require 'spec_helper' require 'simple_deploy/cli' describe SimpleDeploy::CLI::Shared do include_context 'double stubbed logger' before do @object = @object.extend SimpleDeploy::CLI::Shared end it "should parse the given attributes" do logger_stub = stub 'logger stub', :info => true attributes = [ 'test1=value1', 'test2=value2==' ] @object.parse_attributes(:logger => @logger_stub, :attributes => attributes). should == [ { "test1" => "value1" }, { "test2" => "value2==" } ] end context "validating options " do it "should exit if provided options passed do not include all required" do provided = { :test1 => 'test1', :test2 => 'test2' } required = [:test1, :test2, :test3] lambda { @object.valid_options? :provided => provided, :required => required }.should raise_error SystemExit end it "should exit if environment does not exist" do config_stub = stub 'config stub', :environments => { 'preprod' => 'data' } provided = { :environment => 'prod' } required = [:environment] SimpleDeploy.stub(:environments).and_return(config_stub) config_stub.should_receive(:keys).and_return(['preprod']) lambda { @object.valid_options? :provided => provided, :required => required }.should raise_error SystemExit end it "should not exit if all options passed and environment exists" do config_stub = stub 'config stub', :environments => { 'prod' => 'data' } provided = { :environment => 'prod', :test1 => 'value1' } required = [:environment, :test1] SimpleDeploy.stub(:environments).and_return(config_stub) config_stub.should_receive(:keys).and_return(['prod']) @object.valid_options? :provided => provided, :required => required, :logger => @logger_stub end end it "should return the command name" do @object.command_name.should == 'object' end it "should rescue exceptions and exit 1" do lambda { @object.rescue_exceptions_and_exit do raise SimpleDeploy::Exceptions::Base end }.should raise_error SystemExit end end