(examples-for ⋂ ("returns a single arg" (⋂ '(a b c)) (a b c)) ("returns a single nil arg" (⋂ nil) nil) ("returns intersection of two args" (⋂ '(a b c) '(a b d)) (a b)) ("returns intersection of list and nil" (⋂ '(a b c) nil) nil) ("returns intersection of nil and list" (⋂ nil '(a b c)) nil) ("returns intersection of three args" (⋂ '(a b c d e) '(a b c d f) '(z b c d g)) (b c d)) ("returns intersection of list, nil, and another list" (⋂ '(a b c d e) nil '(z b c d g)) nil) ("returns intersection of four args" (⋂ '(a b c d e) '(a b c d f) '(z b d c g) '(z y g c d)) (c d)))