module Dradis::Plugins::ContentService module Core extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do attr_accessor :logger, :plugin, :project, :scope end # ----------------------------------------------------------- Initializer # # @option plugin [Class] the 'wrapper' module of a plugin, e.g. # Dradis::Plugins::Nessus def initialize(args={}) @logger = args.fetch(:logger, Rails.logger) @plugin = args.fetch(:plugin) @project = args[:project] @scope = validate_scope(args[:scope]).to_sym @state = args[:state] end private def default_author @default_author ||= "#{plugin::Engine.plugin_name.to_s.humanize} upload plugin" end def try_rescue_from_length_validation(args={}) model = args[:model] field = args[:field] text = args[:text] msg = args[:msg] tail = "..." + args[:tail].to_s logger.error{ "Trying to rescue from a :length error" } if model.errors[field] # the plugin tried to store too much information msg = "#[Title]#\nTruncation warning!\n\n" msg << "#[Error]#\np(alert alert-error). The plugin tried to store content that was too big for the DB. Review the source to ensure no important data was lost.\n\n" msg << text model.send("#{field}=", msg.truncate(65300, omission: tail)) else # bail msg = "#[Title]#\n#{msg}\n\n" msg << "#[Description]#\nbc. #{model.errors.inspect}\n\n" model.send("#{field}=", msg) end if model.valid? end end def validate_scope(scope) valid_scopes = Dradis::Plugins::ContentService::Base::VALID_SCOPES if scope && valid_scopes.include?(scope.to_s) scope else :published end end end end