module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues HOCKEY_DOWNLOAD_LINK = :HOCKEY_DOWNLOAD_LINK HOCKEY_BUILD_INFORMATION = :HOCKEY_BUILD_INFORMATION # contains all keys/values from the HockeyApp API, like :title, :bundle_identifier end class HockeyAction < Action def self.connection(options) require 'faraday' require 'faraday_middleware' base_url = options.delete(:bypass_cdn) ? "" : "" foptions = { url: base_url } do |builder| builder.request(:multipart) builder.request(:url_encoded) builder.response(:json, content_type: /\bjson$/) builder.use(FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects) builder.adapter(:net_http) end end def self.upload(api_token, ipa, options) create_update = options.delete(:create_update) if create_update self.create_and_update_build(api_token, ipa, options) else self.upload_build(api_token, ipa, options) end end # Uses if a `public_identifier` was specified # otherwise def self.upload_build(api_token, ipa, options) connection = self.connection(options) options[:ipa] =, 'application/octet-stream') if ipa and File.exist?(ipa) dsym_filename = options.delete(:dsym_filename) if dsym_filename options[:dsym] =, 'application/octet-stream') end do |req| req.options.timeout = options.delete(:timeout) if options[:public_identifier].nil? req.url("/api/2/apps/upload") else req.url("/api/2/apps/#{options.delete(:public_identifier)}/app_versions/upload") end req.headers['X-HockeyAppToken'] = api_token req.body = options end end # Uses # and # to upload a build def self.create_and_update_build(api_token, ipa, options) [:public_identifier, :bundle_short_version, :bundle_version].each do |key| UI.user_error!("To use the 'create_update' upload mechanism you need to pass the '#{key.to_sym}' option.") unless options[key] end # # GET requests are cached on CDN, so bypass it options[:bypass_cdn] = true connection = self.connection(options) options.delete(:ipa) options.delete(:apk) app_id = options.delete(:public_identifier) ipaio =, 'application/octet-stream') if ipa and File.exist?(ipa) dsym = options.delete(:dsym) if dsym dsym_io =, 'application/octet-stream') if dsym and File.exist?(dsym) end # # Should not set status to "2" (downloadable) until after the app is uploaded, so allow the caller # to specify a different status for the `create` step update_status = options[:status] options[:status] = options[:create_status] response = connection.get do |req| req.url("/api/2/apps/#{app_id}/app_versions/new") req.headers['X-HockeyAppToken'] = api_token req.body = options end case response.status when 200...300 app_version_id = response.body['id'] UI.message("successfully created version with id #{app_version_id}") else UI.user_error!("Error trying to create app version: #{response.status} - #{response.body}") end options[:ipa] = ipaio if dsym options[:dsym] = dsym_io end options[:status] = update_status connection.put do |req| req.options.timeout = options.delete(:timeout) req.url("/api/2/apps/#{app_id}/app_versions/#{app_version_id}") req.headers['X-HockeyAppToken'] = api_token req.body = options end end def build_file = [ options[:ipa], options[:apk] ].detect { |e| !e.to_s.empty? } if options[:dsym] dsym_filename = options[:dsym] else if build_file.nil? UI.user_error!("You have to provide a build file (params 'apk' or 'ipa')") end if options[:ipa].to_s.end_with?(".ipa") dsym_path = options[:ipa].to_s.gsub('.ipa', '') if File.exist?(dsym_path) dsym_filename = dsym_path else UI.important("Symbols not found on path #{File.expand_path(dsym_path)}. Crashes won't be symbolicated properly") dsym_filename = nil end end end UI.user_error!("Symbols on path '#{File.expand_path(dsym_filename)}' not found") if dsym_filename && !File.exist?(dsym_filename) if options[:upload_dsym_only] UI.success('Starting with dSYM upload to HockeyApp... this could take some time.') else UI.success('Starting with file(s) upload to HockeyApp... this could take some time.') end values = options.values values[:dsym_filename] = dsym_filename values[:notes_type] = options[:notes_type] api_token = values.delete(:api_token) values.delete_if { |k, v| v.nil? } return values if Helper.test? ipa_filename = build_file ipa_filename = nil if options[:upload_dsym_only] response = self.upload(api_token, ipa_filename, values) case response.status when 200...300 url = response.body['public_url'] Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::HOCKEY_DOWNLOAD_LINK] = url Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::HOCKEY_BUILD_INFORMATION] = response.body UI.message("Public Download URL: #{url}") if url UI.success('Build successfully uploaded to HockeyApp!') else if response.body.to_s.include?("App could not be created") UI.user_error!("Hockey has an issue processing this app. Please confirm that an app in Hockey matches this IPA's bundle ID or that you are using the correct API upload token. If error persists, please provide the :public_identifier option from the HockeyApp website. More information") else UI.user_error!("Error when trying to upload file(s) to HockeyApp: #{response.status} - #{response.body}") end end end def self.description "Upload a new build to HockeyApp" end def self.available_options [ :apk, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_APK", description: "Path to your APK file", default_value: Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GRADLE_APK_OUTPUT_PATH], optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Couldn't find apk file at path '#{value}'") unless File.exist?(value) end, conflicting_options: [:ipa], conflict_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("You can't use 'apk' and '#{value.key}' options in one run") end), :api_token, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_API_TOKEN", sensitive: true, description: "API Token for Hockey Access", verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("No API token for Hockey given, pass using `api_token: 'token'`") unless value and !value.empty? end), :ipa, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_IPA", description: "Path to your IPA file. Optional if you use the _gym_ or _xcodebuild_ action. For Mac zip the .app. For Android provide path to .apk file. In addition you could use this to upload .msi, .zip, .pkg, etc if you use the 'create_update' mechanism", default_value: Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::IPA_OUTPUT_PATH], optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Couldn't find ipa file at path '#{value}'") unless File.exist?(value) end, conflicting_options: [:apk], conflict_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("You can't use 'ipa' and '#{value.key}' options in one run") end), :dsym, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_DSYM", description: "Path to your symbols file. For iOS and Mac provide path to For Android provide path to mappings.txt file", default_value: Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH], optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| # validation is done in the action end), :create_update, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_CREATE_UPDATE", description: "Set true if you want to create then update your app as opposed to just upload it."\ " You will need the 'public_identifier', 'bundle_version' and 'bundle_short_version'", is_string: false, default_value: false, verify_block: proc do |value| # validation is done in the action end), :notes, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_NOTES", description: "Beta Notes", default_value: Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::FL_CHANGELOG] || "No changelog given"), :notify, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_NOTIFY", description: "Notify testers? \"1\" for yes", default_value: "1"), :status, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_STATUS", description: "Download status: \"1\" = No user can download; \"2\" = Available for download (only possible with full-access token)", default_value: "2"), :create_status, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_CREATE_STATUS", description: "Download status for initial version creation when create_update is true: \"1\" = No user can download; \"2\" = Available for download (only possible with full-access token)", default_value: "2"), :notes_type, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_NOTES_TYPE", description: "Notes type for your :notes, \"0\" = Textile, \"1\" = Markdown (default)", default_value: "1"), :release_type, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_RELEASE_TYPE", description: "Release type of the app: \"0\" = Beta (default), \"1\" = Store, \"2\" = Alpha, \"3\" = Enterprise", default_value: "0"), :mandatory, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_MANDATORY", description: "Set to \"1\" to make this update mandatory", default_value: "0"), :teams, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_TEAMS", description: "Comma separated list of team ID numbers to which this build will be restricted", optional: true), :users, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_USERS", description: "Comma separated list of user ID numbers to which this build will be restricted", optional: true), :tags, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_TAGS", description: "Comma separated list of tags which will receive access to the build", optional: true), :bundle_short_version, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_BUNDLE_SHORT_VERSION", description: "The bundle_short_version of your application, required when using `create_update`", optional: true), :bundle_version, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_BUNDLE_VERSION", description: "The bundle_version of your application, required when using `create_update`", optional: true), :public_identifier, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER", description: "App id of the app you are targeting, usually you won't need this value. Required, if `upload_dsym_only` set to `true`", optional: true), :commit_sha, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_COMMIT_SHA", description: "The Git commit SHA for this build", optional: true), :repository_url, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_REPOSITORY_URL", description: "The URL of your source repository", optional: true), :build_server_url, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_BUILD_SERVER_URL", description: "The URL of the build job on your build server", optional: true), :upload_dsym_only, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_UPLOAD_DSYM_ONLY", description: "Flag to upload only the dSYM file to hockey app", is_string: false, default_value: false), :owner_id, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_OWNER_ID", description: "ID for the owner of the app", optional: true), :strategy, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_STRATEGY", description: "Strategy: 'add' = to add the build as a new build even if it has the same build number (default); 'replace' = to replace a build with the same build number", default_value: "add", verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Invalid value '#{value}' for key 'strategy'. Allowed values are 'add', 'replace'.") unless ['add', 'replace'].include?(value) end), :timeout, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_TIMEOUT", description: "Request timeout in seconds", is_string: false, optional: true), :bypass_cdn, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_BYPASS_CDN", description: "Flag to bypass Hockey CDN when it uploads successfully but reports error", is_string: false, default_value: false), :dsa_signature, env_name: "FL_HOCKEY_DSA_SIGNATURE", description: "DSA signature for sparkle updates for macOS", is_string: true, default_value: "", optional: true) ] end def self.output [ ['HOCKEY_DOWNLOAD_LINK', 'The newly generated download link for this build'], ['HOCKEY_BUILD_INFORMATION', 'contains all keys/values from the HockeyApp API, like :title, :bundle_identifier'] ] end def ["KrauseFx", "modzelewski", "lacostej"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end def self.details [ "Symbols will also be uploaded automatically if a `` file is found next to `app.ipa`. In case it is located in a different place you can specify the path explicitly in `:dsym` parameter.", "More information about the available options can be found in the [HockeyApp Docs](" ].join("\n") end def self.example_code [ 'hockey( api_token: "...", ipa: "./app.ipa", notes: "Changelog" )', 'hockey( api_token: "...", create_update: true, public_identifier: "....", bundle_short_version: "1.0.2", bundle_version: "", ipa: "./my.msi", notes: "Changelog" )' ] end def self.category :beta end end end end