# -*- encoding: binary -*- # Copyright (c) 2005 Zed A. Shaw # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Ruby. # # Additional work donated by contributors. See http://mongrel.rubyforge.org/attributions.html # for more information. require 'test/test_helper' require 'time' include Unicorn class ResponseTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Unicorn::HttpResponse def test_httpdate before = Time.now.to_i str = httpdate assert_kind_of(String, str) middle = Time.parse(str).to_i after = Time.now.to_i assert before <= middle assert middle <= after end def test_response_headers out = StringIO.new http_response_write(out, 200, {"X-Whatever" => "stuff"}, ["cool"]) assert out.closed? assert out.length > 0, "output didn't have data" end def test_response_string_status out = StringIO.new http_response_write(out,'200', {}, []) assert out.closed? assert out.length > 0, "output didn't have data" assert_equal 1, out.string.split(/\r\n/).grep(/^Status: 200 OK/).size end def test_response_200 io = StringIO.new http_response_write(io, 200, {}, []) assert io.closed? assert io.length > 0, "output didn't have data" end def test_response_with_default_reason code = 400 io = StringIO.new http_response_write(io, code, {}, []) assert io.closed? lines = io.string.split(/\r\n/) assert_match(/.* Bad Request$/, lines.first, "wrong default reason phrase") end def test_rack_multivalue_headers out = StringIO.new http_response_write(out,200, {"X-Whatever" => "stuff\nbleh"}, []) assert out.closed? assert_match(/^X-Whatever: stuff\r\nX-Whatever: bleh\r\n/, out.string) end # Even though Rack explicitly forbids "Status" in the header hash, # some broken clients still rely on it def test_status_header_added out = StringIO.new http_response_write(out,200, {"X-Whatever" => "stuff"}, []) assert out.closed? assert_equal 1, out.string.split(/\r\n/).grep(/^Status: 200 OK/i).size end # we always favor the code returned by the application, since "Status" # in the header hash is not allowed by Rack (but not every app is # fully Rack-compliant). def test_status_header_ignores_app_hash out = StringIO.new header_hash = {"X-Whatever" => "stuff", 'StaTus' => "666" } http_response_write(out,200, header_hash, []) assert out.closed? assert_equal 1, out.string.split(/\r\n/).grep(/^Status: 200 OK/i).size assert_equal 1, out.string.split(/\r\n/).grep(/^Status:/i).size end def test_body_closed expect_body = %w(1 2 3 4).join("\n") body = StringIO.new(expect_body) body.rewind out = StringIO.new http_response_write(out,200, {}, body) assert out.closed? assert body.closed? assert_match(expect_body, out.string.split(/\r\n/).last) end def test_unknown_status_pass_through out = StringIO.new http_response_write(out,"666 I AM THE BEAST", {}, [] ) assert out.closed? headers = out.string.split(/\r\n\r\n/).first.split(/\r\n/) assert %r{\AHTTP/\d\.\d 666 I AM THE BEAST\z}.match(headers[0]) status = headers.grep(/\AStatus:/i).first assert status assert_equal "Status: 666 I AM THE BEAST", status end end