#-- ## Riassence Framework # Copyright 2008 Riassence Inc. # http://riassence.com/ # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this software package. If not, contact licensing@riassence.com ## #++ require 'rubygems' require 'highline/import' require 'randgen' class ConfigWizard # returns a deep copy of source_hash using Marshal # (I wish there was a better way) def hash_deep_copy(source_hash) return Marshal.restore( Marshal.dump(source_hash) ) end # returns a pound ('#') char, unless @conf and @config values differ def cdiff(confkeys) conf1 = @conf conf2 = @config # recurse into config hash confkeys.each do |confkey| conf1 = conf1[confkey] conf2 = conf2[confkey] end # return '' if the values differ, '#' if they are the same #puts "#{conf1.inspect} vs #{conf2.inspect}" if conf1 != conf2 return '' else return '#' end end # makes a copy of the default configuration for comparisons def initialize( config ) @config = config @conf = { :database => hash_deep_copy( config[:database] ), :http_server => hash_deep_copy( config[:http_server] ) } end # asks y/n and returns boleans, # the default tells if which one is for just enter def yesno(default=false) if default question = "Y/n? " else question = "y/N? " end print question answer = $stdin.gets.strip.downcase[0] answer = answer.chr if answer if answer == 'n' return false elsif answer == 'y' return true elsif answer == nil return default else return nil end end # configuration dialog for database connectivity def ask_about_mysql puts "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" puts " MySQL configuration" puts puts " This feature requires an mysql account with " puts " sufficient privileges of creating databases," puts " tables and users. " puts puts " This account is used for persistent session storage " puts " and it is also the default database for plugins." puts puts " The default rsence account is configured as:" puts puts " Hostname: #{@conf[:database][:auth_setup][:host].inspect}" puts " Username: #{@conf[:database][:auth_setup][:user].inspect}" puts " Password: #{@conf[:database][:auth_setup][:pass].inspect}" puts " Database: #{@conf[:database][:auth_setup][:db].inspect}" puts " Port: #{@conf[:database][:auth_setup][:port].inspect}" puts print " Correct, " is_correct = nil is_correct = yesno(true) until is_correct != nil unless is_correct @conf[:database][:auth_setup][:host] = ask("Hostname (or IP address)?") do |q| q.default = @conf[:database][:auth_setup][:host] end @conf[:database][:auth_setup][:user] = ask("Username?") do |q| q.default = @conf[:database][:auth_setup][:user] end @conf[:database][:auth_setup][:pass] = ask("Password?") do |q| q.default = @conf[:database][:auth_setup][:pass] end @conf[:database][:auth_setup][:db] = ask("Database?") do |q| q.default = @conf[:database][:auth_setup][:db] end @conf[:database][:auth_setup][:port] = ask("Port?") do |q| q.default = @conf[:database][:auth_setup][:port] end end puts print " Re-edit these settings, " re_edit = yesno(false) until re_edit != nil if re_edit ask_about_mysql else db_auth = @conf[:database][:auth_setup] return "mysql://#{db_auth[:user]}:#{db_auth[:pass]}@#{db_auth[:host]}:#{db_auth[:port]}/#{db_auth[:db]}" end end # configuration dialog for the web server def ask_about_httpd puts "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" puts " HTTP Server configuration" puts puts " Riassence Framework runs its HTTP Server as:" puts puts " Server: #{@conf[:http_server][:rack_require].inspect}" puts " Address: #{@conf[:http_server][:bind_address].inspect}" puts " Port: #{@conf[:http_server][:port].inspect}" puts puts print " Correct, " is_correct = yesno(true) until is_correct != nil unless is_correct server_type = '' until ['mongrel','webrick','thin','ebb'].include?(server_type) server_type = ask("Server Type? (valid: mongrel, webrick, thin, ebb)") do |q| q.default = @conf[:http_server][:rack_require] end end @conf[:http_server][:rack_require] = server_type @conf[:http_server][:bind_address] = ask("Address? ( binds to all)") do |q| q.default = @conf[:http_server][:bind_address] end @conf[:http_server][:port] = ask("Port number?") do |q| q.default = @conf[:http_server][:port] end end end def file_ok?(path) return false if path == '' if File.exist?(File.split(path)[0]) if File.directory?(File.split(path)[0]) if File.writable?(File.split(path)[0]) if File.exist?(path) if File.file?(path) return true if File.writable?(path) and File.readable?(path) puts " Invalid path; #{path} is not writable or readable." return false end puts " Invalid path; #{path} exists and is not a file." return false end return true end puts " Invalid path; the directory #{File.split(path)[0]} is not writable." return false end puts " Invalid path; the parent directory #{File.split(path)[0]} is not a directory." return false end puts " Invalid path; the parent directory #{File.split(path)[0]} does not exist." return false end def ask_about_sqlite sqlite_path = File.join(SERVER_PATH,'var','db','rsence_ses.db') puts "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" puts " SQLite database configuration" puts puts " SQLite is configured using file names. The default is:" puts " #{sqlite_path.inspect}" puts print " Correct, " is_correct = yesno(true) until is_correct != nil unless is_correct new_sqlite_path = '' until file_ok?(new_sqlite_path) new_sqlite_path = ask(" Database file path? ") do |q| q.default = sqlite_path end end sqlite_path = new_sqlite_path end return "sqlite://#{sqlite_path}" end def ask_about_other_db( other_db_string = '' ) puts "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" puts " All Sequel-compatible database drivers are supported." puts puts " To configure another database engine, please enter a db url." puts " The format is usually: 'engine://username:password@host:port/database_name'" puts " For more details, see: http://sequel.rubyforge.org/rdoc/files/doc/opening_databases_rdoc.html" puts input_db_string = '' until input_db_string != '' input_db_string = ask(" Database connection string: ") do |q| q.default = other_db_string end end other_db_string = input_db_string print "Correct, " is_correct = yesno(true) until is_correct != nil if is_correct return other_db_string else ask_about_other_db( other_db_string ) end end def ask_about_db puts "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" puts " Session database configuration" puts puts " Riassence Framework requires a database for persistant" puts " session storage. This feature allows the server" puts " to be restarted without losing user sessions." puts puts " The default database engine is SQLite." puts puts " Select one of the following:" puts " 1 - SQLite" puts " 2 - MySQL" puts " 3 - Other (custom Sequel database url)" db_type = '' until ['1','2','3'].include?(db_type) db_type = ask("Database engine? ") do |q| q.default = '1' end end if db_type == '1' db_connection_string = ask_about_sqlite elsif db_type == '2' db_connection_string = ask_about_mysql elsif db_type == '3' db_connection_string = ask_about_other_db end puts puts " The database connection string is:" puts " #{db_connection_string}" puts print " Correct, " db_ok = yesno(true) until db_ok != nil if not db_ok ask_about_db else @conf[:database][:ses_db] = db_connection_string end end def run( local_config_file_path ) puts puts puts "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" puts " This Riassence Framework instance is not configured." puts puts " To configure, create a configuration file:" puts " #{local_config_file_path}" puts puts " You may also answer a few simple questions to create" puts " a configuration file template." puts print " Do you want to run the configuration tool, " configure_now = yesno(true) until configure_now != nil unless configure_now puts puts " OK. No configuration at this time. Can't continue; exit." exit end ask_about_db ask_about_httpd puts puts "Configuration done!" puts puts "Writing #{local_config_file_path.inspect}..." f = File.open( local_config_file_path, 'w' ) f.write( YAML.dump( @conf ) ) f.close puts puts "Edit #{local_config_file_path} to change the configuration." puts return @conf end end