# Patch Rake::Application to handle errors with Airbrake module Airbrake::RakeHandler def self.included(klass) klass.class_eval do include Rake087Methods unless defined?(Rake::VERSION) && Rake::VERSION >= '0.9.0' alias_method :display_error_message_without_airbrake, :display_error_message alias_method :display_error_message, :display_error_message_with_airbrake end end def display_error_message_with_airbrake(exception) if Airbrake.sender && Airbrake.configuration && (Airbrake.configuration.rescue_rake_exceptions || (Airbrake.configuration.rescue_rake_exceptions===nil && !self.tty_output?)) Airbrake.notify_or_ignore(exception, :component => 'rake', :action => reconstruct_command_line, :cgi_data => environment_info, :ignore => Airbrake.configuration.ignore_rake) end display_error_message_without_airbrake(exception) end def reconstruct_command_line ARGV.join(' ') end def environment_info ENV.reject do |k| Airbrake.configuration.rake_environment_filters.include? k end end # This module brings Rake 0.8.7 error handling to 0.9.0 standards module Rake087Methods # Method taken from Rake 0.9.0 source # # Provide standard exception handling for the given block. def standard_exception_handling begin yield rescue SystemExit => ex # Exit silently with current status raise rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => ex $stderr.puts ex.message exit(false) rescue Exception => ex # Exit with error message display_error_message(ex) exit(false) end end # Method extracted from Rake 0.8.7 source def display_error_message(ex) $stderr.puts "#{name} aborted!" $stderr.puts ex.message if options.trace $stderr.puts ex.backtrace.join("\n") else $stderr.puts ex.backtrace.find {|str| str =~ /#{@rakefile}/ } || "" $stderr.puts "(See full trace by running task with --trace)" end end end end Rake.application.instance_eval do class << self include Airbrake::RakeHandler end end