(function (global) { var CollectionNavigation; /** * Converts documents that should be used in a hierarchy, to highlighted * localized siblings. */ function convertDocsForContext(id, $doc) { var newDocs; var $currentDoc; var $previousDocs; var $nextDocs; var headers = $doc.find('article div[data-document-id="' + id + '"]'); if (headers.length === 0) { $.error('Document is missing id=' + id); } $currentDoc = $(headers[0].parentNode); // need article element $currentDoc.addClass('al-hierarchy-highlight'); // Unlink the current component - just show the title $currentDoc.find('a').contents().unwrap(); // We want to show 0-1 or 0-2 siblings depending on where highlighted component is $previousDocs = $currentDoc.prevUntil().slice(0, 2); $nextDocs = $currentDoc.nextUntil().slice(0, 2); if ($previousDocs.length > 0 && $nextDocs.length > 0) { // Case where there are siblings on both sides, show 1 each newDocs = $('
'); newDocs.append($previousDocs.first()); newDocs.append($currentDoc); newDocs.append($nextDocs.first()); } else if ($previousDocs.length > 0) { // Case where there are only previous siblings, show 2 of them newDocs = $('
'); newDocs.append($previousDocs.get().reverse()); // previous is not in the order we need newDocs.append($currentDoc); } else { // Case where there are only next siblings, show 2 of them newDocs = $('
'); newDocs.append($currentDoc); newDocs.append($nextDocs); } // Cleanup to remove collapsible children stuff newDocs.find('.al-toggle-view-more').remove(); newDocs.find('.collapse').remove(); newDocs.find('hr').remove(); return newDocs; } CollectionNavigation = { init: function (el) { var $el = $(el); var data = $el.data(); // Add a placeholder so flashes of text are not as significant var placeholder = '
' + '

' + '

' + '

' + '

' + '
'; placeholder = new Array(3).join(placeholder); $el.html(placeholder); $.ajax({ url: data.arclight.path, data: { 'f[component_level_isim][]': data.arclight.level, 'f[has_online_content_ssim][]': data.arclight.access, 'f[collection_sim][]': data.arclight.name, 'f[parent_ssi][]': data.arclight.parent, search_field: data.arclight.search_field, view: data.arclight.view || 'hierarchy' } }).done(function (response) { var resp = $.parseHTML(response); var $doc = $(resp); var showDocs = $doc.find('article.document'); var newDocs = $doc.find('#documents'); // Add a highlight class for the article matching the highlight id if (data.arclight.highlightId) { newDocs = convertDocsForContext(data.arclight.highlightId, $doc); } $el.hide().html(newDocs).fadeIn(500); if (showDocs.length > 0) { $el.trigger('navigation.contains.elements'); } Blacklight.doBookmarkToggleBehavior(); }); } }; global.CollectionNavigation = CollectionNavigation; }(this)); Blacklight.onLoad(function () { 'use strict'; $('.al-contents').each(function (i, element) { CollectionNavigation.init(element); // eslint-disable-line no-undef }); $('.al-contents').on('navigation.contains.elements', function (e) { var toEnable = $('[data-hierarchy-enable-me]'); toEnable.removeClass('disabled'); toEnable.text('Contents'); $(e.target).find('.collapse').on('show.bs.collapse', function (ee) { var $newTarget = $(ee.target); $newTarget.find('.al-contents').each(function (i, element) { CollectionNavigation.init(element); // eslint-disable-line no-undef // Turn off additional ajax requests on show $newTarget.off('show.bs.collapse'); }); }); }); });