module Scorpion # Builds an injectable constructor for a Scorpion::Object. class ObjectConstructor def initialize( base, arguments, &block ) @base = base @arguments = arguments @block = block end def define @signature = [] @block_signature = [] @body = [] define_dependencies build_body add_initialize_block add_super assemble end private attr_reader :base, :arguments, :block, :body def define_dependencies # Override the inherited injections cause we're about to define a new # initializer. base.instance_variable_set :@initializer_injections, arguments.each do |key,expectation| base.initializer_injections.define_attribute key, *Array( expectation ) base.attr_dependency key, *Array( expectation ) end end def build_body if arguments.present? body << "injections = dependencies.slice( :#{ arguments.keys.join(', :') } )" body << "inject_from( dependencies )" else body << "injections = {}" end end def add_super body << "super" if base.superclass < Scorpion::Object end def add_initialize_block if block base_name = || base.object_id.to_s base_name = base_name.gsub /::/, '_' name = "__initialize_with_block_#{ base_name }" if block.arity != 0 || block.parameters.any? body << "#{ name }( *args, **injections, &block )" else body << "#{ name }" end base.send :define_method, :"#{ name }", &block end end def assemble source = %Q|def initialize( *args, **dependencies, &block )\n\t#{ body.join( "\n\t" ) }\nend| # puts "=" * 50 # puts # puts source # puts "=" * 50 base.class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 #{ source } RUBY end end end