describe Appsignal::Transaction do before :context do start_agent end let(:time) { } let(:namespace) { Appsignal::Transaction::HTTP_REQUEST } let(:env) { {} } let(:merged_env) { http_request_env_with_data(env) } let(:options) { {} } let(:request) { } let(:transaction) {"1", namespace, request, options) } before { Timecop.freeze(time) } after { Timecop.return } describe "class methods" do describe ".create" do it "should add the transaction to thread local" do expect(Appsignal::Extension).to receive(:start_transaction).with("1", "http_request", 0) created_transaction = Appsignal::Transaction.create("1", namespace, request, options) expect(Thread.current[:appsignal_transaction]).to eq created_transaction end it "should create a transaction" do created_transaction = Appsignal::Transaction.create("1", namespace, request, options) expect(created_transaction).to be_a Appsignal::Transaction expect(created_transaction.transaction_id).to eq "1" expect(created_transaction.namespace).to eq "http_request" end context "when a transaction is already running" do let(:running_transaction) { double(:transaction_id => 2) } before { Thread.current[:appsignal_transaction] = running_transaction } it "should not create a new transaction" do expect( Appsignal::Transaction.create("1", namespace, request, options) ).to eq(running_transaction) end it "should output a debug message" do expect(Appsignal.logger).to receive(:debug) .with("Trying to start new transaction 1 but 2 is already running. Using 2") Appsignal::Transaction.create("1", namespace, request, options) end context "with option to force a new transaction" do let(:options) { { :force => true } } it "should not create a new transaction" do expect( Appsignal::Transaction.create("1", namespace, request, options) ).to_not eq(running_transaction) end end end end describe ".current" do before { Thread.current[:appsignal_transaction] = transaction } subject { Appsignal::Transaction.current } context "if there is a transaction" do before { Appsignal::Transaction.create("1", namespace, request, options) } it "should return the correct transaction" do eq transaction end it "should indicate it's not a nil transaction" do expect(subject.nil_transaction?).to be_falsy end end context "if there is no transaction" do before do Thread.current[:appsignal_transaction] = nil end it "should return a nil transaction stub" do be_a Appsignal::Transaction::NilTransaction end it "should indicate it's a nil transaction" do expect(subject.nil_transaction?).to be_truthy end end end describe "complete_current!" do before { Appsignal::Transaction.create("2", Appsignal::Transaction::HTTP_REQUEST, {}) } it "should complete the current transaction and set the thread appsignal_transaction to nil" do expect(Appsignal::Transaction.current).to receive(:complete) Appsignal::Transaction.complete_current! expect(Thread.current[:appsignal_transaction]).to be_nil end it "should still clear the transaction if there is an error" do expect(Appsignal::Transaction.current).to receive(:complete).and_raise "Error" Appsignal::Transaction.complete_current! expect(Thread.current[:appsignal_transaction]).to be_nil end context "if a transaction is discarded" do it "should not complete the transaction" do expect(Appsignal::Transaction.current.ext).to_not receive(:complete) Appsignal::Transaction.current.discard! expect(Appsignal::Transaction.current.discarded?).to be_truthy Appsignal::Transaction.complete_current! expect(Thread.current[:appsignal_transaction]).to be_nil end it "should not be discarded when restore! is called" do Appsignal::Transaction.current.discard! expect(Appsignal::Transaction.current.discarded?).to be_truthy Appsignal::Transaction.current.restore! expect(Appsignal::Transaction.current.discarded?).to be_falsy end end end end describe "#complete" do it "should sample data if it needs to be sampled" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:finish).and_return(true) expect(transaction).to receive(:sample_data) expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:complete) transaction.complete end it "should not sample data if it does not need to be sampled" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:finish).and_return(false) expect(transaction).to_not receive(:sample_data) expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:complete) transaction.complete end end context "pausing" do describe "#pause!" do it "should change the pause flag to true" do expect do transaction.pause! change(transaction, :paused).from(false).to(true) end end describe "#resume!" do before { transaction.pause! } it "should change the pause flag to false" do expect do transaction.resume! change(transaction, :paused).from(true).to(false) end end describe "#paused?" do it "should return the pause state" do expect(transaction.paused?).to be_falsy end context "when paused" do before { transaction.pause! } it "should return the pause state" do expect(transaction.paused?).to be_truthy end end end end context "with transaction instance" do context "initialization" do it "loads the AppSignal extension" do expect(transaction.ext).to_not be_nil end it "sets the transaction id" do expect(transaction.transaction_id).to eq "1" end it "sets the namespace to http_request" do expect(transaction.namespace).to eq "http_request" end it "sets the request" do expect(transaction.request).to_not be_nil end it "sets the request not to paused" do expect(transaction.paused).to be_falsy end it "sets no tags by default" do expect(transaction.tags).to eq({}) end describe "#options" do subject { transaction.options } it "sets the default :params_method" do expect(subject[:params_method]).to eq :params end context "with overridden options" do let(:options) { { :params_method => :filtered_params } } it "sets the overriden :params_method" do expect(subject[:params_method]).to eq :filtered_params end end end end describe "#store" do it "should return an empty store when it's not already present" do expect("test")).to eql({}) end it "should store changes to the store" do transaction_store ="test") transaction_store["transaction"] = "value" expect("test")).to eql("transaction" => "value") end end describe "#set_tags" do it "should add tags to transaction" do expect do transaction.set_tags("a" => "b") change(transaction, :tags).to("a" => "b") end end describe "set_action" do it "should set the action in extension" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:set_action).with( "PagesController#show" ).once transaction.set_action("PagesController#show") expect(transaction.action).to eq "PagesController#show" end it "should not set the action in extension when value is nil" do expect(Appsignal::Extension).to_not receive(:set_action) transaction.set_action(nil) end end describe "set_action_if_nil" do context "if action is currently nil" do it "should set the action" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:set_action).with( "PagesController#show" ).once transaction.set_action_if_nil("PagesController#show") end end context "if action is currently set" do it "should not set the action" do transaction.set_action("something") expect(transaction.ext).not_to receive(:set_action) transaction.set_action_if_nil("PagesController#show") end end end describe "set_namespace" do it "should set the action in extension" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:set_namespace).with( "custom" ).once transaction.set_namespace("custom") expect(transaction.namespace).to eq "custom" end it "should not set the action in extension when value is nil" do expect(Appsignal::Extension).to_not receive(:set_namespace) transaction.set_action(nil) end end describe "#set_http_or_background_action" do context "for a hash with controller and action" do let(:from) { { :controller => "HomeController", :action => "show" } } it "should set the action" do expect(transaction).to receive(:set_action).with("HomeController#show") end end context "for a hash with just action" do let(:from) { { :action => "show" } } it "should set the action" do expect(transaction).to receive(:set_action).with("show") end end context "for a hash with class and method" do let(:from) { { :class => "Worker", :method => "perform" } } it "should set the action" do expect(transaction).to receive(:set_action).with("Worker#perform") end end after { transaction.set_http_or_background_action(from) } end describe "set_queue_start" do it "should set the queue start in extension" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:set_queue_start).with( 10.0 ).once transaction.set_queue_start(10.0) end it "should not set the queue start in extension when value is nil" do expect(transaction.ext).to_not receive(:set_queue_start) transaction.set_queue_start(nil) end it "should not raise an error when the queue start is too big" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:set_queue_start).and_raise(RangeError) expect(Appsignal.logger).to receive(:warn).with("Queue start value 10 is too big") expect do transaction.set_queue_start(10) end.to_not raise_error end end describe "#set_http_or_background_queue_start" do context "for a http transaction" do let(:namespace) { Appsignal::Transaction::HTTP_REQUEST } let(:env) { { "HTTP_X_REQUEST_START" => (fixed_time * 1000).to_s } } it "should set the queue start on the transaction" do expect(transaction).to receive(:set_queue_start).with(13_897_836_000) transaction.set_http_or_background_queue_start end end context "for a background transaction" do let(:namespace) { Appsignal::Transaction::BACKGROUND_JOB } let(:env) { { :queue_start => fixed_time } } it "should set the queue start on the transaction" do expect(transaction).to receive(:set_queue_start).with(1_389_783_600_000) transaction.set_http_or_background_queue_start end end end describe "#set_metadata" do it "should set the metdata in extension" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:set_metadata).with( "request_method", "GET" ).once transaction.set_metadata("request_method", "GET") end it "should not set the metdata in extension when value is nil" do expect(transaction.ext).to_not receive(:set_metadata) transaction.set_metadata("request_method", nil) end end describe "set_sample_data" do it "should set the data" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:set_sample_data).with( "params", Appsignal::Utils.data_generate("controller" => "blog_posts", "action" => "show", "id" => "1") ).once transaction.set_sample_data( "params", :controller => "blog_posts", :action => "show", :id => "1" ) end it "should do nothing if the data cannot be converted to json" do expect(transaction.ext).to_not receive(:set_sample_data).with( "params", kind_of(String) ) transaction.set_sample_data("params", "string") end end describe "#sample_data" do it "should sample data" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:set_sample_data).with( "environment", Appsignal::Utils.data_generate( "CONTENT_LENGTH" => "0", "REQUEST_METHOD" => "GET", "SERVER_NAME" => "", "SERVER_PORT" => "80", "PATH_INFO" => "/blog" ) ).once expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:set_sample_data).with( "session_data", Appsignal::Utils.data_generate({}) ).once expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:set_sample_data).with( "params", Appsignal::Utils.data_generate("controller" => "blog_posts", "action" => "show", "id" => "1") ).once expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:set_sample_data).with( "metadata", Appsignal::Utils.data_generate("key" => "value") ).once expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:set_sample_data).with( "tags", Appsignal::Utils.data_generate({}) ).once transaction.sample_data end end describe "#set_error" do let(:env) { http_request_env_with_data } let(:error) { double(:error, :message => "test message", :backtrace => ["line 1"]) } it "should also respond to add_exception for backwords compatibility" do expect(transaction).to respond_to(:add_exception) end it "should not add the error if appsignal is not active" do allow(Appsignal).to receive(:active?).and_return(false) expect(transaction.ext).to_not receive(:set_error) transaction.set_error(error) end context "for a http request" do it "should set an error in the extension" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:set_error).with( "RSpec::Mocks::Double", "test message", Appsignal::Utils.data_generate(["line 1"]) ) transaction.set_error(error) end end context "when error message is nil" do let(:error) { double(:error, :message => nil, :backtrace => ["line 1"]) } it "should not raise an error" do expect { transaction.set_error(error) }.to_not raise_error end it "should set an error in the extension" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:set_error).with( "RSpec::Mocks::Double", "", Appsignal::Utils.data_generate(["line 1"]) ) transaction.set_error(error) end end end describe "#start_event" do it "should start the event in the extension" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:start_event).with(0).and_call_original transaction.start_event end end describe "#finish_event" do let(:fake_gc_time) { 123 } before do expect(described_class.garbage_collection_profiler) .to receive(:total_time).at_least(:once).and_return(fake_gc_time) end it "should finish the event in the extension" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:finish_event).with( "name", "title", "body", 1, fake_gc_time ).and_call_original transaction.finish_event( "name", "title", "body", 1 ) end it "should finish the event in the extension with nil arguments" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:finish_event).with( "name", "", "", 0, fake_gc_time ).and_call_original transaction.finish_event( "name", nil, nil, nil ) end end describe "#record_event" do let(:fake_gc_time) { 123 } before do expect(described_class.garbage_collection_profiler) .to receive(:total_time).at_least(:once).and_return(fake_gc_time) end it "should record the event in the extension" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:record_event).with( "name", "title", "body", 1, 1000, fake_gc_time ).and_call_original transaction.record_event( "name", "title", "body", 1000, 1 ) end it "should finish the event in the extension with nil arguments" do expect(transaction.ext).to receive(:record_event).with( "name", "", "", 0, 1000, fake_gc_time ).and_call_original transaction.record_event( "name", nil, nil, 1000, nil ) end end describe "#instrument" do it_behaves_like "instrument helper" do let(:instrumenter) { transaction } end end context "generic request" do let(:env) { {} } subject { } it "initializes with an empty env" do expect(subject.env).to be_empty end context "when given an env" do let(:env) do { :params => { :id => 1 }, :queue_start => 10 } end it "sets the given env" do expect(subject.env).to eq env end it "sets the params present in the env" do expect(subject.params).to eq(:id => 1) end end end # private describe "#background_queue_start" do subject { transaction.send(:background_queue_start) } context "when request is nil" do let(:request) { nil } it { eq nil } end context "when env is nil" do before { expect(transaction.request).to receive(:env).and_return(nil) } it { eq nil } end context "when queue start is nil" do it { eq nil } end context "when queue start is set" do let(:env) { background_env_with_data } it { eq 1_389_783_590_000 } end end describe "#http_queue_start" do let(:slightly_earlier_time) { fixed_time - 0.4 } let(:slightly_earlier_time_value) { (slightly_earlier_time * factor).to_i } subject { transaction.send(:http_queue_start) } shared_examples "http queue start" do context "when request is nil" do let(:request) { nil } it { be_nil } end context "when env is nil" do before { expect(transaction.request).to receive(:env).and_return(nil) } it { be_nil } end context "with no relevant header set" do let(:env) { {} } it { be_nil } end context "with the HTTP_X_REQUEST_START header set" do let(:env) { { "HTTP_X_REQUEST_START" => "t=#{slightly_earlier_time_value}" } } it { eq 1_389_783_599_600 } context "with unparsable content" do let(:env) { { "HTTP_X_REQUEST_START" => "something" } } it { be_nil } end context "with some cruft" do let(:env) { { "HTTP_X_REQUEST_START" => "t=#{slightly_earlier_time_value}aaaa" } } it { eq 1_389_783_599_600 } end context "with a really low number" do let(:env) { { "HTTP_X_REQUEST_START" => "t=100" } } it { be_nil } end context "with the alternate HTTP_X_QUEUE_START header set" do let(:env) { { "HTTP_X_QUEUE_START" => "t=#{slightly_earlier_time_value}" } } it { eq 1_389_783_599_600 } end end end context "time in miliseconds" do let(:factor) { 1_000 } it_should_behave_like "http queue start" end context "time in microseconds" do let(:factor) { 1_000_000 } it_should_behave_like "http queue start" end end describe "#sanitized_params" do subject { transaction.send(:sanitized_params) } context "without params" do before { allow(transaction.request).to receive(:params).and_return(nil) } it { be_nil } end context "when params crashes" do before { allow(transaction.request).to receive(:params).and_raise(NoMethodError) } it { be_nil } end context "when params method does not exist" do let(:options) { { :params_method => :nonsense } } it { be_nil } end context "when not sending params" do before { Appsignal.config.config_hash[:send_params] = false } after { Appsignal.config.config_hash[:send_params] = true } it { be_nil } end context "with an array" do let(:request) do => %w(arg1 arg2))) end it { eq %w(arg1 arg2) } context "with AppSignal filtering" do before { Appsignal.config.config_hash[:filter_parameters] = %w(foo) } after { Appsignal.config.config_hash[:filter_parameters] = [] } it { eq %w(arg1 arg2) } end end context "with env" do context "with sanitization" do let(:request) do \ http_request_env_with_data(:params => { :foo => :bar }) end it "should call the params sanitizer" do expect(subject).to eq(:foo => :bar) end end context "with AppSignal filtering" do let(:request) do \ http_request_env_with_data(:params => { :foo => :bar, :baz => :bat }) end before { Appsignal.config.config_hash[:filter_parameters] = %w(foo) } after { Appsignal.config.config_hash[:filter_parameters] = [] } it "should call the params sanitizer with filtering" do expect(subject).to eq(:foo => "[FILTERED]", :baz => :bat) end end end end describe "#sanitized_environment" do let(:whitelisted_keys) { Appsignal::Transaction::ENV_METHODS } subject { transaction.send(:sanitized_environment) } context "when request is nil" do let(:request) { nil } it { be_nil } end context "when env is nil" do before { expect(transaction.request).to receive(:env).and_return(nil) } it { be_nil } end context "when env is present" do let(:env) do {}.tap do |hash| whitelisted_keys.each { |o| hash[o] = 1 } # use all whitelisted keys hash[whitelisted_keys] = nil # don't add if nil hash[:not_whitelisted] = "I will be sanitized" end end it "only sets whitelisted keys" do expect(subject.keys).to match_array(whitelisted_keys) end end end describe "#sanitized_session_data" do subject { transaction.send(:sanitized_session_data) } context "when request is nil" do let(:request) { nil } it { be_nil } end context "when session is nil" do before { expect(transaction.request).to receive(:session).and_return(nil) } it { be_nil } end context "when session is empty" do before { expect(transaction.request).to receive(:session).and_return({}) } it { eq({}) } end context "when request class does not have a session method" do let(:request) {{}) } it { be_nil } end context "when there is a session" do before do expect(transaction).to respond_to(:request) allow(transaction).to receive_message_chain(:request, :session => { :foo => :bar }) allow(transaction).to receive_message_chain(:request, :fullpath => :bar) end it "passes the session data into the params sanitizer" do expect(Appsignal::Utils::ParamsSanitizer).to receive(:sanitize).with(:foo => :bar) .and_return(:sanitized_foo) expect(subject).to eq :sanitized_foo end if defined? ActionDispatch::Request::Session context "with ActionDispatch::Request::Session" do before do expect(transaction).to respond_to(:request) allow(transaction).to receive_message_chain(:request, :session => action_dispatch_session) allow(transaction).to receive_message_chain(:request, :fullpath => :bar) end it "should return an session hash" do expect(Appsignal::Utils::ParamsSanitizer).to receive(:sanitize).with("foo" => :bar) .and_return(:sanitized_foo) subject end def action_dispatch_session store = do def load_session(_env) [1, { :foo => :bar }] end def session_exists?(_env) true end ActionDispatch::Request::Session.create(store,"rack.input" =>, {}) end end end context "when skipping session data" do before do Appsignal.config = { :skip_session_data => true } end it "does not pass the session data into the params sanitizer" do expect(Appsignal::Utils::ParamsSanitizer).to_not receive(:sanitize) expect(subject).to be_nil end end end end describe "#metadata" do subject { transaction.send(:metadata) } context "when request is nil" do let(:request) { nil } it { be_nil } end context "when env is nil" do before { expect(transaction.request).to receive(:env).and_return(nil) } it { be_nil } end context "when env is present" do let(:env) { { :metadata => { :key => "value" } } } it { eq env[:metadata] } end end describe "#sanitized_tags" do before do transaction.set_tags( :valid_key => "valid_value", "valid_string_key" => "valid_value", :both_symbols => :valid_value, :integer_value => 1, :hash_value => { "invalid" => "hash" }, :array_value => %w(invalid array), :to_long_value => SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(101), :object =>, SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(101) => "to_long_key" ) end subject { transaction.send(:sanitized_tags).keys } it "should only return whitelisted data" do match_array([ :valid_key, "valid_string_key", :both_symbols, :integer_value ]) end end describe "#cleaned_backtrace" do subject { transaction.send(:cleaned_backtrace, ["line 1", "line 2"]) } it "returns the backtrace" do expect(subject).to eq ["line 1", "line 2"] end if rails_present? context "with rails" do it "cleans the backtrace with the Rails backtrace cleaner" do ::Rails.backtrace_cleaner.add_filter do |line|"2", "?") end expect(subject).to eq ["line 1", "line ?"] end end end end end describe Appsignal::Transaction::NilTransaction do subject { } it "should have method stubs" do expect do subject.complete subject.pause! subject.resume! subject.paused? subject.set_tags(:tag => 1) subject.set_action("action") subject.set_http_or_background_action subject.set_queue_start(1) subject.set_http_or_background_queue_start subject.set_metadata("key", "value") subject.set_sample_data("key", "data") subject.sample_data subject.set_error("a") end.to_not raise_error end end end