default: context: lang: 'en' visitor: 'ant' node: 'status' src: "simple text" tem: "simple text" res: "simple text" hello: tem: "<%= zazen('Hello *World*') %>" res: "<p>Hello <strong>World</strong></p>" link_anchor: tem: "<%= zazen('see \"\":22#') %>" res: "<p>see <a href=\"#node22\">status title</a></p>" link_anchor_attribute: tem: "<%= zazen('see \"\":22#[title]') %>" res: "<p>see <a href=\"#status-title\">status title</a></p>" link_anchor_in: tem: "<%= zazen('see \"\":22#[parent/]') %>" res: "<p>see <a href=\"/oo/projects-list/Clean-Water-project#node22\">status title</a></p>" link_anchor_in_name: tem: "<%= zazen('see \"\":22#[parent/title]') %>" res: "<p>see <a href=\"/oo/projects-list/Clean-Water-project#status-title\">status title</a></p>" link_anchor_in_blank_prop: tem: "<%= zazen('see \"\":22#[parent/plop]') %>" res: "<p>see <a href=\"/oo/projects-list/Clean-Water-project#\">status title</a></p>" complex_link: tem: <%= zazen("p<. !<.31_pv!:22\n\nh4(clear). \"\":22") %> res: "<p style=\"text-align:left;\"><div class='img_left'><a href=\"/oo/projects-list/Clean-Water-project/page22.html\"><img src='/en/image31_pv.jpg?967816914293' width='70' height='70' alt='flower' class='pv'/></a></div></p>\n\n\n\t<h4 class=\"clear\"><a href=\"/oo/projects-list/Clean-Water-project/page22.html\">status title</a></h4>" at_code: tem: "<%= zazen(\"Try this: @ruby|puts 'Hello'@ or this @zafu|<r:link/>@\") %>" res: "<p>Try this: <code class='idle_code'><span class=\"ident\">puts</span> <span class=\"punct\">'</span><span class=\"string\">Hello</span><span class=\"punct\">'</span></code> or this <code class='idle_code'><span class=\"tag\"><r:</span><span class=\"ztag\">link</span><span class=\"tag\">/></span></code></p>" code_sqliss: tem: "<%= zazen('foo: @sqliss|contact in project@.') %>" res: "/<span class=\"context\">in</span>/" code_unknown_lang: tem: "<%= zazen(%q{foo: <code lang='lxm'>contact in project</code>.}) %>" res: "<p>foo: <pre class='idle_code'>contact in project</pre>.</p>" code_line_numbers: src: "<r:zazen line_numbers='true' text=\"<code lang='lua'>function foo(a); print(a); end</code>\"/>" tem: "<div class='zazen'><%= zazen(\"<code lang='lua'>function foo(a); print(a); end</code>\", :node => @node, :line_numbers => \"true\") %></div>" # The test only passes with the ultraviolet brick on. # res: '/<span class=\"line-numbers\"> 1 </span> <span class=\"Keyword\">function</span>/' spaces_on_first_lines: tem: "<%= zazen(\"This is a normal paragraphe. There are many phrases in this paragraphe and a forced line break\nhere. End of first paragraphe.\n\n This second paragraphe\n is space preserving\n la la la la.\") %>" res: "<p>This is a normal paragraphe. There are many phrases in this paragraphe and a forced line break\n<br/>here. End of first paragraphe.</p>\n\n\n<pre>This second paragraphe\nis space preserving\nla la la la.</pre>" line_break_list: tem: "<%= zazen(\"first.\n\n* one\n* two\n\nsecond\") %>" res: "/<p>first.<\/p>.*<ul>.*<li>one.*<li>two.*<p>second/" zip_shortcut_link: tem: "<%= zazen('Look \"here\"::lake+ or \"\"::lake') %>" res: "/<p>Look <a href.*contact23.html.*projects list/Clean Water project/Lake Tanganyika.*href=.*image24.html.*projects list/Clean Water project/it’s a lake/" data_on_obj: tem: "<%= zazen('Look \"here\"') %>" res: "/page22.html/" zip_shortcut_link_with_mode_format: tem: "<%= zazen('Look \"here\"::lake+_life.rss, \"\"') %>" res: "/<p>Look <a href.*contact23_life.rss.*projects list/Clean Water project/Lake Tanganyika_life.rss</a>, <a href=.*image24_life.jpg.*projects list/Clean Water project/it’s a lake_life.jpg</a>./" zip_shortcut_image: tem: "<%= zazen('Look !:lake+! or !:lake!') %>" res: "/<p>Look \[projects list/Clean Water project/Lake Tanganyika is not a document\] or <img src=.*image24_std.jpg/" zip_shortcut_image_with_options: tem: "<%= zazen('Look !<.:lake+_med! or !=.:lake_pv!') %>" res: "/<p>Look \[projects list/Clean Water project/Lake Tanganyika is not a document\] or .*center.*<img src=.*image24_pv.jpg/" zip_shortcut_gallery: tem: "<%= zazen('Look ![30,:lake]!') %>" res: "/gallery.*image30_pv.*image24_pv.*/" zip_shortcut_list: tem: "<%= zazen('Look !{30,:lake}!') %>" res: "/docs.*image30_mini.*image24_mini.*/" line_break_between_paragraphs: tem: "<%= zazen(\"h3. photos en vrac\n\n\ntwo\") %>" res: "!/<br\/>/" line_break_in_tables: tem: "<%= zazen(\"h3. photos en vrac\n\n\n|_. a |_. b|\n| 1 | 2 |\") %>" res: "!/<br\/>/" line_break_gallery: tem: "<%= zazen(\"h3. photos en vrac\n\n\n![30,24]!\") %>" res: "!/<pre>/" swf_button_player: tem: "<%= zazen(\"!25!\") %>" res: "/<object.*application\/x-shockwave-flash.*data=.*musicplayer.swf.*song_url=.*document25.mp3/" unknown_link: tem: "<%= zazen('\"hello\":99') %>" res: "/unknown link/" host: tem: "<%= zazen('this is a \"link\":12. !30!', :host => '') %>" res: "/\">link.*"