require 'english' begin require 'bundler/setup' rescue LoadError puts 'You must `gem install bundler` and `bundle install` to run rake tasks' end APP_RAKEFILE = File.expand_path('../test/dummy/Rakefile', __FILE__) load 'rails/tasks/engine.rake' load 'rails/tasks/statistics.rake' Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks require 'rake/testtask' do |t| t.libs << 'lib' t.libs << 'test' t.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb' t.verbose = false end task default: :test require 'yard' do |t| t.files = ['lib/**/*.rb', 'app/**/*.rb', 'config/**/*.rb'] t.options = ['--output-dir=./docs'] end require 'kadmin/version' namespace :cim do desc 'Tags, updates README, and CHANGELOG and pushes to Github. Requires ruby-git' task :release do tasks = ['cim:assert_clean_repo', 'cim:git_fetch', 'cim:set_new_version', 'cim:update_readme', 'cim:update_changelog', 'cim:commit_changes', 'cim:tag'] begin tasks.each { |task| Rake::Task[task].invoke } `git push && git push origin '#{Kadmin::VERSION}'` rescue => error puts ">>> ERROR: #{error}; might want to reset your repository" end end desc 'Fails if the current repository is not clean' task :assert_clean_repo do status = `git status -s`.chomp.strip if status.strip.empty? status = `git log origin/master..HEAD`.chomp.strip # check if we have unpushed commits if status.strip.empty? puts '>>> Repository is clean!' else puts '>>> Please push your committed changes before releasing!' exit(-1) end else puts '>>> Please stash or commit your changes before releasing!' exit(-1) end end desc 'Fetches latest tags/commits' task :git_fetch do puts '>>> Fetching latest git refs' `git fetch --tags` end desc 'Requests the new version number' task :set_new_version do STDOUT.print(">>> New version number (current: #{Kadmin::VERSION}; leave blank if already updated): ") input ="'", "\'") current = if input.empty? Kadmin::VERSION else unless input =~ /[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/ puts '>>> Please use semantic versioning!' exit(-1) end input end latest = `git describe --abbrev=0`.chomp.strip unless > puts ">>> Latest tagged version is #{latest}; make sure gem version (#{current}) is greater!" exit(-1) end if !input.empty? `sed -i -u "s@VERSION = '#{Kadmin::VERSION}'@VERSION = '#{input}'@" #{File.expand_path('../lib/kadmin/version.rb', __FILE__)}` $VERBOSE = nil Kadmin.const_set('VERSION', input) $VERBOSE = false `bundle check` # force updating version end end desc 'Updates README with latest version' task :update_readme do puts '>>> Updating' replace = %([![GitHub release]({Kadmin::VERSION}-blue.png)]({Kadmin::VERSION})) `sed -i -u 's@^\\[\\!\\[GitHub release\\].*$@#{replace}@'` end desc 'Updates CHANGELOG with commit log from last tag to this one' task :update_changelog do puts '>>> Updating' latest = `git describe --abbrev=0`.chomp.strip range = $CHILD_STATUS.success? && !latest.empty? ? "'#{latest}'..HEAD" : '' log = `git log --pretty=format:'- [%h]( *%ad* __%s__ (%an)' --date=short #{range}`.chomp changelog ='', 'w') changelog.write("# Changelog\n\n###{Kadmin::VERSION}\n\n#{log}\n\n")'', 'r') do |file| file.readline # skip first two lines file.readline while buffer = # rubocop: disable Lint/AssignmentInCondition changelog.write(buffer) end end changelog.close `mv '' ''` end desc 'Commits the README/CHANGELOG changes' task :commit_changes do puts '>>> Committing updates to README/CHANGELOG' `git commit -am'Updated and on new release'` end desc 'Creates and pushes the tag to git' task :tag do puts '>>> Tagging' STDOUT.print('>>> Please enter a tag message: ') input ="'", "\'") `git tag -a '#{Kadmin::VERSION}' -m '#{input}'` end end