define("dojox/geo/openlayers/Map", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/json", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-style", "./_base", "./TouchInteractionSupport", "./Layer", "./Patch" ], function(kernel, declare, lang, array, json, dom, style, openlayers, TouchInteractionSupport, Layer, Patch){ kernel.experimental("dojox.geo.openlayers.Map"); Patch.patchGFX(); /*===== dojox.geo.openlayers.__MapArgs = { // summary: // The keyword arguments that can be passed in a Map constructor. // baseLayerType: String // type of the base layer. Can be any of // // - `dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType.OSM`: Open Street Map base layer // - `dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType.WMS`: Web Map Service layer // - `dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType.GOOGLE`: Google layer // - `dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType.VIRTUAL_EARTH`: Virtual Earth layer // - `dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType.BING`: Bing layer // - `dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType.YAHOO`: Yahoo layer // - `dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType.ARCGIS`: ESRI ArgGIS layer // baseLayerName: String // The name of the base layer. // baseLayerUrl: String // Some layer may need an url such as Web Map Server. // baseLayerOptions: String // Additional specific options passed to OpensLayers layer, such as The list of layer to display, for Web Map Server layer. }; =====*/ return declare("dojox.geo.openlayers.Map", null, { // summary: // A map viewer based on the OpenLayers library. // // description: // The `dojox.geo.openlayers.Map` object allows to view maps from various map providers. // It encapsulates an `OpenLayers.Map` object on which most operations are delegated. // GFX layers can be added to display GFX georeferenced shapes as well as Dojo widgets. // Parameters can be passed as argument at construction time to define the base layer // type and the base layer parameters such as url or options depending on the type // specified. These parameters can be any of: // // _baseLayerType_: type of the base layer. Can be any of: // // - `dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType.OSM`: Open Street Map base layer // - `dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType.WMS`: Web Map Service layer // - `dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType.GOOGLE`: Google layer // - `dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType.VIRTUAL_EARTH`: Virtual Earth layer // - `dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType.BING`: Bing layer // - `dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType.YAHOO`: Yahoo layer // - `dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType.ARCGIS`: ESRI ArgGIS layer // // Note that access to commercial server such as Google, Virtual Earth or Yahoo may need specific licencing. // // The parameters value also include: // // - `baseLayerName`: The name of the base layer. // - `baseLayerUrl`: Some layer may need an url such as Web Map Server // - `baseLayerOptions`: Additional specific options passed to OpensLayers layer, // such as The list of layer to display, for Web Map Server layer. // // example: // | var map = new dojox.geo.openlayers.widget.Map(div, { // | baseLayerType: dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType.OSM, // | baseLayerName: 'Open Street Map Layer' // | }); // olMap: OpenLayers.Map // The underlying OpenLayers.Map object. // Should be accessed on read mode only. olMap: null, _tp: null, constructor: function(div, options){ // summary: // Constructs a new Map object if(!options){ options = {}; } div = dom.byId(div); this._tp = { x: 0, y: 0 }; var opts = options.openLayersMapOptions; if(!opts){ opts = { controls: [new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine({ maxWidth: 200 }), new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation()] }; } if(options.accessible){ var kbd = new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults(); if(!opts.controls){ opts.controls = []; } opts.controls.push(kbd); } var baseLayerType = options.baseLayerType; if(!baseLayerType){ baseLayerType = openlayers.BaseLayerType.OSM; } var map = new OpenLayers.Map(div, opts); this.olMap = map; this._layerDictionary = { olLayers: [], layers: [] }; if(options.touchHandler){ this._touchControl = new TouchInteractionSupport(map); } var base = this._createBaseLayer(options); this.addLayer(base); this.initialFit(options); }, initialFit: function(params){ // summary: // Performs an initial fit to contents. // tags: // protected var o = params.initialLocation; if(!o){ o = [-160, 70, 160, -70]; } this.fitTo(o); }, setBaseLayerType: function(type){ // summary: // Set the base layer type, replacing the existing base layer // type: dojox/geo/openlayers.BaseLayerType // base layer type // returns: // The newly created layer. if(type == this.baseLayerType){ return null; // Layer } var o = null; if(typeof type == "string"){ o = { baseLayerName: type, baseLayerType: type }; this.baseLayerType = type; }else if(typeof type == "object"){ o = type; this.baseLayerType = o.baseLayerType; } var bl = null; if(o != null){ bl = this._createBaseLayer(o); if(bl != null){ var olm = this.olMap; var ob = olm.getZoom(); var oc = olm.getCenter(); var recenter = !!oc && !!olm.baseLayer && !!; if(recenter){ var proj = olm.getProjectionObject(); if(proj != null){ oc = oc.transform(proj, openlayers.EPSG4326); } } var old = olm.baseLayer; if(old != null){ var l = this._getLayer(old); this.removeLayer(l); } if(bl != null){ this.addLayer(bl); } if(recenter){ proj = olm.getProjectionObject(); if(proj != null){ oc = oc.transform(openlayers.EPSG4326, proj); } olm.setCenter(oc, ob); } } } return bl; }, getBaseLayerType: function(){ // summary: // Returns the base layer type. // returns: // The current base layer type. return this.baseLayerType; // openlayers.BaseLayerType }, getScale: function(geodesic){ // summary: // Returns the current scale // geodesic: Boolean // Tell if geodesic calculation should be performed. If set to // true, the scale will be calculated based on the horizontal size of the // pixel in the center of the map viewport. var scale = null; var om = this.olMap; if(geodesic){ var units = om.getUnits(); if(!units){ return null; // Number } var inches = OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT; scale = (om.getGeodesicPixelSize().w || 0.000001) * inches["km"] * OpenLayers.DOTS_PER_INCH; }else{ scale = om.getScale(); } return scale; // Number }, getOLMap: function(){ // summary: // gets the underlying OpenLayers map object. // returns: // The underlying OpenLayers map object. return this.olMap; // OpenLayers.Map }, _createBaseLayer: function(params){ // summary: // Creates the base layer. // tags: // private var base = null; var type = params.baseLayerType; var url = params.baseLayerUrl; var name = params.baseLayerName; var options = params.baseLayerOptions; if(!name){ name = type; } if(!options){ options = {}; } switch(type){ case openlayers.BaseLayerType.OSM: options.transitionEffect = "resize"; // base = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM(name, url, options); base = new Layer(name, { olLayer: new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM(name, url, options) }); break; case openlayers.BaseLayerType.WMS: if(!url){ url = ""; if(!options.layers){ options.layers = "basic"; } } base = new Layer(name, { olLayer: new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(name, url, options, { transitionEffect: "resize" }) }); break; case openlayers.BaseLayerType.GOOGLE: base = new Layer(name, { olLayer: new OpenLayers.Layer.Google(name, options) }); break; case openlayers.BaseLayerType.VIRTUAL_EARTH: base = new Layer(name, { olLayer: new OpenLayers.Layer.VirtualEarth(name, options) }); break; case openlayers.BaseLayerType.YAHOO: // base = new OpenLayers.Layer.Yahoo(name); base = new Layer(name, { olLayer: new OpenLayers.Layer.Yahoo(name, options) }); break; case openlayers.BaseLayerType.ARCGIS: if(!url){ url = ""; } base = new Layer(name, { olLayer: new OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGIS93Rest(name, url, options, {}) }); break; } if(base == null){ if(type instanceof OpenLayers.Layer){ base = type; }else{ options.transitionEffect = "resize"; base = new Layer(name, { olLayer: new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM(name, url, options) }); this.baseLayerType = openlayers.BaseLayerType.OSM; } } return base; }, removeLayer: function(layer){ // summary: // Remove the specified layer from the map. // layer: Layer // The layer to remove from the map. var om = this.olMap; var i = array.indexOf(this._layerDictionary.layers, layer); if(i > 0){ this._layerDictionary.layers.splice(i, 1); } var oll = layer.olLayer; var j = array.indexOf(this._layerDictionary.olLayers, oll); if(j > 0){ this._layerDictionary.olLayers.splice(i, j); } om.removeLayer(oll, false); }, layerIndex: function(layer, index){ // summary: // Set or retrieve the layer index. // description: // Set or get the layer index, that is the z-order of the layer. // if the index parameter is provided, the layer index is set to // this value. If the index parameter is not provided, the index of // the layer is returned. // layer: Layer // the layer to retrieve the index. // index: int? // index of the layer // returns: // the index of the layer. var olm = this.olMap; if(!index){ return olm.getLayerIndex(layer.olLayer); } //olm.raiseLayer(layer.olLayer, index); olm.setLayerIndex(layer.olLayer, index); this._layerDictionary.layers.sort(function(l1, l2){ return olm.getLayerIndex(l1.olLayer) - olm.getLayerIndex(l2.olLayer); }); this._layerDictionary.olLayers.sort(function(l1, l2){ return olm.getLayerIndex(l1) - olm.getLayerIndex(l2); }); return index; // Number }, addLayer: function(layer){ // summary: // Add the specified layer to the map. // layer: Layer // The layer to add to the map. layer.dojoMap = this; var om = this.olMap; var ol = layer.olLayer; this._layerDictionary.olLayers.push(ol); this._layerDictionary.layers.push(layer); om.addLayer(ol); layer.added(); }, _getLayer: function(/*OpenLayer.Layer */ol){ // summary: // Retrieve the dojox.geo.openlayer.Layer from the OpenLayer.Layer // tags: // private var i = array.indexOf(this._layerDictionary.olLayers, ol); if(i != -1){ return this._layerDictionary.layers[i]; } return null; }, getLayer: function(property, value){ // summary: // Returns the layer whose property matches the value. // property: String // The property to check // value: Object // The value to match // returns: // The layer(s) matching the property's value. Since multiple layers // match the property's value the return value is an array. // example: // var layers = map.getLayer("name", "Layer Name"); var om = this.olMap; var ols = om.getBy("layers", property, value); var ret = new Array(); //[]; array.forEach(ols, function(ol){ ret.push(this._getLayer(ol)); }, this); return ret; // Layer[] }, getLayerCount: function(){ // summary: // Returns the count of layers of this map. // returns: // The number of layers of this map. var om = this.olMap; if(om.layers == null){ return 0; } return om.layers.length; // Number }, fitTo: function(o){ // summary: // Fits the map on a point,or an area // description: // Fits the map on the point or extent specified as parameter. // o: Object // Object with key values fit parameters or a JSON string. // example: // Examples of arguments passed to the fitTo function: // | null // The map is fit on full extent // // | { // | bounds: [ulx, uly, lrx, lry] // | } // The map is fit on the specified bounds expressed as decimal degrees latitude and longitude. // The bounds are defined with their upper left and lower right corners coordinates. // // | { // | position: [longitude, latitude], // | extent: degrees // | } // The map is fit on the specified position showing the extent `` around // the specified center position. var map = this.olMap; var from = openlayers.EPSG4326; if(o == null){ var c = this.transformXY(0, 0, from); map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(c.x, c.y)); return; } var b = null; if(typeof o == "string"){ var j = json.fromJson(o); }else{ j = o; } var ul; var lr; if(j.hasOwnProperty("bounds")){ var a = j.bounds; b = new OpenLayers.Bounds(); ul = this.transformXY(a[0], a[1], from); b.left = ul.x; = ul.y; lr = this.transformXY(a[2], a[3], from); b.right = lr.x; b.bottom = lr.y; } if(b == null){ if(j.hasOwnProperty("position")){ var p = j.position; var e = j.hasOwnProperty("extent") ? j.extent : 1; if(typeof e == "string"){ e = parseFloat(e); } b = new OpenLayers.Bounds(); ul = this.transformXY(p[0] - e, p[1] + e, from); b.left = ul.x; = ul.y; lr = this.transformXY(p[0] + e, p[1] - e, from); b.right = lr.x; b.bottom = lr.y; } } if(b == null){ if(o.length == 4){ b = new OpenLayers.Bounds(); // TODO Choose the correct method if(false){ b.left = o[0]; = o[1]; b.right = o[2]; b.bottom = o[3]; }else{ ul = this.transformXY(o[0], o[1], from); b.left = ul.x; = ul.y; lr = this.transformXY(o[2], o[3], from); b.right = lr.x; b.bottom = lr.y; } } } if(b != null){ map.zoomToExtent(b, true); } }, transform: function(p, from, to){ // summary: // Transforms the point passed as argument, expressed in the from // coordinate system to the map coordinate system. // description: // Transforms the point passed as argument without modifying it. The point is supposed to be expressed // in the from coordinate system and is transformed to the map coordinate system. // p: Object {x, y} // The point to transform // from: OpenLayers.Projection // The projection in which the point is expressed. return this.transformXY(p.x, p.y, from, to); }, transformXY: function(x, y, from, to){ // summary: // Transforms the coordinates passed as argument, expressed in the from // coordinate system to the map coordinate system. // description: // Transforms the coordinates passed as argument. The coordinate are supposed to be expressed // in the from coordinate system and are transformed to the map coordinate system. // x: Number // The longitude coordinate to transform. // y: Number // The latitude coordinate to transform. // from: OpenLayers.Projection? // The projection in which the point is expressed, or EPSG4326 is not specified. // to: OpenLayers.Projection? // The projection in which the point is converted to. In not specifed, the map projection is used. // returns: // The transformed coordinate as an {x,y} Object. var tp = this._tp; tp.x = x; tp.y = y; if(!from){ from = openlayers.EPSG4326; } if(!to){ to = this.olMap.getProjectionObject(); } tp = OpenLayers.Projection.transform(tp, from, to); return tp; // Object } }); });