class SystemBuilder::DebianBoot attr_accessor :version, :mirror, :architecture attr_accessor :exclude, :include, :components attr_reader :root attr_reader :configurators @@default_mirror = '' def self.default_mirror=(mirror) @@default_mirror = mirror end @@apt_proxy = nil def self.apt_proxy=(proxy) @@apt_proxy = proxy end def self.apt_proxy @@apt_proxy end def self.apt_options "-o Acquire::http::Proxy='#{apt_proxy}'" if apt_proxy end def initialize(root) @root = root @version = :lenny @mirror = @@default_mirror @architecture = :i386 @components = ["main"] @exclude = [] @include = [ "debian-archive-keyring" ] # kernel can't be installed by debootstrap @configurators = [ localhost_configurator, apt_configurator, kernel_configurator, fstab_configurator, timezone_configurator, resolvconf_configurator, policyrc_configurator ] @cleaners = [ apt_cleaner, policyrc_cleaner ] end def create(force = false) return if @creating and not force bootstrap configure clean @creating = true end def bootstrap unless File.exists?(root) FileUtils::mkdir_p root FileUtils::sudo "debootstrap", debbootstrap_options, version, root, debbootstrap_url end end def configure puts "* #{configurators.size} configurators to run :" unless @configurators.empty? chroot do |chroot| @configurators.each do |configurator| configurator.configure(chroot) end end end end def clean unless @cleaners.empty? chroot do |chroot| @cleaners.each do |cleaner| end end end end def kernel_configurator do |chroot| puts "* install kernel""/etc/kernel-img.conf") do |f| f.puts "do_initrd = yes" end chroot.apt_install %w{linux-image-2.6-686} end end def fstab_configurator do |chroot| puts "* create fstab""/etc/fstab") do |f| f.puts "LABEL=boot /boot auto defaults,noatime,ro 0 0" %w{/tmp /var/run /var/log /var/lock /var/tmp}.each do |directory| f.puts "tmpfs #{directory} tmpfs defaults,noatime 0 0" end end end end def timezone_configurator do |chroot| puts "* define timezone" # Use same timezone than build machine chroot.image.install "/etc/", "/etc/timezone", "/etc/localtime" end end def resolvconf_configurator do |chroot| unless chroot.image.exists?("/etc/resolv.conf") puts "* define resolv.conf" # Use the same resolv.conf than build machine chroot.image.install "/etc/", "/etc/resolv.conf" end end end def apt_configurator end def apt_confd_proxy_file "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02proxy-systembuilder" end class AptConfigurator attr_reader :boot def initialize(boot) @boot = boot end def apt_proxy SystemBuilder::DebianBoot.apt_proxy end def apt_options SystemBuilder::DebianBoot.apt_options end def offline? ENV['OFFLINE'] == 'true' end def debbootstrap_url boot.debbootstrap_url end def mirror boot.mirror end def sources_list(chroot) File.readlines(chroot.image.file("/etc/apt/sources.list")).collect(&:strip) end def rewrite_sources_url(chroot) return unless apt_proxy"/etc/apt/sources.list") do |f| sources_list(chroot).each do |line| f.puts line.gsub(/^deb #{debbootstrap_url}/, "deb #{mirror}") end end end def update(chroot) chroot.sudo "apt-get #{apt_options} update" unless offline? end def apt_confd_file boot.apt_confd_proxy_file end def configure_proxy(chroot) return unless apt_proxy do |f| f.puts "Acquire::http { Proxy \"#{apt_proxy}\"; };" end end def configure(chroot) rewrite_sources_url(chroot) update(chroot) configure_proxy(chroot) end end def policyrc_configurator do |chroot| puts "* disable rc services""/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d") do |f| f.puts "exit 101" end "chmod +x /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d" end end def apt_cleaner do |chroot| if chroot.image.exists?(apt_confd_proxy_file) puts "* remove apt proxy configuration" chroot.sudo "rm #{apt_confd_proxy_file}" end puts "* clean apt caches" chroot.sudo "apt-get clean" puts "* autoremove packages" chroot.sudo "apt-get autoremove --yes" end end def policyrc_cleaner do |chroot| puts "* enable rc services" "rm /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d" end end def localhost_configurator do |chroot|"/etc/hosts") do |f| f.puts " localhost" f.puts "::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback" end end end def debbootstrap_options { :arch => architecture, :exclude => exclude.join(','), :include => include.join(','), :variant => :minbase, :components => components.join(',') }.collect do |k,v| ["--#{k}", Array(v).join(',')] unless v.blank? end.compact end def debbootstrap_url if self.class.apt_proxy "#{self.class.apt_proxy}#{mirror.gsub('http:/','')}" else mirror end end def image(&block) @image ||= if block_given? yield @image else @image end end def chroot(&block) @chroot ||= @chroot.execute &block end class Image def initialize(root) @root = root end def mkdir(directory) FileUtils::sudo "mkdir -p #{expand_path(directory)}" end def install(target, *sources) FileUtils::sudo "cp --preserve=mode,timestamps #{sources.join(' ')} #{expand_path(target)}" end def rsync(target, *sources) sources = sources.flatten options = (Hash === sources.last ? sources.pop : {}) rsync_options = options.collect { |k,v| v == true ? "--#{k}" : "--#{k}=#{v}" } FileUtils::sudo "rsync -a #{rsync_options.join(' ')} #{sources.join(' ')} #{expand_path(target)}" end def open(filename, &block) do |f| yield f f.close File.chmod 0644, f.path install filename, f.path end end def expand_path(path) File.join(@root,path) end alias_method :file, :expand_path def exists?(path) path = expand_path(path) File.exists?(path) or File.symlink?(path) end end class Chroot attr_reader :image def initialize(image) @image = image end def apt_install(*packages) sudo "apt-get install #{SystemBuilder::DebianBoot.apt_options} --yes --force-yes #{packages.join(' ')}" end def cp(*arguments) sudo "cp #{arguments.join(' ')}" end def sh(*arguments) FileUtils::sudo "chroot #{image.expand_path('/')} sh -c \"LC_ALL=C #{arguments.join(' ')}\"" end alias_method :sudo, :sh def execute(&block) begin prepare_run yield self ensure unprepare_run end end def prepare_run FileUtils::sudo "mount proc #{image.expand_path('/proc')} -t proc" end def unprepare_run FileUtils::sudo "umount #{image.expand_path('/proc')}" end end end