module Effective module EffectiveDatatable module Format BLANK = ''.freeze NONVISIBLE = '...'.freeze SPACER = 'EFFECTIVEDATATABLESSPACER'.freeze SPACER_TEMPLATE = '/effective/datatables/spacer_template'.freeze private def format(collection) # We want to use the render :collection for each column that renders partials rendered = {} columns.each do |name, opts| next unless state[:visible][name] if opts[:partial] locals = { datatable: self, column: opts }.merge(resource_col_locals(opts)) rendered[name] = (view.render( partial: opts[:partial], as: (opts[:partial_as] || :resource), collection: { |row| row[opts[:index]] }, formats: :html, locals: locals, spacer_template: SPACER_TEMPLATE ) || '').split(SPACER) elsif opts[:as] == :actions # This is actions_col and actions_col do .. end, but not actions_col partial: 'something' resources = { |row| row[opts[:index]] } locals = { datatable: self, column: opts, spacer_template: SPACER_TEMPLATE } atts = { actions: actions_col_actions(opts), btn_class: opts[:btn_class], effective_resource: effective_resource, locals: locals, partial: opts[:actions_partial], }.compact.merge(opts[:actions]) rendered[name] = if effective_resource.blank? do |resource| polymorphic_resource =, namespace: controller_namespace) (view.render_resource_actions(resource, atts.merge(effective_resource: polymorphic_resource), &opts[:format]) || '') end else (view.render_resource_actions(resources, atts, &opts[:format]) || '').split(SPACER) end end end collection.each_with_index do |row, row_index| columns.each do |name, opts| index = opts[:index] value = row[index] row[index] = ( if state[:visible][name] == false NONVISIBLE elsif opts[:as] == :actions rendered[name][row_index] elsif opts[:format] && rendered.key?(name) dsl_tool.instance_exec(value, row, rendered[name][row_index], &opts[:format]) elsif opts[:format] dsl_tool.instance_exec(value, row, &opts[:format]) elsif opts[:partial] rendered[name][row_index] else format_column(value, opts) end ) end end end def format_column(value, column) return if value.nil? || (column[:resource] && value.blank?) unless column[:as] == :email return value if value.kind_of?(String) end case column[:as] when :actions raise("please use actions_col instead of col(#{name}, as: :actions)") when :boolean view.t("effective_datatables.boolean_#{value}") when :currency view.number_to_currency(value) when :date (value.strftime('%F') rescue BLANK) when :datetime (value.strftime('%F %H:%M') rescue BLANK) when :decimal value when :duration view.number_to_duration(value) when :effective_addresses (value.respond_to?(:to_html) ? value.to_html : value).to_s when :effective_obfuscation value when :effective_roles value.join(', ') when :email view.mail_to(value) when :integer value when :percent case value when Integer ; view.number_to_percentage(value / 1000.0, precision: 3).gsub('.000%', '%') when Numeric ; view.number_to_percentage(value, precision: 3).gsub('.000%', '%') end when :price case value when Integer ; view.number_to_currency(value / 100.0) # an Integer representing the number of cents when Numeric ; view.number_to_currency(value) end when :time (value.strftime('%H:%M') rescue BLANK) else value.to_s end end # Takes all default resource actions # Applies data-remote to anything that's data-method post or delete # Merges in any extra attributes when passed as a Hash def actions_col_actions(column) resource_actions = (effective_resource.try(:resource_actions) || fallback_effective_resource.fallback_resource_actions) actions = if column[:inline] resource_actions.transform_values { |opts| opts['data-remote'] = true; opts } else resource_actions.transform_values { |opts| opts['data-remote'] = true if opts['data-method']; opts } end # Merge local options. Special behaviour for remote: false if column[:actions].kind_of?(Hash) column[:actions].each do |action, opts| next unless opts.kind_of?(Hash) existing = actions.find { |_, v| v[:action] == action }.try(:first) next unless existing.present? actions[existing]['data-remote'] = opts[:remote] if opts.key?(:remote) actions[existing]['data-remote'] = opts['remote'] if opts.key?('remote') actions[existing].merge!(opts.except(:remote, 'remote')) end actions = actions.sort do |(_, a), (_, b)| (column[:actions].keys.index(a[:action]) || 99) <=> (column[:actions].keys.index(b[:action]) || 99) end.to_h end actions end def resource_col_locals(opts) return {} unless (associated_resource = opts[:resource]).present? associated = associated_resource.macros.include?(opts[:as]) polymorphic = (opts[:as] == :belongs_to_polymorphic) resource_name = opts[:name] if associated resource_to_s = opts[:name] unless associated || array_collection? locals = { resource_name: resource_name, resource_to_s: resource_to_s, effective_resource: associated_resource, show_action: false, edit_action: false } case opts[:action] when :edit locals[:edit_action] = (polymorphic || associated_resource.routes[:edit].present?) when :show locals[:show_action] = (polymorphic || associated_resource.routes[:show].present?) when false # Nothing. Already false. else locals[:edit_action] = (polymorphic || associated_resource.routes[:edit].present?) locals[:show_action] = (polymorphic || associated_resource.routes[:show].present?) end locals end end # / Rendering end end