# # To make browse-everything aware of a provider, uncomment the info for that provider and add your API key information. # The file_system provider can be a path to any directory on the server where your application is running. # --- # file_system: # :home: "/tmp" # dropbox: # client_id: YOUR_DROPBOX_APP_KEY # client_secret: YOUR_DROPBOX_APP_SECRET # download_directory: tmp/ # box: # client_id: YOUR_BOX_CLIENT_ID # client_secret: YOUR_BOX_CLIENT_SECRET # google_drive: # client_id: YOUR_GOOGLE_API_CLIENT_ID # client_secret: YOUR_GOOGLE_API_CLIENT_SECRET # s3: # bucket: YOUR_AWS_S3_BUCKET # response_type: signed_url # set to :public_url for public urls or :s3_uri for an s3://BUCKET/KEY uri # expires_in: 14400 # for signed_url response_type, number of seconds url will be valid for. # app_key: YOUR_AWS_S3_KEY # :app_key, :app_secret, and :region can be specified # app_secret: YOUR_AWS_S3_SECRET # explicitly here, or left out to use system-configured # region: YOUR_AWS_S3_REGION # defaults. # See https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/a-new-and-standardized-way-to-manage-credentials-in-the-aws-sdks/