[x] Is Base64 really compatible with the format defined in the Java version ? ==> Seems so after having implemented more of the standard tests. [ ] Add more unit tests [x] Attribute tests [x] Date tests [x] Date + time test [x] Time zone tests [x] Number literal tests [x] Strings literals (especially with line continuations) [x] Sub tags tests [x] "null" value test [x] Comment tests [ ] Bad syntax tests [ ] Test write (unit tests) [ ] Dates [ ] Numbers [A] Use YARD in order to generate documentation ? ==> alternatively, I tried to generate some RDoc templates but none worked in Rake... [ ] BUG: the line number is too high by 1 (the column is correct). [/] Fix the differences between test_basic_types.sdl and what is generated from the parsed structure [x] chars [x] longs [x] doubles [x] decimals [x] booleans [x] null [x] dates [x] times [x] negative times [x] datetimes [/] zone codes ==> Time only works in UTC, which means that the original zone code is lost. ==> DateTime doesn't give the zone code but only the offset. [ ] Use TzTime? Use a custom object that knows whether a time zone was specified? ==> http://tztime.rubyforge.org/ ==> along with TzInfo: http://tzinfo.rubyforge.org/ [ ] See how Ruby floats relate to Java floats and doubles. [ ] Add tests for the SDL class [ ] Allow unicode characters in identifiers. [ ] FUTURE: It might be useful to allow people to replace the standard types by their own. This could be useful for dates or numbers, for instance. [N] To install a gem in the Netbeans gems repository, it needs to run as an administrator. Otherwise, it fails silently. [ ] FUTURE: Consider being able to read text files that are not UTF-8(?) [ ] BUG: the report on the line no in errors is off by 1 (at least in some cases) [x] Return copies or original arrays in Tag? ==> we return the implementation Arrays or Hashes (or whatever) for efficiency. However, we ask the users not to assume anything as we might protect the returned objects in the future. [ ] Tag.hash: the implementation is not very efficient. ==> Difficult to make better and still simple ==> Maybe possible when it's frozen. [ ] FUTURE: xpath, ypath ==> sdlpath(?) [ ] FUTURE: evenemential parsing(?) [ ] FUTURE: add a way to insert a tag after or before another(?) [ ] FUTURE: allow some way of generating YAML(?) [ ] FUTURE: allow to turn a YAML structure into a SDL one(?) [ ] BUG: "rake package" tries to archive the contents twice: once with the command that I configure in Rakefile, once with a zip command that can't work on my machine (zip is not installed). Why? At least, the first archive is created and seems correct. [ ] FUTURE: Would we need a "write" method in SDL4R? [x] Add tests and release a RC or beta version [x] Make the methods of Tag that take a block have a better yield doc/completion ==> I added :yields: RDoc directives, which doesn't look like it's helping but I guess that's all I can do for now. [N] Never call a class "Test" => it can easily conflict with the "Test" module of Test::Unit and then, it becomes quite difficult to understand why. [ ] Input relevant URLs on http://rubygems.org [x] What prevents from doing the following? tag.values << IO.new("toto.txt") ==> It doesn't break the behavior as long as the value type is OK. Even if it is not allowed, it still is not too bad. [x] Look at the returned values of method who do not have their return values documented e.g. Tag.add_value ==> Minor change: we return nil for the methods were nothing was really returned explicitely (for the time being). [x] State somewhere that we support SDL 1.3. [ ] If there is any success, maybe create/recreate the Rubyforge site for the support.