# feature tests for Tables # revision: $Revision: 1348 $ # Why do so many of these tests call "strip"? A distinct smell... $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..') if $0 == __FILE__ require 'unittests/setup' class TC_Tables < Test::Unit::TestCase include Watir::Exception def setup uses_page "table1.html" end def teardown browser.refresh if @reload_page end def test_exists assert browser.table(:id, 't1').exists? assert browser.table(:id, /t/).exists? assert !browser.table(:id, 'missingTable').exists? assert !browser.table(:id, /missing_table/).exists? assert browser.table(:index, 1).exists? assert !browser.table(:index, 33).exists? end def test_row_count_exceptions assert_raises UnknownObjectException do browser.table(:id, 'missingTable').row_count end assert_raises UnknownObjectException do browser.table(:index, 66).row_count end assert_raises MissingWayOfFindingObjectException do browser.table(:bad_attribute, 99).row_count end end def test_rows assert_equal(2, browser.table(:index, 1).row_count) assert_equal(2, browser.table(:index, 1).rows.length) assert_equal(5, browser.table(:id, 't1').row_count) # 4 rows and a header assert_equal(5, browser.table(:index, 2).row_count) # same table as above, just accessed by index assert_equal(5, browser.table(:id, 't1').rows.length) # test the each iterator on rows - ie, go through each cell row = browser.table(:index, 2)[2] result = [] row.each do |cell| result << cell.to_s.strip end assert_equal(['Row 1 Col1', 'Row 1 Col2'], result) assert_equal(2, row.column_count) end def test_dynamic_tables @reload_page = true t = browser.table(:id, 't1') assert_equal(5, t.row_count) browser.button(:value, 'add row').click assert_equal(6, t.row_count) end def test_columns assert_raises UnknownObjectException do browser.table(:id, 'missingTable').column_count end assert_raises UnknownObjectException do browser.table(:index, 77).column_count end assert_equal(2, browser.table(:index, 1).column_count) assert_equal(1, browser.table(:id, 't1').column_count) # row one has 1 cell with a colspan of 2 end def test_to_a expected = [ ["Row 1 Col1" , "Row 1 Col2"], [ "Row 2 Col1" , "Row 2 Col2"] ] assert_equal(expected, browser.table(:index , 1).to_a) end def test_links_and_images_in_table table = browser.table(:id, 'pic_table') image = table[1][2].image(:index,1) assert_equal("106", image.width) link = table[1][4].link(:index,1) assert_equal("Google", link.innerText) end def test_cell_directly assert browser.cell(:id, 'cell1').exists? assert ! browser.cell(:id, 'no_exist').exists? assert_equal("Row 1 Col1", browser.cell(:id, 'cell1').to_s.strip) end def test_cell_another_way assert_equal( "Row 1 Col1", browser.table(:index,1)[1][1].to_s.strip) end def test_row_directly assert browser.row(:id, 'row1').exists? assert ! browser.row(:id, 'no_exist').exists? end def test_row_another_way assert_equal('Row 2 Col1', browser.row(:id, 'row1')[1].to_s.strip) end def test_row_in_table assert_equal 'Row 2 Col1 Row 2 Col2', browser.table(:id, 't1').row(:id, 'row1').text end def test_row_iterator t = browser.table(:index, 1) count = 1 t.each do |row| if count == 1 assert("Row 1 Col1", row[1].text) assert("Row 1 Col2", row[2].text) elsif count == 2 assert("Row 2 Col1", row[1].text) assert("Row 2 Col2", row[2].text) end count += 1 end end def test_row_collection t = browser.table(:index,1) count = 1 t.rows.each do |row| if count == 1 assert("Row 1 Col1", row[1].text) assert("Row 1 Col2", row[2].text) elsif count == 2 assert("Row 2 Col1", row[1].text) assert("Row 2 Col2", row[2].text) end count += 1 end end def test_cell_collection t = browser.table(:index,1) contents = t.cells.collect {|c| c.text} assert_equal(["Row 1 Col1","Row 1 Col2","Row 2 Col1","Row 2 Col2"], contents) end def test_table_body assert_equal(1, browser.table(:index, 1).bodies.length) assert_equal(3, browser.table(:id, 'body_test').bodies.length) count = 1 browser.table(:id, 'body_test').bodies.each do |n| # do something better here! case count when 1 compare_text = "This text is in the FRST TBODY." when 2 compare_text = "This text is in the SECOND TBODY." when 3 compare_text = "This text is in the THIRD TBODY." end assert_equal(compare_text, n[1][1].to_s.strip ) # this is the 1st cell of the first row of this particular body count += 1 end assert_equal( count - 1, browser.table(:id, 'body_test').bodies.length ) assert_equal( "This text is in the THIRD TBODY." ,browser.table(:id, 'body_test' ).body(:index,3)[1][1].to_s.strip ) # iterate through all the rows in a table body count = 1 browser.table(:id, 'body_test').body(:index, 2).each do | row | # row.flash # this line commented out, to speed up the tests if count == 1 assert_equal('This text is in the SECOND TBODY.', row[1].text.strip ) elsif count == 1 # BUG: Huh? assert_equal('This text is also in the SECOND TBODY.', row[1].text.strip ) end count+=1 end end def test_table_container assert_nothing_raised { browser.table(:id, 't1').html } end def test_multiple_selector assert_equal('Second table with css class', browser.table(:class => 'sample', :index => 2)[1][1].text) end end class TC_Tables_Simple < Test::Unit::TestCase include Watir def setup goto_page "simple_table.html" end def test_simple_table_access table = browser.table(:index,1) assert_equal("Row 3 Col1", table[3][1].text.strip) assert_equal("Row 1 Col1", table[1][1].text.strip) assert_equal("Row 3 Col2", table[3][2].text.strip) assert_equal(2, table.column_count) end end class TC_Tables_Buttons < Test::Unit::TestCase include Watir def setup uses_page "simple_table_buttons.html" end def test_simple_table_buttons table = browser.table(:index,1) table[1][1].button(:index,1).click assert(browser.textField(:name,"confirmtext").verify_contains(/CLICK1/i)) table[2][1].button(:index,1).click assert(browser.textField(:name,"confirmtext").verify_contains(/CLICK2/i)) table[1][1].button(:id,'b1').click assert(browser.textField(:name,"confirmtext").verify_contains(/CLICK1/i)) assert_raises(UnknownObjectException ) { table[1][1].button(:id,'b_missing').click } table[3][1].button(:index,2).click assert(browser.textField(:name,"confirmtext").verify_contains(/TOO/i)) table[3][1].button(:value ,"Click too").click assert(browser.textField(:name,"confirmtext").verify_contains(/TOO/i)) browser.table(:index,1)[4][1].text_field(:index,1).set("123") assert(browser.text_field(:index,2).verify_contains("123")) # check when a cell contains 2 objects # if there were 2 different html objects in the same cell, some weird things happened ( button caption could change for example) assert_equal( 'Click ->' , browser.table(:index,1)[5][1].text_field(:index,1).value ) browser.table(:index,1)[5][1].text_field(:index,1).click assert_equal( 'Click ->' , browser.table(:index,1)[5][1].text_field(:index,1).value ) browser.table(:index,1)[5][1].button(:index,1).click assert_equal( '' , browser.table(:index,1)[5][1].text_field(:index,1).value ) end def test_simple_table_gif table = browser.table(:index,2) assert_match(/1\.gif/, table[1][1].image(:index, 1).src) assert_match(/2\.gif/, table[1][2].image(:index, 1).src) assert_match(/3\.gif/, table[1][3].image(:index, 1).src) assert_match(/1\.gif/, table[3][1].image(:index, 1).src) assert_match(/2\.gif/, table[3][2].image(:index, 1).src) assert_match(/3\.gif/, table[3][3].image(:index, 1).src) table = browser.table(:index,3) assert_match(/1\.gif/, table[1][1].image(:index, 1).src) assert_match(/2\.gif/, table[1][1].image(:index, 2).src) assert_match(/3\.gif/, table[1][1].image(:index, 3).src) assert_match(/1\.gif/, table[3][1].image(:index, 1).src) assert_match(/2\.gif/, table[3][1].image(:index, 2).src) assert_match(/3\.gif/, table[3][1].image(:index, 3).src) end def test_table_with_hidden_or_visible_rows t = browser.table(:id , 'show_hide') # expand the table t.each do |r| r[1].image(:src, /plus/).click if r[1].image(:src, /plus/).exists? end # shrink rows 1,2,3 count = 1 t.each do |r| r[1].image(:src, /minus/).click if r[1].image(:src, /minus/).exists? and (1..3) === count count = 2 end end def test_table_from_element button = browser.button(:id, "b1") table = Watir::Table.create_from_element(browser, button) table[2][1].button(:index, 1).click assert(browser.textField(:name, "confirmtext").verify_contains(/CLICK2/i)) end end class TC_Table_Columns < Test::Unit::TestCase include Watir::Exception def setup uses_page "simple_table_columns.html" end def test_get_columnvalues_single_column assert_equal(["R1C1", "R2C1", "R3C1"], browser.table(:index, 1).column_values(1)) end def test_colspan assert_equal(2, browser.table(:index, 3)[2][1].colspan) assert_equal(1, browser.table(:index, 3)[1][1].colspan) assert_equal(3, browser.table(:index, 3)[4][1].colspan) end def test_get_columnvalues_multiple_column assert_equal(["R1C1", "R2C1", "R3C1"], browser.table(:index, 2).column_values(1)) assert_equal(["R1C3", "R2C3", "R3C3"], browser.table(:index, 2).column_values(3)) end def test_get_columnvalues_with_colspan assert_equal(["R1C1", "R2C1", "R3C1", "R4C1", "R5C1", "R6C2"], browser.table(:index, 3).column_values(1)) (2..4).each{|x|assert_raises(UnknownCellException){browser.table(:index, 3).column_values(x)}} end def test_get_rowvalues_full_row assert_equal(["R1C1", "R1C2", "R1C3"], browser.table(:index, 3).row_values(1)) end def test_get_rowvalues_with_colspan assert_equal(["R2C1", "R2C2"], browser.table(:index, 3).row_values(2)) end def test_getrowvalues_with_rowspan assert_equal(["R5C1", "R5C2", "R5C3"], browser.table(:index, 3).row_values(5)) assert_equal(["R6C2", "R6C3"], browser.table(:index, 3).row_values(6)) end end class TC_Tables_Complex < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup uses_page "complex_table.html" end def test_complex_table_access table = browser.table(:index,1) assert_equal("subtable1 Row 1 Col1",table[1][1].table(:index,1)[1][1].text.strip) assert_equal("subtable1 Row 1 Col2",table[1][1].table(:index,1)[1][2].text.strip) assert_equal("subtable2 Row 1 Col2",table[2][1].table(:index,1)[1][2].text.strip) assert_equal("subtable2 Row 1 Col1",table[2][1].table(:index,1)[1][1].text.strip) end end