General Encounter Type (PV1-2) Emergency Inpatient N/A ? Pre-Admit ? Reoccuring Patient Obstetrics Commercial Account Unknown Time that encounter starts as CCYYMMDD Time that encounter ends as CCYYMMDD Responsible Clinician as a National Clinicial code where possible or other local code if not. Treatment Centre Modality Parent renal unit as national ODS code (e.g. RXF01) Reason for Discharge Parent renal unit as national ODS code (e.g. RXF01) National code for the hospital providing care - e.g. RXF01 Details of validation e.g. Date Done, by whom, who provided the info Times Per Week Time Dialysed in Minutes Blood Flow Rate Sodium in Dialysate HD Treatment Location HD Shared Care Patient Participation Assessed for suitability for Transplant by start of Dialysis Date Unsuitable Working Up or under discussion On Transplant List Suspended on Transplant List Not Assessed by Start of Dialysis Date of referral to renal team (i.e. date letter received)