# encoding: US-ASCII # TODO: # Provide collection of custom log names? # Specifically use the Platform mod used in MiqDisk. require 'sys-uname' # For message table resources. require 'metadata/util/win32/peheader' # For registry export on MiqFS. require 'metadata/util/win32/remote-registry' # Dev needs this. require 'metadata/util/win32/system_path_win' require 'digest/md5' # Common utilities. require 'binary_struct' require 'util/miq-unicode' require 'util/miq-xml' require 'util/miq-exception' require 'metadata/util/event_log_filter' class Win32EventLog # Standard file log names SYSTEM_LOGS = %w(Application System Security) BUFFER_READ_SIZE = 10485760 # 10 MB buffer # Data definitions. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/bb309024.aspx) ELF_LOGFILE_HEADER = BinaryStruct.new([ 'L', :header_size, # The size of the header structure. The size is always 0x30. 'a4', :signature, # The signature is always 0x654c664c, which is ASCII for eLfL. 'L', :majorVersion, # The major version number of the event log. The major version number is always set to 1. 'L', :minorVersion, # The minor version number of the event log. The minor version number is always set to 1. 'L', :start_offset, # The offset to the oldest record in the event log. 'L', :end_offset, # The offset to the ELF_EOF_RECORD in the event log. 'L', :current_record_number, # The number of the next record that will be added to the event log. 'L', :oldest_record_number, # The number of the oldest record in the event log. For an empty file, the oldest record number is set to 0. 'L', :max_size, # The maximum size, in bytes, of the event log. The maximum size is defined when the event log is created. # The event-logging service does not typically update this value, it relies on the registry configuration. # The reader of the event log can use normal file APIs to determine the size of the file. 'L', :flags, # See ELF_ below. 'L', :retention, # The retention value of the file when it is created. # The event-logging service does not typically update this value, it relies on the registry configuration. # For more information about registry configuration values, see Eventlog Key. 'L', :end_header_size # The ending size of the header structure. The size is always 0x30. ]) # Event Log header flags. ELF_DIRTY = 0x00000001 # If set, don't rely on other values in the header. ELF_WRAPPED = 0x00000002 # Indicates the log is wrapped. ELF_LOGFULL = 0x00000004 # Set if log full (extended implications in EventLogFormat.txt). ELF_LOGFILE_ARCHIVE_SET = 0x00000008 # Indicates that the archive attribute has been set for the file. # Normal file APIs can also be used to determine the value of this flag. # Data definitions. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/bb309022(VS.85).aspx ) EVENTLOGEOF = BinaryStruct.new([ 'L', :record_size_beginning, # The beginning size of the ELF_EOF_RECORD. The beginning size is always 0x28. 'a16', :magic, # Always \001\001\001\001\002\002\002\002\003\003\003\003\004\004\004\004 'L', :begin_record, # The offset to the oldest record. If the event log is empty, this is set to the start of this structure. 'L', :end_record, # The offset to the start of this structure. 'L', :current_record_number, # The record number of the next event that will be written to the event log. 'L', :oldest_record_number, # The record number of the oldest record in the event log. The record number will be 0 if the event log is empty. 'L', :record_size_end # The ending size of the ELF_EOF_RECORD. The ending size is always 0x28. ]) # Data definitions. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/aa363646(VS.85).aspx) EVENTRECORD = BinaryStruct.new([ 'L', :record_length, # The size of this event record, in bytes. Note that this value is stored at both ends # of the entry to ease moving forward or backward through the log. The length includes # any pad bytes inserted at the end of the record for DWORD alignment. 'a4', :magic, # A DWORD value that is always set to ELF_LOG_SIGNATURE (the value is 0x654c664c), which is ASCII for eLfL. 'L', :record_num, # The number of the record. 'L', :generated, # The time at which this entry was submitted. This time is measured in the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 January 1, 1970, Universal Coordinated Time. 'L', :written, # The time at which this entry was received by the service to be written to the log. This time is measured in the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 January 1, 1970, Universal Coordinated Time. 'L', :event_id, # The event identifier. The value is specific to the event source for the event, and is used with source name to locate a description string in the message file for the event source 'S', :level, # See EVENTLOG_ below. 'S', :num_strings, # The number of strings present in the log (at the position indicated by StringOffset). These strings are merged into the message before it is displayed to the user. 'S', :category, # The category for this event. The meaning of this value depends on the event source. 'S', :reserved_flags, # Reserved. 'L', :closing_rec_num, # Reserved. 'L', :string_offset, # Offset from beginning of record to UTF-16 strings. 'L', :user_sid_length, # The size of the UserSid member, in bytes. This value can be zero if no security identifier was provided. 'L', :user_sid_offset, # Offset from beginning of record. 'L', :data_length, # Length of parameter data (0 if none). 'L', :data_offset, # The offset of the event-specific information within this event log record, in bytes. # This information could be something specific (a disk driver might log the number of retries, for example), # followed by binary information specific to the event being logged and to the source that generated the entry. ]) EVENTRECORDLENGTH = BinaryStruct.new([ 'L', :record_length, # The size of this event record, in bytes. Note that this value is stored at both ends ]) # Event types. EVENT_TYPES = { 0x0000 => :info, # EVENTLOG_SUCCESS 0x0001 => :error, # EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE 0x0002 => :warn, # EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE 0x0004 => :info, # EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE 0x0008 => :info, # VENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS 0x0010 => :error, # EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE } # Magic numbers used by log record types. MAGIC_HDR = "LfLe" MAGIC_CSR = "\x11\x11\x11\x11\x22\x22\x22\x22\x33\x33\x33\x33\x44\x44\x44\x44" # Registry constants. HKLM = 0x80000002 KEY_READ = 0x00020019 REG_MULTI_SZ = 7 # Key name buffer size. SIZE_BUF = 256 # Misc Windows constants. INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1 ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259 # Lookup object for translating the common %? sequences in the messages FORMAT_TR = Hash.new { |_h, k| k }.merge( '% ' => " ", '%b' => " ", '%.' => ".", '%!' => "!", '%n' => "\r\n", '%r' => "\r", '%t' => "\t", '%0' => "", '!s!' => "" ) # Keys that will be in the final node record NODE_REC_KEYS = [:generated, :event_id, :level, :category, :computer_name, :source, :message] attr_reader :xmlDoc, :customFileName attr_reader :readTimes def initialize(vmMiqFs = nil) # vmMiqFs is an MiqFS instance for the file system # of the guest vm if guest logs or nil if host logs. # If an MiqFS instance was not passed, then the OS has to be (or emulate) Win32. # If an MiqFS instance *was* passed, then if the guest OS is not Windows then getSystemRoot will throw. raise "#{self.class}::initialize: Filesystem is not MiqFS: cannot continue" if !vmMiqFs.class.to_s.include?('Miq') # Get a file system instance if we don't already have one. @fs = vmMiqFs @fs = File if @fs.nil? # Init times. @readTimes = {} @msgtbl_cache = {} # Get root, system message tables & init messagetable cache. if @fs == File @systemRoot = 'c:/windows/system32' @kernel32_fn = 'c:/windows/system32/kernel32.dll' else @systemRoot = Win32::SystemPath.systemRoot(@fs) @kernel32_fn = "#{Win32::SystemPath.system32Path(@fs, @systemRoot)}/kernel32.dll" end end def readAllLogs(options) options = options.collect { |l| {:name => l, :filter => nil} } if options[0].kind_of?(String) options.each do |o| start = Time.now readLog(o[:name], o[:filter]) @readTimes[o[:name]] = Time.now - start end @xmlDoc end def readLog(log, filter = nil) filter ||= {} EventLogFilter.prepare_filter!(filter) # Get message source files. (This also caches the event log registry entries.) sources = getEventSourceMessageFiles(log) @f = @buf = nil # Get event log file and validate it is a format we support event_file = mkLogPath(log) unless File.extname(event_file).downcase == ".evt" raise MiqException::NtEventLogFormat, "#{self.class}: Unsupported Win32 Eventlog format [#{File.extname(event_file)}] for event log [#{log}]. File:[#{event_file}]" end # Start an XML document recordsNode = mkXmlDoc(log, event_file) getFileObj(event_file) do |f, filename| st = Time.now $log.info "#{self.class}: Opening file for [#{log}]" if $log @f = f @offset = BUFFER_READ_SIZE * -1 hdr = ELF_LOGFILE_HEADER.decode(read_buffer(0, ELF_LOGFILE_HEADER.size)) hdr[:wrapped] = !(hdr[:flags] & ELF_WRAPPED).zero? @file_size = @fs == File ? File.size(filename) : @fs.fileSize(filename) $log.info "#{self.class}: Opened file for [#{log}] in [#{Time.now - st}] seconds. Data Size:[#{@file_size}] Wrapped:[#{hdr[:wrapped]}]" if $log parse_time = Time.now recs_found = 0 recs_processed = 0 @dup_check = {} each_record(hdr, log) do |rec| recs_processed += 1 # Get log record components & filter on them rec[:generated] = Time.at(rec[:generated]).utc.iso8601 break if EventLogFilter.filter_by_generated?(rec[:generated], filter) rec[:level] = EVENT_TYPES[rec[:level]] next if EventLogFilter.filter_by_level?(rec[:level], filter) getSourceName(rec) next if EventLogFilter.filter_by_source?(rec[:source], filter) getStrings(rec) getMessage(log, rec, sources) next if EventLogFilter.filter_by_message?(rec[:message], filter) # Get the rest of the record components getComputerName(rec) # There are not presently being used, so there is no need to collect them # rec[:written] = Time.at(rec[:written]).utc.iso8601 # getSID(buf, pos, rec) # getData(buf, pos, rec) # Add the node to the XML recs_found += 1 if addNodeRec(recordsNode, rec) # Quit if we've found enough records break if EventLogFilter.filter_by_rec_count?(recs_found, filter) end # Clean up @dup_check = nil # Store based on log. recordsNode.add_attribute(:num_records, recs_found) $log.info "#{self.class}: Parsed [#{recs_processed}] [#{log}] records in [#{Time.now - parse_time}] seconds. Collected [#{recs_found}] records. Total time [#{Time.now - st}] seconds." if $log end @f = nil end private def mkLogPath(log) unless @reg_source_xml.nil? appKey = XmlFind.findElement("CurrentControlSet/Services/Eventlog/#{log}/File", @reg_source_xml) logPath = appKey.text else logPath = Win32::SystemPath.registryPath(@fs, @systemRoot) + "/" logPath = case log when 'Application' then logPath + "appevent.evt" when 'Security' then logPath + "secevent.evt" when 'System' then logPath + "sysevent.evt" else raise "#{self.class}::mkLogPath: '#{log}' is not a path to an event log file." unless log.class.to_s == "String" raise "#{self.class}::mkLogPath: File not found: '#{log}'" unless isFile?(log) @customFileName = log end end logPath end # These functions hide the differences for equivalent calls in the file instance. def isFile?(fn) meth = @fs.respond_to?(:fileExists?) ? :fileExists? : :exists? @fs.send(meth, fn) end def getFileObj(fn) # Determine what file open method to use meth = @fs.respond_to?(:fileOpen) ? :fileOpen : :open fn = fn.tr('\\', '/') f = @fs.send(meth, fn, "rb") # If we are passed a block, run it and close the file handle return f unless block_given? begin yield(f, fn) ensure f.close rescue nil end end def mkXmlDoc(log, event_file) @xmlDoc ||= XmlHash.createDoc("") @xmlDoc.root.add_element(:log, {:name => log, :path => event_file}) end # This function finds the first event record in the buffer. def getFirstRecordOffset(hdr) # Find the cursor record and get first rec from there. # hdr[:end_offset] should point to the offset of the EOF record. If the dirty flag # is set this is likely to have moved, but should be in front of it, so start the search there. pos = findCursorRecord(hdr[:end_offset]) pos = findCursorRecord(0) if pos.nil? raise "Win32 Eventlog cursor record not found." if pos.nil? EVENTLOGEOF.decode(read_buffer(pos - 4, EVENTLOGEOF.size)) end # The last 4 bytes of a record hold the record length for that record. # Grab it and set the new position to the top of that record. def getNextRecordOffset(curr_pos, hdr) # Called the first time if curr_pos.nil? @csr = getFirstRecordOffset(hdr) curr_pos = @csr[:end_record] end # Check for wrapped messages if curr_pos == ELF_LOGFILE_HEADER.size curr_pos = findEndBuffer end offset = curr_pos - 4 prev_rec_length = read_buffer(offset, 4, -1) rec_len = EVENTRECORDLENGTH.decode(prev_rec_length)[:record_length] new_pos = (curr_pos - rec_len) # Check for wrapped messages if new_pos < ELF_LOGFILE_HEADER.size copy_from_end = ELF_LOGFILE_HEADER.size - new_pos new_pos = @file_size - copy_from_end end new_pos end # If the record header cannot fit at the end of the file when the log file wraps # the end of the file is padded with 0x27 markers after the record length. So # walk backwards until a non-0x27 marker is found. def findEndBuffer offset = @file_size - 4 while EVENTRECORDLENGTH.decode(read_buffer(offset, 4, -1))[:record_length] == 0x27 offset -= 4 end offset + 4 end def findCursorRecord(search_offset) pos = nil while pos.nil? pos = read_buffer(search_offset, BUFFER_READ_SIZE).index(MAGIC_CSR) search_offset += BUFFER_READ_SIZE if pos.nil? break if search_offset >= @file_size end pos += search_offset unless pos.nil? pos end def each_record(hdr, log) # Check for an empty event log file return if hdr[:oldest_record_number].zero? last_pos = pos = getNextRecordOffset(nil, hdr) loop do # Get this record. rec = EVENTRECORD.decode(read_buffer(pos, EVENTRECORD.size, -1)) # If record wraps around to the start of the buffer if pos + rec[:record_length] > @file_size # If we get to the end of the file make sure the event log is marked as wrapped # before trying to process data from the begin of the file. break if (hdr[:flags] & ELF_WRAPPED).zero? # If the record header fits then in the remaining bytes the header # and data is written upto the end of the file. The remaining data # is writting at the top of the file after the file header. remaining_bytes = @file_size - pos wrapped_byte_count = rec[:record_length] - remaining_bytes wrapped_bytes = read_buffer(ELF_LOGFILE_HEADER.size, wrapped_byte_count) read_buffer(pos, rec[:record_length], -1) @buf << wrapped_bytes end # Verify record synchronization. if rec[:magic] != MAGIC_HDR csr = EVENTLOGEOF.decode(read_buffer(pos, EVENTLOGEOF.size)) break if csr[:magic] == MAGIC_CSR # Check if the Cursor record appears anywhere in the buffer data for this mis-aligned record. break unless read_buffer(pos, last_pos - pos).index(MAGIC_CSR).nil? # When the log is wrapped if we find a mis-aligned record it is on the cursor record missing, likely due # to the log actively being updated when we read it. break if hdr[:wrapped] == true if $log $log.error "MIQ(#{self.class}-readLog) Log synchronization for {#{log}} is broken - rec:[#{rec.inspect}] csr:[#{csr.inspect}] header:[#{hdr.inspect}] pos:[#{pos}] buf length:[#{@buf.length}]" $log.error "MIQ(#{self.class}-readLog) 4K buf < pos:" read_buffer((pos < 4096 ? 0 : pos - 4096), 4096).hex_dump(:obj => $log, :meth => :error, :newline => false) $log.error "MIQ(#{self.class}-readLog) 4K buf >= pos:" read_buffer(pos, 4096).hex_dump(:obj => $log, :meth => :error, :newline => false) end raise "MIQ(#{self.class}-readLog) Log synchronization is broken." end rec[:data] = read_buffer(pos, rec[:record_length], -1) yield(rec) break if rec[:record_num] == @csr[:oldest_record_number] last_pos = pos pos = getNextRecordOffset(pos, hdr) end end def read_buffer(offset, length, direction = 1) # puts "[#{@offset}] -- [#{@offset+BUFFER_READ_SIZE}], O:[#{offset}] L:[#{length}]" if (offset < @offset) || (offset + length > @offset + BUFFER_READ_SIZE) read_offset = offset if direction < 0 # When adjusting the read offset backwards account for the length of the data # being read plus an extra 4K which should cover the data portion of a record # since we have to read the record header ahead of the data. read_offset = offset - BUFFER_READ_SIZE + length + 4096 read_offset = 0 if read_offset < 0 end # puts "***Loading from offset [#{read_offset}]" @f.seek(read_offset) @buf = @f.read(BUFFER_READ_SIZE) @offset = read_offset end @buf[offset - @offset, length] end def getSourceName(rec) str = rec[:data][EVENTRECORD.size..-1] if str str = weirdFixString(str) str.UnicodeToUtf8! rec[:source] = str end end def getComputerName(rec) str = rec[:data][(EVENTRECORD.size + rec[:source].length * 2 + 2)..-1] if str str = weirdFixString(str) str.UnicodeToUtf8! rec[:computer_name] = str end end def getSID(buf, pos, rec) if rec[:user_sid_length] > 0 rec[:user_sid] = decodeSid(buf[pos + rec[:user_sid_offset], rec[:user_sid_length]]) end end def decodeSid(data) sid = "S-" # BYTE Revision sid << data[0].to_s << "-" # BYTE SubAuthorityCount subCount = data[1] # WORD Authority[3] 0.upto(2) {|i| auth = data[2 + i * 2, 2].unpack('n')[0] sid << auth.to_s << "-" if auth != 0 } # DWORD SubAuthority[*] 0.upto(subCount - 1) {|i| subAuth = data[8 + i * 4, 4].unpack('L')[0] sid << subAuth.to_s << "-" } sid.chop! sid end def getStrings(rec) rec[:strings] = [] return if rec[:num_strings] <= 0 offset = rec[:string_offset] (rec[:num_strings] - 1).times do str = rec[:data][offset..-1] if str str = weirdFixString(str) # Compensate for nil strings. if str == "\000" rec[:strings] << "" offset += 2 else offset += str.length + 2 rec[:strings] << str.UnicodeToUtf8! end end end end def getData(buf, pos, rec) if rec[:data_length] > 0 rec[:data] = buf[pos + rec[:data_offset], rec[:data_length]] end end # The standard conversion doesn't terminate a string at \000\000 so use this. def weirdFixString(str) idx = str.index("\000\000") idx.nil? ? str : str[0..idx] end def addNodeRec(node, rec) node_rec = {} # Put the needed fields in the node_rec, and collect them for md5 hashing to # verify that this record is unique md5 = NODE_REC_KEYS.collect { |k| node_rec[k] = rec[k] }.join(' ') md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(md5) return false if @dup_check.key?(md5) @dup_check[md5] = nil node_rec[:uid] = md5 node.add_element(:record, node_rec) true end # Given a record, turn it's event id into a log message. def getMessage(log, rec, sources) src = rec[:source].downcase unless sources[:message].key?(src) # TODO: Use the Windows message from els.dll rec[:message] = "#{self.class}::getMessage: The source '#{rec[:source]}' is not listed under HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\#{log}" return end msgfiles = sources[:message][src].split(";") paramfiles = sources[:param][src].split(";") if sources[:param].key?(src) msg = errMsg = nil id = rec[:event_id] msgfiles.each do |fn| msgtbls = getMessageTables(fn) unless msgtbls.kind_of?(Hash) errMsg ||= "" errMsg << "#{msgtbls}\n" next end str = getString(id, msgtbls) next if str.nil? fmtSub(str) msg = str.dup strSub(msg, rec, msgtbls, paramfiles) break end msg = errMsg.nil? ? "#{self.class}::getMessage: Couldn't find message id in any listed source" : errMsg if msg.nil? rec[:message] = msg.chomp! end def getParamMessage(id, paramfiles) return "" if paramfiles.nil? paramfiles.each do |fn| msgtbls = getMessageTables(fn) return "" unless msgtbls.kind_of?(Hash) str = getString(id, msgtbls) return str.dup unless str.nil? end "" end # Search for id in messagetables. def getString(id, msgtbls) return msgtbls unless msgtbls.kind_of?(Hash) msgtbls[id] end def getMessageTables(fn) # Check cache for this file's messagetables. return @msgtbl_cache[fn] if @msgtbl_cache.key?(fn) # Get file & read messagetable resources. peh = nil begin getFileObj(fn) do |f, _fn2| begin peh = PEheader.new(f) # Stick this table in the cache. @msgtbl_cache[fn] = peh.messagetables rescue @msgtbl_cache[fn] = "#{self.class}::getMessageTables: Invalid message table in file: #{fn}" end end rescue @msgtbl_cache[fn] = "#{self.class}::getMessageTables: File not found: #{fn}" end @msgtbl_cache[fn] end def fmtSub(msg) msg.gsub!(/%[b\.!nrt0]|!s!/) { |s| FORMAT_TR[s] } end # String substitution for Win32 FormatMessage (%1, %2 & so on). def strSub(msg, rec, msgtbls, paramfiles) # Replace occurances of %%n[n...] with the value from the parameter message file # Replace occurances of %n[n...] with (in this order): # 1. A string from the record's Strings array. # 2. A string from a messagetable whose id is n[n...] # 3. A string from the system messagetable whose id is n[n...] msg.gsub!(/(%%?)([1-9][0-9]*)/) do percents, id = $1, $2.to_i if percents.length == 1 param = rec[:strings][id - 1] if id <= rec[:strings].size param = getString(id, msgtbls) if param.nil? param = getString(id, getMessageTables(@kernel32_fn)) if param.nil? else param = getParamMessage(id, paramfiles) end param = "NO PARAM: #{id}" if param.nil? param end end # Given a log name, get event sources & message files in a hash. def getEventSourceMessageFiles(log) return getSourcesFromMiqFS(log) if Object.const_defined?(:MiqFS) && @fs.kind_of?(MiqFS) getSourcesFromWin32(log) end def getSourcesFromMiqFS(log) # Initialize the message source hash object sources = {:message => {}, :param => {}, :category => {}} # Load registry section where we find the NT event log message source files. if @reg_source_xml.nil? reg = RemoteRegistry.new(@fs, true) @reg_source_xml = reg.loadHive("system", [{:key => 'CurrentControlSet/Services/Eventlog', :value => ['CategoryMessageFile', 'EventMessageFile', 'ParameterMessageFile', 'File']}]) end appKey = XmlFind.findElement("CurrentControlSet/Services/Eventlog/#{log}", @reg_source_xml) appKey.each_element(:key) do |src| keyName = src.attributes[:keyname].downcase [['EventMessageFile', :message], ['ParameterMessageFile', :param], ['CategoryMessageFile', :category]].each do |msg_file, type| src.each_element_with_attribute(:name, msg_file) do |e| fn = e.text.to_s fn.gsub!(/%SystemRoot%/i, @systemRoot) sources[type][keyName] = fn end end end sources end def getSourcesFromWin32(log) require 'win32/registry' sources = {:message => {}, :param => {}, :category => {}} types = {'EventMessageFile' => sources[:message], 'ParameterMessageFile' => sources[:param], 'CategoryMessageFile' => sources[:category]} src = "system\\currentcontrolset\\services\\eventlog\\#{log}" Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.open(src) do |reg| reg.each_key do |subKey, _wtime| subpath = "#{src}\\#{subKey}" subKey.downcase! Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.open(subpath) do |reg| reg.each_value do |name, _type, data| case name when 'EventMessageFile', 'ParameterMessageFile', 'CategoryMessageFile' then fn = data.to_s fn.gsub!(/%SystemRoot%/i, @systemRoot) types[name][subKey] = fn end end end end end sources end def getEvtMsgFile(hKey) buf = "" len = [0].pack('L') type = [0].pack('L') res = @@RegQueryValueEx.call(hKey, "EventMessageFile", 0, type, buf, len) # Beware: this MAY come up at some point. raise "#{self.class}::getEvtMsgFile: Got REG_MULTI_SZ" if type.unpack('L')[0] == REG_MULTI_SZ len = len.unpack('L')[0] buf = " " * len len = [len].pack('L') res = @@RegQueryValueEx.call(hKey, "EventMessageFile", 0, type, buf, len) if res != ERROR_SUCCESS buf = "" len = [0].pack('L') end return buf, len end def fixFileList(buf, len) buf = buf[0...(len.unpack('L')[0] - 1)] buf = buf.split("\\").join("/") buf.gsub!(/%SystemRoot%/i, @systemRoot) buf end end # If invoked from command line. if __FILE__ == $0 puts "Reading logs..." start = Time.now log = Win32EventLog.new filter = {:level => :warn} log.readLog("Application", filter) log.readLog("Security", filter) log.readLog("System", filter) puts "Read logs completed in #{Time.now - start} seconds" end