b0VIM 8.0Ul is_string: false, description: "Show output with ANSI codes", env_name: "FL_COCOAPODS_ANSI", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :ansi, default_value: false), is_string: false, description: "Show more debugging information", env_name: "FL_COCOAPODS_VERBOSE", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :verbose, default_value: false), is_string: false, description: "Execute command without logging output", env_name: "FL_COCOAPODS_SILENT", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :silent, conflicting_options: [:try_repo_update_on_error]), default_value: false, is_string: false, description: "Add `--repo-update` flag to `pod install` command", env_name: "FL_COCOAPODS_REPO_UPDATE", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :repo_update, default_value: true), is_string: false, description: "Integrate the Pods libraries into the Xcode project(s)", env_name: "FL_COCOAPODS_INTEGRATE", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :integrate, default_value: true), is_string: false, description: "Remove SCM directories", env_name: "FL_COCOAPODS_CLEAN", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :clean, [ def self.available_options end "Runs `pod install` for the project" def self.description end end UI.shell_error!(result) else end params[:error_callback].call(result) Dir.chdir(FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.path) do if params[:error_callback] def self.call_error_callback(params, result) end }) end call_error_callback(params, result) else }) call_error_callback(params, retry_result) Actions.sh(cmd.join(' '), error_callback: lambda if para params[:try_ if !params[:repo_update] && params[:try_repo_update_on_error] Actions.sh(cmd.join(' '), error_callback: lambda { |result| cmd << '--no-ansi' unless params[:ansi] cmd << '--verbose' if params[:verbose] cmd << '--silent' if params[:silent] cmd << '--repo-update' if params[:repo_update] cmd << '--no-integrate' unless params[:integrate] cmd << '--no-clean' unless params[:clean] cmd << ['pod install'] cmd << ['bundle exec'] if params[:use_bundle_exec] && shell_out_should_use_bundle_exec? end cmd << ["cd '#{podfile_folder}' &&"] end podfile_folder = params[:podfile] else podfile_folder = File.dirname(params[:podfile]) if params[:podfile].end_with?('Podfile') unless params[:podfile].nil? cmd = [] Actions.verify_gem!('cocoapods') def self.run(params) class CocoapodsAction < Action module Actionsmodule Fastlaneadbr=4U  [ u A  d E>zyb(xnmQG0|vro%eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneneneneneneneneneneneneneneneneneneeneend end end end :building def self.category end ] )' podfile: "./CustomPodfile" clean: true, 'cocoapods( 'cocoapods', [ def self.example_code end "If you use [CocoaPods](http://cocoapods.org) you can use the `cocoapods` integration to run `pod install` before building your app." def self.details end ["KrauseFx", "tadpol", "birmacher", "Liquidsoul"] def self.authors end [:ios, :mac].include?(platform) def self.is_supported?(platform) end # More information https://docs.fastlane.tools/getting-started/ios/setup/#use-a-gemfile # `cocoapods`, please start using a Gemfile and lock the version there # Please don't add a version parameter to the `cocoapods` action. If you need to specify a version when running ] type: Boolean) default_value: false, is_string: false, optional: true, description: 'Retry with --repo-update if action was finished with error', env_name: "FL_COCOAPODS_TRY_REPO_UPDATE_ON_ERROR", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :try_repo_update_on_error, default_value: nil), type: :string_callback, is_string: false, optional: true, description: 'A callback invoked with the command output if there is a non-zero exit status', FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :error_callback, end), UI.user_error!("Could not find Podfile") unless File.exist?(value) || Helper.test? verify_block: proc do |value| is_string: true, optional: true, description: "Explicitly specify the path to the Cocoapods' Podfile. You can either set it to the Podfile's path or to the folder containing the Podfile file", env_name: "FL_COCOAPODS_PODFILE", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :podfile, default_value: true), is_string: false, description: "Use bundle exec when there is a Gemfile presented", env_name: "FL_COCOAPODS_USE_BUNDLE_EXEC", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :use_bundle_exec, default_value: true),ad7WH9 U$  ~ } \ R  P  " r % E  j1ts- is_string: false, description: "Show output with ANSI codes", env_name: "FL_COCOAPODS_ANSI", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :ansi, default_value: false), is_string: false, description: "Show more debugging information", env_name: "FL_COCOAPODS_VERBOSE", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :verbose, default_value: false), is_string: false, description: "Execute command without logging output", env_name: "FL_COCOAPODS_SILENT", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :silent, default_value: false), is_string: false, description: "Add `--repo-update` flag to `pod install` command", env_name: "FL_COCOAPODS_REPO_UPDATE", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :repo_update, default_value: true), is_string: false, description: "Integrate the Pods libraries into the Xcode project(s)", env_name: "FL_COCOAPODS_INTEGRATE", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :integrate, default_value: true), is_string: false, description: "Remove SCM directories", env_name: "FL_COCOAPODS_CLEAN", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :clean, [ def self.available_options end "Runs `pod install` for the project" def self.description end end UI.shell_error!(result) else end params[:error_callback].call(result) Dir.chdir(FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.path) do if params[:error_callback] def self.call_error_callback(params, result) end }) end call_error_callback(params, result) else }) call_error_callback(params, retry_result) Actions.sh(cmd.join(' '), error_callback: lambda { |retry_result| cmd << '--repo-update'