/* * International Telephone Input v8.4.9 * https://github.com/jackocnr/intl-tel-input.git * Licensed under the MIT license */ // wrap in UMD - see https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/jqueryPluginCommonjs.js (function(factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define([ "jquery" ], function($) { factory($, window, document); }); } else if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) { module.exports = factory(require("jquery"), window, document); } else { factory(jQuery, window, document); } })(function($, window, document, undefined) { "use strict"; // these vars persist through all instances of the plugin var pluginName = "intlTelInput", id = 1, // give each instance it's own id for namespaced event handling defaults = { // whether or not to allow the dropdown allowDropdown: true, // if there is just a dial code in the input: remove it on blur, and re-add it on focus autoHideDialCode: true, // add or remove input placeholder with an example number for the selected country autoPlaceholder: true, // modify the auto placeholder customPlaceholder: null, // append menu to a specific element dropdownContainer: "", // don't display these countries excludeCountries: [], // format the input value during initialisation formatOnInit: true, // geoIp lookup function geoIpLookup: null, // initial country initialCountry: "", // don't insert international dial codes nationalMode: true, // number type to use for placeholders numberType: "MOBILE", // display only these countries onlyCountries: [], // the countries at the top of the list. defaults to united states and united kingdom preferredCountries: [ "us", "gb" ], // display the country dial code next to the selected flag so it's not part of the typed number separateDialCode: false, // specify the path to the libphonenumber script to enable validation/formatting utilsScript: "" }, keys = { UP: 38, DOWN: 40, ENTER: 13, ESC: 27, PLUS: 43, A: 65, Z: 90, SPACE: 32, TAB: 9 }; // keep track of if the window.load event has fired as impossible to check after the fact $(window).load(function() { // UPDATE: use a public static field so we can fudge it in the tests $.fn[pluginName].windowLoaded = true; }); function Plugin(element, options) { this.telInput = $(element); this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); // event namespace this.ns = "." + pluginName + id++; // Chrome, FF, Safari, IE9+ this.isGoodBrowser = Boolean(element.setSelectionRange); this.hadInitialPlaceholder = Boolean($(element).attr("placeholder")); } Plugin.prototype = { _init: function() { // if in nationalMode, disable options relating to dial codes if (this.options.nationalMode) { this.options.autoHideDialCode = false; } // if separateDialCode then doesn't make sense to A) insert dial code into input (autoHideDialCode), and B) display national numbers (because we're displaying the country dial code next to them) if (this.options.separateDialCode) { this.options.autoHideDialCode = this.options.nationalMode = false; // let's force this for now for simplicity - we can support this later if need be this.options.allowDropdown = true; } // we cannot just test screen size as some smartphones/website meta tags will report desktop resolutions // Note: for some reason jasmine breaks if you put this in the main Plugin function with the rest of these declarations // Note: to target Android Mobiles (and not Tablets), we must find "Android" and "Mobile" this.isMobile = /Android.+Mobile|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent); if (this.isMobile) { // trigger the mobile dropdown css $("body").addClass("iti-mobile"); // on mobile, we want a full screen dropdown, so we must append it to the body if (!this.options.dropdownContainer) { this.options.dropdownContainer = "body"; } } // we return these deferred objects from the _init() call so they can be watched, and then we resolve them when each specific request returns // Note: again, jasmine breaks when I put these in the Plugin function this.autoCountryDeferred = new $.Deferred(); this.utilsScriptDeferred = new $.Deferred(); // process all the data: onlyCountries, excludeCountries, preferredCountries etc this._processCountryData(); // generate the markup this._generateMarkup(); // set the initial state of the input value and the selected flag this._setInitialState(); // start all of the event listeners: autoHideDialCode, input keydown, selectedFlag click this._initListeners(); // utils script, and auto country this._initRequests(); // return the deferreds return [ this.autoCountryDeferred, this.utilsScriptDeferred ]; }, /******************** * PRIVATE METHODS ********************/ // prepare all of the country data, including onlyCountries, excludeCountries and preferredCountries options _processCountryData: function() { // process onlyCountries or excludeCountries array if present this._processAllCountries(); // process the countryCodes map this._processCountryCodes(); // process the preferredCountries this._processPreferredCountries(); }, // add a country code to this.countryCodes _addCountryCode: function(iso2, dialCode, priority) { if (!(dialCode in this.countryCodes)) { this.countryCodes[dialCode] = []; } var index = priority || 0; this.countryCodes[dialCode][index] = iso2; }, // filter the given countries using the process function _filterCountries: function(countryArray, processFunc) { var i; // standardise case for (i = 0; i < countryArray.length; i++) { countryArray[i] = countryArray[i].toLowerCase(); } // build instance country array this.countries = []; for (i = 0; i < allCountries.length; i++) { if (processFunc($.inArray(allCountries[i].iso2, countryArray))) { this.countries.push(allCountries[i]); } } }, // process onlyCountries or excludeCountries array if present _processAllCountries: function() { if (this.options.onlyCountries.length) { // process onlyCountries option this._filterCountries(this.options.onlyCountries, function(inArray) { // if country is in array return inArray != -1; }); } else if (this.options.excludeCountries.length) { // process excludeCountries option this._filterCountries(this.options.excludeCountries, function(inArray) { // if country is not in array return inArray == -1; }); } else { this.countries = allCountries; } }, // process the countryCodes map _processCountryCodes: function() { this.countryCodes = {}; for (var i = 0; i < this.countries.length; i++) { var c = this.countries[i]; this._addCountryCode(c.iso2, c.dialCode, c.priority); // area codes if (c.areaCodes) { for (var j = 0; j < c.areaCodes.length; j++) { // full dial code is country code + dial code this._addCountryCode(c.iso2, c.dialCode + c.areaCodes[j]); } } } }, // process preferred countries - iterate through the preferences, fetching the country data for each one _processPreferredCountries: function() { this.preferredCountries = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.options.preferredCountries.length; i++) { var countryCode = this.options.preferredCountries[i].toLowerCase(), countryData = this._getCountryData(countryCode, false, true); if (countryData) { this.preferredCountries.push(countryData); } } }, // generate all of the markup for the plugin: the selected flag overlay, and the dropdown _generateMarkup: function() { // prevent autocomplete as there's no safe, cross-browser event we can react to, so it can easily put the plugin in an inconsistent state e.g. the wrong flag selected for the autocompleted number, which on submit could mean the wrong number is saved (esp in nationalMode) this.telInput.attr("autocomplete", "off"); // containers (mostly for positioning) var parentClass = "intl-tel-input"; if (this.options.allowDropdown) { parentClass += " allow-dropdown"; } if (this.options.separateDialCode) { parentClass += " separate-dial-code"; } this.telInput.wrap($("
", { "class": parentClass })); this.flagsContainer = $("
", { "class": "flag-container" }).insertBefore(this.telInput); // currently selected flag (displayed to left of input) var selectedFlag = $("
", { "class": "selected-flag" }); selectedFlag.appendTo(this.flagsContainer); this.selectedFlagInner = $("
", { "class": "iti-flag" }).appendTo(selectedFlag); if (this.options.separateDialCode) { this.selectedDialCode = $("
", { "class": "selected-dial-code" }).appendTo(selectedFlag); } if (this.options.allowDropdown) { // make element focusable and tab naviagable selectedFlag.attr("tabindex", "0"); // CSS triangle $("
", { "class": "iti-arrow" }).appendTo(selectedFlag); // country dropdown: preferred countries, then divider, then all countries this.countryList = $("
    ", { "class": "country-list hide" }); if (this.preferredCountries.length) { this._appendListItems(this.preferredCountries, "preferred"); $("
  • ", { "class": "divider" }).appendTo(this.countryList); } this._appendListItems(this.countries, ""); // this is useful in lots of places this.countryListItems = this.countryList.children(".country"); // create dropdownContainer markup if (this.options.dropdownContainer) { this.dropdown = $("
    ", { "class": "intl-tel-input iti-container" }).append(this.countryList); } else { this.countryList.appendTo(this.flagsContainer); } } else { // a little hack so we don't break anything this.countryListItems = $(); } }, // add a country
  • to the countryList
      container _appendListItems: function(countries, className) { // we create so many DOM elements, it is faster to build a temp string // and then add everything to the DOM in one go at the end var tmp = ""; // for each country for (var i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) { var c = countries[i]; // open the list item tmp += "
    • "; // add the flag tmp += "
      "; // and the country name and dial code tmp += "" + c.name + ""; tmp += "+" + c.dialCode + ""; // close the list item tmp += "
    • "; } this.countryList.append(tmp); }, // set the initial state of the input value and the selected flag by: // 1. extracting a dial code from the given number // 2. using explicit initialCountry // 3. picking the first preferred country // 4. picking the first country _setInitialState: function() { var val = this.telInput.val(); // if we already have a dial code we can go ahead and set the flag, else fall back to default if (this._getDialCode(val)) { this._updateFlagFromNumber(val, true); } else if (this.options.initialCountry !== "auto") { // see if we should select a flag if (this.options.initialCountry) { this._setFlag(this.options.initialCountry, true); } else { // no dial code and no initialCountry, so default to first in list this.defaultCountry = this.preferredCountries.length ? this.preferredCountries[0].iso2 : this.countries[0].iso2; if (!val) { this._setFlag(this.defaultCountry, true); } } // if empty and no nationalMode and no autoHideDialCode then insert the default dial code if (!val && !this.options.nationalMode && !this.options.autoHideDialCode && !this.options.separateDialCode) { this.telInput.val("+" + this.selectedCountryData.dialCode); } } // NOTE: if initialCountry is set to auto, that will be handled separately // format if (val) { // this wont be run after _updateDialCode as that's only called if no val this._updateValFromNumber(val, this.options.formatOnInit); } }, // initialise the main event listeners: input keyup, and click selected flag _initListeners: function() { this._initKeyListeners(); if (this.options.autoHideDialCode) { this._initFocusListeners(); } if (this.options.allowDropdown) { this._initDropdownListeners(); } }, // initialise the dropdown listeners _initDropdownListeners: function() { var that = this; // hack for input nested inside label: clicking the selected-flag to open the dropdown would then automatically trigger a 2nd click on the input which would close it again var label = this.telInput.closest("label"); if (label.length) { label.on("click" + this.ns, function(e) { // if the dropdown is closed, then focus the input, else ignore the click if (that.countryList.hasClass("hide")) { that.telInput.focus(); } else { e.preventDefault(); } }); } // toggle country dropdown on click var selectedFlag = this.selectedFlagInner.parent(); selectedFlag.on("click" + this.ns, function(e) { // only intercept this event if we're opening the dropdown // else let it bubble up to the top ("click-off-to-close" listener) // we cannot just stopPropagation as it may be needed to close another instance if (that.countryList.hasClass("hide") && !that.telInput.prop("disabled") && !that.telInput.prop("readonly")) { that._showDropdown(); } }); // open dropdown list if currently focused this.flagsContainer.on("keydown" + that.ns, function(e) { var isDropdownHidden = that.countryList.hasClass("hide"); if (isDropdownHidden && (e.which == keys.UP || e.which == keys.DOWN || e.which == keys.SPACE || e.which == keys.ENTER)) { // prevent form from being submitted if "ENTER" was pressed e.preventDefault(); // prevent event from being handled again by document e.stopPropagation(); that._showDropdown(); } // allow navigation from dropdown to input on TAB if (e.which == keys.TAB) { that._closeDropdown(); } }); }, // init many requests: utils script / geo ip lookup _initRequests: function() { var that = this; // if the user has specified the path to the utils script, fetch it on window.load, else resolve if (this.options.utilsScript) { // if the plugin is being initialised after the window.load event has already been fired if ($.fn[pluginName].windowLoaded) { $.fn[pluginName].loadUtils(this.options.utilsScript, this.utilsScriptDeferred); } else { // wait until the load event so we don't block any other requests e.g. the flags image $(window).load(function() { $.fn[pluginName].loadUtils(that.options.utilsScript, that.utilsScriptDeferred); }); } } else { this.utilsScriptDeferred.resolve(); } if (this.options.initialCountry === "auto") { this._loadAutoCountry(); } else { this.autoCountryDeferred.resolve(); } }, // perform the geo ip lookup _loadAutoCountry: function() { var that = this; // check for cookie var cookieAutoCountry = window.Cookies ? Cookies.get("itiAutoCountry") : ""; if (cookieAutoCountry) { $.fn[pluginName].autoCountry = cookieAutoCountry; } // 3 options: // 1) already loaded (we're done) // 2) not already started loading (start) // 3) already started loading (do nothing - just wait for loading callback to fire) if ($.fn[pluginName].autoCountry) { this.handleAutoCountry(); } else if (!$.fn[pluginName].startedLoadingAutoCountry) { // don't do this twice! $.fn[pluginName].startedLoadingAutoCountry = true; if (typeof this.options.geoIpLookup === "function") { this.options.geoIpLookup(function(countryCode) { $.fn[pluginName].autoCountry = countryCode.toLowerCase(); if (window.Cookies) { Cookies.set("itiAutoCountry", $.fn[pluginName].autoCountry, { path: "/" }); } // tell all instances the auto country is ready // TODO: this should just be the current instances // UPDATE: use setTimeout in case their geoIpLookup function calls this callback straight away (e.g. if they have already done the geo ip lookup somewhere else). Using setTimeout means that the current thread of execution will finish before executing this, which allows the plugin to finish initialising. setTimeout(function() { $(".intl-tel-input input").intlTelInput("handleAutoCountry"); }); }); } } }, // initialize any key listeners _initKeyListeners: function() { var that = this; // update flag on keyup // (keep this listener separate otherwise the setTimeout breaks all the tests) this.telInput.on("keyup" + this.ns, function() { that._updateFlagFromNumber(that.telInput.val()); }); // update flag on cut/paste events (now supported in all major browsers) this.telInput.on("cut" + this.ns + " paste" + this.ns + " keyup" + this.ns, function() { // hack because "paste" event is fired before input is updated setTimeout(function() { that._updateFlagFromNumber(that.telInput.val()); }); }); }, // adhere to the input's maxlength attr _cap: function(number) { var max = this.telInput.attr("maxlength"); return max && number.length > max ? number.substr(0, max) : number; }, // listen for mousedown, focus and blur _initFocusListeners: function() { var that = this; // mousedown decides where the cursor goes, so if we're focusing we must preventDefault as we'll be inserting the dial code, and we want the cursor to be at the end no matter where they click this.telInput.on("mousedown" + this.ns, function(e) { if (!that.telInput.is(":focus") && !that.telInput.val()) { e.preventDefault(); // but this also cancels the focus, so we must trigger that manually that.telInput.focus(); } }); // on focus: if empty, insert the dial code for the currently selected flag this.telInput.on("focus" + this.ns, function(e) { if (!that.telInput.val() && !that.telInput.prop("readonly") && that.selectedCountryData.dialCode) { // insert the dial code that.telInput.val("+" + that.selectedCountryData.dialCode); // after auto-inserting a dial code, if the first key they hit is '+' then assume they are entering a new number, so remove the dial code. use keypress instead of keydown because keydown gets triggered for the shift key (required to hit the + key), and instead of keyup because that shows the new '+' before removing the old one that.telInput.one("keypress.plus" + that.ns, function(e) { if (e.which == keys.PLUS) { that.telInput.val(""); } }); // after tabbing in, make sure the cursor is at the end we must use setTimeout to get outside of the focus handler as it seems the selection happens after that setTimeout(function() { var input = that.telInput[0]; if (that.isGoodBrowser) { var len = that.telInput.val().length; input.setSelectionRange(len, len); } }); } }); // on blur: if just a dial code then remove it this.telInput.on("blur" + this.ns, function() { var value = that.telInput.val(), startsPlus = value.charAt(0) == "+"; if (startsPlus) { var numeric = that._getNumeric(value); // if just a plus, or if just a dial code if (!numeric || that.selectedCountryData.dialCode == numeric) { that.telInput.val(""); } } // remove the keypress listener we added on focus that.telInput.off("keypress.plus" + that.ns); }); }, // extract the numeric digits from the given string _getNumeric: function(s) { return s.replace(/\D/g, ""); }, // show the dropdown _showDropdown: function() { this._setDropdownPosition(); // update highlighting and scroll to active list item var activeListItem = this.countryList.children(".active"); if (activeListItem.length) { this._highlightListItem(activeListItem); this._scrollTo(activeListItem); } // bind all the dropdown-related listeners: mouseover, click, click-off, keydown this._bindDropdownListeners(); // update the arrow this.selectedFlagInner.children(".iti-arrow").addClass("up"); }, // decide where to position dropdown (depends on position within viewport, and scroll) _setDropdownPosition: function() { var that = this; if (this.options.dropdownContainer) { this.dropdown.appendTo(this.options.dropdownContainer); } // show the menu and grab the dropdown height this.dropdownHeight = this.countryList.removeClass("hide").outerHeight(); if (!this.isMobile) { var pos = this.telInput.offset(), inputTop = pos.top, windowTop = $(window).scrollTop(), // dropdownFitsBelow = (dropdownBottom < windowBottom) dropdownFitsBelow = inputTop + this.telInput.outerHeight() + this.dropdownHeight < windowTop + $(window).height(), dropdownFitsAbove = inputTop - this.dropdownHeight > windowTop; // by default, the dropdown will be below the input. If we want to position it above the input, we add the dropup class. this.countryList.toggleClass("dropup", !dropdownFitsBelow && dropdownFitsAbove); // if dropdownContainer is enabled, calculate postion if (this.options.dropdownContainer) { // by default the dropdown will be directly over the input because it's not in the flow. If we want to position it below, we need to add some extra top value. var extraTop = !dropdownFitsBelow && dropdownFitsAbove ? 0 : this.telInput.innerHeight(); // calculate placement this.dropdown.css({ top: inputTop + extraTop, left: pos.left }); // close menu on window scroll $(window).on("scroll" + this.ns, function() { that._closeDropdown(); }); } } }, // we only bind dropdown listeners when the dropdown is open _bindDropdownListeners: function() { var that = this; // when mouse over a list item, just highlight that one // we add the class "highlight", so if they hit "enter" we know which one to select this.countryList.on("mouseover" + this.ns, ".country", function(e) { that._highlightListItem($(this)); }); // listen for country selection this.countryList.on("click" + this.ns, ".country", function(e) { that._selectListItem($(this)); }); // click off to close // (except when this initial opening click is bubbling up) // we cannot just stopPropagation as it may be needed to close another instance var isOpening = true; $("html").on("click" + this.ns, function(e) { if (!isOpening) { that._closeDropdown(); } isOpening = false; }); // listen for up/down scrolling, enter to select, or letters to jump to country name. // use keydown as keypress doesn't fire for non-char keys and we want to catch if they // just hit down and hold it to scroll down (no keyup event). // listen on the document because that's where key events are triggered if no input has focus var query = "", queryTimer = null; $(document).on("keydown" + this.ns, function(e) { // prevent down key from scrolling the whole page, // and enter key from submitting a form etc e.preventDefault(); if (e.which == keys.UP || e.which == keys.DOWN) { // up and down to navigate that._handleUpDownKey(e.which); } else if (e.which == keys.ENTER) { // enter to select that._handleEnterKey(); } else if (e.which == keys.ESC) { // esc to close that._closeDropdown(); } else if (e.which >= keys.A && e.which <= keys.Z || e.which == keys.SPACE) { // upper case letters (note: keyup/keydown only return upper case letters) // jump to countries that start with the query string if (queryTimer) { clearTimeout(queryTimer); } query += String.fromCharCode(e.which); that._searchForCountry(query); // if the timer hits 1 second, reset the query queryTimer = setTimeout(function() { query = ""; }, 1e3); } }); }, // highlight the next/prev item in the list (and ensure it is visible) _handleUpDownKey: function(key) { var current = this.countryList.children(".highlight").first(); var next = key == keys.UP ? current.prev() : current.next(); if (next.length) { // skip the divider if (next.hasClass("divider")) { next = key == keys.UP ? next.prev() : next.next(); } this._highlightListItem(next); this._scrollTo(next); } }, // select the currently highlighted item _handleEnterKey: function() { var currentCountry = this.countryList.children(".highlight").first(); if (currentCountry.length) { this._selectListItem(currentCountry); } }, // find the first list item whose name starts with the query string _searchForCountry: function(query) { for (var i = 0; i < this.countries.length; i++) { if (this._startsWith(this.countries[i].name, query)) { var listItem = this.countryList.children("[data-country-code=" + this.countries[i].iso2 + "]").not(".preferred"); // update highlighting and scroll this._highlightListItem(listItem); this._scrollTo(listItem, true); break; } } }, // check if (uppercase) string a starts with string b _startsWith: function(a, b) { return a.substr(0, b.length).toUpperCase() == b; }, // update the input's value to the given val (format first if possible) // NOTE: this is called from _setInitialState, handleUtils and setNumber _updateValFromNumber: function(number, doFormat, format) { if (doFormat && window.intlTelInputUtils && this.selectedCountryData) { if (!$.isNumeric(format)) { format = this.options.nationalMode || number.charAt(0) != "+" ? intlTelInputUtils.numberFormat.NATIONAL : intlTelInputUtils.numberFormat.INTERNATIONAL; } number = intlTelInputUtils.formatNumber(number, this.selectedCountryData.iso2, format); } number = this._beforeSetNumber(number); this.telInput.val(number); }, // check if need to select a new flag based on the given number // Note: called from _setInitialState, keyup handler, setNumber _updateFlagFromNumber: function(number, isInit) { // if we're in nationalMode and we already have US/Canada selected, make sure the number starts with a +1 so _getDialCode will be able to extract the area code // update: if we dont yet have selectedCountryData, but we're here (trying to update the flag from the number), that means we're initialising the plugin with a number that already has a dial code, so fine to ignore this bit if (number && this.options.nationalMode && this.selectedCountryData && this.selectedCountryData.dialCode == "1" && number.charAt(0) != "+") { if (number.charAt(0) != "1") { number = "1" + number; } number = "+" + number; } // try and extract valid dial code from input var dialCode = this._getDialCode(number), countryCode = null; if (dialCode) { // check if one of the matching countries is already selected var countryCodes = this.countryCodes[this._getNumeric(dialCode)], alreadySelected = this.selectedCountryData && $.inArray(this.selectedCountryData.iso2, countryCodes) != -1; // if a matching country is not already selected (or this is an unknown NANP area code): choose the first in the list if (!alreadySelected || this._isUnknownNanp(number, dialCode)) { // if using onlyCountries option, countryCodes[0] may be empty, so we must find the first non-empty index for (var j = 0; j < countryCodes.length; j++) { if (countryCodes[j]) { countryCode = countryCodes[j]; break; } } } } else if (number.charAt(0) == "+" && this._getNumeric(number).length) { // invalid dial code, so empty // Note: use getNumeric here because the number has not been formatted yet, so could contain bad chars countryCode = ""; } else if (!number || number == "+") { // empty, or just a plus, so default countryCode = this.defaultCountry; } if (countryCode !== null) { this._setFlag(countryCode, isInit); } }, // check if the given number contains an unknown area code from the North American Numbering Plan i.e. the only dialCode that could be extracted was +1 (instead of say +1 702) and the actual number's length is >=4 _isUnknownNanp: function(number, dialCode) { return dialCode == "+1" && this._getNumeric(number).length >= 4; }, // remove highlighting from other list items and highlight the given item _highlightListItem: function(listItem) { this.countryListItems.removeClass("highlight"); listItem.addClass("highlight"); }, // find the country data for the given country code // the ignoreOnlyCountriesOption is only used during init() while parsing the onlyCountries array _getCountryData: function(countryCode, ignoreOnlyCountriesOption, allowFail) { var countryList = ignoreOnlyCountriesOption ? allCountries : this.countries; for (var i = 0; i < countryList.length; i++) { if (countryList[i].iso2 == countryCode) { return countryList[i]; } } if (allowFail) { return null; } else { throw new Error("No country data for '" + countryCode + "'"); } }, // select the given flag, update the placeholder and the active list item // Note: called from _setInitialState, _updateFlagFromNumber, _selectListItem, setCountry _setFlag: function(countryCode, isInit) { var prevCountry = this.selectedCountryData && this.selectedCountryData.iso2 ? this.selectedCountryData : {}; // do this first as it will throw an error and stop if countryCode is invalid this.selectedCountryData = countryCode ? this._getCountryData(countryCode, false, false) : {}; // update the defaultCountry - we only need the iso2 from now on, so just store that if (this.selectedCountryData.iso2) { this.defaultCountry = this.selectedCountryData.iso2; } this.selectedFlagInner.attr("class", "iti-flag " + countryCode); // update the selected country's title attribute var title = countryCode ? this.selectedCountryData.name + ": +" + this.selectedCountryData.dialCode : "Unknown"; this.selectedFlagInner.parent().attr("title", title); if (this.options.separateDialCode) { var dialCode = this.selectedCountryData.dialCode ? "+" + this.selectedCountryData.dialCode : "", parent = this.telInput.parent(); if (prevCountry.dialCode) { parent.removeClass("iti-sdc-" + (prevCountry.dialCode.length + 1)); } if (dialCode) { parent.addClass("iti-sdc-" + dialCode.length); } this.selectedDialCode.text(dialCode); } // and the input's placeholder this._updatePlaceholder(); // update the active list item this.countryListItems.removeClass("active"); if (countryCode) { this.countryListItems.find(".iti-flag." + countryCode).first().closest(".country").addClass("active"); } // on change flag, trigger a custom event if (!isInit && prevCountry.iso2 !== countryCode) { this.telInput.trigger("countrychange", this.selectedCountryData); } }, // update the input placeholder to an example number from the currently selected country _updatePlaceholder: function() { if (window.intlTelInputUtils && !this.hadInitialPlaceholder && this.options.autoPlaceholder && this.selectedCountryData) { var numberType = intlTelInputUtils.numberType[this.options.numberType], placeholder = this.selectedCountryData.iso2 ? intlTelInputUtils.getExampleNumber(this.selectedCountryData.iso2, this.options.nationalMode, numberType) : ""; placeholder = this._beforeSetNumber(placeholder); if (typeof this.options.customPlaceholder === "function") { placeholder = this.options.customPlaceholder(placeholder, this.selectedCountryData); } this.telInput.attr("placeholder", placeholder); } }, // called when the user selects a list item from the dropdown _selectListItem: function(listItem) { // update selected flag and active list item this._setFlag(listItem.attr("data-country-code")); this._closeDropdown(); this._updateDialCode(listItem.attr("data-dial-code"), true); // focus the input this.telInput.focus(); // fix for FF and IE11 (with nationalMode=false i.e. auto inserting dial code), who try to put the cursor at the beginning the first time if (this.isGoodBrowser) { var len = this.telInput.val().length; this.telInput[0].setSelectionRange(len, len); } }, // close the dropdown and unbind any listeners _closeDropdown: function() { this.countryList.addClass("hide"); // update the arrow this.selectedFlagInner.children(".iti-arrow").removeClass("up"); // unbind key events $(document).off(this.ns); // unbind click-off-to-close $("html").off(this.ns); // unbind hover and click listeners this.countryList.off(this.ns); // remove menu from container if (this.options.dropdownContainer) { if (!this.isMobile) { $(window).off("scroll" + this.ns); } this.dropdown.detach(); } }, // check if an element is visible within it's container, else scroll until it is _scrollTo: function(element, middle) { var container = this.countryList, containerHeight = container.height(), containerTop = container.offset().top, containerBottom = containerTop + containerHeight, elementHeight = element.outerHeight(), elementTop = element.offset().top, elementBottom = elementTop + elementHeight, newScrollTop = elementTop - containerTop + container.scrollTop(), middleOffset = containerHeight / 2 - elementHeight / 2; if (elementTop < containerTop) { // scroll up if (middle) { newScrollTop -= middleOffset; } container.scrollTop(newScrollTop); } else if (elementBottom > containerBottom) { // scroll down if (middle) { newScrollTop += middleOffset; } var heightDifference = containerHeight - elementHeight; container.scrollTop(newScrollTop - heightDifference); } }, // replace any existing dial code with the new one // Note: called from _selectListItem and setCountry _updateDialCode: function(newDialCode, hasSelectedListItem) { var inputVal = this.telInput.val(), newNumber; // save having to pass this every time newDialCode = "+" + newDialCode; if (inputVal.charAt(0) == "+") { // there's a plus so we're dealing with a replacement (doesn't matter if nationalMode or not) var prevDialCode = this._getDialCode(inputVal); if (prevDialCode) { // current number contains a valid dial code, so replace it newNumber = inputVal.replace(prevDialCode, newDialCode); } else { // current number contains an invalid dial code, so ditch it // (no way to determine where the invalid dial code ends and the rest of the number begins) newNumber = newDialCode; } } else if (this.options.nationalMode || this.options.separateDialCode) { // don't do anything return; } else { // nationalMode is disabled if (inputVal) { // there is an existing value with no dial code: prefix the new dial code newNumber = newDialCode + inputVal; } else if (hasSelectedListItem || !this.options.autoHideDialCode) { // no existing value and either they've just selected a list item, or autoHideDialCode is disabled: insert new dial code newNumber = newDialCode; } else { return; } } this.telInput.val(newNumber); }, // try and extract a valid international dial code from a full telephone number // Note: returns the raw string inc plus character and any whitespace/dots etc _getDialCode: function(number) { var dialCode = ""; // only interested in international numbers (starting with a plus) if (number.charAt(0) == "+") { var numericChars = ""; // iterate over chars for (var i = 0; i < number.length; i++) { var c = number.charAt(i); // if char is number if ($.isNumeric(c)) { numericChars += c; // if current numericChars make a valid dial code if (this.countryCodes[numericChars]) { // store the actual raw string (useful for matching later) dialCode = number.substr(0, i + 1); } // longest dial code is 4 chars if (numericChars.length == 4) { break; } } } } return dialCode; }, // get the input val, adding the dial code if separateDialCode is enabled _getFullNumber: function() { var prefix = this.options.separateDialCode ? "+" + this.selectedCountryData.dialCode : ""; return prefix + this.telInput.val(); }, // remove the dial code if separateDialCode is enabled _beforeSetNumber: function(number) { if (this.options.separateDialCode) { var dialCode = this._getDialCode(number); if (dialCode) { // US dialCode is "+1", which is what we want // CA dialCode is "+1 123", which is wrong - should be "+1" (as it has multiple area codes) // AS dialCode is "+1 684", which is what we want // Solution: if the country has area codes, then revert to just the dial code if (this.selectedCountryData.areaCodes !== null) { dialCode = "+" + this.selectedCountryData.dialCode; } // a lot of numbers will have a space separating the dial code and the main number, and some NANP numbers will have a hyphen e.g. +1 684-733-1234 - in both cases we want to get rid of it // NOTE: don't just trim all non-numerics as may want to preserve an open parenthesis etc var start = number[dialCode.length] === " " || number[dialCode.length] === "-" ? dialCode.length + 1 : dialCode.length; number = number.substr(start); } } return this._cap(number); }, /******************** * PUBLIC METHODS ********************/ // this is called when the geoip call returns handleAutoCountry: function() { if (this.options.initialCountry === "auto") { // we must set this even if there is an initial val in the input: in case the initial val is invalid and they delete it - they should see their auto country this.defaultCountry = $.fn[pluginName].autoCountry; // if there's no initial value in the input, then update the flag if (!this.telInput.val()) { this.setCountry(this.defaultCountry); } this.autoCountryDeferred.resolve(); } }, // remove plugin destroy: function() { if (this.allowDropdown) { // make sure the dropdown is closed (and unbind listeners) this._closeDropdown(); // click event to open dropdown this.selectedFlagInner.parent().off(this.ns); // label click hack this.telInput.closest("label").off(this.ns); } // unbind all events: key events, and focus/blur events if autoHideDialCode=true this.telInput.off(this.ns); // remove markup (but leave the original input) var container = this.telInput.parent(); container.before(this.telInput).remove(); }, // get the extension from the current number getExtension: function() { if (window.intlTelInputUtils) { return intlTelInputUtils.getExtension(this._getFullNumber(), this.selectedCountryData.iso2); } return ""; }, // format the number to the given format getNumber: function(format) { if (window.intlTelInputUtils) { return intlTelInputUtils.formatNumber(this._getFullNumber(), this.selectedCountryData.iso2, format); } return ""; }, // get the type of the entered number e.g. landline/mobile getNumberType: function() { if (window.intlTelInputUtils) { return intlTelInputUtils.getNumberType(this._getFullNumber(), this.selectedCountryData.iso2); } return -99; }, // get the country data for the currently selected flag getSelectedCountryData: function() { // if this is undefined, the plugin will return it's instance instead, so in that case an empty object makes more sense return this.selectedCountryData || {}; }, // get the validation error getValidationError: function() { if (window.intlTelInputUtils) { return intlTelInputUtils.getValidationError(this._getFullNumber(), this.selectedCountryData.iso2); } return -99; }, // validate the input val - assumes the global function isValidNumber (from utilsScript) isValidNumber: function() { var val = $.trim(this._getFullNumber()), countryCode = this.options.nationalMode ? this.selectedCountryData.iso2 : ""; return window.intlTelInputUtils ? intlTelInputUtils.isValidNumber(val, countryCode) : null; }, // update the selected flag, and update the input val accordingly setCountry: function(countryCode) { countryCode = countryCode.toLowerCase(); // check if already selected if (!this.selectedFlagInner.hasClass(countryCode)) { this._setFlag(countryCode); this._updateDialCode(this.selectedCountryData.dialCode, false); } }, // set the input value and update the flag // NOTE: format arg is for public method: to allow devs to format how they want setNumber: function(number, format) { // we must update the flag first, which updates this.selectedCountryData, which is used for formatting the number before displaying it this._updateFlagFromNumber(number); this._updateValFromNumber(number, $.isNumeric(format), format); }, // this is called when the utils request completes handleUtils: function() { // if the request was successful if (window.intlTelInputUtils) { // if there's an initial value in the input, then format it if (this.telInput.val()) { this._updateValFromNumber(this.telInput.val(), this.options.formatOnInit); } this._updatePlaceholder(); } this.utilsScriptDeferred.resolve(); } }; // using https://github.com/jquery-boilerplate/jquery-boilerplate/wiki/Extending-jQuery-Boilerplate // (adapted to allow public functions) $.fn[pluginName] = function(options) { var args = arguments; // Is the first parameter an object (options), or was omitted, // instantiate a new instance of the plugin. if (options === undefined || typeof options === "object") { // collect all of the deferred objects for all instances created with this selector var deferreds = []; this.each(function() { if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { var instance = new Plugin(this, options); var instanceDeferreds = instance._init(); // we now have 2 deffereds: 1 for auto country, 1 for utils script deferreds.push(instanceDeferreds[0]); deferreds.push(instanceDeferreds[1]); $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, instance); } }); // return the promise from the "master" deferred object that tracks all the others return $.when.apply(null, deferreds); } else if (typeof options === "string" && options[0] !== "_") { // If the first parameter is a string and it doesn't start // with an underscore or "contains" the `init`-function, // treat this as a call to a public method. // Cache the method call to make it possible to return a value var returns; this.each(function() { var instance = $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName); // Tests that there's already a plugin-instance // and checks that the requested public method exists if (instance instanceof Plugin && typeof instance[options] === "function") { // Call the method of our plugin instance, // and pass it the supplied arguments. returns = instance[options].apply(instance, Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1)); } // Allow instances to be destroyed via the 'destroy' method if (options === "destroy") { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, null); } }); // If the earlier cached method gives a value back return the value, // otherwise return this to preserve chainability. return returns !== undefined ? returns : this; } }; /******************** * STATIC METHODS ********************/ // get the country data object $.fn[pluginName].getCountryData = function() { return allCountries; }; // load the utils script $.fn[pluginName].loadUtils = function(path, utilsScriptDeferred) { if (!$.fn[pluginName].loadedUtilsScript) { // don't do this twice! (dont just check if window.intlTelInputUtils exists as if init plugin multiple times in quick succession, it may not have finished loading yet) $.fn[pluginName].loadedUtilsScript = true; // dont use $.getScript as it prevents caching $.ajax({ url: path, complete: function() { // tell all instances that the utils request is complete $(".intl-tel-input input").intlTelInput("handleUtils"); }, dataType: "script", cache: true }); } else if (utilsScriptDeferred) { utilsScriptDeferred.resolve(); } }; // version $.fn[pluginName].version = "8.4.9"; // Tell JSHint to ignore this warning: "character may get silently deleted by one or more browsers" // jshint -W100 // Array of country objects for the flag dropdown. // Each contains a name, country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) and dial code. // Originally from https://github.com/mledoze/countries // then with a couple of manual re-arrangements to be alphabetical // then changed Kazakhstan from +76 to +7 // and Vatican City from +379 to +39 (see issue 50) // and Caribean Netherlands from +5997 to +599 // and Curacao from +5999 to +599 // Removed: Kosovo, Pitcairn Islands, South Georgia // UPDATE Sept 12th 2015 // List of regions that have iso2 country codes, which I have chosen to omit: // (based on this information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_country_calling_codes) // AQ - Antarctica - all different country codes depending on which "base" // BV - Bouvet Island - no calling code // GS - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - "inhospitable collection of islands" - same flag and calling code as Falkland Islands // HM - Heard Island and McDonald Islands - no calling code // PN - Pitcairn - tiny population (56), same calling code as New Zealand // TF - French Southern Territories - no calling code // UM - United States Minor Outlying Islands - no calling code // UPDATE the criteria of supported countries or territories (see issue 297) // Have an iso2 code: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 // Have a country calling code: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_country_calling_codes // Have a flag // Must be supported by libphonenumber: https://github.com/googlei18n/libphonenumber // Update: converted objects to arrays to save bytes! // Update: added "priority" for countries with the same dialCode as others // Update: added array of area codes for countries with the same dialCode as others // So each country array has the following information: // [ // Country name, // iso2 code, // International dial code, // Order (if >1 country with same dial code), // Area codes (if >1 country with same dial code) // ] var allCountries = [ [ "Afghanistan (‫افغانستان‬‎)", "af", "93" ], [ "Albania (Shqipëri)", "al", "355" ], [ "Algeria (‫الجزائر‬‎)", "dz", "213" ], [ "American Samoa", "as", "1684" ], [ "Andorra", "ad", "376" ], [ "Angola", "ao", "244" ], [ "Anguilla", "ai", "1264" ], [ "Antigua and Barbuda", "ag", "1268" ], [ "Argentina", "ar", "54" ], [ "Armenia (Հայաստան)", "am", "374" ], [ "Aruba", "aw", "297" ], [ "Australia", "au", "61", 0 ], [ "Austria (Österreich)", "at", "43" ], [ "Azerbaijan (Azərbaycan)", "az", "994" ], [ "Bahamas", "bs", "1242" ], [ "Bahrain (‫البحرين‬‎)", "bh", "973" ], [ "Bangladesh (বাংলাদেশ)", "bd", "880" ], [ "Barbados", "bb", "1246" ], [ "Belarus (Беларусь)", "by", "375" ], [ "Belgium (België)", "be", "32" ], [ "Belize", "bz", "501" ], [ "Benin (Bénin)", "bj", "229" ], [ "Bermuda", "bm", "1441" ], [ "Bhutan (འབྲུག)", "bt", "975" ], [ "Bolivia", "bo", "591" ], [ "Bosnia and Herzegovina (Босна и Херцеговина)", "ba", "387" ], [ "Botswana", "bw", "267" ], [ "Brazil (Brasil)", "br", "55" ], [ "British Indian Ocean Territory", "io", "246" ], [ "British Virgin Islands", "vg", "1284" ], [ "Brunei", "bn", "673" ], [ "Bulgaria (България)", "bg", "359" ], [ "Burkina Faso", "bf", "226" ], [ "Burundi (Uburundi)", "bi", "257" ], [ "Cambodia (កម្ពុជា)", "kh", "855" ], [ "Cameroon (Cameroun)", "cm", "237" ], [ "Canada", "ca", "1", 1, [ "204", "226", "236", "249", "250", "289", "306", "343", "365", "387", "403", "416", "418", "431", "437", "438", "450", "506", "514", "519", "548", "579", "581", "587", "604", "613", "639", "647", "672", "705", "709", "742", "778", "780", "782", "807", "819", "825", "867", "873", "902", "905" ] ], [ "Cape Verde (Kabu Verdi)", "cv", "238" ], [ "Caribbean Netherlands", "bq", "599", 1 ], [ "Cayman Islands", "ky", "1345" ], [ "Central African Republic (République centrafricaine)", "cf", "236" ], [ "Chad (Tchad)", "td", "235" ], [ "Chile", "cl", "56" ], [ "China (中国)", "cn", "86" ], [ "Christmas Island", "cx", "61", 2 ], [ "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "cc", "61", 1 ], [ "Colombia", "co", "57" ], [ "Comoros (‫جزر القمر‬‎)", "km", "269" ], [ "Congo (DRC) (Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo)", "cd", "243" ], [ "Congo (Republic) (Congo-Brazzaville)", "cg", "242" ], [ "Cook Islands", "ck", "682" ], [ "Costa Rica", "cr", "506" ], [ "Côte d’Ivoire", "ci", "225" ], [ "Croatia (Hrvatska)", "hr", "385" ], [ "Cuba", "cu", "53" ], [ "Curaçao", "cw", "599", 0 ], [ "Cyprus (Κύπρος)", "cy", "357" ], [ "Czech Republic (Česká republika)", "cz", "420" ], [ "Denmark (Danmark)", "dk", "45" ], [ "Djibouti", "dj", "253" ], [ "Dominica", "dm", "1767" ], [ "Dominican Republic (República Dominicana)", "do", "1", 2, [ "809", "829", "849" ] ], [ "Ecuador", "ec", "593" ], [ "Egypt (‫مصر‬‎)", "eg", "20" ], [ "El Salvador", "sv", "503" ], [ "Equatorial Guinea (Guinea Ecuatorial)", "gq", "240" ], [ "Eritrea", "er", "291" ], [ "Estonia (Eesti)", "ee", "372" ], [ "Ethiopia", "et", "251" ], [ "Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)", "fk", "500" ], [ "Faroe Islands (Føroyar)", "fo", "298" ], [ "Fiji", "fj", "679" ], [ "Finland (Suomi)", "fi", "358", 0 ], [ "France", "fr", "33" ], [ "French Guiana (Guyane française)", "gf", "594" ], [ "French Polynesia (Polynésie française)", "pf", "689" ], [ "Gabon", "ga", "241" ], [ "Gambia", "gm", "220" ], [ "Georgia (საქართველო)", "ge", "995" ], [ "Germany (Deutschland)", "de", "49" ], [ "Ghana (Gaana)", "gh", "233" ], [ "Gibraltar", "gi", "350" ], [ "Greece (Ελλάδα)", "gr", "30" ], [ "Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat)", "gl", "299" ], [ "Grenada", "gd", "1473" ], [ "Guadeloupe", "gp", "590", 0 ], [ "Guam", "gu", "1671" ], [ "Guatemala", "gt", "502" ], [ "Guernsey", "gg", "44", 1 ], [ "Guinea (Guinée)", "gn", "224" ], [ "Guinea-Bissau (Guiné Bissau)", "gw", "245" ], [ "Guyana", "gy", "592" ], [ "Haiti", "ht", "509" ], [ "Honduras", "hn", "504" ], [ "Hong Kong (香港)", "hk", "852" ], [ "Hungary (Magyarország)", "hu", "36" ], [ "Iceland (Ísland)", "is", "354" ], [ "India (भारत)", "in", "91" ], [ "Indonesia", "id", "62" ], [ "Iran (‫ایران‬‎)", "ir", "98" ], [ "Iraq (‫العراق‬‎)", "iq", "964" ], [ "Ireland", "ie", "353" ], [ "Isle of Man", "im", "44", 2 ], [ "Israel (‫ישראל‬‎)", "il", "972" ], [ "Italy (Italia)", "it", "39", 0 ], [ "Jamaica", "jm", "1876" ], [ "Japan (日本)", "jp", "81" ], [ "Jersey", "je", "44", 3 ], [ "Jordan (‫الأردن‬‎)", "jo", "962" ], [ "Kazakhstan (Казахстан)", "kz", "7", 1 ], [ "Kenya", "ke", "254" ], [ "Kiribati", "ki", "686" ], [ "Kuwait (‫الكويت‬‎)", "kw", "965" ], [ "Kyrgyzstan (Кыргызстан)", "kg", "996" ], [ "Laos (ລາວ)", "la", "856" ], [ "Latvia (Latvija)", "lv", "371" ], [ "Lebanon (‫لبنان‬‎)", "lb", "961" ], [ "Lesotho", "ls", "266" ], [ "Liberia", "lr", "231" ], [ "Libya (‫ليبيا‬‎)", "ly", "218" ], [ "Liechtenstein", "li", "423" ], [ "Lithuania (Lietuva)", "lt", "370" ], [ "Luxembourg", "lu", "352" ], [ "Macau (澳門)", "mo", "853" ], [ "Macedonia (FYROM) (Македонија)", "mk", "389" ], [ "Madagascar (Madagasikara)", "mg", "261" ], [ "Malawi", "mw", "265" ], [ "Malaysia", "my", "60" ], [ "Maldives", "mv", "960" ], [ "Mali", "ml", "223" ], [ "Malta", "mt", "356" ], [ "Marshall Islands", "mh", "692" ], [ "Martinique", "mq", "596" ], [ "Mauritania (‫موريتانيا‬‎)", "mr", "222" ], [ "Mauritius (Moris)", "mu", "230" ], [ "Mayotte", "yt", "262", 1 ], [ "Mexico (México)", "mx", "52" ], [ "Micronesia", "fm", "691" ], [ "Moldova (Republica Moldova)", "md", "373" ], [ "Monaco", "mc", "377" ], [ "Mongolia (Монгол)", "mn", "976" ], [ "Montenegro (Crna Gora)", "me", "382" ], [ "Montserrat", "ms", "1664" ], [ "Morocco (‫المغرب‬‎)", "ma", "212", 0 ], [ "Mozambique (Moçambique)", "mz", "258" ], [ "Myanmar (Burma) (မြန်မာ)", "mm", "95" ], [ "Namibia (Namibië)", "na", "264" ], [ "Nauru", "nr", "674" ], [ "Nepal (नेपाल)", "np", "977" ], [ "Netherlands (Nederland)", "nl", "31" ], [ "New Caledonia (Nouvelle-Calédonie)", "nc", "687" ], [ "New Zealand", "nz", "64" ], [ "Nicaragua", "ni", "505" ], [ "Niger (Nijar)", "ne", "227" ], [ "Nigeria", "ng", "234" ], [ "Niue", "nu", "683" ], [ "Norfolk Island", "nf", "672" ], [ "North Korea (조선 민주주의 인민 공화국)", "kp", "850" ], [ "Northern Mariana Islands", "mp", "1670" ], [ "Norway (Norge)", "no", "47", 0 ], [ "Oman (‫عُمان‬‎)", "om", "968" ], [ "Pakistan (‫پاکستان‬‎)", "pk", "92" ], [ "Palau", "pw", "680" ], [ "Palestine (‫فلسطين‬‎)", "ps", "970" ], [ "Panama (Panamá)", "pa", "507" ], [ "Papua New Guinea", "pg", "675" ], [ "Paraguay", "py", "595" ], [ "Peru (Perú)", "pe", "51" ], [ "Philippines", "ph", "63" ], [ "Poland (Polska)", "pl", "48" ], [ "Portugal", "pt", "351" ], [ "Puerto Rico", "pr", "1", 3, [ "787", "939" ] ], [ "Qatar (‫قطر‬‎)", "qa", "974" ], [ "Réunion (La Réunion)", "re", "262", 0 ], [ "Romania (România)", "ro", "40" ], [ "Russia (Россия)", "ru", "7", 0 ], [ "Rwanda", "rw", "250" ], [ "Saint Barthélemy (Saint-Barthélemy)", "bl", "590", 1 ], [ "Saint Helena", "sh", "290" ], [ "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "kn", "1869" ], [ "Saint Lucia", "lc", "1758" ], [ "Saint Martin (Saint-Martin (partie française))", "mf", "590", 2 ], [ "Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon)", "pm", "508" ], [ "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "vc", "1784" ], [ "Samoa", "ws", "685" ], [ "San Marino", "sm", "378" ], [ "São Tomé and Príncipe (São Tomé e Príncipe)", "st", "239" ], [ "Saudi Arabia (‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬‎)", "sa", "966" ], [ "Senegal (Sénégal)", "sn", "221" ], [ "Serbia (Србија)", "rs", "381" ], [ "Seychelles", "sc", "248" ], [ "Sierra Leone", "sl", "232" ], [ "Singapore", "sg", "65" ], [ "Sint Maarten", "sx", "1721" ], [ "Slovakia (Slovensko)", "sk", "421" ], [ "Slovenia (Slovenija)", "si", "386" ], [ "Solomon Islands", "sb", "677" ], [ "Somalia (Soomaaliya)", "so", "252" ], [ "South Africa", "za", "27" ], [ "South Korea (대한민국)", "kr", "82" ], [ "South Sudan (‫جنوب السودان‬‎)", "ss", "211" ], [ "Spain (España)", "es", "34" ], [ "Sri Lanka (ශ්‍රී ලංකාව)", "lk", "94" ], [ "Sudan (‫السودان‬‎)", "sd", "249" ], [ "Suriname", "sr", "597" ], [ "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "sj", "47", 1 ], [ "Swaziland", "sz", "268" ], [ "Sweden (Sverige)", "se", "46" ], [ "Switzerland (Schweiz)", "ch", "41" ], [ "Syria (‫سوريا‬‎)", "sy", "963" ], [ "Taiwan (台灣)", "tw", "886" ], [ "Tajikistan", "tj", "992" ], [ "Tanzania", "tz", "255" ], [ "Thailand (ไทย)", "th", "66" ], [ "Timor-Leste", "tl", "670" ], [ "Togo", "tg", "228" ], [ "Tokelau", "tk", "690" ], [ "Tonga", "to", "676" ], [ "Trinidad and Tobago", "tt", "1868" ], [ "Tunisia (‫تونس‬‎)", "tn", "216" ], [ "Turkey (Türkiye)", "tr", "90" ], [ "Turkmenistan", "tm", "993" ], [ "Turks and Caicos Islands", "tc", "1649" ], [ "Tuvalu", "tv", "688" ], [ "U.S. Virgin Islands", "vi", "1340" ], [ "Uganda", "ug", "256" ], [ "Ukraine (Україна)", "ua", "380" ], [ "United Arab Emirates (‫الإمارات العربية المتحدة‬‎)", "ae", "971" ], [ "United Kingdom", "gb", "44", 0 ], [ "United States", "us", "1", 0 ], [ "Uruguay", "uy", "598" ], [ "Uzbekistan (Oʻzbekiston)", "uz", "998" ], [ "Vanuatu", "vu", "678" ], [ "Vatican City (Città del Vaticano)", "va", "39", 1 ], [ "Venezuela", "ve", "58" ], [ "Vietnam (Việt Nam)", "vn", "84" ], [ "Wallis and Futuna", "wf", "681" ], [ "Western Sahara (‫الصحراء الغربية‬‎)", "eh", "212", 1 ], [ "Yemen (‫اليمن‬‎)", "ye", "967" ], [ "Zambia", "zm", "260" ], [ "Zimbabwe", "zw", "263" ], [ "Åland Islands", "ax", "358", 1 ] ]; // loop over all of the countries above for (var i = 0; i < allCountries.length; i++) { var c = allCountries[i]; allCountries[i] = { name: c[0], iso2: c[1], dialCode: c[2], priority: c[3] || 0, areaCodes: c[4] || null }; } });