# # This is a Gisele process for the example of a rectal cancer care process, similar to the # case study that can be found in [Dam11]. # # References # # * [Dam11] Christophe Damas, Analyzing Multi-View Models of Software Systems, PhD thesis, # University of Louvain, November 2011 task RectalCancerPathway # This variable tracks if the cancer is treated in emergency # in the initial state trackvar emergency {RectalCancerPathway:start} # Is the cancer confirmed by the diagnosis? trackvar cancerConfirmed {Diagnosis:start} initially false # Is the emergency treatment envisioned by the # multi-disciplinary staff? trackvar surgeryEnvisioned {StaffMeeting:end} initially false # The diagnosis task task Diagnosis fluent diagKnown {EndoBio:end}, {} fluent extensionKnown {SpreadEvaluation:end}, {} while not(diagKnown and extensionKnown) Consultation if diagKnown SpreadEvaluation else EndoBio end end end # Diagnosis # main task refinement if emergency Emergency Surgery PostTreatment else Diagnosis if cancerConfirmed StaffMeeting if surgeryEnvisioned PreTreatment Surgery PostTreatment end end end end