# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require 'stringio' describe 'PuppetDebugger' do let(:resource) do "service{'httpd': ensure => running}" end before(:each) do debugger.handle_input('reset') end let(:output) do StringIO.new('', 'w') end let(:debugger) do PuppetDebugger::Cli.new(out_buffer: output) end let(:input) do "file{'/tmp/test2.txt': ensure => present, mode => '0755'}" end let(:resource_types) do debugger.parser.evaluate_string(debugger.scope, input) end describe 'remote node' do let(:node_obj) do YAML.load_file(File.join(fixtures_dir, 'node_obj.yaml')) end let(:node_name) do 'puppetdev.localdomain' end before :each do allow(debugger).to receive(:get_remote_node).with(node_name).and_return(node_obj) debugger.handle_input(":set node #{node_name}") end describe 'set' do it 'sends message about resetting' do expect(output.string).to eq("\n => Resetting to use node puppetdev.localdomain\n") end it 'return node name' do output.reopen # removes previous message debugger.handle_input('$::hostname') expect(output.string).to match(/puppetdev.localdomain/) end it 'return classification' do output.reopen # removes previous message debugger.handle_input('classification') expect(output.string).to match(/stdlib/) end end describe 'facts' do let(:input) do "$::facts['os']['family'].downcase == 'debian'" end it 'fact evaulation should return false' do debugger_output = /false/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end end describe 'use defaults when invalid' do let(:node_obj) do YAML.load_file(File.join(fixtures_dir, 'invalid_node_obj.yaml')) end let(:node_name) do 'invalid.localdomain' end it 'name' do expect { debugger.node.name }.to raise_error(PuppetDebugger::Exception::UndefinedNode) end end it 'set node name' do expect(debugger.remote_node_name = 'puppetdev.localdomain').to eq('puppetdev.localdomain') end describe 'print classes' do let(:input) do 'resources' end it 'should be able to print classes' do debugger_output = /Settings/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end end describe 'vars' do let(:input) do 'vars' end it 'display facts variable' do debugger_output = /facts/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end it 'display server facts variable' do debugger_output = /server_facts/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) if Puppet.version.to_f >= 4.1 end it 'display server facts variable' do debugger_output = /server_facts/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) if Puppet.version.to_f >= 4.1 end it 'display local variable' do debugger.handle_input("$var1 = 'value1'") expect(output.string).to match(/value1/) debugger.handle_input('$var1') expect(output.string).to match(/value1/) end it 'display productname variable' do debugger.handle_input('$productname') expect(output.string).to match(/VMware Virtual Platform/) end end describe 'execute functions' do let(:input) do "md5('hello')" end it 'execute md5' do debugger_output = /5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end it 'execute swapcase' do debugger_output = /HELLO/ debugger.handle_input("swapcase('hello')") expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end end describe 'reset' do let(:input) do "file{'/tmp/reset': ensure => present}" end it 'can process a file' do debugger_output = /Puppet::Type::File/ debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) debugger.handle_input('reset') debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(debugger_output) end end describe 'classification' do let(:input) do 'classification' end it 'shows certificate_authority_host' do debugger.handle_input(input) expect(output.string).to match(/stdlib/) end end end end