Campfire.CloudAppExpander = Class.create({ initialize: function(chat) { = chat; var messages =; for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { this.detectCloudAppURL(messages[i]); } }, detectCloudAppURL: function(message) { /* we are going to use the messageID to uniquely identify our requestJSON request so we don't check pending messages */ if (!message.pending() && message.kind === 'text') { var links = message.bodyElement().select('a:not(image)'); if (links.length != 1) { return; } var href = links[0].getAttribute('href'); var match = href.match(/^https?:\/\/\/image\/[A-Za-z0-9]+\/?$/); if (!match) return; window.propane.requestJSON(, href, '', 'onEmbedDataLoaded', 'onEmbedDataFailed'); } }, onEmbedDataLoaded: function(messageID, data) { var message =; if (!message) return; if (data['item_type'] === 'image') { var imageURL = data['content_url']; message.resize((function() { message.bodyCell.insert({bottom: '<div style="width:100%; margin-top:5px; padding-top: 5px; border-top:1px dotted #ccc;"><a href="'+imageURL+'" class="image loading" target="_blank">' + '<img src="'+imageURL+'" onload="$dispatch("inlineImageLoaded", this)" onerror="$dispatch("inlineImageLoadFailed", this)" /></a></div>'}); }).bind(this)); } }, onEmbedDataFailed: function(messageID) { /* No cleanup required, we only alter the HTML after we get back a succesful load from the data */ }, onMessagesInsertedBeforeDisplay: function(messages) { for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { this.detectCloudAppURL(messages[i]); } }, onMessageAccepted: function(message, messageID) { this.detectCloudAppURL(message); } }); Campfire.Responders.push("CloudAppExpander");"CloudAppExpander", "cloudappexpander");