# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'test_helper' require 'hexapdf/encryption/security_handler' require 'hexapdf/document' require 'hexapdf/stream' describe HexaPDF::Encryption::EncryptionDictionary do before do @document = HexaPDF::Document.new @dict = HexaPDF::Encryption::EncryptionDictionary.new({}, document: @document) @dict[:Filter] = :Standard @dict[:V] = 1 end it "validates the /V value" do @dict[:V] = 1 assert(@dict.validate) @dict[:V] = 3 refute(@dict.validate) end it "validates the /Length field when /V=2" do @dict[:V] = 2 refute(@dict.validate) @dict[:Length] = 32 refute(@dict.validate) @dict[:Length] = 136 refute(@dict.validate) @dict[:Length] = 55 refute(@dict.validate) @dict[:Length] = 120 assert(@dict.validate) end end describe HexaPDF::Encryption::SecurityHandler do class TestHandler < HexaPDF::Encryption::SecurityHandler attr_accessor :strf, :myopt public :dict def prepare_encryption(**_options) dict[:Filter] = :Test @key = "a" * key_length @strf ||= :aes @stmf ||= :arc4 @eff ||= :identity [@key, @strf, @stmf, @eff] end def prepare_decryption(myopt: nil) @myopt = myopt @key = "a" * key_length end end before do @document = HexaPDF::Document.new @obj = @document.add({}) @handler = TestHandler.new(@document) end describe "class methods" do before do HexaPDF::GlobalConfiguration['encryption.filter_map'][:Test] = TestHandler end after do HexaPDF::GlobalConfiguration['encryption.filter_map'].delete(:Test) end describe "class set_up_encryption" do it "fails if the requested security handler cannot be found" do assert_raises(HexaPDF::EncryptionError) do HexaPDF::Encryption::SecurityHandler.set_up_encryption(@document, :non_standard) end end it "updates the trailer's /Encrypt entry to be wrapped by an encryption dictionary" do HexaPDF::Encryption::SecurityHandler.set_up_encryption(@document, :Test) assert_kind_of(HexaPDF::Encryption::EncryptionDictionary, @document.trailer[:Encrypt]) end it "returns the frozen security handler" do handler = HexaPDF::Encryption::SecurityHandler.set_up_encryption(@document, :Test) assert(handler.frozen?) end end describe "set_up_decryption" do it "fails if the document has no /Encrypt dictionary" do exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::EncryptionError) do HexaPDF::Encryption::SecurityHandler.set_up_decryption(@document) end assert_match(/No \/Encrypt/i, exp.message) end it "fails if the requested security handler cannot be found" do @document.trailer[:Encrypt] = {Filter: :NonStandard} assert_raises(HexaPDF::EncryptionError) do HexaPDF::Encryption::SecurityHandler.set_up_decryption(@document) end end it "updates the trailer's /Encrypt entry to be wrapped by an encryption dictionary" do @document.trailer[:Encrypt] = {Filter: :Test, V: 1} HexaPDF::Encryption::SecurityHandler.set_up_decryption(@document) assert_kind_of(HexaPDF::Encryption::EncryptionDictionary, @document.trailer[:Encrypt]) end it "returns the frozen security handler" do @document.trailer[:Encrypt] = {Filter: :Test, V: 1} handler = HexaPDF::Encryption::SecurityHandler.set_up_decryption(@document) assert(handler.frozen?) end end end it "doesn't have a valid encryption key directly after creation" do refute(@handler.encryption_key_valid?) end describe "set_up_encryption" do it "sets the correct /V value for the given key length and algorithm" do [[40, :arc4, 1], [128, :arc4, 2], [128, :arc4, 4], [128, :aes, 4], [256, :aes, 5]].each do |length, algorithm, version| @handler.set_up_encryption(key_length: length, algorithm: algorithm, force_V4: version == 4) assert_equal(version, @handler.dict[:V]) end end it "sets the correct /Length value for the given key length" do [[40, nil], [48, 48], [128, 128], [256, nil]].each do |key_length, result| algorithm = (key_length == 256 ? :aes : :arc4) @handler.set_up_encryption(key_length: key_length, algorithm: algorithm) assert(result == @handler.dict[:Length]) end end it "calls the prepare_encryption method" do @handler.set_up_encryption assert_equal(:Test, @handler.dict[:Filter]) end it "returns the generated encryption dictionary wrapped in an encryption class" do dict = @handler.set_up_encryption assert_kind_of(HexaPDF::Encryption::EncryptionDictionary, dict) end it "set's up the handler for encryption" do [:arc4, :aes].each do |algorithm| @handler.set_up_encryption(key_length: 128, algorithm: algorithm) @obj[:X] = @handler.encrypt_string('data', @obj) assert_equal('data', @handler.decrypt(@obj)[:X]) end end it "generates a valid encryption key" do @document.trailer[:Encrypt] = @handler.set_up_encryption assert(@handler.encryption_key_valid?) end it "provides correct encryption details" do @handler.set_up_encryption assert_equal({version: 4, string_algorithm: :aes, stream_algorithm: :arc4, embedded_file_algorithm: :identity, key_length: 128}, @handler.encryption_details) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Encryption::Identity, @handler.send(:embedded_file_algorithm)) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Encryption::FastAES, @handler.send(:string_algorithm)) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Encryption::FastARC4, @handler.send(:stream_algorithm)) end it "fails for unsupported encryption key lengths" do exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::UnsupportedEncryptionError) do @handler.set_up_encryption(key_length: 43) end assert_match(/Invalid key length/i, exp.message) end it "fails for unsupported encryption algorithms" do exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::UnsupportedEncryptionError) do @handler.set_up_encryption(algorithm: :test) end assert_match(/Unsupported encryption algorithm/i, exp.message) end it "fails for the aes algorithm with key lengths != 128 or 256" do exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::UnsupportedEncryptionError) do @handler.set_up_encryption(algorithm: :aes, key_length: 40) end assert_match(/AES algorithm.*key length/i, exp.message) end it "fails for the arc4 algorithm with a key length of 256" do exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::UnsupportedEncryptionError) do @handler.set_up_encryption(algorithm: :arc4, key_length: 256) end assert_match(/ARC4 algorithm.*key length/i, exp.message) end end describe "set_up_decryption" do it "sets the handlers's dictionary to the encryption dictionary wrapped in a custom class and returns it" do dict = @handler.set_up_decryption(Filter: :test, V: 1) assert_equal(dict, @handler.dict) assert_kind_of(HexaPDF::Encryption::EncryptionDictionary, @handler.dict) assert_equal({Filter: :test, V: 1}, @handler.dict.value) end it "doesn't modify the trailer's /Encrypt dictionary" do @handler.set_up_decryption(Filter: :test, V: 4, Length: 128) assert_nil(@document.trailer[:Encrypt]) end it "calls prepare_decryption" do @handler.set_up_decryption({Filter: :test, V: 4, Length: 128}, myopt: 5) assert_equal(5, @handler.myopt) end it "selects the correct algorithm based on the /V and /CF values" do @enc = @handler.dup [[:arc4, 40, {V: 1}], [:arc4, 80, {V: 2, Length: 80}], [:arc4, 128, {V: 4, StrF: :Mine, CF: {Mine: {CFM: :V2}}}], [:aes, 128, {V: 4, StrF: :Mine, CF: {Mine: {CFM: :AESV2}}}], [:aes, 256, {V: 5, StrF: :Mine, CF: {Mine: {CFM: :AESV3}}}], [:identity, 128, {V: 4, StrF: :Mine, CF: {Mine: {CFM: :None}}}], [:identity, 128, {V: 4, CF: {Mine: {CFM: :AESV2}}}], ].each do |alg, length, dict| @enc.strf = alg @enc.set_up_encryption(key_length: length, algorithm: (alg == :identity ? :aes : alg)) @obj[:X] = @enc.encrypt_string('data', @obj) @handler.set_up_decryption(dict) assert_equal('data', @handler.decrypt(@obj)[:X]) end end it "selects the correct algorithm for string, stream and embedded file decryption" do @handler.set_up_decryption({V: 4, StrF: :Mine, StmF: :Mine, EFF: :Mine, CF: {Mine: {CFM: :V2}}}) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Encryption::FastARC4, @handler.send(:embedded_file_algorithm)) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Encryption::FastARC4, @handler.send(:string_algorithm)) assert_equal(HexaPDF::Encryption::FastARC4, @handler.send(:stream_algorithm)) end it "provides correct encryption details" do @handler.set_up_decryption({Filter: :test, V: 2, Length: 128}, myopt: 5) assert_equal({version: 2, string_algorithm: :arc4, stream_algorithm: :arc4, embedded_file_algorithm: :arc4, key_length: 128}, @handler.encryption_details) end it "fails for unsupported /V values in the dict" do exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::UnsupportedEncryptionError) do @handler.set_up_decryption(V: 3) end assert_match(/Unsupported encryption version/i, exp.message) end it "fails for unsupported crypt filter encryption methods" do exp = assert_raises(HexaPDF::UnsupportedEncryptionError) do @handler.set_up_decryption(V: 4, StrF: :Mine, CF: {Mine: {CFM: :Unknown}}) end assert_match(/Unsupported encryption method/i, exp.message) end end describe "decrypt" do before do @handler.set_up_decryption(V: 1) @encrypted = @handler.encrypt_string('string', @obj) @obj.value = {Key: @encrypted.dup, Array: [@encrypted.dup], Hash: {Another: @encrypted.dup}} end it "decrypts all strings in an object" do @handler.decrypt(@obj) assert_equal('string', @obj[:Key]) assert_equal('string', @obj[:Array][0]) assert_equal('string', @obj[:Hash][:Another]) end it "decrypts the content of a stream object" do data = HexaPDF::StreamData.new(proc { @encrypted }) obj = @document.wrap({}, oid: @obj.oid, stream: data) @handler.decrypt(obj) assert_equal('string', obj.stream) end it "doesn't decrypt a document's Encrypt dictionary" do @document.trailer[:Encrypt] = @obj assert_equal(@encrypted, @handler.decrypt(@obj)[:Key]) end it "doesn't decrypt XRef streams" do @obj[:Type] = :XRef assert_equal(@encrypted, @handler.decrypt(@obj)[:Key]) end it "fails if V < 5 and the object number changes" do @obj.oid = 55 @handler.decrypt(@obj) refute_equal('string', @obj[:Key]) end end describe "encryption" do before do @handler.set_up_encryption(key_length: 128, algorithm: :arc4) @stream = @document.wrap({}, oid: 1, stream: HexaPDF::StreamData.new(proc { "string" })) end it "encrypts strings of indirect objects" do @obj[:Key] = @handler.encrypt_string('string', @obj) assert_equal('string', @handler.decrypt(@obj)[:Key]) end it "encrypts streams" do result = TestHelper.collector(@handler.encrypt_stream(@stream)) @stream.stream = HexaPDF::StreamData.new(proc { result }) assert_equal('string', @handler.decrypt(@stream).stream) end it "doesn't encrypt strings in a document's Encrypt dictionary" do @document.trailer[:Encrypt] = @handler.dict @document.trailer[:Encrypt][:Mine] = 'string' assert_equal('string', @handler.encrypt_string('string', @document.trailer[:Encrypt])) end it "doesn't encrypt XRef streams" do @stream[:Type] = :XRef assert_equal('string', @handler.encrypt_stream(@stream).resume) end end it "works correctly with different decryption and encryption handlers" do test_file = File.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, 'standard-security-handler', 'nopwd-arc4-40bit-V1.pdf') doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: StringIO.new(File.read(test_file))) doc.encrypt(algorithm: :aes, password: 'test') out = StringIO.new(''.b) doc.write(out, update_fields: false) assert_raises(HexaPDF::EncryptionError) { HexaPDF::Document.new(io: out) } doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: out, decryption_opts: {password: 'test'}) assert_equal('D:20150409164600', doc.trailer[:Info].value[:ModDate]) end end