module ActiveMerchant module Billing KB_PLUGIN_VERSION = Gem.loaded_specs['killbill-orbital'].version.version rescue nil class OrbitalGateway API_VERSION = '7.0.1' def store(creditcard, options = {}) response = add_customer_profile(creditcard, options) # Workaround: unmask the PAN if needed # TODO We could call on-the-fly retrieve_customer_profile instead in PaymentPlugin#get_payment_source to # avoid having to store the PAN, but this requires a specific merchant account setting response.params['cc_account_num'] = creditcard.number if response.params['cc_account_num'].include?('XXXX') response end def user_agent @@ua ||= JSON.dump({ :bindings_version => KB_PLUGIN_VERSION, :lang => 'ruby', :lang_version => "#{RUBY_VERSION} p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL} (#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE})", :platform => RUBY_PLATFORM, :publisher => 'killbill' }) end def x_request_id # See KillbillMDCInsertingServletFilter org::slf4j::MDC::get('req.requestId') rescue nil end def commit(order, message_type, trace_number=nil) x_r_id = x_request_id headers = POST_HEADERS.merge('Content-length' => order.size.to_s, 'User-Agent' => user_agent, 'Interface-Version' => 'Ruby|KillBill|Open-Source Gateway', 'Content-Type' => 'application/PTI70') headers['X-Request-Id'] = x_r_id unless x_r_id.blank? headers.merge!('Trace-number' => trace_number.to_s, 'Merchant-Id' => @options[:merchant_id]) if @options[:retry_logic] && trace_number request = lambda { |url| parse(ssl_post(url, order, headers)) } # Failover URL will be attempted in the event of a connection error response = begin rescue ConnectionError end, message_type), message_from(response), response, { :authorization => authorization_string(response[:tx_ref_num], response[:order_id]), :test => self.test?, :avs_result =>[:avs_resp_code]), :cvv_result =>[:cvv2_resp_code]) }) end def build_new_order_xml(action, money, parameters = {}) requires!(parameters, :order_id) xml = xml_envelope xml.tag! :Request do xml.tag! :NewOrder do add_xml_credentials(xml) # EC - Ecommerce transaction # RC - Recurring Payment transaction # MO - Mail Order Telephone Order transaction # IV - Interactive Voice Response # IN - Interactive Voice Response xml.tag! :IndustryType, parameters[:industry_type] || ECOMMERCE_TRANSACTION # A - Auth Only No Capture # AC - Auth and Capture # F - Force Auth No Capture and no online authorization # FR - Force Auth No Capture and no online authorization # FC - Force Auth and Capture no online authorization # R - Refund and Capture no online authorization xml.tag! :MessageType, action add_bin_merchant_and_terminal(xml, parameters) yield xml if block_given? xml.tag! :PriorAuthID, parameters[:prior_auth_id] if parameters[:prior_auth_id] xml.tag! :OrderID, format_order_id(parameters[:order_id]) xml.tag! :Amount, amount(money) xml.tag! :Comments, parameters[:comments] if parameters[:comments] # Add additional card information for tokenized credit card that must be placed after the above three elements if action == AUTH_ONLY || action == AUTH_AND_CAPTURE add_additional_network_tokenization(xml, parameters[:creditcard]) unless parameters[:creditcard].nil? end if parameters[:soft_descriptors].is_a?(OrbitalSoftDescriptors) add_soft_descriptors(xml, parameters[:soft_descriptors]) end set_recurring_ind(xml, parameters) # Append Transaction Reference Number at the end for Refund transactions if action == REFUND && !parameters[:authorization].nil? tx_ref_num, _ = split_authorization(parameters[:authorization]) xml.tag! :TxRefNum, tx_ref_num end end end! end # A – Authorization request def authorize(money, creditcard, options = {}) order = build_new_order_xml_with_cc(AUTH_ONLY, money, creditcard, options) commit(order, :authorize, options[:trace_number]) end # AC – Authorization and Capture or Force Capture def purchase(money, creditcard, options = {}) if options[:force_capture] order = build_new_order_xml_with_cc(FORCE_AUTH_AND_CAPTURE, money, creditcard, options) commit(order, :purchase, options[:trace_number]) else order = build_new_order_xml_with_cc(AUTH_AND_CAPTURE, money, creditcard, options) commit(order, :purchase, options[:trace_number]) end end # MFC - Mark For Capture or Force capture def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) commit(build_mark_for_capture_xml(money, authorization, options), :capture) end def credit(money, creditcard, options= {}) order = build_new_order_xml_with_cc(REFUND, money, creditcard, options) commit(order, :credit, options[:trace_number]) end def build_new_order_xml_with_cc(operation, money, creditcard, options) build_new_order_xml(operation, money, options.merge(:creditcard=>creditcard)) do |xml| add_creditcard(xml, creditcard, options) add_address(xml, creditcard, options) if @options[:customer_profiles] add_customer_data(xml, creditcard, options) add_managed_billing(xml, options) end add_network_tokenization(xml, creditcard) end end def add_creditcard(xml, creditcard, options = {}) currency = options[:currency] cvv_indicator_visa_discover = options[:cvv_indicator_visa_discover] cvv_indicator_override_visa_discover = options[:cvv_indicator_override_visa_discover] unless creditcard.nil? xml.tag! :AccountNum, creditcard.number xml.tag! :Exp, expiry_date(creditcard) end xml.tag! :CurrencyCode, currency_code(currency) xml.tag! :CurrencyExponent, currency_exponents(currency) unless creditcard.nil? if %w( visa discover ).include?(creditcard.brand) if cvv_indicator_visa_discover xml.tag! :CardSecValInd, (creditcard.verification_value? ? '1' : cvv_indicator_override_visa_discover || '9') else xml.tag! :CardSecValInd, '1' if creditcard.verification_value? end end xml.tag! :CardSecVal, creditcard.verification_value if creditcard.verification_value? end end def add_network_tokenization(xml, payment_method) return unless network_tokenization?(payment_method) card_brand = card_brand(payment_method).to_sym # The elements must follow a specific sequence xml.tag!('AuthenticationECIInd', payment_method.eci) unless payment_method.eci.nil? xml.tag!('CAVV', payment_method.payment_cryptogram) if card_brand == :visa end def add_additional_network_tokenization(xml, payment_method) return unless network_tokenization?(payment_method) card_brand = card_brand(payment_method).to_sym # The elements must follow a specific sequence xml.tag!('AAV', payment_method.payment_cryptogram) if card_brand == :master xml.tag!('DPANInd', 'Y') xml.tag!('AEVV', payment_method.payment_cryptogram) if card_brand == :american_express xml.tag!('DigitalTokenCryptogram', payment_method.payment_cryptogram) end def network_tokenization?(payment_method) payment_method.is_a?(NetworkTokenizationCreditCard) end def success?(response, message_type) if [:refund, :void, :credit].include?(message_type) response[:proc_status] == SUCCESS elsif response[:customer_profile_action] response[:profile_proc_status] == SUCCESS else response[:proc_status] == SUCCESS && APPROVED.include?(response[:resp_code]) end end class AVSResult # Convert the Orbital's AVS code (See # to # the 'standard' one ( # # Note that 2, 8, D, E, UK are not converted because no suitable target codes in the standard codes are found CONVERT_MAP = { '1' => 'U', # 'No address supplied' => 'Address information unavailable.' '2' => '2', # Unchanged: 'Bill-to address did not pass Auth Host edit checks' '3' => 'I', # 'AVS not performed' => 'Address not verified.' '4' => 'S', # 'Issuer does not participate in AVS', => 'U.S.-issuing bank does not support AVS.' '5' => 'E', # 'Edit-error - AVS data is invalid', => 'AVS data is invalid or AVS is not allowed for this card type.' '6' => 'R', # 'System unavailable or time-out', => 'System unavailable.' '7' => 'U', # 'Address information unavailable', => 'Address information unavailable.' '8' => '8', # Unchanged: 'Transaction Ineligible for AVS' '9' => 'X', # 'Zip Match/Zip 4 Match/Locale match', => 'Street address and 9-digit postal code match.' 'A' => 'W', # 'Zip Match/Zip 4 Match/Locale no match', => 'Street address does not match, but 9-digit postal code matches.' 'B' => 'Y', # 'Zip Match/Zip 4 no Match/Locale match', => 'Street address and 5-digit postal code match.' 'C' => 'Z', # 'Zip Match/Zip 4 no Match/Locale no match', => 'Street address does not match, but 5-digit postal code matches.' 'D' => 'D', # Unchanged: 'Zip No Match/Zip 4 Match/Locale match' 'E' => 'E', # Unchanged: 'Zip No Match/Zip 4 Match/Locale no match', 'F' => 'A', # 'Zip No Match/Zip 4 No Match/Locale match', => 'Street address matches, but 5-digit and 9-digit postal code do not match.' 'G' => 'N', # 'No match at all', => 'Street address and postal code do not match.' 'H' => 'Y', # 'Zip Match/Locale match', => 'Street address and 5-digit postal code match.' 'J' => 'G', # 'Issuer does not participate in Global AVS', => 'Non-U.S. issuing bank does not support AVS.' 'JA' => 'D', # 'International street address and postal match', => 'Street address and postal code match' 'JB' => 'B', # 'International street address match. Postal code not verified', => 'Street address matches, but postal code not verified.' 'JC' => 'I', # 'International street address and postal code not verified', => 'Address not verified.' 'JD' => 'P', # 'International postal code match. Street address not verified', => 'Postal code matches, but street address not verified.' 'M1' => 'K', # 'Cardholder name matches', => 'Card member's name matches but billing address and billing postal code do not match.' 'M2' => 'V', # 'Cardholder name, billing address, and postal code matches', => 'Card member's name, billing address, and billing postal code match.' 'M3' => 'L', # 'Cardholder name and billing code matches', => 'Card member's name and billing postal code match, but billing address does not match.' 'M4' => 'O', # 'Cardholder name and billing address match', => 'Card member's name and billing address match, but billing postal code does not match. ' 'M5' => 'H', # 'Cardholder name incorrect, billing address and postal code match', => 'Card member's name does not match. Street address and postal code match. ' 'M6' => 'F', # 'Cardholder name incorrect, billing postal code matches', => 'Card member's name does not match, but billing postal code matches. ' 'M7' => 'T', # 'Cardholder name incorrect, billing address matches', => 'Card member's name does not match, but street address matches. ' 'M8' => 'N', # 'Cardholder name, billing address and postal code are all incorrect', => 'Street address and postal code do not match. ' 'N3' => 'B', # 'Address matches, ZIP not verified', => 'Street address matches, but postal code not verified. ' 'N4' => 'C', # 'Address and ZIP code not verified due to incompatible formats', => 'Address not verified. ' 'N5' => 'D', # 'Address and ZIP code match (International only)', => 'Street address and postal code match. ' 'N6' => 'I', # 'Address not verified (International only)', => 'Address not verified.' 'N7' => 'P', # 'ZIP matches, address not verified', => 'Postal code matches, but street address not verified. ' 'N8' => 'D', # 'Address and ZIP code match (International only)', => 'Street address and postal code match.' 'N9' => 'D', # 'Address and ZIP code match (UK only)', => 'Street address and postal code match.' 'R' => 'S', # 'Issuer does not participate in AVS', => 'U.S. Bank does not support AVS. ' 'UK' => 'UK',# Unchanged: UNKNOWN 'X' => 'X', # 'Zip Match/Zip 4 Match/Address Match', => 'Street address and 9-digit postal code match. ' 'Z' => 'Z' # 'Zip Match/Locale no match', => 'Street address does not match, but 5-digit postal code matches. ' } def initialize(code) @code = code.blank? ? nil : code.to_s.strip.upcase if @code @message = CODES[@code] @postal_match = ORBITAL_POSTAL_MATCH_CODE[@code] @street_match = ORBITAL_STREET_MATCH_CODE[@code] @code = CONVERT_MAP[@code] unless CONVERT_MAP[@code].nil? end end end end end end