
The lint middleware aids in middleware development, by performing basic cheques at boot, and during requests. This process currently checks that the:


var Server = module.exports = connect.createServer(
    // No named params
    function params(){
    // Does not call next AND does not respond
    function hang(req, res, next){
        // Call foo() instead so
        // that our demo can still function.
        var foo = next;

        // All good
        var ct = req.headers['content-type'];
    function allGood(req, res, next){
        // All good
    function reqHeaders(req, res, next){
        // Request headers are always normalized as
        // lowercased by ryan's http parser.
        var ct = req.headers['Content-Type'];
    function methodUppercase(req, res, next){
        // req.method should be uppercase
        req.method = 'get';

Server.use('/', connect.lint(Server));

Sample Output

Warning: layer params:0 First parameter should be named req or request, but is undefined
Warning: layer params:0 Second parameter should be named res or response, but is undefined
Warning: layer params:0 Third parameter should be named next, but is undefined
Warning: layer params:0 Does not seem to call next(), or respond to the request
Warning: layer hang:1 Does not seem to call next(), or respond to the request
Warning: layer req.headers:3 Request headers are lowercased, seems to be accessed with capitals

0) params:
    function (){

1) hang:
    function (req, res, next){
        // Call foo() instead so
        // that our demo can still function.
        var foo = next;

        // All good
        var ct = req.headers['content-type'];

3) req.headers:
    function (req, res, next){
        // Request headers are always normalized as
        // lowercased by ryan's http parser.
        var ct = req.headers['Content-Type'];