require 'socket' class Frenetic class Configuration < Hash class ConfigurationError < StandardError; end # TODO: This is in desperate need of .with_indifferent_access... # TODO: "content-type" should probably be within a "headers" key def initialize( custom_config = {} ) config = config_file.merge custom_config config = symbolize_keys config config[:username] = config[:api_key] if config[:api_key] config[:headers] ||= {} config[:request] ||= {} if config[:"content-type"] config[:headers][:accepts] = config[:"content-type"] else config[:headers][:accepts] = "application/hal+json" end # Copy the config into this Configuration instance. config.each { |k, v| self[k] = v } super() configure_user_agent validate end private def configure_user_agent frenetic_ua = "Frenetic v#{Frenetic::VERSION}; #{Socket.gethostname}" if self[:headers][:user_agent] self[:headers][:user_agent] << " (#{frenetic_ua})" else self[:headers][:user_agent] = frenetic_ua end end def validate unless self[:url] raise ConfigurationError, "No API URL defined!" end end def config_file config_path = File.join( 'config', 'frenetic.yml' ) if File.exists? config_path config = YAML.load_file( config_path ) env = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV'] if config and config.has_key? env config[env] else {} end else {} end end def symbolize_keys( arg ) case arg when Array { |elem| symbolize_keys elem } when Hash Hash[ { |key, value| k = key.is_a?(String) ? key.to_sym : key v = symbolize_keys value [k,v] }] else arg end end end end