require 'spec_helper' describe ThinkingSphinx::Configuration do describe "environment class method" do before :each do ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.reset_environment ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = nil end it "should use the Merb environment value if set" do unless defined?(Merb) module ::Merb; end end ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.stub!(:defined? => true) Merb.stub!(:environment => "merb_production") ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.environment.should == "merb_production" Object.send :remove_const, :Merb end it "should use RAILS_ENV if set" do RAILS_ENV = 'global_rails' ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.environment.should == 'global_rails' Object.send :remove_const, :RAILS_ENV end it "should use the Rails environment value if set" do ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "rails_production" ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.environment.should == "rails_production" end it "should default to development" do ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.environment.should == "development" end end describe '#version' do before :each do @config = ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance @config.reset end it "should use the given version from sphinx.yml if there is one" do open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/sphinx.yml", "w") do |f| f.write YAML.dump({'development' => {'version' => '0.9.7'}}) end @config.reset @config.version.should == '0.9.7' FileUtils.rm "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/sphinx.yml" end it "should detect the version from Riddle otherwise" do controller = @config.controller controller.stub!(:sphinx_version => '0.9.6') Riddle::Controller.stub!(:new => controller) @config.reset @config.version.should == '0.9.6' end end describe "parse_config method" do before :each do @settings = { "development" => { "config_file" => "tmp/config/development.sphinx.conf", "searchd_log_file" => "searchd_log_file.log", "query_log_file" => "query_log_file.log", "pid_file" => "", "searchd_file_path" => "searchd/file/path", "address" => "", "port" => 3333, "min_prefix_len" => 2, "min_infix_len" => 3, "mem_limit" => "128M", "max_matches" => 1001, "morphology" => "stem_ru", "charset_type" => "latin1", "charset_table" => "table", "ignore_chars" => "e", "searchd_binary_name" => "sphinx-searchd", "indexer_binary_name" => "sphinx-indexer", "index_exact_words" => true, "indexed_models" => ['Alpha', 'Beta'] } } open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/sphinx.yml", "w") do |f| f.write YAML.dump(@settings) end end it "should use the accessors to set the configuration values" do config = ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance config.send(:parse_config) %w(config_file searchd_log_file query_log_file pid_file searchd_file_path address port searchd_binary_name indexer_binary_name).each do |key| config.send(key).should == @settings["development"][key] end end after :each do FileUtils.rm "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/sphinx.yml" end end describe "block configuration" do it "should let the user set-up a custom app_root" do ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.configure do |config| config.app_root = "/here/somewhere" end ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.app_root.should == "/here/somewhere" ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.reset end end describe "initialisation" do it "should have a default bin_path of nothing" do ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.bin_path.should == "" end it "should append a / to bin_path if one is supplied" do @settings = { "development" => { "bin_path" => "path/to/somewhere" } } open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/sphinx.yml", "w") do |f| f.write YAML.dump(@settings) end ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.send(:parse_config) ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.bin_path.should match(/\/$/) FileUtils.rm "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/sphinx.yml" end end describe "index options" do before :each do @settings = { "development" => {"disable_range" => true} } open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/sphinx.yml", "w") do |f| f.write YAML.dump(@settings) end @config = ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance @config.send(:parse_config) end it "should collect disable_range" do @config.index_options[:disable_range].should be_true end after :each do FileUtils.rm "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/sphinx.yml" end end it "should insert set index options into the configuration file" do config = ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance ThinkingSphinx::Configuration::IndexOptions.each do |option| config.reset config.index_options[option.to_sym] = "something" file = open(config.config_file) { |f| } file.should match(/#{option}\s+= something/) config.index_options[option.to_sym] = nil end end it "should insert set source options into the configuration file" do config = ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance config.reset config.source_options[:sql_query_pre] = ["something"] ThinkingSphinx::Configuration::SourceOptions.each do |option| config.source_options[option.to_sym] ||= "something" file = open(config.config_file) { |f| } file.should match(/#{option}\s+= something/) config.source_options.delete option.to_sym end config.source_options[:sql_query_pre] = nil end it "should not blow away delta or utf options if sql pre is specified in config" do config = ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance config.reset config.source_options[:sql_query_pre] = ["a pre query"] file = open(config.config_file) { |f| } file.should match(/sql_query_pre = a pre query\n\s*sql_query_pre = UPDATE `\w+` SET `delta` = 0 WHERE `delta` = 1/im) file.should match(/sql_query_pre = a pre query\n\s*sql_query_pre = \n/im) config.source_options[:sql_query_pre] = nil end it "should set any explicit prefixed or infixed fields" do file = open(ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.config_file) { |f| } file.should match(/prefix_fields\s+= city/) file.should match(/infix_fields\s+= state/) end it "should not have prefix fields in indexes where nothing is set" do file = open(ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.config_file) { |f| } file.should_not match(/index alpha_core\s+\{\s+[^\}]*prefix_fields\s+=[^\}]*\}/m) end describe '#generate' do let(:config) { ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance } it "should set all sphinx_internal_id attributes to bigints if one is" do config.reset config.generate config.configuration.indices.each do |index| next if index.is_a? Riddle::Configuration::DistributedIndex index.sources.each do |source| source.sql_attr_bigint.should include(:sphinx_internal_id) end end end end describe '#client' do before :each do @config = ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance @config.address = 'domain.url' @config.port = 3333 @config.configuration.searchd.max_matches = 100 @config.timeout = 1 end it "should return an instance of Riddle::Client" do @config.client.should be_a(Riddle::Client) end it "should use the configuration address" do @config.client.server.should == 'domain.url' end it "should use the configuration port" do @config.client.port.should == 3333 end it "should use the configuration max matches" do @config.client.max_matches.should == 100 end it "should use the configuration timeout" do @config.client.timeout.should == 1 end describe 'when shuffle is enabled' do let(:client) { double('client', :max_matches= => nil, :timeout= => nil) } before :each do @config.shuffle = true end it "should shuffle client servers" do @config.address = ['', ''] @config.address.stub!(:shuffle => ['', '']) Riddle::Client.should_receive(:new) do |addresses, port, key| addresses.should == ['', ''] client end @config.client end end describe 'when shuffle is disabled' do let(:client) { double('client', :max_matches= => nil, :timeout= => nil) } before :each do @config.shuffle = false end it "should not shuffle client servers" do @config.address = ['', '', '', '', ''] @config.address.should_not_receive(:shuffle) Riddle::Client.should_receive(:new) do |addresses, port, key| addresses.should == ['', '', '', '', ''] client end @config.client end end end describe '#models_by_crc' do before :each do @config = ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance end it "should return a hash" do @config.models_by_crc.should be_a(Hash) end it "should pair class names to their crc codes" do @config.models_by_crc[Person.to_crc32].should == 'Person' @config.models_by_crc[Alpha.to_crc32].should == 'Alpha' end end end