Speedup Test::Unit + RSpec + Cucumber by running parallel on multiple CPUs. Setup for Rails =============== sudo gem install parallel script/plugin install git://github.com/grosser/parallel_tests.git ### 1: Add to `config/database.yml` test: database: xxx_test<%= ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] %> ### 2: Create additional database(s) script/db_console create database xxx_test2; ... ### 3: Copy development schema (repeat after migrations) rake parallel:prepare ### 4: Run! rake parallel:test # Test::Unit rake parallel:spec # RSpec rake parallel:features # Cucumber rake parallel:test[1] --> force 1 CPU --> 86 seconds rake parallel:test --> got 2 CPUs? --> 47 seconds rake parallel:test --> got 4 CPUs? --> 26 seconds ... Test just a subfolder (e.g. use one integration server per subfolder) rake parallel:test[models] rake parallel:test[something/else] partial paths are OK too... rake parallel:test[functional] == rake parallel:test[fun] Example output -------------- 2 processes for 210 specs, ~ 105 specs per process ... test output ... Results: 877 examples, 0 failures, 11 pending 843 examples, 0 failures, 1 pending Took 29.925333 seconds Even process runtimes (for specs only atm) ----------------- Add to your `spec/parallel_spec.opts` (or `spec/spec.opts`) : --format ParallelSpecs::SpecRuntimeLogger:tmp/parallel_profile.log It will log test runtime and partition the test-load accordingly. Setup for non-rails =================== sudo gem install parallel_tests # go to your project dir parallel_test OR parallel_spec OR parallel_cucumber # [Optional] use ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] inside your tests to select separate db/memcache/etc. [optional] Only run selected files & folders: parallel_test test/bar test/baz/xxx_text.rb Options are: -n [PROCESSES] How many processes to use, default: available CPUs -p, --path [PATH] run tests inside this path only --no-sort do not sort files before running them -m, --multiply-processes [FLOAT] use given number as a multiplier of processes to run -r, --root [PATH] execute test commands from this path -e, --exec [COMMAND] execute this code parallel and with ENV['TEST_ENV_NUM'] -o, --test-options '[OPTIONS]' execute test commands with those options -t, --type [TYPE] which type of tests to run? test, spec or features -v, --version Show Version -h, --help Show this. You can run any kind of code with -e / --execute parallel_test -n 5 -e 'ruby -e "puts %[hello from process #{ENV[:TEST_ENV_NUMBER.to_s].inspect}]"' hello from process "2" hello from process "" hello from process "3" hello from process "5" hello from process "4"
1 Process2 Processes4 Processes
RSpec spec-suite18s14s10s
TIPS ==== - [RSpec] add a `spec/parallel_spec.opts` to use different options, e.g. no --drb (default: `spec/spec.opts`) - [RSpec] if something looks fishy try to delete `script/spec` - [RSpec] if `script/spec` is missing parallel:spec uses just `spec` (which solves some issues with double-loaded environment.rb) - [RSpec] 'script/spec_server' or [spork](http://github.com/timcharper/spork/tree/master) do not work in parallel - [RSpec] `./script/generate rspec` if you are running rspec from gems (this plugin uses script/spec which may fail if rspec files are outdated) - [Bundler] if you have a `.bundle/environment.rb` then `bundle exec xxx` will be used to run tests - with zsh this would be `rake "parallel:prepare[3]"` TODO ==== - build parallel:bootstrap [idea/basics](http://github.com/garnierjm/parallel_specs/commit/dd8005a2639923dc5adc6400551c4dd4de82bf9a) - make jRuby compatible [basics](http://yehudakatz.com/2009/07/01/new-rails-isolation-testing/) - make windows compatible (does anyone care ?) Authors ==== inspired by [pivotal labs](http://pivotallabs.com/users/miked/blog/articles/849-parallelize-your-rspec-suite) ###Contributors (alphabetical) - [Charles Finkel](http://charlesfinkel.com/) - [Indrek Juhkam](http://urgas.eu) - [Jason Morrison](http://jayunit.net) - [jinzhu](http://github.com/jinzhu) - [Joakim Kolsjö](http://www.rubyblocks.se) - [Kevin Scaldeferri](http://kevin.scaldeferri.com/blog/) - [Kpumuk](http://kpumuk.info/) - [Maksim Horbul](http://github.com/mhorbul) - [Pivotal Labs](http://www.pivotallabs.com) - [Rohan Deshpande](http://github.com/rdeshpande) - [Tchandy](http://thiagopradi.net/) - [Terence Lee](http://hone.heroku.com/) - [Will Bryant](http://willbryant.net/) [Michael Grosser](http://pragmatig.wordpress.com) grosser.michael@gmail.com Hereby placed under public domain, do what you want, just do not hold me accountable...