# Load all of fancy. require: "boot" class Fancy FDoc { """ FDoc is a tool to generate API documentation from Fancy source. Works as follows: 1. We setup a handler to be invoked every time an object is set documentation See fdoc_hook.fy, its loaded even before all of lib/rbx/*.fy so we can Also have documentation for all fancy rubinius. 2. We load boot.fy, so we get documentation for all fancy's lib. 3. We run FDoc main which can possibly load any file/directory you specify and optionally run specs, effectively associating them with documented objects. 4. Generate output file. Currently the plan is to output a json formatted object. To be loaded by an html file and use jquery to build a GUI from it. """ OUTPUT_DIR = "doc/api/" def self main { """ FDoc will load all .fy files you give to it, and optionally run any specified FancySpec, and later produce documentation output. """ output_dir = OUTPUT_DIR ARGV for_option: "-o" do: |d| { output_dir = d } require("fileutils") FileUtils mkdir_p(output_dir) # Currently we just load any files given on ARGV. ARGV each: |file| { Fancy CodeLoader load_compiled_file(file) } # by now simply produce a apidoc/fancy.jsonp file. json = JSON new: @documented_objects json write: (File expand_path("fancy.jsonp", output_dir)) ["Open your browser at " ++ output_dir ++ "index.html.", " " ++ (json classes size) ++ " classes. ", " " ++ (json methods size) ++ " methods. ", " " ++ (json objects size) ++ " other objects. "] println } class JSON { read_slots: ['classes, 'methods, 'blocks, 'objects] def initialize: documented { @documented_objects = documented is_class = |o| { o kind_of?: Module } is_method = |o| { o kind_of?: Rubinius CompiledMethod } is_block = |o| { o kind_of?: Rubinius BlockEnvironment } all_other = |o| { [is_class, is_method, is_block] all?() |b| { b call: [o] == false } } @classes = @documented_objects keys select: is_class @methods = @documented_objects keys select: is_method @blocks = @documented_objects keys select: is_block @objects = @documented_objects keys select: all_other } def string_to_json: obj { obj to_s inspect } def symbol_to_json: obj { obj to_s } def array_to_json: obj { str = ["["] obj each: |i| { str << $ to_json: i } in_between: { str << ", " } str << ["]"] str join } def hash_to_json: obj { str = ["{"] keys = obj keys keys each: |i| { str << $ to_json: i str << ":" str << $ to_json: (obj at: i) } in_between: { str << ", " } str << "}" str join } def to_json: obj { # Reimplement now we have pattern matching dispatch. match obj -> { case Hash -> self hash_to_json: obj case Array -> self array_to_json: obj case Symbol -> self symbol_to_json: obj case String -> self string_to_json: obj case Numeric -> obj case nil -> "null" case _ -> "Dont know how to convert " ++ (obj inspect) ++ " to JSON" raise! } } def popuplate_methods: cls on: attr type: type known: methods { cls send(type ++ "s", false) each: |n| { mattr = <[]> exec = cls send(type, n) executable() methods delete(exec) mdoc = Fancy Documentation for: exec if: mdoc then: { mattr at: 'doc put: $ mdoc format: 'fdoc if: (mdoc meta) then: { mattr at: 'arg put: $ mdoc meta at: 'argnames } } if: (exec class() == Rubinius CompiledMethod) then: { relative_file = exec file() # HACK: We simply delete everything before lib/ # TODO: Fix, either use a -r (root) option or use __FILE__ relative_file = relative_file to_s gsub(/.*lib/, "lib") lines = exec lines() to_a() mattr at: 'file put: $ relative_file # TODO calculate line numbers from compiled method # right now we only use the first line of code in the body. mattr at: 'lines put: $ [lines[3], lines[3]] } attr[(type ++ "s") intern()] at: n put: mattr } } def generate_map { map = <['title => "Fancy Documentation", 'date => Time now() to_s(), 'classes => <[]>, 'methods => <[]>, 'objects => <[]> ]> methods = @methods dup() @classes each: |cls| { name = cls name() gsub("::", " ") doc = Fancy Documentation for: cls attr = <[ 'doc => doc format: 'fdoc, 'instance_methods => <[]>, 'methods => <[]>, 'ancestors => cls ancestors() map: |c| { c name() gsub("::", " ") } ]> popuplate_methods: cls on: attr type: 'instance_method known: methods popuplate_methods: cls on: attr type: 'method known: methods map['classes] at: name put: attr } methods each: |cm| { cls = cm scope() module() cls_name = cls name() gsub("::", " ") cls_attr = map['classes] at: cls_name full_name = cls_name ++ "#" ++ (cm name()) doc = Fancy Documentation for: cm attr = <[ 'args => doc meta at: 'argnames, 'doc => doc format: 'fdoc ]> map['methods] at: full_name put: attr } map } def write: filename call: name ("fancy.fdoc") { map = self generate_map json = self to_json: map js = "(function() { " ++ name ++ "(" ++ json ++ "); })();" File open: filename modes: ['write] with: |out| { out print: js } } } class Formatter { """ A documentation formater intended to be used by @FDoc@. This formatter makes some transformations on a docstring and then converts it to html using markdown. """ Fancy Documentation formatter: 'fdoc is: |d| { format: d } def self format: doc { str = doc to_s tags = <[ ]> str = remove_indentation: str str = remove_tags: str into: tags str = create_tags: str with: tags str = create_class_references: str str = create_method_references: str str = create_code: str str = htmlize: str str } def self remove_indentation: str { """ Remove leading white space for multi-line strings. This method expects the first character to be an line return. """ m = /^(\r?\n)*(\s+)/ match(str) str = str strip() if: m then: { pattern = "^ {" ++ (m[2] size()) ++ "}" rex = Regexp.new(pattern) str = str gsub(rex, ""); } str } def self create_class_references: str { """ Creates class references for Fancy class names. A docstring may contain class names sorounded by @ without space between the @. Nested classes can be indicated by using :: like Foo::Bar This will create references for both, @Foo and @Bar Instance methods should be written: Foo::Bar#baz Class methods should be written: Foo::Bar.baz Some examples: A simple class reference: @Fancy@ Nested class reference: @Fancy::FDoc@ A fancy method without arguments: @Fancy::FDoc::JSON#:generate_map@ A ruby method reference (will link to ruby docs if available) @String#split@ A fancy method with many arguments: @Fancy::Package::Installer#initialize:version:install_path:@ A singleton method: @Fancy::FDoc::Formatter~format:@ """ str gsub(/@[A-Z][^\r\n\s]+?@/) |cstr| { names = cstr slice(1, cstr size() - 2) split("::") refs = [] names each_with_index() |name, idx| { n = name split(/[\#\~]/) clas = names take(idx) + [n[0]] . join(" ") html = "" ++ (n[0]) ++ "" refs << html # Generate a reference for last method if availble. if: (n[1]) then: { method = n[1] if: (method start_with?(":")) then: { method = method sub(/^:/, "") } sigil = "" name =~ (Regexp.new("^#")) . if_do: { sigil = "#" } type = n[1] include?(":") . if_do: { if: (sigil == "") then: { "singleton-method-ref" } else: { "instance-method-ref" } } else: { if: (sigil == "") then: { "ruby-singleton-method-ref" } else: { "ruby-instance-method-ref" } } html = sigil ++ "" ++ method ++ "" refs << html } } refs join(" ") } } def self remove_tags: str into: map { ary = str split(/\r?\n/) map: |line| { m = /^@([a-z@]\S+?)\s+(.*)/ match(line) if: m then: { map at: (m[1]) put: (m[2]) nil } else: { line } } ary compact join("\n") } def self create_tags: str with: map { tags = map map: |pair| { name = pair[0] value = pair[1] "
" ++ value ++ "
" } str ++ "\n
" ++ (tags join()) ++ "
" } def self create_code: str { str gsub(/@([^\s,\]\)\}\.]+)/, "\\1") } def self htmlize: str { require("rubygems") require("rdiscount") RDiscount new(str) to_html() } def self create_method_references: str { # First methods ending with : str gsub(/@([a-z_:]+:)@/, "\\1") . # fancy methods starting with : (argless fancy methods) gsub(/@:([a-z_]+)@/, "\\1") } } } Fancy FDoc main