require 'fluent/output' require 'aws-sdk-resources' require 'zlib' require 'time' require 'tempfile' module Fluent::Plugin class S3Output < Fluent::Plugin::Output Fluent::Plugin.register_output('s3', self) helpers :compat_parameters, :formatter, :inject def initialize super @compressor = nil @uuid_flush_enabled = false end desc "Path prefix of the files on S3" config_param :path, :string, default: "" desc "The Server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in S3 (AES256, aws:kms)" config_param :use_server_side_encryption, :string, default: nil desc "AWS access key id" config_param :aws_key_id, :string, default: nil, secret: true desc "AWS secret key." config_param :aws_sec_key, :string, default: nil, secret: true config_section :assume_role_credentials, multi: false do desc "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume" config_param :role_arn, :string, secret: true desc "An identifier for the assumed role session" config_param :role_session_name, :string desc "An IAM policy in JSON format" config_param :policy, :string, default: nil desc "The duration, in seconds, of the role session (900-3600)" config_param :duration_seconds, :integer, default: nil desc "A unique identifier that is used by third parties when assuming roles in their customers' accounts." config_param :external_id, :string, default: nil, secret: true end config_section :instance_profile_credentials, multi: false do desc "Number of times to retry when retrieving credentials" config_param :retries, :integer, default: nil desc "IP address (default:" config_param :ip_address, :string, default: nil desc "Port number (default:80)" config_param :port, :integer, default: nil desc "Number of seconds to wait for the connection to open" config_param :http_open_timeout, :float, default: nil desc "Number of seconds to wait for one block to be read" config_param :http_read_timeout, :float, default: nil # config_param :delay, :integer or :proc, :default => nil # config_param :http_degub_output, :io, :default => nil end config_section :shared_credentials, multi: false do desc "Path to the shared file. (default: $HOME/.aws/credentials)" config_param :path, :string, default: nil desc "Profile name. Default to 'default' or ENV['AWS_PROFILE']" config_param :profile_name, :string, default: nil end desc "The number of attempts to load instance profile credentials from the EC2 metadata service using IAM role" config_param :aws_iam_retries, :integer, default: nil, deprecated: "Use 'instance_profile_credentials' instead" desc "S3 bucket name" config_param :s3_bucket, :string desc "S3 region name" config_param :s3_region, :string, default: ENV["AWS_REGION"] || "us-east-1" desc "Use 's3_region' instead" config_param :s3_endpoint, :string, default: nil desc "The format of S3 object keys" config_param :s3_object_key_format, :string, default: "%{path}%{time_slice}_%{index}.%{file_extension}" desc "If true, the bucket name is always left in the request URI and never moved to the host as a sub-domain" config_param :force_path_style, :bool, default: false desc "Archive format on S3" config_param :store_as, :string, default: "gzip" desc "Create S3 bucket if it does not exists" config_param :auto_create_bucket, :bool, default: true desc "Check AWS key on start" config_param :check_apikey_on_start, :bool, default: true desc "URI of proxy environment" config_param :proxy_uri, :string, default: nil desc "Use S3 reduced redundancy storage for 33% cheaper pricing. Deprecated. Use storage_class instead" config_param :reduced_redundancy, :bool, default: false, deprecated: "Use storage_class parameter instead." desc "The type of storage to use for the object(STANDARD,REDUCED_REDUNDANCY,STANDARD_IA)" config_param :storage_class, :string, default: "STANDARD" desc "Permission for the object in S3" config_param :acl, :string, default: nil desc "The length of `%{hex_random}` placeholder(4-16)" config_param :hex_random_length, :integer, default: 4 desc "Overwrite already existing path" config_param :overwrite, :bool, default: false desc "Check bucket if exists or not" config_param :check_bucket, :bool, default: true desc "Check object before creation" config_param :check_object, :bool, default: true desc "Specifies the AWS KMS key ID to use for object encryption" config_param :ssekms_key_id, :string, default: nil, secret: true desc "Specifies the algorithm to use to when encrypting the object" config_param :sse_customer_algorithm, :string, default: nil desc "Specifies the customer-provided encryption key for Amazon S3 to use in encrypting data" config_param :sse_customer_key, :string, default: nil, secret: true desc "Specifies the 128-bit MD5 digest of the encryption key according to RFC 1321" config_param :sse_customer_key_md5, :string, default: nil, secret: true desc "AWS SDK uses MD5 for API request/response by default" config_param :compute_checksums, :bool, default: nil # use nil to follow SDK default configuration desc "Signature version for API Request (s3,v4)" config_param :signature_version, :string, default: nil # use nil to follow SDK default configuration desc "Given a threshold to treat events as delay, output warning logs if delayed events were put into s3" config_param :warn_for_delay, :time, default: nil DEFAULT_FORMAT_TYPE = "out_file" config_section :format do config_set_default :@type, DEFAULT_FORMAT_TYPE end attr_reader :bucket MAX_HEX_RANDOM_LENGTH = 16 def configure(conf) compat_parameters_convert(conf, :buffer, :formatter, :inject) super if @s3_endpoint && @s3_endpoint.end_with?('') raise Fluent::ConfigError, "s3_endpoint parameter is not supported for S3, use s3_region instead. This parameter is for S3 compatible services" end begin buffer_type = @buffer_config[:@type] @compressor = COMPRESSOR_REGISTRY.lookup(@store_as).new(buffer_type: buffer_type, log: log) rescue log.warn "#{@store_as} not found. Use 'text' instead" @compressor = end @compressor.configure(conf) @formatter = formatter_create if @hex_random_length > MAX_HEX_RANDOM_LENGTH raise Fluent::ConfigError, "hex_random_length parameter must be less than or equal to #{MAX_HEX_RANDOM_LENGTH}" end if @reduced_redundancy log.warn "reduced_redundancy parameter is deprecated. Use storage_class parameter instead" @storage_class = "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" end @s3_object_key_format = process_s3_object_key_format # For backward compatibility # TODO: Remove time_slice_format when end of support compat_parameters @configured_time_slice_format = conf['time_slice_format'] @values_for_s3_object_chunk = {} end def start options = setup_credentials options[:region] = @s3_region if @s3_region options[:endpoint] = @s3_endpoint if @s3_endpoint options[:http_proxy] = @proxy_uri if @proxy_uri options[:force_path_style] = @force_path_style options[:compute_checksums] = @compute_checksums unless @compute_checksums.nil? options[:signature_version] = @signature_version unless @signature_version.nil? s3_client = @s3 = s3_client) @bucket = @s3.bucket(@s3_bucket) check_apikeys if @check_apikey_on_start ensure_bucket if @check_bucket if !@check_object @s3_object_key_format = "%{path}/%{date_slice}_%{hms_slice}.%{file_extension}" end super end def format(tag, time, record) r = inject_values_to_record(tag, time, record) @formatter.format(tag, time, r) end def write(chunk) i = 0 previous_path = nil time_slice_format = @configured_time_slice_format || timekey_to_timeformat(@buffer_config['timekey']) time_slice = if @check_object begin path = extract_placeholders(@path, chunk.metadata) @values_for_s3_object_chunk[chunk.unique_id] ||= { "%{hex_random}" => hex_random(chunk), } values_for_s3_object_key = { "%{path}" => path, "%{time_slice}" => time_slice, "%{file_extension}" => @compressor.ext, "%{index}" => i, }.merge!(@values_for_s3_object_chunk[chunk.unique_id]) values_for_s3_object_key["%{uuid_flush}".freeze] = uuid_random if @uuid_flush_enabled s3path = @s3_object_key_format.gsub(%r(%{[^}]+}), values_for_s3_object_key) if (i > 0) && (s3path == previous_path) if @overwrite log.warn "#{s3path} already exists, but will overwrite" break else raise "duplicated path is generated. use %{index} in s3_object_key_format: path = #{s3path}" end end i += 1 previous_path = s3path end while @bucket.object(s3path).exists? else if @localtime hms_slicer ="%H%M%S") else hms_slicer ="%H%M%S") end path = extract_placeholders(@path, chunk.metadata) @values_for_s3_object_chunk[chunk.unique_id] ||= { "%{hex_random}" => hex_random(chunk), } values_for_s3_object_key = { "%{path}" => path, "%{time_slice}" => time_slice, "%{file_extension}" => @compressor.ext, }.merge!(@values_for_s3_object_chunk[chunk.unique_id]) values_for_s3_object_key["%{uuid_flush}".freeze] = uuid_random if @uuid_flush_enabled s3path = @s3_object_key_format.gsub(%r(%{[^}]+}), values_for_s3_object_key) end tmp ="s3-") tmp.binmode begin @compressor.compress(chunk, tmp) tmp.rewind log.debug { "out_s3: write chunk: {key:#{chunk.key},tsuffix:#{tsuffix(chunk)}} to s3://#{@s3_bucket}/#{s3path}" } put_options = { body: tmp, content_type: @compressor.content_type, storage_class: @storage_class, } put_options[:server_side_encryption] = @use_server_side_encryption if @use_server_side_encryption put_options[:ssekms_key_id] = @ssekms_key_id if @ssekms_key_id put_options[:sse_customer_algorithm] = @sse_customer_algorithm if @sse_customer_algorithm put_options[:sse_customer_key] = @sse_customer_key if @sse_customer_key put_options[:sse_customer_key_md5] = @sse_customer_key_md5 if @sse_customer_key_md5 put_options[:acl] = @acl if @acl @bucket.object(s3path).put(put_options) @values_for_s3_object_chunk.delete(chunk.unique_id) if @warn_for_delay if < - @warn_for_delay log.warn { "out_s3: delayed events were put to s3://#{@s3_bucket}/#{s3path}" } end end ensure tmp.close(true) rescue nil end end private def hex_random(chunk) unique_hex = Fluent::UniqueId.hex(chunk.unique_id) unique_hex.reverse! # unique_hex is like (time_sec, time_usec, rand) => reversing gives more randomness unique_hex[0...@hex_random_length] end def uuid_random ::UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s end # This is stolen from Fluentd def timekey_to_timeformat(timekey) case timekey when nil then '' when 0...60 then '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' # 60 exclusive when 60...3600 then '%Y%m%d%H%M' when 3600...86400 then '%Y%m%d%H' else '%Y%m%d' end end def ensure_bucket if !@bucket.exists? if @auto_create_bucket "Creating bucket #{@s3_bucket} on #{@s3_endpoint}" @s3.create_bucket(bucket: @s3_bucket) else raise "The specified bucket does not exist: bucket = #{@s3_bucket}" end end end def process_s3_object_key_format %W(%{uuid} %{uuid:random} %{uuid:hostname} %{uuid:timestamp}).each { |ph| if @s3_object_key_format.include?(ph) raise ConfigError, %!#{ph} placeholder in s3_object_key_format is removed! end } if @s3_object_key_format.include?('%{uuid_flush}') # test uuidtools works or not begin require 'uuidtools' rescue LoadError raise ConfigError, "uuidtools gem not found. Install uuidtools gem first" end begin uuid_random rescue => e raise ConfigError, "Generating uuid doesn't work. Can't use %{uuid_flush} on this environment. #{e}" end @uuid_flush_enabled = true end @s3_object_key_format.gsub('%{hostname}') { |expr| log.warn "%{hostname} will be removed in the future. Use \"\#{Socket.gethostname}\" instead" Socket.gethostname } end def check_apikeys @bucket.objects(prefix: @path).first rescue Aws::S3::Errors::NoSuchBucket # ignore NoSuchBucket Error because ensure_bucket checks it. rescue => e raise "can't call S3 API. Please check your aws_key_id / aws_sec_key or s3_region configuration. error = #{e.inspect}" end def setup_credentials options = {} credentials_options = {} case when @aws_key_id && @aws_sec_key options[:access_key_id] = @aws_key_id options[:secret_access_key] = @aws_sec_key when @assume_role_credentials c = @assume_role_credentials credentials_options[:role_arn] = c.role_arn credentials_options[:role_session_name] = c.role_session_name credentials_options[:policy] = c.policy if c.policy credentials_options[:duration_seconds] = c.duration_seconds if c.duration_seconds credentials_options[:external_id] = c.external_id if c.external_id if @s3_region credentials_options[:client] = @s3_region) end options[:credentials] = when @instance_profile_credentials c = @instance_profile_credentials credentials_options[:retries] = c.retries if c.retries credentials_options[:ip_address] = c.ip_address if c.ip_address credentials_options[:port] = c.port if c.port credentials_options[:http_open_timeout] = c.http_open_timeout if c.http_open_timeout credentials_options[:http_read_timeout] = c.http_read_timeout if c.http_read_timeout if ENV["AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI"] options[:credentials] = else options[:credentials] = end when @shared_credentials c = @shared_credentials credentials_options[:path] = c.path if c.path credentials_options[:profile_name] = c.profile_name if c.profile_name options[:credentials] = when @aws_iam_retries log.warn("'aws_iam_retries' parameter is deprecated. Use 'instance_profile_credentials' instead") credentials_options[:retries] = @aws_iam_retries if ENV["AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI"] options[:credentials] = else options[:credentials] = end else # Use default credentials # See end options end class Compressor include Fluent::Configurable def initialize(opts = {}) super() @buffer_type = opts[:buffer_type] @log = opts[:log] end attr_reader :buffer_type, :log def configure(conf) super end def ext end def content_type end def compress(chunk, tmp) end private def check_command(command, algo = nil) require 'open3' algo = command if algo.nil? begin Open3.capture3("#{command} -V") rescue Errno::ENOENT raise Fluent::ConfigError, "'#{command}' utility must be in PATH for #{algo} compression" end end end class GzipCompressor < Compressor def ext 'gz'.freeze end def content_type 'application/x-gzip'.freeze end def compress(chunk, tmp) w = chunk.write_to(w) w.finish ensure w.finish rescue nil end end class TextCompressor < Compressor def ext 'txt'.freeze end def content_type 'text/plain'.freeze end def compress(chunk, tmp) chunk.write_to(tmp) end end class JsonCompressor < TextCompressor def ext 'json'.freeze end def content_type 'application/json'.freeze end end COMPRESSOR_REGISTRY =, 'fluent/plugin/s3_compressor_') { 'gzip' => GzipCompressor, 'json' => JsonCompressor, 'text' => TextCompressor }.each { |name, compressor| COMPRESSOR_REGISTRY.register(name, compressor) } def self.register_compressor(name, compressor) COMPRESSOR_REGISTRY.register(name, compressor) end end end