opal_filter "Module" do fails "Module#< raises a TypeError if the argument is not a class/module" fails "Module#< returns nil if self is not related to the given module" fails "Module#< returns true if self is a subclass of or includes the given module" fails "Module#<= raises a TypeError if the argument is not a class/module" fails "Module#<= returns nil if self is not related to the given module" fails "Module#<= returns true if self is a subclass of, the same as or includes the given module" fails "Module#<=> returns -1 if self is a subclass of or includes the given module" fails "Module#<=> returns +1 if self is a superclas of or included by the given module" fails "Module#=== returns true when the given Object's class includes self or when the given Object is extended by self" fails "Module#> raises a TypeError if the argument is not a class/module" fails "Module#> returns false if self is a subclass of or includes the given module" fails "Module#> returns false if self is the same as the given module" fails "Module#> returns nil if self is not related to the given module" fails "Module#> returns true if self is a superclass of or included by the given module" fails "Module#>= raises a TypeError if the argument is not a class/module" fails "Module#>= returns false if self is a subclass of or includes the given module" fails "Module#>= returns nil if self is not related to the given module" fails "Module#>= returns true if self is a superclass of, the same as or included by given module" fails "Module#alias_method accesses a method defined on Object from Kernel" fails "Module#alias_method can call a method with super aliased twice" fails "Module#alias_method fails if origin method not found" fails "Module#alias_method preserves the arguments information of the original methods" fails "Module#alias_method raises a TypeError when the given name can't be converted using to_str" fails "Module#alias_method retains method visibility" fails "Module#ancestors returns only modules and classes" fails "Module#ancestors when called on a singleton class includes the singleton classes of ancestors" fails "Module#append_features copies own tainted status to the given module" fails "Module#append_features copies own untrusted status to the given module" fails "Module#append_features on Class raises a TypeError if calling after rebinded to Class" fails "Module#append_features raises an ArgumentError on a cyclic include" fails "Module#attr applies current visibility to methods created" fails "Module#attr converts non string/symbol/fixnum names to strings using to_str" fails "Module#attr creates a getter but no setter for all given attribute names" fails "Module#attr creates a getter for the given attribute name" fails "Module#attr raises a TypeError when the given names can't be converted to strings using to_str" fails "Module#attr_accessor allows creating an attr_accessor on an immediate class" fails "Module#attr_accessor applies current visibility to methods created" fails "Module#attr_accessor converts non string/symbol/fixnum names to strings using to_str" fails "Module#attr_accessor raises a TypeError when the given names can't be converted to strings using to_str" fails "Module#attr_reader allows for adding an attr_reader to an immediate" fails "Module#attr_reader applies current visibility to methods created" fails "Module#attr_reader converts non string/symbol/fixnum names to strings using to_str" fails "Module#attr_reader raises a TypeError when the given names can't be converted to strings using to_str" fails "Module#attr_writer allows for adding an attr_writer to an immediate" fails "Module#attr_writer applies current visibility to methods created" fails "Module#attr_writer converts non string/symbol/fixnum names to strings using to_str" fails "Module#attr_writer raises a TypeError when the given names can't be converted to strings using to_str" fails "Module#class_eval adds methods respecting the lexical constant scope" fails "Module#class_eval converts a non-string filename to a string using to_str" fails "Module#class_eval converts non string eval-string to string using to_str" fails "Module#class_eval defines constants in the receiver's scope" fails "Module#class_eval evaluates a given string in the context of self" fails "Module#class_eval raises a TypeError when the given eval-string can't be converted to string using to_str" fails "Module#class_eval raises a TypeError when the given filename can't be converted to string using to_str" fails "Module#class_eval resolves constants in the caller scope ignoring send" fails "Module#class_eval resolves constants in the caller scope" fails "Module#class_eval resolves constants in the receiver's scope" fails "Module#class_eval uses the optional filename and lineno parameters for error messages" fails "Module#class_exec defines method in the receiver's scope" fails "Module#class_variable_defined? converts a non string/symbol/fixnum name to string using to_str" fails "Module#class_variable_defined? raises a TypeError when the given names can't be converted to strings using to_str" fails "Module#class_variable_defined? returns false if a class variables with the given name is defined in an extended module" fails "Module#class_variable_defined? returns false if the class variable is not defined in a metaclass" fails "Module#class_variable_defined? returns true if a class variable with the given name is defined in self" fails "Module#class_variable_defined? returns true if a class variable with the given name is defined in the metaclass" fails "Module#class_variable_defined? returns true if a class variables with the given name is defined in an included module" fails "Module#class_variable_defined? returns true if the class variable is defined in a metaclass" fails "Module#class_variable_get returns the value of a class variable with the given name defined in an included module" fails "Module#class_variable_set sets the value of a class variable with the given name defined in an included module" fails "Module#class_variables does not return class variables defined in extended modules" fails "Module#class_variables returns an Array of Symbols of class variable names defined in a metaclass" fails "Module#class_variables returns an Array with names of class variables defined in metaclasses" fails "Module#class_variables returns an Array with the names of class variables of self" fails "Module#const_get accepts a toplevel scope qualifier" fails "Module#const_get calls #to_str to convert the given name to a String" fails "Module#const_get does not search the singleton class of a Class or Module" fails "Module#const_get raises a NameError if a Symbol is a scoped constant name" fails "Module#const_get raises a NameError if the constant is defined in the receiver's supperclass and the inherit flag is false" fails "Module#const_get raises a NameError with the not found constant symbol" fails "Module#const_get raises a TypeError if conversion to a String by calling #to_str fails" fails "Module#const_get with dynamically assigned constants searches a module included in the immediate class before the superclass" fails "Module#const_get with dynamically assigned constants searches a module included in the superclass" fails "Module#const_get with dynamically assigned constants searches the superclass chain" fails "Module#const_missing raises NameError and does not include toplevel Object" fails "Module#constants doesn't returns inherited constants when passed false" fails "Module#constants doesn't returns inherited constants when passed nil" fails "Module#constants includes names of constants defined after a module is included" fails "Module#constants returns all constants including inherited when passed some object" fails "Module#constants returns all constants including inherited when passed true" fails "Module#constants returns an array of Symbol names of all constants defined in the module and all included modules" fails "Module#constants returns only public constants" fails "Module#define_method does not change the arity check style of the original proc" fails "Module#define_method passed { } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed one argument" fails "Module#define_method passed { } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed two arguments" fails "Module#define_method passed { || } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed one argument" fails "Module#define_method passed { || } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed two arguments" fails "Module#define_method passed { |a, *b| } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed zero arguments" fails "Module#define_method passed { |a, b, *c| } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed one argument and a block" fails "Module#define_method passed { |a, b, *c| } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed one argument" fails "Module#define_method passed { |a, b, *c| } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed zero arguments" fails "Module#define_method passed { |a, b| } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed one argument and a block" fails "Module#define_method passed { |a, b| } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed one argument" fails "Module#define_method passed { |a, b| } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed three arguments" fails "Module#define_method passed { |a, b| } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed zero arguments" fails "Module#define_method passed { |a| } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed two arguments" fails "Module#define_method passed { |a| } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed zero arguments and a block" fails "Module#define_method passed { |a| } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed zero arguments" fails "Module#define_method raises a TypeError when a Method from a singleton class is defined on another class" fails "Module#define_method raises a TypeError when a Method from one class is defined on an unrelated class" fails "Module#define_method raises a TypeError when an UnboundMethod from a child class is defined on a parent class" fails "Module#define_method raises a TypeError when an UnboundMethod from one class is defined on an unrelated class" fails "Module#extend_object does not copy own tainted status to the given object" fails "Module#extend_object does not copy own untrusted status to the given object" fails "Module#extend_object extends the given object with its constants and methods by default" fails "Module#extend_object is called when #extend is called on an object" fails "Module#extend_object on Class raises a TypeError if calling after rebinded to Class" fails "Module#include adds all ancestor modules when a previously included module is included again" fails "Module#include detects cyclic includes" fails "Module#include does not override existing constants in modules and classes" fails "Module#include doesn't include module if it is included in a super class" fails "Module#include ignores modules it has already included via module mutual inclusion" fails "Module#include preserves ancestor order" fails "Module#include raises a TypeError when the argument is not a Module" fails "Module#include recursively includes new mixins" fails "Module#include? raises a TypeError when no module was given" fails "Module#include? returns true if the given module is included by self or one of it's ancestors" fails "Module#included_modules returns a list of modules included in self" fails "Module#initialize is called on subclasses" fails "Module#instance_method gives UnboundMethod method name, Module defined in and Module extracted from" fails "Module#instance_method raises a NameError if the method has been undefined" fails "Module#instance_method raises a TypeError if not passed a symbol" fails "Module#instance_method raises a TypeError if the given name is not a string/symbol" fails "Module#instance_method sets the NameError#name attribute to the name of the missing method" fails "Module#method_defined? converts the given name to a string using to_str" fails "Module#method_defined? raises a TypeError when the given object is not a string/symbol/fixnum" fails "Module#method_defined? returns true if a public or private method with the given name is defined in self, self's ancestors or one of self's included modules" fails "Module#module_eval adds methods respecting the lexical constant scope" fails "Module#module_eval converts a non-string filename to a string using to_str" fails "Module#module_eval converts non string eval-string to string using to_str" fails "Module#module_eval defines constants in the receiver's scope" fails "Module#module_eval evaluates a given string in the context of self" fails "Module#module_eval raises a TypeError when the given eval-string can't be converted to string using to_str" fails "Module#module_eval raises a TypeError when the given filename can't be converted to string using to_str" fails "Module#module_eval resolves constants in the caller scope ignoring send" fails "Module#module_eval resolves constants in the caller scope" fails "Module#module_eval resolves constants in the receiver's scope" fails "Module#module_eval uses the optional filename and lineno parameters for error messages" fails "Module#module_exec defines method in the receiver's scope" fails "Module#module_function as a toggle (no arguments) in a Module body affects evaled method definitions also even when outside the eval itself" fails "Module#module_function as a toggle (no arguments) in a Module body does not affect module_evaled method definitions also if outside the eval itself" fails "Module#module_function as a toggle (no arguments) in a Module body doesn't affect definitions when inside an eval even if the definitions are outside of it" fails "Module#module_function as a toggle (no arguments) in a Module body functions normally if both toggle and definitions inside a eval" fails "Module#module_function as a toggle (no arguments) in a Module body has no effect if inside a module_eval if the definitions are outside of it" fails "Module#module_function on Class raises a TypeError if calling after rebinded to Class" fails "Module#module_function with specific method names raises a TypeError when the given names can't be converted to string using to_str" fails "Module#module_function with specific method names tries to convert the given names to strings using to_str" fails "Module#prepend accepts no-arguments" fails "Module#prepend adds the module in the subclass chains" fails "Module#prepend allows wrapping methods" fails "Module#prepend also prepends included modules" fails "Module#prepend calls #prepend_features(self) in reversed order on each module" fails "Module#prepend calls prepended after prepend_features" fails "Module#prepend causes the prepended module's method to be aliased by alias_method" fails "Module#prepend clears any caches" fails "Module#prepend depends on prepend_features to add the module" fails "Module#prepend detects cyclic prepends" fails "Module#prepend does not import constants" fails "Module#prepend does not import methods to modules and classes" fails "Module#prepend imports instance methods" fails "Module#prepend includes prepended modules in ancestors" fails "Module#prepend inserts a later prepended module into the chain" fails "Module#prepend is a public method" fails "Module#prepend keeps the module in the chain when dupping an intermediate module" fails "Module#prepend keeps the module in the chain when dupping the class" fails "Module#prepend prepends multiple modules in the right order" fails "Module#prepend raises a TypeError when the argument is not a Module" fails "Module#prepend reports the prepended module as the method owner" fails "Module#prepend reports the prepended module as the unbound method owner" fails "Module#prepend returns the class it's included into" fails "Module#prepend sees an instance of a prepended class as kind of the prepended module" fails "Module#prepend supports super when the module is prepended into a singleton class with a class super" fails "Module#prepend supports super when the module is prepended into a singleton class" fails "Module#prepend throws a NoMethodError when there is no more superclass" fails "Module#prepend works with subclasses" fails "Module#prepend_features copies own tainted status to the given module" fails "Module#prepend_features copies own untrusted status to the given module" fails "Module#prepend_features gets called when self is included in another module/class" fails "Module#prepend_features on Class raises a TypeError if calling after rebinded to Class" fails "Module#prepend_features raises an ArgumentError on a cyclic prepend" fails "Module#prepended is invoked when self is prepended to another module or class" fails "Module#private without arguments within a closure sets the visibility outside the closure" fails "Module#protected without arguments within a closure sets the visibility outside the closure" fails "Module#remove_class_variable raises a NameError when an uninitialized class variable is given" fails "Module#remove_class_variable raises a NameError when passed a symbol with no leading @" fails "Module#remove_class_variable raises a NameError when passed a symbol with one leading @" fails "Module#remove_class_variable removes a class variable defined in a metaclass" fails "Module#remove_class_variable removes class variable" fails "Module#remove_class_variable returns the value of removing class variable" fails "Module#remove_const calls #to_str to convert the given name to a String" fails "Module#remove_const raises a NameError and does not call #const_missing if the constant is not defined directly in the module" fails "Module#remove_const raises a NameError and does not call #const_missing if the constant is not defined" fails "Module#remove_const raises a NameError if the name contains non-alphabetic characters except '_'" fails "Module#remove_const raises a NameError if the name does not start with a capital letter" fails "Module#remove_const raises a NameError if the name starts with a non-alphabetic character" fails "Module#remove_const raises a TypeError if conversion to a String by calling #to_str fails" fails "Module.allocate returns a fully-formed instance of Module" fails "Module.constants returns an array of Symbol names" fails "Module.constants returns Module's constants when given a parameter" fails "Module.new creates a new Module and passes it to the provided block" fails "Module::Nesting returns the list of Modules nested at the point of call" fails "Module::Nesting returns the nesting for module/class declaring the called method" fails "passed { |a, b = 1| } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed three arguments" fails "passed { |a, b = 1| } creates a method that raises an ArgumentError when passed zero arguments" end