module Bio class Graphics class Glyph attr_reader :glyphs #holds a load of definitions for glyphs .. a glyph is an array of primitives... @glyphs = [:generic, :directed, :transcript, :scale, :label, :histogram, :circle, :down_triangle, :up_triangle, :span] def self.generic(args) #:x, :y, :width :fill, :stroke :stroke_width, :style, :height, args = { :height => 10, :fill_color => 'red', :stroke => "black", :stroke_width => 1, :x_round => 1, :y_round => 1, :style => "fill-opacity:0.4;"}.merge!(args) [, args)] end def args = { :radius => 10, :fill_color => 'red', :stroke => "black", :stroke_width => 1, :style => ""}.merge!(args) args[:x_center] = args[:x] args[:y_center] = args[:y] [:x, :y].each {|e| args.delete(e)} [, args)] end def self.directed(args) #:x, :y, :width :fill, :stroke :stroke_width, :style, :height args = { :height => 10, :fill_color => 'red', :stroke => "black", :stroke_width => 1, :style => "fill-opacity:0.4;"}.merge!(args) if args[:strand] == '-' args[:points] = "#{args[:x]},#{args[:y]} #{args[:x] + args[:width]},#{args[:y]} #{args[:x] + args[:width]},#{args[:y] + args[:height] } #{args[:x]},#{args[:y] + (args[:height])} #{args[:x] - (args[:height] * 0.2)},#{args[:y] + (args[:height]/2)}" else args[:points] = "#{args[:x]},#{args[:y]} #{args[:x] + args[:width] - (args[:height] * 0.2)},#{args[:y]} #{args[:x] + args[:width]},#{args[:y] + (args[:height]/2) } #{args[:x] + args[:width] - (args[:height] * 0.2)},#{args[:y] + args[:height]} #{args[:x]},#{args[:y] + args[:height]}" end [, args)] end def self.down_triangle(args) #:x, :y, :width :fill, :stroke :stroke_width, :style, :height args = { :height => 10, :fill_color => 'red', :stroke => "black", :stroke_width => 1, :style => "fill-opacity:0.4;"}.merge!(args) args[:points] = "#{args[:x]},#{args[:y]} #{args[:x] + args[:width]},#{args[:y]} #{ args[:x] + (args[:width]/2) },#{(args[:y] + args[:height]) }" [, args)] end def self.up_triangle(args) #:x, :y, :width :fill, :stroke :stroke_width, :style, :height args = { :height => 10, :fill_color => 'red', :stroke => "black", :stroke_width => 1, :style => "fill-opacity:0.4;"}.merge!(args) args[:points] = "#{args[:x]},#{args[:y] + args[:height]} #{args[:x] + args[:width]},#{args[:y] + args[:height]} #{ args[:x] + (args[:width]/2) },#{args[:y] }" [, args)] end def self.span(args) args = { :height => 10, :fill_color => 'red', :stroke => "black", :stroke_width => 1, :style => "fill-opacity:1;" }.merge!(args) args[:x1] = args[:x] args[:x2] = args[:x] + args[:width] args[:y1] = args[:y] args[:y2] = args[:y] [, args)] end def self.transcript(args) args = { :height => 10, :utr_fill_color => 'black', :utr_stroke => "black", :utr_stroke_width => 1, :exon_fill_color => 'red', :exon_stroke => "black", :exon_stroke_width => 1, :line_color => 'black', :line_width => 1, :exon_style => "fill-opacity:0.4;", :utr_style => "", :line_style => "", :block_gaps => "", :gap_marker => "" }.merge!(args) composite = [] if not args[:utrs].empty? ##draw the utr as terminal element...##terminal utr is the one with the point on... x,width = args[:strand] == '-' ? args[:utrs].shift : args[:utrs].pop composite += Glyph.directed(:x => x, :y => args[:y], :width => width, :strand => args[:strand], :height => args[:height], :fill_color => args[:utr_fill_color], :stroke =>args[:utr_stroke], :stroke_width => args[:utr_stroke_width], :style => args[:utr_style] ) ##draw the other(s!) args[:utrs].each do |utr| composite <<, { :x => utr.first, :width => utr.last, :y => args[:y], :height => args[:height], :fill_color => args[:utr_fill_color], :stroke =>args[:utr_stroke], :stroke_width => args[:utr_stroke_width], :style => args[:utr_style]} ) end else ## draw the terminal exon as terminal element points = nil x,width = args[:strand] == '-' ? args[:exons].shift : args[:exons].pop composite += Glyph.directed(:x => x, :y => args[:y], :width => width, :strand => args[:strand], :height => args[:height], :fill_color => args[:exon_fill_color], :stroke =>args[:exon_stroke], :stroke_width => args[:exon_stroke_width], :style => args[:exon_style] ) end #draw any remaining exons args[:exons].each do |exon| composite <<, { :x => exon[0], :width => exon[1], :y => args[:y], :height => args[:height], :fill_color => args[:exon_fill_color], :stroke =>args[:exon_stroke], :stroke_width => args[:exon_stroke_width], :style => args[:exon_style]} ) end if args[:gap_marker] == "angled" and not args[:block_gaps].empty? args[:block_gaps].each do |gap| points = "#{gap.first},#{args[:y] + (args[:height]/2) } #{gap.first + (gap.last/2)},#{args[:y]} #{gap.first + gap.last},#{args[:y] + (args[:height]/2)}" composite <<, { :points => points, :stroke => args[:line_color], :stroke_width => args[:line_width], :fill => "none", :line_style => args[:line_style]}) end else #add line composite <<, { :x1 => args[:x], :x2 => "#{args[:x] + args[:width]}", :y1 => args[:y] + (args[:height]/2), :y2 => args[:y] + (args[:height]/2), :stroke => args[:line_color], :stroke_width => args[:line_width], :line_style => args[:line_style]}) end composite end def self.scale(args) first_mark = args[:start] last_mark = args[:stop] #(num.to_f / @nt_per_px_x.to_f) full_dist = last_mark - first_mark interval_width = full_dist / (args[:number_of_intervals] - 1) a = [, :stroke => 'black', :stroke_width => 1, :x1 => 1, :x2 => args[:page_width],# * 1.1, :y1 => "20", :y2 => "20" )] marks = (first_mark..last_mark).step(interval_width).to_a px_per_nt = args[:page_width].to_f / full_dist.to_f marks.each do |mark| x = (mark.to_f - first_mark ).to_f * px_per_nt a <<, :x => x, :y => 20, :stroke => 'black', :stroke_width => 1, :width => 1, :height => 5 ) a <<, :x => x, :y => 40, :fill => 'black', :text => mark, :style => "font-family:Arial;font-style:italic") end return a end def self.label(args) [, :text => args[:text], :x => args[:x], :y => args[:y], :fill => "black", :style => "font-family:monospace;")] end def self.gradients #needs to know which of its gradients are predefined [:red_white_h, :green_white_h, :blue_white_h, :yellow_white_h, :red_white_radial, :green_white_radial, :blue_white_radial, :yellow_white_radial ] end def self.gradient(gradient) type, color = case gradient when :red_white_h [:linear, "red"] when :green_white_h [:linear, "green"] when :blue_white_h [:linear, "blue"] when :yellow_white_h [:linear, "yellow"] when :red_white_radial [:radial, "red"] when :green_white_radial [:radial, "green"] when :blue_white_radial [:radial, "blue"] when :yellow_white_radial [:radial, "yellow"] end case type when :linear {:type => :linear, :id => gradient, :x1 => 0, :y1 => 0, :x2 => 0, :y2 => 100, :stops => [ { :color => color, :offset => 0, :opacity=> 1 }, { :color => "white", :offset => 100, :opacity=> 1 } ] } when :radial { :type => :radial, :id => gradient, :cx => 50, :cy => 50, :r => 50, :fx => 50, :fy => 50, :stops => [ {:offset => 0, :color => "white", :opacity => 0 }, { :offset => 100, :color => color, :opacity => 1 } ] } end end end end end