['item'], field: @config["windows_auth_vault"]["ec2config_password_field"] ) end if @config["windows_auth_vault"].has_key?("sshd_password_field") sshd_password = @groomer.getSecret( vault: @config['windows_auth_vault']['vault'], item: @config['windows_auth_vault']['item'], field: @config["windows_auth_vault"]["sshd_password_field"] ) end end win_admin_password ||= MU.generateWindowsPassword ec2config_password ||= MU.generateWindowsPassword sshd_password ||= MU.generateWindowsPassword # We're creating the vault here so when we run # MU::Cloud::Server.initialSSHTasks and we need to set the Windows # Admin password we can grab it from said vault. creds = { "username" => @config['windows_admin_username'], "password" => win_admin_password, "ec2config_username" => "ec2config", "ec2config_password" => ec2config_password, "sshd_username" => "sshd_service", "sshd_password" => sshd_password } @groomer.saveSecret(vault: @mu_name, item: "windows_credentials", data: creds, permissions: "name:#{@mu_name}") end end def haveElasticIP? if !cloud_desc.public_ip_address.nil? begin resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).describe_addresses(public_ips: [cloud_desc.public_ip_address]) if resp.addresses.size > 0 and resp.addresses.first.instance_id == @cloud_id return true end rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidAddressNotFound # XXX this is ok to ignore, it means the public IP isn't Elastic end end false end def configureNetworking if !@config['static_ip'].nil? if !@config['static_ip']['ip'].nil? MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.associateElasticIp(@cloud_id, classic: @vpc.nil?, ip: @config['static_ip']['ip']) elsif !haveElasticIP? MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.associateElasticIp(@cloud_id, classic: @vpc.nil?) end end if !@vpc.nil? and @config.has_key?("vpc") subnet = @vpc.getSubnet(cloud_id: cloud_desc.subnet_id) _nat_ssh_key, _nat_ssh_user, nat_ssh_host, _canonical_ip, _ssh_user, _ssh_key_name = getSSHConfig if subnet.private? and !nat_ssh_host and !MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "VPC").haveRouteToInstance?(cloud_desc, region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials) raise MuError, "#{@mu_name} is in a private subnet (#{subnet}), but has no bastion host configured, and I have no other route to it" end # If we've asked for additional subnets (and this @config is not a # member of a Server Pool, which has different semantics), create # extra interfaces to accomodate. if !@config['vpc']['subnets'].nil? and @config['basis'].nil? device_index = 1 mySubnets.each { |s| next if s.cloud_id == cloud_desc.subnet_id if cloud_desc.placement.availability_zone != s.az MU.log "Cannot create interface in subnet #{s.to_s} for #{@mu_name} due to AZ mismatch", MU::WARN next end MU.log "Adding network interface on subnet #{s.cloud_id} for #{@mu_name}" iface = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).create_network_interface(subnet_id: s.cloud_id).network_interface MU::Cloud::AWS.createStandardTags( iface.network_interface_id, region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials, optional: @config['optional_tags'], nametag: @mu_name+"-ETH"+device_index.to_s, othertags: @config['tags'] ) MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).attach_network_interface( network_interface_id: iface.network_interface_id, instance_id: cloud_desc.instance_id, device_index: device_index ) device_index = device_index + 1 } cloud_desc(use_cache: false) end end [:private_dns_name, :public_dns_name, :private_ip_address, :public_ip_address].each { |field| @config[field.to_s] = cloud_desc.send(field) } if !@config['add_private_ips'].nil? cloud_desc.network_interfaces.each { |int| if int.private_ip_address == cloud_desc.private_ip_address and int.private_ip_addresses.size < (@config['add_private_ips'] + 1) MU.log "Adding #{@config['add_private_ips']} extra private IP addresses to #{cloud_desc.instance_id}" MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).assign_private_ip_addresses( network_interface_id: int.network_interface_id, secondary_private_ip_address_count: @config['add_private_ips'], allow_reassignment: false ) end } end end def tagVolumes volumes = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).describe_volumes(filters: [name: "attachment.instance-id", values: [@cloud_id]]) volumes.each { |vol| vol.volumes.each { |volume| volume.attachments.each { |attachment| MU::Cloud::AWS.createStandardTags( attachment.volume_id, region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials, optional: @config['optional_tags'], nametag: ["/dev/sda", "/dev/sda1"].include?(attachment.device) ? "ROOT-"+@mu_name : @mu_name+"-"+attachment.device.upcase, othertags: @config['tags'] ) } } } end # If we came up via AutoScale, the Alarm module won't have had our # instance ID to associate us with itself. So invoke that here. # XXX might be possible to do this with regular alarm resources and # dependencies now def setAlarms if !@config['basis'].nil? and @config["alarms"] and !@config["alarms"].empty? @config["alarms"].each { |alarm| alarm_obj = MU::MommaCat.findStray( "AWS", "alarms", region: @config["region"], deploy_id: @deploy.deploy_id, name: alarm['name'] ).first alarm["dimensions"] = [{:name => "InstanceId", :value => @cloud_id}] if alarm["enable_notifications"] # XXX vile, this should be a sibling resource generated by the # parser topic_arn = MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "Notification").createTopic(alarm["notification_group"], region: @config["region"], credentials: @credentials) MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "Notification").subscribe(topic_arn, alarm["notification_endpoint"], alarm["notification_type"], region: @config["region"], credentials: @config["credentials"]) alarm["alarm_actions"] = [topic_arn] alarm["ok_actions"] = [topic_arn] end alarm_name = alarm_obj ? alarm_obj.cloud_id : "#{@mu_name}-#{alarm['name']}".upcase MU::Cloud.resourceClass("AWS", "Alarm").setAlarm( name: alarm_name, ok_actions: alarm["ok_actions"], alarm_actions: alarm["alarm_actions"], insufficient_data_actions: alarm["no_data_actions"], metric_name: alarm["metric_name"], namespace: alarm["namespace"], statistic: alarm["statistic"], dimensions: alarm["dimensions"], period: alarm["period"], unit: alarm["unit"], evaluation_periods: alarm["evaluation_periods"], threshold: alarm["threshold"], comparison_operator: alarm["comparison_operator"], region: @config["region"], credentials: @credentials ) } end end # We have issues sometimes where our dns_records are pointing at the wrong node name and IP address. def getIAMProfile arn = if @config['generate_iam_role'] role = @deploy.findLitterMate(name: @config['name'], type: "roles", debug: true) if !role raise MuError, "Failed to find a role matching #{@config['name']}" end s3_objs = ["#{@deploy.deploy_id}-secret", "#{role.mu_name}.pfx", "#{role.mu_name}.crt", "#{role.mu_name}.key", "#{role.mu_name}-winrm.crt", "#{role.mu_name}-winrm.key"].map { |file| 'arn:'+(MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud?(@config['region']) ? "aws-us-gov" : "aws")+':s3:::'+MU::Cloud::AWS.adminBucketName(@credentials)+'/'+file } MU.log "Adding S3 read permissions to #{@mu_name}'s IAM profile", MU::NOTICE, details: s3_objs role.cloudobj.injectPolicyTargets("MuSecrets", s3_objs) @config['iam_role'] = role.mu_name role.cloudobj.createInstanceProfile elsif @config['iam_role'].nil? raise MuError, "#{@mu_name} has generate_iam_role set to false, but no iam_role assigned." end if !@config["iam_role"].nil? if arn return {arn: arn} else return {name: @config["iam_role"]} end end nil end def setDeleteOntermination(device, delete_on_termination = false) mappings = MU.structToHash(cloud_desc.block_device_mappings) mappings.each { |vol| if vol[:ebs] vol[:ebs].delete(:attach_time) vol[:ebs].delete(:status) end if vol[:device_name] == device if vol[:ebs][:delete_on_termination] != delete_on_termination vol[:ebs][:delete_on_termination] = delete_on_termination MU.log "Setting delete_on_termination flag to #{delete_on_termination.to_s} on #{@mu_name}'s #{device}" MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials).modify_instance_attribute( instance_id: @cloud_id, block_device_mappings: mappings ) end return true end } false end def createImage img_cfg = @config['create_image'] # Scrub things that don't belong on an AMI session = windows? ? getWinRMSession : getSSHSession sudo = purgecmd = "" sudo = "sudo" if @config['ssh_user'] != "root" if windows? purgecmd = "rm -rf /cygdrive/c/mu_installed_chef" else purgecmd = "rm -rf /opt/mu_installed_chef" end if img_cfg['image_then_destroy'] if windows? purgecmd = "rm -rf /cygdrive/c/chef/ /home/#{@config['windows_admin_username']}/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/Administrator/.ssh/authorized_keys /cygdrive/c/mu-installer-ran-updates /cygdrive/c/mu_installed_chef" # session.exec!("powershell -Command \"& {(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter \"Name='UniversalForwarder'\").Uninstall()}\"") else purgecmd = "#{sudo} rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/instances/i-* /root/.ssh/authorized_keys /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*key* /etc/chef /etc/opscode/* /.mu-installer-ran-updates /var/chef /opt/mu_installed_chef /opt/chef ; #{sudo} sed -i 's/^HOSTNAME=.*//' /etc/sysconfig/network" end end if windows? session.run(purgecmd) else session.exec!(purgecmd) end session.close ami_ids = MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.createImage( name: @mu_name, instance_id: @cloud_id, storage: @config['storage'], exclude_storage: img_cfg['image_exclude_storage'], copy_to_regions: img_cfg['copy_to_regions'], make_public: img_cfg['public'], region: @config['region'], tags: @config['tags'], credentials: @credentials ) @deploy.notify("images", @config['name'], ami_ids) @config['image_created'] = true if img_cfg['image_then_destroy'] MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.waitForAMI(ami_ids[@config['region']], region: @config['region'], credentials: @credentials) MU.log "AMI #{ami_ids[@config['region']]} ready, removing source node #{@mu_name}" MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.terminateInstance(id: @cloud_id, region: @config['region'], deploy_id: @deploy.deploy_id, mu_name: @mu_name, credentials: @credentials) destroy end end end #class end #class end end #module