require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') require 'optparse' describe Trinidad::Extensions::DaemonServerExtension do subject {{}) } before(:each) do @tomcat = end it "bypass the control to the daemon" do daemon = subject.configure(@tomcat) daemon.should_not be_nil daemon.should be_instance_of(Trinidad::Extensions::Daemon::TomcatWrapper) end it "uses a temporal directory to write the pid file by default" do daemon = subject.configure(@tomcat) daemon.pid_file.should =~ /$/ end it "can use a given pid file" do extension = => 'trinidad_pid.txt') daemon = extension.configure(@tomcat) daemon.pid_file.should =~ /trinidad_pid.txt$/ end it "allows to pass jvm arguments to the daemon" do extension ={ :jvm_args => '-Xmx=2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=2048m' }) extension.jvm_args.should have(2).arguments end end describe Trinidad::Extensions::DaemonOptionsExtension do it "allows to specify a command line option to run the daemon" do parser = options = {} subject.configure(parser, options) parser.parse! '--daemonize /tmp/'.split options[:extensions].keys.should include(:daemon) options[:extensions][:daemon].should include(:pid_file) options[:extensions][:daemon][:pid_file].should == '/tmp/' end end class Java::OrgApacheCatalinaStartup::Tomcat field_reader :basedir # only setBaseDir field_reader :port, :hostname # only setters end describe Trinidad::Extensions::Daemon::TomcatWrapper do it "responds to tomcat methods" do tomcat_wrapper.respond_to?(:start).should be true tomcat_wrapper.respond_to?(:stop).should be true tomcat_wrapper.respond_to?(:base_dir=).should be true tomcat_wrapper.respond_to?(:setBaseDir).should be true tomcat_wrapper.respond_to?(:port=).should be true tomcat_wrapper.respond_to?(:setPort).should be true end it "configures a real tomcat" do wrapper = tomcat_wrapper tomcat = wrapper.instance_variable_get(:'@tomcat') wrapper.base_dir = '/base_dir' wrapper.hostname = 'local-host1' wrapper.server.address = 'local-host2' wrapper.port = 42 = '/app-base' wrapper.enable_naming tomcat.basedir.should == '/base_dir' tomcat.hostname.should == 'local-host1' tomcat.server.address.should == 'local-host2' tomcat.port.should == 42 == '/app-base' end def tomcat_wrapper end context "mocked" do @@tmpdir = nil before :all do @@tmpdir = ENV['TMPDIR'] ENV['TMPDIR'] = File.dirname(__FILE__) end after :all do ENV['TMPDIR'] = @@tmpdir end before :each do @tomcat = mock('tomcat') @tomcat_wrapper = end it "starts tomcat" do current_pid = $$ com.sun.akuma.Daemon.expects(:new).returns daemon = mock("daemon") daemon.expects(:isDaemonized).returns true daemon.expects(:init).with("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/") @tomcat.expects(:start) @tomcat.expects(:server).returns server = mock("tomcat.server") server.expects(:await) @tomcat_wrapper.start end it "stops tomcat" do @tomcat.expects(:stop) @tomcat_wrapper.stop end end end